1168 lines
33 KiB
1168 lines
33 KiB
// System.IO.FileStream.cs
// Authors:
// Dietmar Maurer (dietmar@ximian.com)
// Dan Lewis (dihlewis@yahoo.co.uk)
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// (C) 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
// Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2008, 2010 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com).
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
namespace System.IO
[ComVisible (true)]
public class FileStream : Stream
// construct from handle
[Obsolete ("Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access) instead")]
public FileStream (IntPtr handle, FileAccess access)
: this (handle, access, true, DefaultBufferSize, false, false) {}
[Obsolete ("Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access) instead")]
public FileStream (IntPtr handle, FileAccess access, bool ownsHandle)
: this (handle, access, ownsHandle, DefaultBufferSize, false, false) {}
[Obsolete ("Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access, int bufferSize) instead")]
public FileStream (IntPtr handle, FileAccess access, bool ownsHandle, int bufferSize)
: this (handle, access, ownsHandle, bufferSize, false, false) {}
[Obsolete ("Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access, int bufferSize, bool isAsync) instead")]
public FileStream (IntPtr handle, FileAccess access, bool ownsHandle, int bufferSize, bool isAsync)
: this (handle, access, ownsHandle, bufferSize, isAsync, false) {}
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
internal FileStream (IntPtr handle, FileAccess access, bool ownsHandle, int bufferSize, bool isAsync, bool isConsoleWrapper)
if (handle == MonoIO.InvalidHandle)
throw new ArgumentException ("handle", Locale.GetText ("Invalid."));
Init (new SafeFileHandle (handle, false), access, ownsHandle, bufferSize, isAsync, isConsoleWrapper);
// construct from filename
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode)
: this (path, mode, (mode == FileMode.Append ? FileAccess.Write : FileAccess.ReadWrite), FileShare.Read, DefaultBufferSize, false, FileOptions.None)
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
: this (path, mode, access, access == FileAccess.Write ? FileShare.None : FileShare.Read, DefaultBufferSize, false, false)
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
: this (path, mode, access, share, DefaultBufferSize, false, FileOptions.None)
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize)
: this (path, mode, access, share, bufferSize, false, FileOptions.None)
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, bool useAsync)
: this (path, mode, access, share, bufferSize, useAsync ? FileOptions.Asynchronous : FileOptions.None)
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
: this (path, mode, access, share, bufferSize, false, options)
public FileStream (SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access)
:this(handle, access, DefaultBufferSize, false)
public FileStream (SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access,
int bufferSize)
:this(handle, access, bufferSize, false)
public FileStream (SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access, int bufferSize, bool isAsync)
Init (handle, access, false, bufferSize, isAsync, false);
[MonoLimitation ("This ignores the rights parameter")]
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode,
FileSystemRights rights, FileShare share,
int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
: this (path, mode, (mode == FileMode.Append ? FileAccess.Write : FileAccess.ReadWrite), share, bufferSize, false, options)
[MonoLimitation ("This ignores the rights and fileSecurity parameters")]
public FileStream (string path, FileMode mode,
FileSystemRights rights, FileShare share,
int bufferSize, FileOptions options,
FileSecurity fileSecurity)
: this (path, mode, (mode == FileMode.Append ? FileAccess.Write : FileAccess.ReadWrite), share, bufferSize, false, options)
internal FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, FileOptions options, string msgPath, bool bFromProxy, bool useLongPath = false, bool checkHost = false)
: this (path, mode, access, share, bufferSize, false, options)
internal FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, bool isAsync, bool anonymous)
: this (path, mode, access, share, bufferSize, anonymous, isAsync ? FileOptions.Asynchronous : FileOptions.None)
internal FileStream (string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, bool anonymous, FileOptions options)
if (path == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("path");
if (path.Length == 0) {
throw new ArgumentException ("Path is empty");
this.anonymous = anonymous;
// ignore the Inheritable flag
share &= ~FileShare.Inheritable;
if (bufferSize <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("bufferSize", "Positive number required.");
if (mode < FileMode.CreateNew || mode > FileMode.Append) {
if (anonymous)
throw new ArgumentException ("mode", "Enum value was out of legal range.");
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("mode", "Enum value was out of legal range.");
if (access < FileAccess.Read || access > FileAccess.ReadWrite) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("access", "Enum value was out of legal range.");
if (share < FileShare.None || share > (FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete)) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("share", "Enum value was out of legal range.");
if (path.IndexOfAny (Path.InvalidPathChars) != -1) {
throw new ArgumentException ("Name has invalid chars");
if (Directory.Exists (path)) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
string msg = Locale.GetText ("Access to the path '{0}' is denied.");
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException (String.Format (msg, GetSecureFileName (path, false)));
/* Append streams can't be read (see FileMode
* docs)
if (mode==FileMode.Append &&
(access&FileAccess.Read)==FileAccess.Read) {
throw new ArgumentException("Append access can be requested only in write-only mode.");
if ((access & FileAccess.Write) == 0 &&
(mode != FileMode.Open && mode != FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {
string msg = Locale.GetText ("Combining FileMode: {0} with " +
"FileAccess: {1} is invalid.");
throw new ArgumentException (string.Format (msg, access, mode));
SecurityManager.EnsureElevatedPermissions (); // this is a no-op outside moonlight
string dname;
if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/' && path.IndexOf ('/') >= 0)
dname = Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetFullPath (path));
dname = Path.GetDirectoryName (path);
if (dname.Length > 0) {
string fp = Path.GetFullPath (dname);
if (!Directory.Exists (fp)) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
string msg = Locale.GetText ("Could not find a part of the path \"{0}\".");
string fname = (anonymous) ? dname : Path.GetFullPath (path);
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException (String.Format (msg, fname));
if (access == FileAccess.Read && mode != FileMode.Create && mode != FileMode.OpenOrCreate &&
mode != FileMode.CreateNew && !File.Exists (path)) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
string msg = Locale.GetText ("Could not find file \"{0}\".");
string fname = GetSecureFileName (path);
throw new FileNotFoundException (String.Format (msg, fname), fname);
// IsolatedStorage needs to keep the Name property to the default "[Unknown]"
if (!anonymous)
this.name = path;
// TODO: demand permissions
MonoIOError error;
var nativeHandle = MonoIO.Open (path, mode, access, share, options, out error);
if (nativeHandle == MonoIO.InvalidHandle) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (path), error);
this.safeHandle = new SafeFileHandle (nativeHandle, false);
this.access = access;
this.owner = true;
/* Can we open non-files by name? */
if (MonoIO.GetFileType (safeHandle, out error) == MonoFileType.Disk) {
this.canseek = true;
this.async = (options & FileOptions.Asynchronous) != 0;
} else {
this.canseek = false;
this.async = false;
if (access == FileAccess.Read && canseek && (bufferSize == DefaultBufferSize)) {
/* Avoid allocating a large buffer for small files */
long len = Length;
if (bufferSize > len) {
bufferSize = (int)(len < 1000 ? 1000 : len);
InitBuffer (bufferSize, false);
if (mode==FileMode.Append) {
this.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.End);
} else {
private void Init (SafeFileHandle safeHandle, FileAccess access, bool ownsHandle, int bufferSize, bool isAsync, bool isConsoleWrapper)
if (!isConsoleWrapper && safeHandle.IsInvalid)
throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidHandle"), "handle");
if (access < FileAccess.Read || access > FileAccess.ReadWrite)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("access");
if (!isConsoleWrapper && bufferSize <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
MonoIOError error;
MonoFileType ftype = MonoIO.GetFileType (safeHandle, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
throw MonoIO.GetException (name, error);
if (ftype == MonoFileType.Unknown) {
throw new IOException ("Invalid handle.");
} else if (ftype == MonoFileType.Disk) {
this.canseek = true;
} else {
this.canseek = false;
this.safeHandle = safeHandle;
ExposeHandle ();
this.access = access;
this.owner = ownsHandle;
this.async = isAsync;
this.anonymous = false;
if (canseek) {
buf_start = MonoIO.Seek (safeHandle, 0, SeekOrigin.Current, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
throw MonoIO.GetException (name, error);
/* Can't set append mode */
// properties
public override bool CanRead {
get {
return access == FileAccess.Read ||
access == FileAccess.ReadWrite;
public override bool CanWrite {
get {
return access == FileAccess.Write ||
access == FileAccess.ReadWrite;
public override bool CanSeek {
get {
public virtual bool IsAsync {
get {
return (async);
public string Name {
get {
return name;
public override long Length {
get {
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (!CanSeek)
throw new NotSupportedException ("The stream does not support seeking");
// Buffered data might change the length of the stream
FlushBufferIfDirty ();
MonoIOError error;
long length = MonoIO.GetLength (safeHandle, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
public override long Position {
get {
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (CanSeek == false)
throw new NotSupportedException("The stream does not support seeking");
if (!isExposed)
return(buf_start + buf_offset);
// If the handle was leaked outside we always ask the real handle
MonoIOError error;
long ret = MonoIO.Seek (safeHandle, 0, SeekOrigin.Current, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
return ret;
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
Seek (value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
[Obsolete ("Use SafeFileHandle instead")]
public virtual IntPtr Handle {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
get {
var handle = safeHandle.DangerousGetHandle ();
if (!isExposed)
ExposeHandle ();
return handle;
public virtual SafeFileHandle SafeFileHandle {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
get {
if (!isExposed)
ExposeHandle ();
return safeHandle;
void ExposeHandle ()
isExposed = true;
FlushBuffer ();
InitBuffer (0, true);
// methods
public override int ReadByte ()
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (!CanRead)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Stream does not support reading");
if (buf_size == 0) {
int n = ReadData (safeHandle, buf, 0, 1);
if (n == 0) return -1;
else return buf[0];
else if (buf_offset >= buf_length) {
RefillBuffer ();
if (buf_length == 0)
return -1;
return buf [buf_offset ++];
public override void WriteByte (byte value)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (!CanWrite)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Stream does not support writing");
if (buf_offset == buf_size)
FlushBuffer ();
if (buf_size == 0) { // No buffering
buf [0] = value;
buf_dirty = true;
buf_length = 1;
FlushBuffer ();
buf [buf_offset ++] = value;
if (buf_offset > buf_length)
buf_length = buf_offset;
buf_dirty = true;
public override int Read ([In,Out] byte[] array, int offset, int count)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (array == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("array");
if (!CanRead)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Stream does not support reading");
int len = array.Length;
if (offset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", "< 0");
if (count < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count", "< 0");
if (offset > len)
throw new ArgumentException ("destination offset is beyond array size");
// reordered to avoid possible integer overflow
if (offset > len - count)
throw new ArgumentException ("Reading would overrun buffer");
if (async) {
IAsyncResult ares = BeginRead (array, offset, count, null, null);
return EndRead (ares);
return ReadInternal (array, offset, count);
int ReadInternal (byte [] dest, int offset, int count)
int n = ReadSegment (dest, offset, count);
if (n == count) {
return count;
int copied = n;
count -= n;
if (count > buf_size) {
/* Read as much as we can, up
* to count bytes
n = ReadData (safeHandle, dest, offset+n, count);
/* Make the next buffer read
* start from the right place
buf_start += n;
} else {
RefillBuffer ();
n = ReadSegment (dest, offset+copied, count);
return copied + n;
delegate int ReadDelegate (byte [] buffer, int offset, int count);
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead (byte [] array, int offset, int numBytes,
AsyncCallback userCallback, object stateObject)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (!CanRead)
throw new NotSupportedException ("This stream does not support reading");
if (array == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("array");
if (numBytes < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("numBytes", "Must be >= 0");
if (offset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", "Must be >= 0");
// reordered to avoid possible integer overflow
if (numBytes > array.Length - offset)
throw new ArgumentException ("Buffer too small. numBytes/offset wrong.");
if (!async)
return base.BeginRead (array, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject);
ReadDelegate r = new ReadDelegate (ReadInternal);
return r.BeginInvoke (array, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject);
public override int EndRead (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
if (!async)
return base.EndRead (asyncResult);
AsyncResult ares = asyncResult as AsyncResult;
if (ares == null)
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult", "asyncResult");
ReadDelegate r = ares.AsyncDelegate as ReadDelegate;
if (r == null)
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult", "asyncResult");
return r.EndInvoke (asyncResult);
public override void Write (byte[] array, int offset, int count)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (array == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("array");
if (offset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", "< 0");
if (count < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count", "< 0");
// ordered to avoid possible integer overflow
if (offset > array.Length - count)
throw new ArgumentException ("Reading would overrun buffer");
if (!CanWrite)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Stream does not support writing");
if (async) {
IAsyncResult ares = BeginWrite (array, offset, count, null, null);
EndWrite (ares);
WriteInternal (array, offset, count);
void WriteInternal (byte [] src, int offset, int count)
if (count > buf_size) {
// shortcut for long writes
MonoIOError error;
FlushBuffer ();
if (CanSeek && !isExposed) {
MonoIO.Seek (safeHandle, buf_start, SeekOrigin.Begin, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
int wcount = count;
while (wcount > 0){
int n = MonoIO.Write (safeHandle, src, offset, wcount, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
wcount -= n;
offset += n;
buf_start += count;
} else {
int copied = 0;
while (count > 0) {
int n = WriteSegment (src, offset + copied, count);
copied += n;
count -= n;
if (count == 0) {
FlushBuffer ();
delegate void WriteDelegate (byte [] buffer, int offset, int count);
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite (byte [] array, int offset, int numBytes,
AsyncCallback userCallback, object stateObject)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (!CanWrite)
throw new NotSupportedException ("This stream does not support writing");
if (array == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("array");
if (numBytes < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("numBytes", "Must be >= 0");
if (offset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", "Must be >= 0");
// reordered to avoid possible integer overflow
if (numBytes > array.Length - offset)
throw new ArgumentException ("array too small. numBytes/offset wrong.");
if (!async)
return base.BeginWrite (array, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject);
FileStreamAsyncResult result = new FileStreamAsyncResult (userCallback, stateObject);
result.BytesRead = -1;
result.Count = numBytes;
result.OriginalCount = numBytes;
if (buf_dirty) {
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
FlushBuffer (ms);
ms.Write (array, offset, numBytes);
// Set arguments to new compounded buffer
offset = 0;
array = ms.ToArray ();
numBytes = array.Length;
WriteDelegate w = WriteInternal;
return w.BeginInvoke (array, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject);
public override void EndWrite (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
if (!async) {
base.EndWrite (asyncResult);
AsyncResult ares = asyncResult as AsyncResult;
if (ares == null)
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult", "asyncResult");
WriteDelegate w = ares.AsyncDelegate as WriteDelegate;
if (w == null)
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult", "asyncResult");
w.EndInvoke (asyncResult);
public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
long pos;
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
// make absolute
if(CanSeek == false) {
throw new NotSupportedException("The stream does not support seeking");
switch (origin) {
case SeekOrigin.End:
pos = Length + offset;
case SeekOrigin.Current:
pos = Position + offset;
case SeekOrigin.Begin:
pos = offset;
throw new ArgumentException ("origin", "Invalid SeekOrigin");
if (pos < 0) {
/* LAMESPEC: shouldn't this be
* ArgumentOutOfRangeException?
throw new IOException("Attempted to Seek before the beginning of the stream");
if(pos < this.append_startpos) {
/* More undocumented crap */
throw new IOException("Can't seek back over pre-existing data in append mode");
FlushBuffer ();
MonoIOError error;
buf_start = MonoIO.Seek (safeHandle, pos, SeekOrigin.Begin, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
public override void SetLength (long value)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if(CanSeek == false)
throw new NotSupportedException("The stream does not support seeking");
if(CanWrite == false)
throw new NotSupportedException("The stream does not support writing");
if(value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value is less than 0");
FlushBuffer ();
MonoIOError error;
MonoIO.SetLength (safeHandle, value, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
if (Position > value)
Position = value;
public override void Flush ()
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
FlushBuffer ();
public virtual void Flush (bool flushToDisk)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
FlushBuffer ();
// This does the fsync
if (flushToDisk){
MonoIOError error;
MonoIO.Flush (safeHandle, out error);
public virtual void Lock (long position, long length)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (position < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("position must not be negative");
if (length < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("length must not be negative");
MonoIOError error;
MonoIO.Lock (safeHandle, position, length, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
public virtual void Unlock (long position, long length)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (position < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("position must not be negative");
if (length < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("length must not be negative");
MonoIOError error;
MonoIO.Unlock (safeHandle, position, length, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
// protected
~FileStream ()
Dispose (false);
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Exception exc = null;
if (safeHandle != null && !safeHandle.IsClosed) {
try {
// If the FileStream is in "exposed" status
// it means that we do not have a buffer(we write the data without buffering)
// therefor we don't and can't flush the buffer becouse we don't have one.
FlushBuffer ();
} catch (Exception e) {
exc = e;
if (owner) {
MonoIOError error;
MonoIO.Close (safeHandle.DangerousGetHandle (), out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
safeHandle.DangerousRelease ();
canseek = false;
access = 0;
if (disposing && buf != null) {
if (buf.Length == DefaultBufferSize && buf_recycle == null) {
lock (buf_recycle_lock) {
if (buf_recycle == null) {
buf_recycle = buf;
buf = null;
GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
if (exc != null)
throw exc;
public FileSecurity GetAccessControl ()
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
return new FileSecurity (SafeFileHandle,
AccessControlSections.Owner |
AccessControlSections.Group |
public void SetAccessControl (FileSecurity fileSecurity)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
if (null == fileSecurity)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileSecurity");
fileSecurity.PersistModifications (SafeFileHandle);
public override Task FlushAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (safeHandle.IsClosed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Stream has been closed");
return base.FlushAsync (cancellationToken);
public override Task<int> ReadAsync (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return base.ReadAsync (buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken);
public override Task WriteAsync (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return base.WriteAsync (buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken);
// private.
// ReadSegment, WriteSegment, FlushBuffer,
// RefillBuffer and ReadData should only be called
// when the Monitor lock is held, but these methods
// grab it again just to be safe.
private int ReadSegment (byte [] dest, int dest_offset, int count)
count = Math.Min (count, buf_length - buf_offset);
if (count > 0) {
// Use the fastest method, all range checks has been done
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy (buf, buf_offset, dest, dest_offset, count);
buf_offset += count;
return count;
private int WriteSegment (byte [] src, int src_offset,
int count)
if (count > buf_size - buf_offset) {
count = buf_size - buf_offset;
if (count > 0) {
Buffer.BlockCopy (src, src_offset,
buf, buf_offset,
buf_offset += count;
if (buf_offset > buf_length) {
buf_length = buf_offset;
buf_dirty = true;
void FlushBuffer ()
if (buf_dirty) {
// if (st == null) {
MonoIOError error;
if (CanSeek == true && !isExposed) {
MonoIO.Seek (safeHandle, buf_start, SeekOrigin.Begin, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
int wcount = buf_length;
int offset = 0;
while (wcount > 0){
int n = MonoIO.Write (safeHandle, buf, offset, buf_length, out error);
if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
wcount -= n;
offset += n;
// } else {
// st.Write (buf, 0, buf_length);
// }
buf_start += buf_offset;
buf_offset = buf_length = 0;
buf_dirty = false;
private void FlushBufferIfDirty ()
if (buf_dirty)
FlushBuffer ();
private void RefillBuffer ()
FlushBuffer ();
buf_length = ReadData (safeHandle, buf, 0, buf_size);
private int ReadData (SafeHandle safeHandle, byte[] buf, int offset,
int count)
MonoIOError error;
int amount = 0;
/* when async == true, if we get here we don't suport AIO or it's disabled
* and we're using the threadpool */
amount = MonoIO.Read (safeHandle, buf, offset, count, out error);
if (error == MonoIOError.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) {
amount = 0; // might not be needed, but well...
} else if (error != MonoIOError.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// don't leak the path information for isolated storage
throw MonoIO.GetException (GetSecureFileName (name), error);
/* Check for read error */
if(amount == -1) {
throw new IOException ();
void InitBuffer (int size, bool isZeroSize)
if (isZeroSize) {
size = 0;
buf = new byte[1];
} else {
if (size <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("bufferSize", "Positive number required.");
size = Math.Max (size, 8);
// Instead of allocating a new default buffer use the
// last one if there is any available
if (size <= DefaultBufferSize && buf_recycle != null) {
lock (buf_recycle_lock) {
if (buf_recycle != null) {
buf = buf_recycle;
buf_recycle = null;
if (buf == null)
buf = new byte [size];
Array.Clear (buf, 0, size);
buf_size = size;
// buf_start = 0;
// buf_offset = buf_length = 0;
// buf_dirty = false;
private string GetSecureFileName (string filename)
return (anonymous) ? Path.GetFileName (filename) : Path.GetFullPath (filename);
private string GetSecureFileName (string filename, bool full)
return (anonymous) ? Path.GetFileName (filename) :
(full) ? Path.GetFullPath (filename) : filename;
// fields
internal const int DefaultBufferSize = 4096;
// Input buffer ready for recycling
static byte[] buf_recycle;
static readonly object buf_recycle_lock = new object ();
private byte [] buf; // the buffer
private string name = "[Unknown]"; // name of file.
private SafeFileHandle safeHandle;
private bool isExposed;
private long append_startpos;
private FileAccess access;
private bool owner;
private bool async;
private bool canseek;
private bool anonymous;
private bool buf_dirty; // true if buffer has been written to
private int buf_size; // capacity in bytes
private int buf_length; // number of valid bytes in buffer
private int buf_offset; // position of next byte
private long buf_start; // location of buffer in file