752 lines
34 KiB
752 lines
34 KiB
// PNG Codec class testing unit
// Authors:
// Jordi Mas i Hernàndez (jordi@ximian.com)
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Drawing.Imaging {
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.Deny, UnmanagedCode = true)]
public class PngCodecTest {
/* Get suffix to add to the filename */
internal string getOutSufix ()
string s;
int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
if ((p == 4) || (p == 128) || (p == 6))
s = "-unix";
s = "-windows";
if (Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false) == null)
s += "-msnet";
s += "-mono";
return s;
/* Get the input directory depending on the runtime*/
internal string getInFile (string file)
string sRslt = Path.GetFullPath ("../System.Drawing/" + file);
if (!File.Exists (sRslt))
sRslt = "Test/System.Drawing/" + file;
return sRslt;
private bool IsArm64Process ()
if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix || !Environment.Is64BitProcess)
return false;
try {
var process = new global::System.Diagnostics.Process ();
process.StartInfo.FileName = "uname";
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-m";
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.Start ();
process.WaitForExit ();
var output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
return output.Trim () == "aarch64";
} catch {
return false;
/* Checks bitmap features on a known 1bbp bitmap */
public void Bitmap1bitFeatures ()
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/1bit.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
GraphicsUnit unit = GraphicsUnit.World;
RectangleF rect = bmp.GetBounds (ref unit);
Assert.AreEqual (PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed, bmp.PixelFormat);
Assert.AreEqual (0, bmp.Palette.Flags, "Palette.Flags");
Assert.AreEqual (2, bmp.Palette.Entries.Length, "Palette.Entries");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.Palette.Entries[0].ToArgb (), "Palette.0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.Palette.Entries[1].ToArgb (), "Palette.1");
Assert.AreEqual (288, bmp.Width, "bmp.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (384, bmp.Height, "bmp.Height");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rect.X, "rect.X");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rect.Y, "rect.Y");
Assert.AreEqual (288, rect.Width, "rect.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (384, rect.Height, "rect.Height");
Assert.AreEqual (288, bmp.Size.Width, "bmp.Size.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (384, bmp.Size.Height, "bmp.Size.Height");
public void Bitmap1bitPixels ()
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/1bit.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
#if false
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x += 32) {
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y += 32)
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual ({0}, bmp.GetPixel ({1}, {2}).ToArgb (), \"{1},{2}\");", bmp.GetPixel (x, y).ToArgb (), x, y);
// sampling values from a well known bitmap
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 0).ToArgb (), "0,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 32).ToArgb (), "0,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 64).ToArgb (), "0,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 96).ToArgb (), "0,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 128).ToArgb (), "0,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (0, 160).ToArgb (), "0,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (0, 192).ToArgb (), "0,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (0, 224).ToArgb (), "0,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 256).ToArgb (), "0,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (0, 288).ToArgb (), "0,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (0, 320).ToArgb (), "0,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (0, 352).ToArgb (), "0,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (32, 0).ToArgb (), "32,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 32).ToArgb (), "32,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 64).ToArgb (), "32,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (32, 96).ToArgb (), "32,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 128).ToArgb (), "32,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 160).ToArgb (), "32,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (32, 192).ToArgb (), "32,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 224).ToArgb (), "32,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (32, 256).ToArgb (), "32,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (32, 288).ToArgb (), "32,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 320).ToArgb (), "32,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (32, 352).ToArgb (), "32,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 0).ToArgb (), "64,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 32).ToArgb (), "64,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 64).ToArgb (), "64,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 96).ToArgb (), "64,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 128).ToArgb (), "64,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 160).ToArgb (), "64,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 192).ToArgb (), "64,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 224).ToArgb (), "64,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 256).ToArgb (), "64,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 288).ToArgb (), "64,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 320).ToArgb (), "64,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 352).ToArgb (), "64,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (96, 0).ToArgb (), "96,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 32).ToArgb (), "96,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 64).ToArgb (), "96,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 96).ToArgb (), "96,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 128).ToArgb (), "96,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 160).ToArgb (), "96,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (96, 192).ToArgb (), "96,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 224).ToArgb (), "96,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 256).ToArgb (), "96,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (96, 288).ToArgb (), "96,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (96, 320).ToArgb (), "96,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (96, 352).ToArgb (), "96,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 0).ToArgb (), "128,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 32).ToArgb (), "128,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 64).ToArgb (), "128,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 96).ToArgb (), "128,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 128).ToArgb (), "128,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 160).ToArgb (), "128,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 192).ToArgb (), "128,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 224).ToArgb (), "128,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (128, 256).ToArgb (), "128,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 288).ToArgb (), "128,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 320).ToArgb (), "128,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (128, 352).ToArgb (), "128,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (160, 0).ToArgb (), "160,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (160, 32).ToArgb (), "160,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (160, 64).ToArgb (), "160,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (160, 96).ToArgb (), "160,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (160, 128).ToArgb (), "160,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, bmp.GetPixel (160, 160).ToArgb (), "160,160");
public void Bitmap1bitData ()
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/1bit.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits (new Rectangle (0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
try {
Assert.AreEqual (bmp.Height, data.Height, "Height");
Assert.AreEqual (bmp.Width, data.Width, "Width");
Assert.AreEqual (PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, data.PixelFormat, "PixelFormat");
Assert.AreEqual (864, data.Stride, "Stride");
int size = data.Height * data.Stride;
unsafe {
byte* scan = (byte*) data.Scan0;
#if false
// 1009 is the first prime after 1000 (so we're not affected by a recurring pattern)
for (int p = 0; p < size; p += 1009) {
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual ({0}, *(scan + {1}), \"{1}\");", *(scan + p), p);
// sampling values from a well known bitmap
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 0), "0");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 1009), "1009");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 2018), "2018");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 3027), "3027");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 4036), "4036");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 5045), "5045");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 6054), "6054");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 7063), "7063");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 8072), "8072");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 9081), "9081");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 10090), "10090");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 11099), "11099");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 12108), "12108");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 13117), "13117");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 14126), "14126");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 15135), "15135");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 16144), "16144");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 17153), "17153");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 18162), "18162");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 19171), "19171");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 20180), "20180");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 21189), "21189");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 22198), "22198");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 23207), "23207");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 24216), "24216");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 25225), "25225");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 26234), "26234");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 27243), "27243");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 28252), "28252");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 29261), "29261");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 30270), "30270");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 31279), "31279");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 32288), "32288");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 33297), "33297");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 34306), "34306");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 35315), "35315");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 36324), "36324");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 37333), "37333");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 38342), "38342");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 39351), "39351");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 40360), "40360");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 41369), "41369");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 42378), "42378");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 43387), "43387");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 44396), "44396");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 45405), "45405");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 46414), "46414");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 47423), "47423");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 48432), "48432");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 49441), "49441");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 50450), "50450");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 51459), "51459");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 52468), "52468");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 53477), "53477");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 54486), "54486");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 55495), "55495");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 56504), "56504");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 57513), "57513");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 58522), "58522");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 59531), "59531");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 60540), "60540");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 61549), "61549");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 62558), "62558");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 63567), "63567");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 64576), "64576");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 65585), "65585");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 66594), "66594");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 67603), "67603");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 68612), "68612");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 69621), "69621");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 70630), "70630");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 71639), "71639");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 72648), "72648");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 73657), "73657");
finally {
bmp.UnlockBits (data);
/* Checks bitmap features on a known 2bbp bitmap */
public void Bitmap2bitFeatures ()
if (IsArm64Process ())
Assert.Ignore ("https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=41171");
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/81674-2bpp.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
GraphicsUnit unit = GraphicsUnit.World;
RectangleF rect = bmp.GetBounds (ref unit);
// quite a promotion! (2 -> 32)
Assert.AreEqual (PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, bmp.PixelFormat);
// MS returns a random Flags value (not a good sign)
//Assert.AreEqual (0, bmp.Palette.Flags, "Palette.Flags");
Assert.AreEqual (0, bmp.Palette.Entries.Length, "Palette.Entries");
Assert.AreEqual (100, bmp.Width, "bmp.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (100, bmp.Height, "bmp.Height");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rect.X, "rect.X");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rect.Y, "rect.Y");
Assert.AreEqual (100, rect.Width, "rect.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (100, rect.Height, "rect.Height");
Assert.AreEqual (100, bmp.Size.Width, "bmp.Size.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (100, bmp.Size.Height, "bmp.Size.Height");
public void Bitmap2bitPixels ()
if (IsArm64Process ())
Assert.Ignore ("https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=41171");
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/81674-2bpp.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
#if false
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x += 32) {
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y += 32)
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual ({0}, bmp.GetPixel ({1}, {2}).ToArgb (), \"{1},{2}\");", bmp.GetPixel (x, y).ToArgb (), x, y);
// sampling values from a well known bitmap
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (0, 0).ToArgb (), "0,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (0, 32).ToArgb (), "0,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (0, 64).ToArgb (), "0,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (0, 96).ToArgb (), "0,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (32, 0).ToArgb (), "32,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (32, 32).ToArgb (), "32,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (32, 64).ToArgb (), "32,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (32, 96).ToArgb (), "32,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (64, 0).ToArgb (), "64,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-16777216, bmp.GetPixel (64, 32).ToArgb (), "64,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (64, 64).ToArgb (), "64,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (64, 96).ToArgb (), "64,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (96, 0).ToArgb (), "96,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (96, 32).ToArgb (), "96,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (96, 64).ToArgb (), "96,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-11249559, bmp.GetPixel (96, 96).ToArgb (), "96,96");
public void Bitmap2bitData ()
if (IsArm64Process ())
Assert.Ignore ("https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=41171");
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/81674-2bpp.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits (new Rectangle (0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
try {
Assert.AreEqual (bmp.Height, data.Height, "Height");
Assert.AreEqual (bmp.Width, data.Width, "Width");
Assert.AreEqual (PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, data.PixelFormat, "PixelFormat");
Assert.AreEqual (300, data.Stride, "Stride");
int size = data.Height * data.Stride;
unsafe {
byte* scan = (byte*) data.Scan0;
#if false
// 1009 is the first prime after 1000 (so we're not affected by a recurring pattern)
for (int p = 0; p < size; p += 1009) {
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual ({0}, *(scan + {1}), \"{1}\");", *(scan + p), p);
// sampling values from a well known bitmap
Assert.AreEqual (105, *(scan + 0), "0");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 1009), "1009");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 2018), "2018");
Assert.AreEqual (105, *(scan + 3027), "3027");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 4036), "4036");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 5045), "5045");
Assert.AreEqual (255, *(scan + 6054), "6054");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 7063), "7063");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 8072), "8072");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 9081), "9081");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 10090), "10090");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 11099), "11099");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 12108), "12108");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 13117), "13117");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 14126), "14126");
Assert.AreEqual (105, *(scan + 15135), "15135");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 16144), "16144");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 17153), "17153");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 18162), "18162");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 19171), "19171");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 20180), "20180");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 21189), "21189");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 22198), "22198");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 23207), "23207");
Assert.AreEqual (105, *(scan + 24216), "24216");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 25225), "25225");
Assert.AreEqual (0, *(scan + 26234), "26234");
Assert.AreEqual (105, *(scan + 27243), "27243");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 28252), "28252");
Assert.AreEqual (84, *(scan + 29261), "29261");
finally {
bmp.UnlockBits (data);
/* Checks bitmap features on a known 4bbp bitmap */
public void Bitmap4bitFeatures ()
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/4bit.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
GraphicsUnit unit = GraphicsUnit.World;
RectangleF rect = bmp.GetBounds (ref unit);
Assert.AreEqual (PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed, bmp.PixelFormat);
Assert.AreEqual (0, bmp.Palette.Flags, "Palette.Flags");
Assert.AreEqual (16, bmp.Palette.Entries.Length, "Palette.Entries");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.Palette.Entries[0].ToArgb (), "Palette.0");
Assert.AreEqual (-10979957, bmp.Palette.Entries[1].ToArgb (), "Palette.1");
Assert.AreEqual (-8879241, bmp.Palette.Entries[2].ToArgb (), "Palette.2");
Assert.AreEqual (-10381134, bmp.Palette.Entries[3].ToArgb (), "Palette.3");
Assert.AreEqual (-7441574, bmp.Palette.Entries[4].ToArgb (), "Palette.4");
Assert.AreEqual (-6391673, bmp.Palette.Entries[5].ToArgb (), "Palette.5");
Assert.AreEqual (-5861009, bmp.Palette.Entries[6].ToArgb (), "Palette.6");
Assert.AreEqual (-3824008, bmp.Palette.Entries[7].ToArgb (), "Palette.7");
Assert.AreEqual (-5790569, bmp.Palette.Entries[8].ToArgb (), "Palette.8");
Assert.AreEqual (-6178617, bmp.Palette.Entries[9].ToArgb (), "Palette.9");
Assert.AreEqual (-4668490, bmp.Palette.Entries[10].ToArgb (), "Palette.10");
Assert.AreEqual (-5060143, bmp.Palette.Entries[11].ToArgb (), "Palette.11");
Assert.AreEqual (-3492461, bmp.Palette.Entries[12].ToArgb (), "Palette.12");
Assert.AreEqual (-2967099, bmp.Palette.Entries[13].ToArgb (), "Palette.13");
Assert.AreEqual (-2175574, bmp.Palette.Entries[14].ToArgb (), "Palette.14");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.Palette.Entries[15].ToArgb (), "Palette.15");
Assert.AreEqual (288, bmp.Width, "bmp.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (384, bmp.Height, "bmp.Height");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rect.X, "rect.X");
Assert.AreEqual (0, rect.Y, "rect.Y");
Assert.AreEqual (288, rect.Width, "rect.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (384, rect.Height, "rect.Height");
Assert.AreEqual (288, bmp.Size.Width, "bmp.Size.Width");
Assert.AreEqual (384, bmp.Size.Height, "bmp.Size.Height");
public void Bitmap4bitPixels ()
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/4bit.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
#if false
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x += 32) {
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y += 32)
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual ({0}, bmp.GetPixel ({1}, {2}).ToArgb (), \"{1},{2}\");", bmp.GetPixel (x, y).ToArgb (), x, y);
// sampling values from a well known bitmap
Assert.AreEqual (-10381134, bmp.GetPixel (0, 0).ToArgb (), "0,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (0, 32).ToArgb (), "0,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (0, 64).ToArgb (), "0,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (0, 96).ToArgb (), "0,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-3824008, bmp.GetPixel (0, 128).ToArgb (), "0,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (0, 160).ToArgb (), "0,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (0, 192).ToArgb (), "0,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (0, 224).ToArgb (), "0,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (0, 256).ToArgb (), "0,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-7441574, bmp.GetPixel (0, 288).ToArgb (), "0,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-3492461, bmp.GetPixel (0, 320).ToArgb (), "0,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-5861009, bmp.GetPixel (0, 352).ToArgb (), "0,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-10381134, bmp.GetPixel (32, 0).ToArgb (), "32,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (32, 32).ToArgb (), "32,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-7441574, bmp.GetPixel (32, 64).ToArgb (), "32,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (32, 96).ToArgb (), "32,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (32, 128).ToArgb (), "32,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (32, 160).ToArgb (), "32,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (32, 192).ToArgb (), "32,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (32, 224).ToArgb (), "32,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (32, 256).ToArgb (), "32,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (32, 288).ToArgb (), "32,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-3492461, bmp.GetPixel (32, 320).ToArgb (), "32,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-2175574, bmp.GetPixel (32, 352).ToArgb (), "32,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-6178617, bmp.GetPixel (64, 0).ToArgb (), "64,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 32).ToArgb (), "64,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 64).ToArgb (), "64,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 96).ToArgb (), "64,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 128).ToArgb (), "64,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 160).ToArgb (), "64,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 192).ToArgb (), "64,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 224).ToArgb (), "64,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-5790569, bmp.GetPixel (64, 256).ToArgb (), "64,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 288).ToArgb (), "64,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (64, 320).ToArgb (), "64,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-5790569, bmp.GetPixel (64, 352).ToArgb (), "64,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (96, 0).ToArgb (), "96,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-10381134, bmp.GetPixel (96, 32).ToArgb (), "96,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (96, 64).ToArgb (), "96,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (96, 96).ToArgb (), "96,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-7441574, bmp.GetPixel (96, 128).ToArgb (), "96,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (96, 160).ToArgb (), "96,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-5790569, bmp.GetPixel (96, 192).ToArgb (), "96,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (96, 224).ToArgb (), "96,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-4668490, bmp.GetPixel (96, 256).ToArgb (), "96,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (96, 288).ToArgb (), "96,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (96, 320).ToArgb (), "96,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-3492461, bmp.GetPixel (96, 352).ToArgb (), "96,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-5861009, bmp.GetPixel (128, 0).ToArgb (), "128,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-7441574, bmp.GetPixel (128, 32).ToArgb (), "128,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-7441574, bmp.GetPixel (128, 64).ToArgb (), "128,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 96).ToArgb (), "128,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 128).ToArgb (), "128,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 160).ToArgb (), "128,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 192).ToArgb (), "128,192");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 224).ToArgb (), "128,224");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 256).ToArgb (), "128,256");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 288).ToArgb (), "128,288");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 320).ToArgb (), "128,320");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (128, 352).ToArgb (), "128,352");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (160, 0).ToArgb (), "160,0");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (160, 32).ToArgb (), "160,32");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (160, 64).ToArgb (), "160,64");
Assert.AreEqual (-1314578, bmp.GetPixel (160, 96).ToArgb (), "160,96");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (160, 128).ToArgb (), "160,128");
Assert.AreEqual (-5790569, bmp.GetPixel (160, 160).ToArgb (), "160,160");
Assert.AreEqual (-12106173, bmp.GetPixel (160, 192).ToArgb (), "160,192");
public void Bitmap4bitData ()
string sInFile = getInFile ("bitmaps/4bit.png");
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (sInFile)) {
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits (new Rectangle (0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
try {
Assert.AreEqual (bmp.Height, data.Height, "Height");
Assert.AreEqual (bmp.Width, data.Width, "Width");
Assert.AreEqual (PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, data.PixelFormat, "PixelFormat");
Assert.AreEqual (864, data.Stride, "Stride");
int size = data.Height * data.Stride;
unsafe {
byte* scan = (byte*) data.Scan0;
#if false
// 1009 is the first prime after 1000 (so we're not affected by a recurring pattern)
for (int p = 0; p < size; p += 1009) {
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual ({0}, *(scan + {1}), \"{1}\");", *(scan + p), p);
// sampling values from a well known bitmap
Assert.AreEqual (178, *(scan + 0), "0");
Assert.AreEqual (184, *(scan + 1009), "1009");
Assert.AreEqual (235, *(scan + 2018), "2018");
Assert.AreEqual (209, *(scan + 3027), "3027");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 4036), "4036");
Assert.AreEqual (142, *(scan + 5045), "5045");
Assert.AreEqual (139, *(scan + 6054), "6054");
Assert.AreEqual (152, *(scan + 7063), "7063");
Assert.AreEqual (235, *(scan + 8072), "8072");
Assert.AreEqual (209, *(scan + 9081), "9081");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 10090), "10090");
Assert.AreEqual (142, *(scan + 11099), "11099");
Assert.AreEqual (199, *(scan + 12108), "12108");
Assert.AreEqual (201, *(scan + 13117), "13117");
Assert.AreEqual (97, *(scan + 14126), "14126");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 15135), "15135");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 16144), "16144");
Assert.AreEqual (158, *(scan + 17153), "17153");
Assert.AreEqual (119, *(scan + 18162), "18162");
Assert.AreEqual (201, *(scan + 19171), "19171");
Assert.AreEqual (88, *(scan + 20180), "20180");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 21189), "21189");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 22198), "22198");
Assert.AreEqual (120, *(scan + 23207), "23207");
Assert.AreEqual (182, *(scan + 24216), "24216");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 25225), "25225");
Assert.AreEqual (71, *(scan + 26234), "26234");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 27243), "27243");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 28252), "28252");
Assert.AreEqual (120, *(scan + 29261), "29261");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 30270), "30270");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 31279), "31279");
Assert.AreEqual (71, *(scan + 32288), "32288");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 33297), "33297");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 34306), "34306");
Assert.AreEqual (210, *(scan + 35315), "35315");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 36324), "36324");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 37333), "37333");
Assert.AreEqual (97, *(scan + 38342), "38342");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 39351), "39351");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 40360), "40360");
Assert.AreEqual (235, *(scan + 41369), "41369");
Assert.AreEqual (238, *(scan + 42378), "42378");
Assert.AreEqual (117, *(scan + 43387), "43387");
Assert.AreEqual (158, *(scan + 44396), "44396");
Assert.AreEqual (170, *(scan + 45405), "45405");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 46414), "46414");
Assert.AreEqual (235, *(scan + 47423), "47423");
Assert.AreEqual (209, *(scan + 48432), "48432");
Assert.AreEqual (120, *(scan + 49441), "49441");
Assert.AreEqual (71, *(scan + 50450), "50450");
Assert.AreEqual (119, *(scan + 51459), "51459");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 52468), "52468");
Assert.AreEqual (235, *(scan + 53477), "53477");
Assert.AreEqual (209, *(scan + 54486), "54486");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 55495), "55495");
Assert.AreEqual (71, *(scan + 56504), "56504");
Assert.AreEqual (67, *(scan + 57513), "57513");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 58522), "58522");
Assert.AreEqual (167, *(scan + 59531), "59531");
Assert.AreEqual (67, *(scan + 60540), "60540");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 61549), "61549");
Assert.AreEqual (71, *(scan + 62558), "62558");
Assert.AreEqual (67, *(scan + 63567), "63567");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 64576), "64576");
Assert.AreEqual (120, *(scan + 65585), "65585");
Assert.AreEqual (182, *(scan + 66594), "66594");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 67603), "67603");
Assert.AreEqual (120, *(scan + 68612), "68612");
Assert.AreEqual (67, *(scan + 69621), "69621");
Assert.AreEqual (70, *(scan + 70630), "70630");
Assert.AreEqual (71, *(scan + 71639), "71639");
Assert.AreEqual (90, *(scan + 72648), "72648");
Assert.AreEqual (240, *(scan + 73657), "73657");
finally {
bmp.UnlockBits (data);
private void Save (PixelFormat original, PixelFormat expected, bool colorCheck)
string sOutFile = String.Format ("linerect{0}-{1}.png", getOutSufix (), expected.ToString ());
// Save
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (100, 100, original);
Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage (bmp);
using (Pen p = new Pen (Color.BlueViolet, 2)) {
gr.DrawLine (p, 10.0F, 10.0F, 90.0F, 90.0F);
gr.DrawRectangle (p, 10.0F, 10.0F, 80.0F, 80.0F);
try {
bmp.Save (sOutFile, ImageFormat.Png);
// Load
using (Bitmap bmpLoad = new Bitmap (sOutFile)) {
Assert.AreEqual (expected, bmpLoad.PixelFormat, "PixelFormat");
if (colorCheck) {
Color color = bmpLoad.GetPixel (10, 10);
Assert.AreEqual (Color.FromArgb (255, 138, 43, 226), color, "BlueViolet");
finally {
gr.Dispose ();
bmp.Dispose ();
try {
File.Delete (sOutFile);
catch {
public void Save_24bppRgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, true);
public void Save_32bppRgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);
public void Save_32bppArgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);
public void Save_32bppPArgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, true);
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void Save_48bppRgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb, PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb, false);
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void Save_64bppArgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb, PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb, false);
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void Save_64bppPArgb ()
Save (PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb, PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb, false);