289 lines
7.1 KiB
289 lines
7.1 KiB
// readlink() / readlinkat() Test Cases
// Authors:
// Steffen Kiess (s-kiess@web.de)
// Copyright (C) 2013 Steffen Kiess
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Unix;
using Mono.Unix.Native;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.Mono.Unix
[TestFixture, Category ("NotDotNet"), Category ("NotOnWindows")]
public class ReadlinkTest {
static string[] Targets = {
// Simple test cases
// With non-ASCII characters
"test ö test",
// With non-UTF8 bytes
UnixEncoding.Instance.GetString (new byte[] {0xff, 0x80, 0x41, 0x80}),
// Size is roughly initial size of buffer
new string ('a', 255),
new string ('a', 256),
new string ('a', 257),
// With non-ASCII characters, size is roughly initial size of buffer
"ä" + new string ('a', 253), // 254 chars, 255 bytes
"ä" + new string ('a', 254), // 255 chars, 256 bytes
"ä" + new string ('a', 255), // 256 chars, 257 bytes
"ä" + new string ('a', 256), // 257 chars, 258 bytes
new string ('a', 253) + "ä", // 254 chars, 255 bytes
new string ('a', 254) + "ä", // 255 chars, 256 bytes
new string ('a', 255) + "ä", // 256 chars, 257 bytes
new string ('a', 256) + "ä", // 257 chars, 258 bytes
// With non-UTF8 bytes, size is roughly initial size of buffer
"\0\u00ff" + new string ('a', 253), // 255 chars, 254 bytes
"\0\u00ff" + new string ('a', 254), // 256 chars, 255 bytes
"\0\u00ff" + new string ('a', 255), // 257 chars, 256 bytes
"\0\u00ff" + new string ('a', 256), // 258 chars, 257 bytes
new string ('a', 253) + "\0\u00ff", // 255 chars, 254 bytes
new string ('a', 254) + "\0\u00ff", // 256 chars, 255 bytes
new string ('a', 255) + "\0\u00ff", // 257 chars, 256 bytes
new string ('a', 256) + "\0\u00ff", // 258 chars, 257 bytes
bool HaveReadlinkAt;
string TempFolder;
int TempFD;
public void SetUp ()
HaveReadlinkAt = false;
try {
Syscall.readlinkat (-1, "", new byte[1]);
HaveReadlinkAt = true;
} catch (EntryPointNotFoundException) {
TempFolder = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), this.GetType ().FullName);
if (Directory.Exists (TempFolder))
//Directory.Delete (TempFolder, true); // Fails for long link target paths
new UnixDirectoryInfo (TempFolder).Delete (true);
Directory.CreateDirectory (TempFolder);
TempFD = Syscall.open (TempFolder, OpenFlags.O_RDONLY | OpenFlags.O_DIRECTORY);
if (TempFD < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
public void TearDown()
if (Syscall.close (TempFD) < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
if (Directory.Exists (TempFolder))
//Directory.Delete (TempFolder, true); // Fails for long link target paths
new UnixDirectoryInfo (TempFolder).Delete (true);
void CreateLink (string s)
string link = UnixPath.Combine (TempFolder, "link");
//File.Delete (link); // Fails for long link target paths
if (Syscall.unlink (link) < 0 && Stdlib.GetLastError () != Errno.ENOENT)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
if (Syscall.symlink (s, link) < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
public void ReadLink ()
foreach (string s in Targets) {
string link = UnixPath.Combine (TempFolder, "link");
CreateLink (s);
var target = UnixPath.ReadLink (link);
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void ReadLinkAt ()
if (!HaveReadlinkAt)
Assert.Ignore ("No ReadlinkAt.");
foreach (string s in Targets) {
CreateLink (s);
var target = UnixPath.ReadLinkAt (TempFD, "link");
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void TryReadLink ()
foreach (string s in Targets) {
string link = UnixPath.Combine (TempFolder, "link");
CreateLink (s);
var target = UnixPath.TryReadLink (link);
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void TryReadLinkAt ()
if (!HaveReadlinkAt)
Assert.Ignore ("No ReadlinkAt.");
foreach (string s in Targets) {
CreateLink (s);
var target = UnixPath.TryReadLinkAt (TempFD, "link");
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void readlink_byte ()
foreach (string s in Targets) {
string link = UnixPath.Combine (TempFolder, "link");
CreateLink (s);
string target = null;
byte[] buf = new byte[256];
do {
long r = Syscall.readlink (link, buf);
if (r < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
Assert.That(buf.Length, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(r));
if (r == buf.Length)
buf = new byte[checked (buf.Length * 2)];
target = UnixEncoding.Instance.GetString (buf, 0, checked ((int) r));
} while (target == null);
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void readlinkat_byte ()
if (!HaveReadlinkAt)
Assert.Ignore ("No ReadlinkAt.");
foreach (string s in Targets) {
CreateLink (s);
string target = null;
byte[] buf = new byte[256];
do {
long r = Syscall.readlinkat (TempFD, "link", buf);
if (r < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
Assert.That(buf.Length, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(r));
if (r == buf.Length)
buf = new byte[checked (buf.Length * 2)];
target = UnixEncoding.Instance.GetString (buf, 0, checked ((int) r));
} while (target == null);
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void readlink_char ()
foreach (string s in Targets) {
string link = UnixPath.Combine (TempFolder, "link");
CreateLink (s);
var sb = new StringBuilder (256);
do {
int oldCapacity = sb.Capacity;
int r = Syscall.readlink (link, sb);
Assert.AreEqual (oldCapacity, sb.Capacity);
if (r < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
Assert.AreEqual (r, sb.Length);
Assert.That(sb.Capacity, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(r));
if (r == sb.Capacity)
checked { sb.Capacity *= 2; }
} while (true);
var target = sb.ToString ();
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void readlinkat_char ()
if (!HaveReadlinkAt)
Assert.Ignore ("No ReadlinkAt.");
foreach (string s in Targets) {
CreateLink (s);
var sb = new StringBuilder (256);
do {
int oldCapacity = sb.Capacity;
int r = Syscall.readlinkat (TempFD, "link", sb);
Assert.AreEqual (oldCapacity, sb.Capacity);
if (r < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
Assert.AreEqual (r, sb.Length);
Assert.That(sb.Capacity, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(r));
if (r == sb.Capacity)
checked { sb.Capacity *= 2; }
} while (true);
var target = sb.ToString ();
Assert.AreEqual (s, target);
public void ReadlinkMultiByteChar ()
string link = UnixPath.Combine (TempFolder, "link");
CreateLink ("á");
var sb = new StringBuilder (2);
int res = Syscall.readlink (link, sb);
if (res < 0)
UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastError ();
Assert.AreEqual (res, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (sb.Length, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (sb.Capacity, 2);
Assert.AreEqual (sb.ToString (), "á\u0000");