Xamarin Public Jenkins (auto-signing) 6123a772ed Imported Upstream version
Former-commit-id: 4b7216ffda08448e562271ce733688e761120fc5
2017-11-28 19:36:51 +00:00

93 lines
1.9 KiB

// AssemblyCultureAttributeTest.cs
// Author: Vineeth N <nvineeth@yahoo.com>
// (C) 2004 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Reflection {
/// <summary>
/// Test Fixture for AssemblyCultureAttribute
/// </summary>
public class AssemblyCultureAttributeTest
private AssemblyBuilder dynAssembly;
AssemblyName dynAsmName = new AssemblyName ();
AssemblyCultureAttribute attr;
public AssemblyCultureAttributeTest ()
//create a dynamic assembly with the required attribute
//and check for the validity
dynAsmName.Name = "TestAssembly";
dynAssembly = Thread.GetDomain ().DefineDynamicAssembly (
// Set the required Attribute of the assembly.
Type attribute = typeof (AssemblyCultureAttribute);
ConstructorInfo ctrInfo = attribute.GetConstructor (
new Type [] { typeof (string) }
CustomAttributeBuilder attrBuilder =
new CustomAttributeBuilder (ctrInfo, new object [1] { "India" });
dynAssembly.SetCustomAttribute (attrBuilder);
object [] attributes = dynAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(true);
attr = attributes [0] as AssemblyCultureAttribute;
public void CultureTest ()
Assert.AreEqual (
"India", "#1");
public void TypeIdTest ()
Assert.AreEqual (
typeof (AssemblyCultureAttribute), "#1"
public void MatchTestForTrue ()
Assert.AreEqual (
attr.Match (attr),
true, "#1");
public void MatchTestForFalse ()
Assert.AreEqual (
attr.Match (new AssemblyCultureAttribute ("Spanish")),
false, "#1");
public void CtorTest ()
var a = new AssemblyCultureAttribute ("en");
Assert.AreEqual ("en", a.Culture);