1200 lines
23 KiB
1200 lines
23 KiB
// System.Xml.XmlSerializerTestClasses
// Authors:
// Erik LeBel <eriklebel@yahoo.ca>
// Hagit Yidov <hagity@mainsoft.com>
// (C) 2003 Erik LeBel
// (C) 2005 Mainsoft Corporation (http://www.mainsoft.com)
// Classes to use in the testing of the XmlSerializer
using System;
using System.Collections;
#if NET_2_0
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace MonoTests.System.Xml.TestClasses
public enum SimpleEnumeration { FIRST, SECOND };
public enum EnumDefaultValue { e1 = 1, e2 = 2, e3 = 3 }
public enum EnumDefaultValueNF { e1 = 1, e2 = 2, e3 = 3 }
public enum FlagEnum
[XmlEnum ("one")]
e1 = 1,
[XmlEnum ("two")]
e2 = 2,
[XmlEnum ("four")]
e4 = 4
[SoapType ("flagenum")]
public enum FlagEnum_Encoded
[SoapEnum ("one")]
e1 = 1,
[SoapEnum ("two")]
e2 = 2,
[SoapEnum ("four")]
e4 = 4
public enum ZeroFlagEnum
[XmlEnum ("zero")]
e0 = 0,
[XmlEnum ("o<n>e")]
e1 = 1,
[XmlEnum ("tns:t<w>o")]
e2 = 2,
[XmlEnum ("four")]
e4 = 4
#region GenericsTestClasses
#if NET_2_0
public class GenSimpleClass<T>
public T something = default (T);
public struct GenSimpleStruct<T>
public T something;
public GenSimpleStruct (int dummy)
something = default (T);
public class GenListClass<T>
public List<T> somelist = new List<T> ();
public class GenArrayClass<T>
public T[] arr = new T[3];
public class GenTwoClass<T1, T2>
public T1 something1 = default (T1);
public T2 something2 = default (T2);
public class GenDerivedClass<T1, T2> : GenTwoClass<string, int>
public T1 another1 = default (T1);
public T2 another2 = default (T2);
public class GenDerived2Class<T1, T2> : GenTwoClass<T1, T2>
public T1 another1 = default (T1);
public T2 another2 = default (T2);
public class GenNestedClass<TO, TI>
public TO outer = default (TO);
public class InnerClass<T>
public TI inner = default (TI);
public T something = default (T);
public struct GenComplexStruct<T1, T2>
public T1 something;
public GenSimpleClass<T1> simpleclass;
public GenSimpleStruct<T1> simplestruct;
public GenListClass<T1> listclass;
public GenArrayClass<T1> arrayclass;
public GenTwoClass<T1, T2> twoclass;
public GenDerivedClass<T1, T2> derivedclass;
public GenDerived2Class<T1, T2> derived2;
public GenNestedClass<T1, T2> nestedouter;
public GenNestedClass<T1, T2>.InnerClass<T1> nestedinner;
public GenComplexStruct (int dummy)
something = default (T1);
simpleclass = new GenSimpleClass<T1> ();
simplestruct = new GenSimpleStruct<T1> ();
listclass = new GenListClass<T1> ();
arrayclass = new GenArrayClass<T1> ();
twoclass = new GenTwoClass<T1, T2> ();
derivedclass = new GenDerivedClass<T1, T2> ();
derived2 = new GenDerived2Class<T1, T2> ();
nestedouter = new GenNestedClass<T1, T2> ();
nestedinner = new GenNestedClass<T1, T2>.InnerClass<T1> ();
public class WithNulls
[XmlElement (IsNullable=true)]
public int? nint;
[XmlElement (IsNullable=true)]
public TestEnumWithNulls? nenum;
[XmlElement (IsNullable=true)]
public DateTime? ndate;
public enum TestEnumWithNulls
#endregion // GenericsTestClasses
public class SimpleClass
public string something = null;
public class StringCollection : CollectionBase
public void Add (String parameter)
List.Insert (Count, parameter);
public String this[int index]
if (index < 0 || index > Count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();
return (String) List[index];
set { List[index] = value; }
public class StringCollectionContainer
StringCollection messages = new StringCollection ();
public StringCollection Messages
get { return messages; }
public class ArrayContainer
public object[] items = null;
public class ClassArrayContainer
public SimpleClass[] items = null;
[XmlRoot ("simple")]
public class SimpleClassWithXmlAttributes
[XmlAttribute ("member")]
public string something = null;
[XmlRoot ("field")]
public class Field
[XmlAttribute ("flag1")]
[DefaultValue (1)]
public FlagEnum Flags1;
[XmlAttribute ("flag2")]
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum.e1)]
public FlagEnum Flags2;
[XmlAttribute ("flag3", Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)]
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum.e1 | FlagEnum.e2)]
public FlagEnum Flags3;
[XmlAttribute ("flag4")]
public FlagEnum Flags4;
[XmlAttribute ("modifiers")]
public MapModifiers Modifiers;
[XmlAttribute ("modifiers2", Form = XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers2;
[XmlAttribute ("modifiers3")]
[DefaultValue (0)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers3;
[XmlAttribute ("modifiers4", Form = XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
[DefaultValue (MapModifiers.Protected)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers4;
[XmlAttribute ("modifiers5", Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)]
[DefaultValue (MapModifiers.Public)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers5;
[XmlAttribute ("names")]
public string[] Names;
[XmlAttribute ("street")]
public string Street;
[SoapType ("field", Namespace = "some:urn")]
public class Field_Encoded
[SoapAttribute ("flag1")]
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum_Encoded.e1)]
public FlagEnum_Encoded Flags1;
[SoapAttribute ("flag2")]
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum_Encoded.e1)]
public FlagEnum_Encoded Flags2;
[SoapAttribute ("flag3")]
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum_Encoded.e1 | FlagEnum_Encoded.e2)]
public FlagEnum_Encoded Flags3;
[SoapAttribute ("flag4")]
public FlagEnum_Encoded Flags4;
[SoapAttribute ("modifiers")]
public MapModifiers Modifiers;
[SoapAttribute ("modifiers2")]
public MapModifiers Modifiers2;
[SoapAttribute ("modifiers3")]
[DefaultValue (MapModifiers.Public)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers3;
[SoapAttribute ("modifiers4")]
[DefaultValue (MapModifiers.Protected)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers4;
[SoapAttribute ("modifiers5")]
[DefaultValue (MapModifiers.Public)]
public MapModifiers Modifiers5;
public string[] Names;
[SoapAttribute ("street")]
public string Street;
public enum MapModifiers
[XmlEnum ("public")]
[SoapEnum ("PuBlIc")]
Public = 0,
[XmlEnum ("protected")]
Protected = 1,
public class MyList : ArrayList
object container;
// NOTE: MyList has no public constructor
public MyList (object container)
: base ()
this.container = container;
public class Container
public MyList Items;
public Container ()
Items = new MyList (this);
public class Container2
public MyList Items;
public Container2 ()
public Container2 (bool b)
Items = new MyList (this);
public class MyElem : XmlElement
public MyElem (XmlDocument doc)
: base ("", "myelem", "", doc)
SetAttribute ("aa", "1");
public int kk = 1;
public class MyDocument : XmlDocument
public MyDocument ()
public int kk = 1;
public class CDataContainer
public XmlCDataSection cdata;
public class NodeContainer
public XmlNode node;
public class Choices
[XmlElementAttribute ("ChoiceZero", typeof (string), IsNullable = false)]
[XmlElementAttribute ("ChoiceOne", typeof (string), IsNullable = false)]
[XmlElementAttribute ("ChoiceTwo", typeof (string), IsNullable = false)]
[XmlChoiceIdentifier ("ItemType")]
public string MyChoice;
public ItemChoiceType ItemType;
[XmlType (IncludeInSchema = false)]
public enum ItemChoiceType
[XmlEnum ("ChoiceOne")]
public class WrongChoices
[XmlElementAttribute ("ChoiceZero", typeof (string), IsNullable = false)]
[XmlElementAttribute ("StrangeOne", typeof (string), IsNullable = false)]
[XmlElementAttribute ("ChoiceTwo", typeof (string), IsNullable = false)]
[XmlChoiceIdentifier ("ItemType")]
public string MyChoice;
public ItemChoiceType ItemType;
[XmlType ("Type with space")]
public class TestSpace
[XmlElement (ElementName = "Element with space")]
public int elem;
[XmlAttribute (AttributeName = "Attribute with space")]
public int attr;
public class ReadOnlyProperties
string[] strArr = new string[2] { "string1", "string2" };
List<string> strList = new List<string> { "listString1" };
public string[] StrArr
get { return strArr; }
public string dat
get { return "fff"; }
public IList<string> StrList { get { return strList; } }
public class ReadOnlyListProperty {
List<string> strList = new List<string> { "listString1", "listString2" };
public List<string> StrList
get { return strList; }
[XmlRoot ("root")]
public class ListDefaults
public ListDefaults ()
ed = new SimpleClass ();
str = "hola";
public ArrayList list2;
public MyList list3;
public string[] list4;
[XmlElement ("e", typeof (SimpleClass))]
public ArrayList list5;
[DefaultValue (null)]
public SimpleClass ed;
[DefaultValue (null)]
public string str;
public class clsPerson
public IList EmailAccounts;
public class ArrayClass
public object names = new object[] { "un", "dos" };
public class CompositeValueType
public void Init ()
Items = new object[] { 1, 2 };
ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.In, ItemsChoiceType.Es };
[XmlElementAttribute ("Es", typeof (int))]
[XmlElementAttribute ("In", typeof (int))]
[XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute ("ItemsElementName")]
public object[] Items;
[XmlElementAttribute ("ItemsElementName")]
[XmlIgnoreAttribute ()]
public ItemsChoiceType[] ItemsElementName;
public enum ItemsChoiceType
In, Es
public class ArrayAttributeWithType
[XmlAttribute (DataType = "anyURI")]
public string[] at = new string[] { "a", "b" };
[XmlAttribute (DataType = "base64Binary")]
public byte[][] bin1 = new byte[][] { new byte[] { 1, 2 }, new byte[] { 1, 2 } };
[XmlAttribute (DataType = "base64Binary")]
public byte[] bin2 = new byte[] { 1, 2 };
public class ArrayAttributeWithWrongType
[XmlAttribute (DataType = "int")]
public string[] at = new string[] { "a", "b" };
[XmlType ("Container")]
public class EntityContainer
EntityCollection collection1;
EntityCollection collection2;
EntityCollection collection3 = new EntityCollection ("root");
EntityCollection collection4 = new EntityCollection ("root");
[XmlArray (IsNullable = true)]
public EntityCollection Collection1
get { return collection1; }
set { collection1 = value; collection1.Container = "assigned"; }
[XmlArray (IsNullable = false)]
public EntityCollection Collection2
get { return collection2; }
set { collection2 = value; collection2.Container = "assigned"; }
[XmlArray (IsNullable = true)]
public EntityCollection Collection3
get { return collection3; }
set { collection3 = value; collection3.Container = "assigned"; }
[XmlArray (IsNullable = false)]
public EntityCollection Collection4
get { return collection4; }
set { collection4 = value; collection4.Container = "assigned"; }
[XmlType ("Container")]
public class ArrayEntityContainer
Entity[] collection1;
Entity[] collection2;
Entity[] collection3 = new Entity[0];
Entity[] collection4 = new Entity[0];
[XmlArray (IsNullable = true)]
public Entity[] Collection1
get { return collection1; }
set { collection1 = value; }
[XmlArray (IsNullable = false)]
public Entity[] Collection2
get { return collection2; }
set { collection2 = value; }
[XmlArray (IsNullable = true)]
public Entity[] Collection3
get { return collection3; }
set { collection3 = value; }
[XmlArray (IsNullable = false)]
public Entity[] Collection4
get { return collection4; }
set { collection4 = value; }
public class Entity
private string _name = string.Empty;
private string _parent = null;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
public string Parent
get { return _parent; }
set { _parent = value; }
public class EntityCollection : ArrayList
public string _container;
public EntityCollection ()
public EntityCollection (string c)
_container = c;
public string Container
get { return _container; }
set { _container = value; }
public int Add (Entity value)
if (_container != null)
value.Parent = _container;
return base.Add (value);
public new Entity this[int index]
get { return (Entity) base[index]; }
set { base[index] = value; }
[XmlType ("Container")]
public class ObjectWithReadonlyCollection
EntityCollection collection1 = new EntityCollection ("root");
public EntityCollection Collection1
get { return collection1; }
[XmlType ("Container")]
public class ObjectWithReadonlyNulCollection
EntityCollection collection1;
public EntityCollection Collection1
get { return collection1; }
[XmlType ("Container")]
public class ObjectWithReadonlyArray
Entity[] collection1 = new Entity[0];
public Entity[] Collection1
get { return collection1; }
[XmlInclude (typeof (SubclassTestSub))]
public class SubclassTestBase
public class SubclassTestSub : SubclassTestBase
public class SubclassTestExtra
public class SubclassTestContainer
[XmlElement ("a", typeof (SubclassTestBase))]
[XmlElement ("b", typeof (SubclassTestExtra))]
public object data;
public class DictionaryWithIndexer : DictionaryBase
public TimeSpan this[int index]
get { return TimeSpan.MinValue; }
public void Add (TimeSpan value)
[XmlRoot (Namespace = "some:urn")]
[SoapTypeAttribute (Namespace = "another:urn")]
public class PrimitiveTypesContainer
public PrimitiveTypesContainer ()
Number = 2004;
Name = "some name";
Index = (byte) 56;
Password = new byte[] { 243, 15 };
PathSeparatorCharacter = '/';
public int Number;
public string Name;
public byte Index;
public byte[] Password;
public char PathSeparatorCharacter;
public class TestSchemaForm1
public PrintTypeResponse p1;
[XmlElement (Namespace = "urn:oo")]
public PrintTypeResponse p2;
[XmlType (Namespace = "urn:testForm")]
public class TestSchemaForm2
public PrintTypeResponse p1;
[XmlElement (Namespace = "urn:oo")]
public PrintTypeResponse p2;
[XmlType (Namespace = "urn:responseTypes")]
public class PrintTypeResponse
[XmlElement (Form = XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, IsNullable = true)]
public OutputType result;
public PrintTypeResponse intern;
public void Init ()
result = new OutputType ();
result.data = "data1";
intern = new PrintTypeResponse ();
intern.result = new OutputType ();
intern.result.data = "data2";
[XmlType (Namespace = "urn:responseTypes")]
public class OutputType
[XmlElement (Form = XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, IsNullable = true)]
public string data;
[XmlRootAttribute ("testDefault", Namespace = "urn:myNS", IsNullable = false)]
[SoapType ("testDefault", Namespace = "urn:myNS")]
public class TestDefault
public string str;
[DefaultValue ("Default Value")]
public string strDefault = "Default Value";
[DefaultValue (true)]
public bool boolT = true;
[DefaultValue (false)]
public bool boolF = false;
[DefaultValue (typeof (decimal), "10")]
public decimal decimalval = 10m;
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum.e1 | FlagEnum.e4)]
public FlagEnum flag = (FlagEnum.e1 | FlagEnum.e4);
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum_Encoded.e1 | FlagEnum_Encoded.e4)]
public FlagEnum_Encoded flagencoded = (FlagEnum_Encoded.e1 | FlagEnum_Encoded.e4);
[XmlType ("optionalValueType", Namespace = "some:urn")]
[XmlRootAttribute ("optionalValue", Namespace = "another:urn", IsNullable = false)]
public class OptionalValueTypeContainer
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum.e1 | FlagEnum.e4)]
public FlagEnum Attributes = FlagEnum.e1 | FlagEnum.e4;
[DefaultValue (FlagEnum.e1)]
public FlagEnum Flags = FlagEnum.e1;
public bool FlagsSpecified;
[DefaultValue (false)]
public bool IsEmpty;
public bool IsEmptySpecified
get { return _isEmptySpecified; }
set { _isEmptySpecified = value; }
[DefaultValue (false)]
public bool IsNull;
private bool _isEmptySpecified;
public class Group
[SoapAttribute (Namespace = "http://www.cpandl.com")]
public string GroupName;
[SoapAttribute (DataType = "base64Binary")]
public Byte[] GroupNumber;
[SoapAttribute (DataType = "date", AttributeName = "CreationDate")]
public DateTime Today;
[SoapElement (DataType = "nonNegativeInteger", ElementName = "PosInt")]
public string PostitiveInt;
public bool IgnoreThis;
[DefaultValue (GroupType.B)]
public GroupType Grouptype;
public Vehicle MyVehicle;
[SoapInclude (typeof (Car))]
public Vehicle myCar (string licNumber)
Vehicle v;
if (licNumber == string.Empty) {
v = new Car ();
v.licenseNumber = "!!!!!!";
else {
v = new Car ();
v.licenseNumber = licNumber;
return v;
[SoapInclude (typeof (Car))]
public abstract class Vehicle
public string licenseNumber;
[SoapElement (DataType = "date")]
public DateTime makeDate;
[DefaultValue ("450")]
public string weight;
public class Car : Vehicle
public enum GroupType
[SoapEnum ("Small")]
[SoapEnum ("Large")]
public class ErrorneousGetSchema : IXmlSerializable
public XmlSchema GetSchema ()
throw new ApplicationException ("unexpected");
public void ReadXml (XmlReader reader)
public void WriteXml (XmlWriter writer)
// it should be serialized IF it is NOT IXmlSerializable.
public string Whoa = "whoa";
[XmlRoot ("DefaultDateTimeContainer", Namespace = "urn:foo")]
public class DefaultDateTimeContainer // bug #378696
public DateTime SimpleDateTime;
[DefaultValue(typeof(DateTime), "2001-02-03T04:05:06")]
public DateTime FancyDateTime;
[DefaultValue (typeof (int), "123456")]
public int Numeric;
public class XmlSerializableImplicitConvertible
public BaseClass B = new DerivedClass ();
public class XmlSerializable : IXmlSerializable
public void WriteXml (XmlWriter writer)
public void ReadXml (XmlReader reader)
public XmlSchema GetSchema ()
return null;
public class BaseClass
public static implicit operator XmlSerializable (BaseClass b)
return new XmlSerializable ();
public static implicit operator BaseClass (XmlSerializable x)
return new BaseClass ();
public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
public class Bug704813Type
IEnumerable<string> foo = new List<string> ();
public IEnumerable<string> Foo {
get { return foo; }
public class Bug708178Type
List<string> foo = new List<string> ();
[XmlArray("Foo"), XmlArrayItem("Foo", typeof(string))]
public List<string> Foo {
get { return foo; }
public class ExplicitlyOrderedMembersType1
[XmlElement("child0", Order = 4)]
public string Child0;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 0)]
public string Child1;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 2)]
public string Child2;
public class ExplicitlyOrderedMembersType2
[XmlElement("child0", Order = 4)]
public string Child0;
[XmlElement("child")] // wrong. Needs to be Ordered as well.
public string Child1;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 2)]
public string Child2;
public class ExplicitlyOrderedMembersType3
[XmlElement("child0", Order = 1)] // it's between 0 and 2. After two "child" elements, child0 is not recognized as this member.
public string Child0;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 0)]
public string Child1;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 2)]
public string Child2;
public class ExplicitlyOrderedMembersType4
[XmlElement("child0", Order = 1)] // it's between 0 and 2. After two "child" elements, child0 is not recognized as this member.
public string Child0;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 0)]
public string Child1;
[XmlElement("child", Order = 2)]
public string Child2;
public string Child3;
[XmlRoot ("root")]
public class NullableDatesAndTimes {
[XmlElementAttribute ("MyTime", DataType = "time", IsNullable = false)]
public DateTime MyTime;
[XmlElementAttribute ("MyTimeNullable", DataType = "time", IsNullable = true)]
public DateTime? MyTimeNullable;
[XmlElementAttribute ("MyDate", DataType = "date", IsNullable = false)]
public DateTime MyDate;
[XmlElementAttribute ("MyDateNullable", DataType = "date", IsNullable = true)]
public DateTime? MyDateNullable;
public class NotExactDateParseClass
[XmlElementAttribute (DataType = "date")]
public DateTime SomeDate;
public class Bug8468BaseClass
public string Base;
public class Bug8468MidClass: Bug8468BaseClass
public string Mid;
[XmlRoot("Test", Namespace="http://test-namespace")]
public class Bug8468Subclass: Bug8468MidClass
public class Bug8468SubclassNoNamespace: Bug8468MidClass
[XmlRoot("Test", Namespace="")]
public class Bug8468BaseClassV2
public string Base;
public class Bug8468MidClassV2: Bug8468BaseClassV2
public string Mid;
[XmlRoot("Test", Namespace="http://test-namespace")]
public class Bug8468SubclassV2: Bug8468MidClassV2
public class Bug8468SubclassNoNamespaceV2: Bug8468MidClassV2
public class Bug9193Class
[XmlElement ("Data", Order=0)]
public string[] Data;
[XmlElement ("Extra", Order=1)]
public string[] Extra;
public class SimpleObjectA
public string Text
get; set;
public static implicit operator SimpleObjectA (SimpleObjectB o)
return new SimpleObjectA { Text = o.Text };
public static implicit operator SimpleObjectB (SimpleObjectA o)
return new SimpleObjectB { Text = o.Text };
public class SimpleObjectB
public string Text
get; set;
public class ObjectWithElementRequiringImplicitCast
public ObjectWithElementRequiringImplicitCast () { }
public ObjectWithElementRequiringImplicitCast (string text)
Object = new SimpleObjectB { Text = text };
[XmlElement(Type = typeof (SimpleObjectA))]
public SimpleObjectB Object
get; set;
public class ObjectWithNullableArrayItems
[XmlArrayItem ("Element", IsNullable = true)]
public List<SimpleClass> Elements;
public class ObjectWithNonNullableArrayItems
[XmlArrayItem ("Element", IsNullable = false)]
public List<SimpleClass> Elements;
public class ObjectWithNotSpecifiedNullableArrayItems
[XmlArrayItem ("Element")]
public List<SimpleClass> Elements;
public sealed class ClassWithDefaultTextNotNull
public string Value;
public const string DefaultValue = "NotNull";
public ClassWithDefaultTextNotNull (string v) {
Value = v;
public ClassWithDefaultTextNotNull () {
Value = DefaultValue;