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// ****************************************************************
// Copyright 2002-2003, Charlie Poole
// This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You may
// obtain a copy of the license at http://nunit.org/?p=license&r=2.4
// ****************************************************************
namespace NUnit.Util
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using System.Configuration;
using NUnit.Core;
using NUnit.Core.Filters;
/// <summary>
/// TestLoader handles interactions between a test runner and a
/// client program - typically the user interface - for the
/// purpose of loading, unloading and running tests.
/// It implemements the EventListener interface which is used by
/// the test runner and repackages those events, along with
/// others as individual events that clients may subscribe to
/// in collaboration with a TestEventDispatcher helper object.
/// TestLoader is quite handy for use with a gui client because
/// of the large number of events it supports. However, it has
/// no dependencies on ui components and can be used independently.
/// </summary>
public class TestLoader : MarshalByRefObject, NUnit.Core.EventListener, ITestLoader, IService
#region Instance Variables
/// <summary>
/// Our event dispatching helper object
/// </summary>
private TestEventDispatcher events;
/// <summary>
/// Use MuiltipleTestDomainRunner if true
/// </summary>
private bool multiDomain;
/// <summary>
/// Merge namespaces across multiple assemblies
/// </summary>
private bool mergeAssemblies;
/// <summary>
/// Generate suites for each level of namespace containing tests
/// </summary>
private bool autoNamespaceSuites;
private bool shadowCopyFiles;
/// <summary>
/// Loads and executes tests. Non-null when
/// we have loaded a test.
/// </summary>
private TestRunner testRunner = null;
/// <summary>
/// Our current test project, if we have one.
/// </summary>
private NUnitProject testProject = null;
/// <summary>
/// The currently loaded test, returned by the testrunner
/// </summary>
private ITest loadedTest = null;
/// <summary>
/// The test name that was specified when loading
/// </summary>
private string loadedTestName = null;
/// <summary>
/// The currently executing test
/// </summary>
private string currentTestName;
/// <summary>
/// Result of the last test run
/// </summary>
private TestResult testResult = null;
/// <summary>
/// The last exception received when trying to load, unload or run a test
/// </summary>
private Exception lastException = null;
/// <summary>
/// Watcher fires when the assembly changes
/// </summary>
private AssemblyWatcher watcher;
/// <summary>
/// Assembly changed during a test and
/// needs to be reloaded later
/// </summary>
private bool reloadPending = false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether to watch for changes
/// and reload the tests when a change occurs.
/// </summary>
private bool reloadOnChange = false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether to automatically rerun
/// the tests when a change occurs.
/// </summary>
private bool rerunOnChange = false;
/// <summary>
/// The last filter used for a run - used to
/// rerun tests when a change occurs
/// </summary>
private ITestFilter lastFilter;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether to reload the tests
/// before each run.
/// </summary>
private bool reloadOnRun = false;
#region Constructors
public TestLoader()
: this( new TestEventDispatcher() ) { }
public TestLoader(TestEventDispatcher eventDispatcher )
this.events = eventDispatcher;
ISettings settings = Services.UserSettings;
this.ReloadOnRun = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.ReloadOnRun", true );
this.ReloadOnChange = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.ReloadOnChange", true );
this.RerunOnChange = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.RerunOnChange", false );
this.MultiDomain = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.MultiDomain", false );
this.MergeAssemblies = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.MergeAssemblies", false );
this.AutoNamespaceSuites = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.AutoNamespaceSuites", true );
this.ShadowCopyFiles = settings.GetSetting( "Options.TestLoader.ShadowCopyFiles", true );
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( OnUnhandledException );
#region Properties
public bool IsProjectLoaded
get { return testProject != null; }
public bool IsTestLoaded
get { return loadedTest != null; }
public bool Running
get { return testRunner != null && testRunner.Running; }
public NUnitProject TestProject
get { return testProject; }
set { OnProjectLoad( value ); }
public ITestEvents Events
get { return events; }
public string TestFileName
get { return testProject.ProjectPath; }
public TestResult TestResult
get { return testResult; }
public Exception LastException
get { return lastException; }
public bool ReloadOnChange
get { return reloadOnChange; }
set { reloadOnChange = value; }
public bool RerunOnChange
get { return rerunOnChange; }
set { rerunOnChange = value; }
public bool ReloadOnRun
get { return reloadOnRun; }
set { reloadOnRun = value; }
public bool MultiDomain
get { return multiDomain; }
set { multiDomain = value; }
public bool MergeAssemblies
get { return mergeAssemblies; }
set { mergeAssemblies = value; }
public bool AutoNamespaceSuites
get { return autoNamespaceSuites; }
set { autoNamespaceSuites = value; }
public bool ShadowCopyFiles
get { return shadowCopyFiles; }
set { shadowCopyFiles = value; }
public IList AssemblyInfo
get { return testRunner == null ? null : testRunner.AssemblyInfo; }
public int TestCount
get { return loadedTest == null ? 0 : loadedTest.TestCount; }
#region EventListener Handlers
void EventListener.RunStarted(string name, int testCount)
events.FireRunStarting( name, testCount );
void EventListener.RunFinished(NUnit.Core.TestResult testResult)
this.testResult = testResult;
Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( this.TestFileName ), "TestResult.xml" ) );
events.FireRunFinished( testResult );
catch( Exception ex )
this.lastException = ex;
events.FireRunFinished( ex );
void EventListener.RunFinished(Exception exception)
this.lastException = exception;
events.FireRunFinished( exception );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger event when each test starts
/// </summary>
/// <param name="testCase">TestCase that is starting</param>
void EventListener.TestStarted(TestName testName)
this.currentTestName = testName.FullName;
events.FireTestStarting( testName );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger event when each test finishes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">Result of the case that finished</param>
void EventListener.TestFinished(TestCaseResult result)
events.FireTestFinished( result );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger event when each suite starts
/// </summary>
/// <param name="suite">Suite that is starting</param>
void EventListener.SuiteStarted(TestName suiteName)
events.FireSuiteStarting( suiteName );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger event when each suite finishes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">Result of the suite that finished</param>
void EventListener.SuiteFinished(TestSuiteResult result)
events.FireSuiteFinished( result );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger event when an unhandled exception (other than ThreadAbordException) occurs during a test
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exception">The unhandled exception</param>
void EventListener.UnhandledException(Exception exception)
events.FireTestException( this.currentTestName, exception );
void OnUnhandledException( object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args )
switch( args.ExceptionObject.GetType().FullName )
case "System.Threading.ThreadAbortException":
case "NUnit.Framework.AssertionException":
events.FireTestException( this.currentTestName, (Exception)args.ExceptionObject );
/// <summary>
/// Trigger event when output occurs during a test
/// </summary>
/// <param name="testOutput">The test output</param>
void EventListener.TestOutput(TestOutput testOutput)
events.FireTestOutput( testOutput );
#region Methods for Loading and Unloading Projects
/// <summary>
/// Create a new project with default naming
/// </summary>
public void NewProject()
events.FireProjectLoading( "New Project" );
OnProjectLoad( NUnitProject.NewProject() );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireProjectLoadFailed( "New Project", exception );
/// <summary>
/// Create a new project using a given path
/// </summary>
public void NewProject( string filePath )
events.FireProjectLoading( filePath );
NUnitProject project = new NUnitProject( filePath );
project.Configs.Add( "Debug" );
project.Configs.Add( "Release" );
project.IsDirty = false;
OnProjectLoad( project );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireProjectLoadFailed( filePath, exception );
/// <summary>
/// Load a new project, optionally selecting the config and fire events
/// </summary>
public void LoadProject( string filePath, string configName )
events.FireProjectLoading( filePath );
NUnitProject newProject = NUnitProject.LoadProject( filePath );
if ( configName != null )
newProject.SetActiveConfig( configName );
newProject.IsDirty = false;
OnProjectLoad( newProject );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireProjectLoadFailed( filePath, exception );
/// <summary>
/// Load a new project using the default config and fire events
/// </summary>
public void LoadProject( string filePath )
LoadProject( filePath, null );
/// <summary>
/// Load a project from a list of assemblies and fire events
/// </summary>
public void LoadProject( string[] assemblies )
events.FireProjectLoading( "New Project" );
NUnitProject newProject = NUnitProject.FromAssemblies( assemblies );
OnProjectLoad( newProject );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireProjectLoadFailed( "New Project", exception );
/// <summary>
/// Unload the current project and fire events
/// </summary>
public void UnloadProject()
string testFileName = TestFileName;
events.FireProjectUnloading( testFileName );
if ( IsTestLoaded )
testProject.Changed -= new ProjectEventHandler( OnProjectChanged );
testProject = null;
events.FireProjectUnloaded( testFileName );
catch (Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireProjectUnloadFailed( testFileName, exception );
/// <summary>
/// Common operations done each time a project is loaded
/// </summary>
/// <param name="testProject">The newly loaded project</param>
private void OnProjectLoad( NUnitProject testProject )
if ( IsProjectLoaded )
this.testProject = testProject;
testProject.Changed += new ProjectEventHandler( OnProjectChanged );
events.FireProjectLoaded( TestFileName );
private void OnProjectChanged( object sender, ProjectEventArgs e )
switch ( e.type )
case ProjectChangeType.ActiveConfig:
case ProjectChangeType.Other:
if( TestProject.IsLoadable )
case ProjectChangeType.AddConfig:
case ProjectChangeType.UpdateConfig:
if ( e.configName == TestProject.ActiveConfigName && TestProject.IsLoadable )
case ProjectChangeType.RemoveConfig:
if ( IsTestLoaded && TestProject.Configs.Count == 0 )
private void TryToLoadOrReloadTest()
if ( IsTestLoaded )
#region Methods for Loading and Unloading Tests
public void LoadTest()
LoadTest( null );
public void LoadTest( string testName )
long startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
events.FireTestLoading( TestFileName );
testRunner = CreateRunner();
bool loaded = testRunner.Load( MakeTestPackage( testName ) );
loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
loadedTestName = testName;
testResult = null;
reloadPending = false;
if ( ReloadOnChange )
InstallWatcher( );
if ( loaded )
events.FireTestLoaded( TestFileName, loadedTest );
lastException = new ApplicationException( string.Format ( "Unable to find test {0} in assembly", testName ) );
events.FireTestLoadFailed( TestFileName, lastException );
catch( FileNotFoundException exception )
lastException = exception;
foreach( string assembly in TestProject.ActiveConfig.Assemblies )
if ( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( assembly ) == exception.FileName &&
!PathUtils.SamePathOrUnder( testProject.ActiveConfig.BasePath, assembly ) )
lastException = new ApplicationException( string.Format( "Unable to load {0} because it is not located under the AppBase", exception.FileName ), exception );
events.FireTestLoadFailed( TestFileName, lastException );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireTestLoadFailed( TestFileName, exception );
double loadTime = (double)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / (double)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TestLoader: Loaded in {0} seconds", loadTime));
/// <summary>
/// Unload the current test suite and fire the Unloaded event
/// </summary>
public void UnloadTest( )
if( IsTestLoaded )
// Hold the name for notifications after unload
string fileName = TestFileName;
events.FireTestUnloading( fileName );
testRunner = null;
loadedTest = null;
loadedTestName = null;
testResult = null;
reloadPending = false;
events.FireTestUnloaded( fileName );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireTestUnloadFailed( fileName, exception );
/// <summary>
/// Reload the current test on command
/// </summary>
public void ReloadTest()
events.FireTestReloading( TestFileName );
testRunner.Load( MakeTestPackage( loadedTestName ) );
loadedTest = testRunner.Test;
reloadPending = false;
events.FireTestReloaded( TestFileName, loadedTest );
catch( Exception exception )
lastException = exception;
events.FireTestReloadFailed( TestFileName, exception );
/// <summary>
/// Handle watcher event that signals when the loaded assembly
/// file has changed. Make sure it's a real change before
/// firing the SuiteChangedEvent. Since this all happens
/// asynchronously, we use an event to let ui components
/// know that the failure happened.
/// </summary>
public void OnTestChanged( string testFileName )
if ( Running )
reloadPending = true;
if ( rerunOnChange && lastFilter != null )
testRunner.BeginRun( this, lastFilter );
#region Methods for Running Tests
/// <summary>
/// Run all the tests
/// </summary>
public void RunTests()
RunTests( TestFilter.Empty );
/// <summary>
/// Run selected tests using a filter
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filter">The filter to be used</param>
public void RunTests( ITestFilter filter )
if ( !Running )
if ( reloadPending || ReloadOnRun )
this.lastFilter = filter;
testRunner.BeginRun( this, filter );
/// <summary>
/// Cancel the currently running test.
/// Fail silently if there is none to
/// allow for latency in the UI.
/// </summary>
public void CancelTestRun()
if ( Running )
public IList GetCategories()
CategoryManager categoryManager = new CategoryManager();
categoryManager.AddAllCategories( this.loadedTest );
ArrayList list = new ArrayList( categoryManager.Categories );
return list;
public void SaveLastResult( string fileName )
XmlResultVisitor resultVisitor
= new XmlResultVisitor( fileName, this.testResult );
#region Helper Methods
/// <summary>
/// Install our watcher object so as to get notifications
/// about changes to a test.
/// </summary>
private void InstallWatcher()
if(watcher!=null) watcher.Stop();
watcher = new AssemblyWatcher( 1000, TestProject.ActiveConfig.Assemblies.ToArray() );
watcher.AssemblyChangedEvent += new AssemblyWatcher.AssemblyChangedHandler( OnTestChanged );
/// <summary>
/// Stop and remove our current watcher object.
/// </summary>
private void RemoveWatcher()
if ( watcher != null )
watcher = null;
private TestRunner CreateRunner()
TestRunner runner = multiDomain
? (TestRunner)new MultipleTestDomainRunner()
: (TestRunner)new TestDomain();
return runner;
private TestPackage MakeTestPackage( string testName )
TestPackage package = TestProject.ActiveConfig.MakeTestPackage();
package.TestName = testName;
package.Settings["MergeAssemblies"] = mergeAssemblies;
package.Settings["AutoNamespaceSuites"] = autoNamespaceSuites;
package.Settings["ShadowCopyFiles"] = shadowCopyFiles;
return package;
#region InitializeLifetimeService Override
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
return null;
#region IService Members
public void UnloadService()
// TODO: Add TestLoader.UnloadService implementation
public void InitializeService()
// TODO: Add TestLoader.InitializeService implementation