465 lines
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465 lines
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// <copyright file="XsltLibrary.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime {
using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res;
// List of all XPath/XSLT runtime methods
internal static class XsltMethods {
// Formatting error messages
public static readonly MethodInfo FormatMessage = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "FormatMessage");
// Runtime type checks and casts
public static readonly MethodInfo EnsureNodeSet = GetMethod(typeof(XsltConvert), "EnsureNodeSet" , typeof(IList<XPathItem>));
// Comparisons
public static readonly MethodInfo EqualityOperator = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "EqualityOperator");
public static readonly MethodInfo RelationalOperator = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "RelationalOperator");
// XPath functions
public static readonly MethodInfo StartsWith = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "StartsWith");
public static readonly MethodInfo Contains = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "Contains");
public static readonly MethodInfo SubstringBefore = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "SubstringBefore");
public static readonly MethodInfo SubstringAfter = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "SubstringAfter");
public static readonly MethodInfo Substring2 = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "Substring", typeof(string), typeof(double));
public static readonly MethodInfo Substring3 = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "Substring", typeof(string), typeof(double), typeof(double));
public static readonly MethodInfo NormalizeSpace = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "NormalizeSpace");
public static readonly MethodInfo Translate = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "Translate");
public static readonly MethodInfo Lang = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "Lang");
public static readonly MethodInfo Floor = GetMethod(typeof(Math) , "Floor" , typeof(double));
public static readonly MethodInfo Ceiling = GetMethod(typeof(Math) , "Ceiling", typeof(double));
public static readonly MethodInfo Round = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "Round");
// XSLT functions and helper methods (static)
public static readonly MethodInfo SystemProperty = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "SystemProperty");
public static readonly MethodInfo BaseUri = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "BaseUri");
public static readonly MethodInfo OuterXml = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "OuterXml");
public static readonly MethodInfo OnCurrentNodeChanged = GetMethod(typeof(XmlQueryRuntime), "OnCurrentNodeChanged");
// MSXML extension functions
public static readonly MethodInfo MSFormatDateTime = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "MSFormatDateTime");
public static readonly MethodInfo MSStringCompare = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "MSStringCompare");
public static readonly MethodInfo MSUtc = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "MSUtc" );
public static readonly MethodInfo MSNumber = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "MSNumber" );
public static readonly MethodInfo MSLocalName = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "MSLocalName" );
public static readonly MethodInfo MSNamespaceUri = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "MSNamespaceUri" );
// EXSLT functions
public static readonly MethodInfo EXslObjectType = GetMethod(typeof(XsltFunctions), "EXslObjectType");
// XSLT functions and helper methods (non-static)
public static readonly MethodInfo CheckScriptNamespace = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "CheckScriptNamespace");
public static readonly MethodInfo FunctionAvailable = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "FunctionAvailable");
public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAvailable = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "ElementAvailable");
public static readonly MethodInfo RegisterDecimalFormat = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "RegisterDecimalFormat");
public static readonly MethodInfo RegisterDecimalFormatter = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "RegisterDecimalFormatter");
public static readonly MethodInfo FormatNumberStatic = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "FormatNumberStatic");
public static readonly MethodInfo FormatNumberDynamic = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "FormatNumberDynamic");
public static readonly MethodInfo IsSameNodeSort = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "IsSameNodeSort");
public static readonly MethodInfo LangToLcid = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "LangToLcid");
public static readonly MethodInfo NumberFormat = GetMethod(typeof(XsltLibrary), "NumberFormat");
public static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type className, string methName) {
MethodInfo methInfo = className.GetMethod(methName);
Debug.Assert(methInfo != null, "Method " + className.Name + "." + methName + " not found");
return methInfo;
public static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type className, string methName, params Type[] args) {
MethodInfo methInfo = className.GetMethod(methName, args);
Debug.Assert(methInfo != null, "Method " + className.Name + "." + methName + " not found");
return methInfo;
public sealed class XsltLibrary {
private XmlQueryRuntime runtime;
private HybridDictionary functionsAvail;
private Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, DecimalFormat> decimalFormats;
private List<DecimalFormatter> decimalFormatters;
internal XsltLibrary(XmlQueryRuntime runtime) {
this.runtime = runtime;
public string FormatMessage(string res, IList<string> args) {
string[] arr = new string[args.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
arr[i] = args[i];
return XslTransformException.CreateMessage(res, arr);
public int CheckScriptNamespace(string nsUri) {
// Check that extension and script namespaces do not clash
if (runtime.ExternalContext.GetLateBoundObject(nsUri) != null) {
throw new XslTransformException(Res.Xslt_ScriptAndExtensionClash, nsUri);
return 0; // have to return something
// Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#function-element-available
public bool ElementAvailable(XmlQualifiedName name) {
return QilGenerator.IsElementAvailable(name);
// Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#function-function-available
public bool FunctionAvailable(XmlQualifiedName name) {
if (functionsAvail == null) {
functionsAvail = new HybridDictionary();
} else {
object obj = functionsAvail[name];
if (obj != null) {
return (bool)obj;
bool result = FunctionAvailableHelper(name);
functionsAvail[name] = result;
return result;
private bool FunctionAvailableHelper(XmlQualifiedName name) {
// Is this an XPath or an XSLT function?
if (QilGenerator.IsFunctionAvailable(name.Name, name.Namespace)) {
return true;
// Script blocks and extension objects cannot implement neither null nor XSLT namespace
if (name.Namespace.Length == 0 || name.Namespace == XmlReservedNs.NsXslt) {
return false;
// Is this an extension object function?
if (runtime.ExternalContext.LateBoundFunctionExists(name.Name, name.Namespace)) {
return true;
// Is this a script function?
return runtime.EarlyBoundFunctionExists(name.Name, name.Namespace);
public int RegisterDecimalFormat(XmlQualifiedName name, string infinitySymbol, string nanSymbol, string characters) {
if (decimalFormats == null) {
decimalFormats = new Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, DecimalFormat>();
decimalFormats.Add(name, CreateDecimalFormat(infinitySymbol, nanSymbol, characters));
return 0; // have to return something
private DecimalFormat CreateDecimalFormat(string infinitySymbol, string nanSymbol, string characters) {
NumberFormatInfo info = new NumberFormatInfo();
info.NumberDecimalSeparator = char.ToString(characters[0]);
info.NumberGroupSeparator = char.ToString(characters[1]);
info.PositiveInfinitySymbol = infinitySymbol;
info.NegativeSign = char.ToString(characters[7]);
info.NaNSymbol = nanSymbol;
info.PercentSymbol = char.ToString(characters[2]);
info.PerMilleSymbol = char.ToString(characters[3]);
info.NegativeInfinitySymbol = info.NegativeSign + info.PositiveInfinitySymbol;
return new DecimalFormat(info, characters[5], characters[4], characters[6]);
public double RegisterDecimalFormatter(string formatPicture, string infinitySymbol, string nanSymbol, string characters) {
if (decimalFormatters == null) {
decimalFormatters = new List<DecimalFormatter>();
decimalFormatters.Add(new DecimalFormatter(formatPicture, CreateDecimalFormat(infinitySymbol, nanSymbol, characters)));
return decimalFormatters.Count - 1;
public string FormatNumberStatic(double value, double decimalFormatterIndex) {
int idx = (int)decimalFormatterIndex;
Debug.Assert(0 <= idx && idx < decimalFormatters.Count, "Value of decimalFormatterIndex is out of range");
return decimalFormatters[idx].Format(value);
public string FormatNumberDynamic(double value, string formatPicture, XmlQualifiedName decimalFormatName, string errorMessageName) {
DecimalFormat format;
if (decimalFormats == null || ! decimalFormats.TryGetValue(decimalFormatName, out format)) {
throw new XslTransformException(Res.Xslt_NoDecimalFormat, errorMessageName);
DecimalFormatter formatter = new DecimalFormatter(formatPicture, format);
return formatter.Format(value);
public string NumberFormat(IList<XPathItem> value, string formatString,
double lang, string letterValue, string groupingSeparator, double groupingSize)
NumberFormatter formatter = new NumberFormatter(formatString, (int)lang, letterValue, groupingSeparator, (int)groupingSize);
return formatter.FormatSequence(value);
internal const int InvariantCultureLcid = 0x007f;
public int LangToLcid(string lang, bool forwardCompatibility) {
return LangToLcidInternal(lang, forwardCompatibility, null);
internal static int LangToLcidInternal(string lang, bool forwardCompatibility, IErrorHelper errorHelper) {
int lcid = InvariantCultureLcid;
if (lang != null) {
// The value of the 'lang' attribute must be a non-empty nmtoken
if (lang.Length == 0) {
if (!forwardCompatibility) {
if (errorHelper != null) {
errorHelper.ReportError(/*[XT_032]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttrValue, "lang", lang);
} else {
throw new XslTransformException(Res.Xslt_InvalidAttrValue, "lang", lang);
} else {
// Check if lang is a supported culture name
try {
lcid = new CultureInfo(lang).LCID;
} catch (System.ArgumentException) {
if (!forwardCompatibility) {
if (errorHelper != null) {
errorHelper.ReportError(/*[XT_033]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidLanguage, lang);
} else {
throw new XslTransformException(Res.Xslt_InvalidLanguage, lang);
return lcid;
#region Comparisons
internal enum ComparisonOperator {
/*Equality */ Eq, Ne,
/*Relational*/ Lt, Le, Gt, Ge,
// Returns TypeCode of the given atomic value
private static TypeCode GetTypeCode(XPathItem item) {
// Faster implementation of Type.GetTypeCode(item.ValueType);
Debug.Assert(!item.IsNode, "Atomic value expected");
Type itemType = item.ValueType;
if (itemType == XsltConvert.StringType) {
return TypeCode.String;
} else if (itemType == XsltConvert.DoubleType) {
return TypeCode.Double;
} else {
Debug.Assert(itemType == XsltConvert.BooleanType, "Unexpected type of atomic value " + itemType.ToString());
return TypeCode.Boolean;
// Returns weakest of the two given TypeCodes, String > Double > Boolean
private static TypeCode WeakestTypeCode(TypeCode typeCode1, TypeCode typeCode2) {
Debug.Assert(TypeCode.Boolean < TypeCode.Double && TypeCode.Double < TypeCode.String, "Cannot use the smallest TypeCode as a weakest one");
return typeCode1 < typeCode2 ? typeCode1 : typeCode2;
private static bool CompareNumbers(ComparisonOperator op, double left, double right) {
switch (op) {
case ComparisonOperator.Eq: return left == right;
case ComparisonOperator.Ne: return left != right;
case ComparisonOperator.Lt: return left < right;
case ComparisonOperator.Le: return left <= right;
case ComparisonOperator.Gt: return left > right;
default: return left >= right;
private static bool CompareValues(ComparisonOperator op, XPathItem left, XPathItem right, TypeCode compType) {
if (compType == TypeCode.Double) {
return CompareNumbers(op, XsltConvert.ToDouble(left), XsltConvert.ToDouble(right));
} else {
Debug.Assert(op == ComparisonOperator.Eq || op == ComparisonOperator.Ne);
if (compType == TypeCode.String) {
return (XsltConvert.ToString(left) == XsltConvert.ToString(right)) == (op == ComparisonOperator.Eq);
} else {
Debug.Assert(compType == TypeCode.Boolean);
return (XsltConvert.ToBoolean(left) == XsltConvert.ToBoolean(right)) == (op == ComparisonOperator.Eq);
private static bool CompareNodeSetAndValue(ComparisonOperator op, IList<XPathNavigator> nodeset, XPathItem val, TypeCode compType) {
Debug.Assert(compType == TypeCode.Boolean || compType == TypeCode.Double || compType == TypeCode.String);
if (compType == TypeCode.Boolean) {
// Cast nodeset to boolean type, then take its ordinal number
return CompareNumbers(op, (nodeset.Count != 0) ? 1 : 0, XsltConvert.ToBoolean(val) ? 1 : 0);
} else {
int length = nodeset.Count;
for (int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) {
if (CompareValues(op, nodeset[idx], val, compType)) {
return true;
return false;
private static bool CompareNodeSetAndNodeSet(ComparisonOperator op, IList<XPathNavigator> left, IList<XPathNavigator> right, TypeCode compType) {
int leftLen = left.Count;
int rightLen = right.Count;
for (int leftIdx = 0; leftIdx < leftLen; leftIdx++) {
for (int rightIdx = 0; rightIdx < rightLen; rightIdx++) {
if (CompareValues(op, left[leftIdx], right[rightIdx], compType)) {
return true;
return false;
public bool EqualityOperator(double opCode, IList<XPathItem> left, IList<XPathItem> right) {
ComparisonOperator op = (ComparisonOperator)opCode;
Debug.Assert(op == ComparisonOperator.Eq || op == ComparisonOperator.Ne);
if (IsNodeSetOrRtf(left)) {
if (IsNodeSetOrRtf(right)) {
// Both left and right are node-sets
return CompareNodeSetAndNodeSet(op, ToNodeSetOrRtf(left), ToNodeSetOrRtf(right), TypeCode.String);
} else {
// left is a node-set, right is an atomic value
XPathItem rightItem = right[0];
return CompareNodeSetAndValue(op, ToNodeSetOrRtf(left), rightItem, GetTypeCode(rightItem));
} else if (IsNodeSetOrRtf(right)) {
// left is an atomic value, right is a node-set
XPathItem leftItem = left[0];
// Swap operands: left op right -> right op left
return CompareNodeSetAndValue(op, ToNodeSetOrRtf(right), leftItem, GetTypeCode(leftItem));
} else {
// Both left and right are atomic values
XPathItem leftItem = left[0];
XPathItem rightItem = right[0];
return CompareValues(op, leftItem, rightItem, WeakestTypeCode(GetTypeCode(leftItem), GetTypeCode(rightItem)));
// Inverts relational operator in order to swap operands of the comparison
private static ComparisonOperator InvertOperator(ComparisonOperator op) {
switch (op) {
case ComparisonOperator.Lt: return ComparisonOperator.Gt;
case ComparisonOperator.Le: return ComparisonOperator.Ge;
case ComparisonOperator.Gt: return ComparisonOperator.Lt;
case ComparisonOperator.Ge: return ComparisonOperator.Le;
default: return op;
public bool RelationalOperator(double opCode, IList<XPathItem> left, IList<XPathItem> right) {
ComparisonOperator op = (ComparisonOperator)opCode;
Debug.Assert(ComparisonOperator.Lt <= op && op <= ComparisonOperator.Ge);
if (IsNodeSetOrRtf(left)) {
if (IsNodeSetOrRtf(right)) {
// Both left and right are node-sets
return CompareNodeSetAndNodeSet(op, ToNodeSetOrRtf(left), ToNodeSetOrRtf(right), TypeCode.Double);
} else {
// left is a node-set, right is an atomic value
XPathItem rightItem = right[0];
return CompareNodeSetAndValue(op, ToNodeSetOrRtf(left), rightItem, WeakestTypeCode(GetTypeCode(rightItem), TypeCode.Double));
} else if (IsNodeSetOrRtf(right)) {
// left is an atomic value, right is a node-set
XPathItem leftItem = left[0];
// Swap operands: left op right -> right InvertOperator(op) left
op = InvertOperator(op);
return CompareNodeSetAndValue(op, ToNodeSetOrRtf(right), leftItem, WeakestTypeCode(GetTypeCode(leftItem), TypeCode.Double));
} else {
// Both left and right are atomic values
XPathItem leftItem = left[0];
XPathItem rightItem = right[0];
return CompareValues(op, leftItem, rightItem, TypeCode.Double);
// nav1 and nav2 are assumed to belong to the same document
public bool IsSameNodeSort(XPathNavigator nav1, XPathNavigator nav2) {
Debug.Assert(XPathNodeType.SignificantWhitespace == XPathNodeType.Text + 1);
Debug.Assert(XPathNodeType.Whitespace == XPathNodeType.Text + 2);
XPathNodeType nt1 = nav1.NodeType;
XPathNodeType nt2 = nav2.NodeType;
// If one of nodes is a text node, the other one must also be a text node
if (XPathNodeType.Text <= nt1 && nt1 <= XPathNodeType.Whitespace) {
return XPathNodeType.Text <= nt2 && nt2 <= XPathNodeType.Whitespace;
// Otherwise nodes must have the same node kind, the same local name, and the same namespace URI
Debug.Assert((object)nav1.NameTable == (object)nav2.NameTable, "Ref.Equal cannot be used if navigators have different name tables");
return nt1 == nt2 && Ref.Equal(nav1.LocalName, nav2.LocalName) && Ref.Equal(nav1.NamespaceURI, nav2.NamespaceURI);
// Helper methods
internal static void CheckXsltValue(XPathItem item) {
CheckXsltValue(new XmlQueryItemSequence(item));
internal static void CheckXsltValue(IList<XPathItem> val) {
// IsDocOrderDistinct is not always set to true even if the node-set is ordered
// Debug.Assert(val.Count <= 1 || val.IsDocOrderDistinct, "All node-sets must be ordered");
if (val.Count == 1) {
} else {
// Every item must be a node, but for performance reasons we check only
// the first two and the last two items
int count = val.Count;
for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
if (!val[idx].IsNode) {
Debug.Fail("Invalid XSLT value");
if (idx == 1) {
idx += Math.Max(count - 4, 0);
private static bool IsNodeSetOrRtf(IList<XPathItem> val) {
if (val.Count == 1) {
return val[0].IsNode;
return true;
private static IList<XPathNavigator> ToNodeSetOrRtf(IList<XPathItem> val) {
return XmlILStorageConverter.ItemsToNavigators(val);