387 lines
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387 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.Threading;
class MultipleReceiveBinder : IChannelBinder
internal static class MultipleReceiveDefaults
internal const int MaxPendingReceives = 1;
static AsyncCallback onInnerReceiveCompleted = Fx.ThunkCallback(OnInnerReceiveCompleted);
MultipleReceiveAsyncResult outstanding;
IChannelBinder channelBinder;
ReceiveScopeQueue pendingResults;
bool ordered;
public MultipleReceiveBinder(IChannelBinder channelBinder, int size, bool ordered)
this.ordered = ordered;
this.channelBinder = channelBinder;
this.pendingResults = new ReceiveScopeQueue(size);
public IChannel Channel
get { return this.channelBinder.Channel; }
public bool HasSession
get { return this.channelBinder.HasSession; }
public Uri ListenUri
get { return this.channelBinder.ListenUri; }
public EndpointAddress LocalAddress
get { return this.channelBinder.LocalAddress; }
public EndpointAddress RemoteAddress
get { return this.channelBinder.RemoteAddress; }
public void Abort()
public void CloseAfterFault(TimeSpan timeout)
public bool TryReceive(TimeSpan timeout, out RequestContext requestContext)
return this.channelBinder.TryReceive(timeout, out requestContext);
public IAsyncResult BeginTryReceive(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
// At anytime there can be only one thread in BeginTryReceive and the
// outstanding AsyncResult should have completed before the next one.
// There should be no pending oustanding result here.
Fx.AssertAndThrow(this.outstanding == null, "BeginTryReceive should not have a pending result.");
MultipleReceiveAsyncResult multipleReceiveResult = new MultipleReceiveAsyncResult(callback, state);
this.outstanding = multipleReceiveResult;
IAsyncResult innerResult;
if (this.pendingResults.TryDequeueHead(out innerResult))
HandleReceiveRequestComplete(innerResult, true);
return multipleReceiveResult;
void EnsurePump(TimeSpan timeout)
// ensure we're running at full throttle, the BeginTryReceive calls we make below on the
// IChannelBinder will typically complete future calls to BeginTryReceive made by CannelHandler
// corollary to that is that most times these calls will be completed sycnhronously
while (!this.pendingResults.IsFull)
ReceiveScopeSignalGate receiveScope = new ReceiveScopeSignalGate(this);
// Enqueue the result without locks since this is the pump.
// BeginTryReceive can be called only from one thread and
// the head is not yet unlocked so no items can proceed.
IAsyncResult result = this.channelBinder.BeginTryReceive(timeout, onInnerReceiveCompleted, receiveScope);
if (result.CompletedSynchronously)
static void OnInnerReceiveCompleted(IAsyncResult nestedResult)
if (nestedResult.CompletedSynchronously)
ReceiveScopeSignalGate thisPtr = nestedResult.AsyncState as ReceiveScopeSignalGate;
thisPtr.Binder.HandleReceiveAndSignalCompletion(nestedResult, false);
void HandleReceiveAndSignalCompletion(IAsyncResult nestedResult, bool completedSynchronosly)
if (SignalReceiveCompleted(nestedResult))
HandleReceiveRequestComplete(nestedResult, completedSynchronosly);
private bool SignalReceiveCompleted(IAsyncResult nestedResult)
if (this.ordered)
// Ordered recevies can proceed only if its own gate has
// been unlocked. Head is the only gate unlocked and only the
// result that owns the is the gate at the head can proceed.
return this.pendingResults.TrySignal((ReceiveScopeSignalGate)nestedResult.AsyncState, nestedResult);
// Unordered receives can proceed with any gate. If the is head
// is not unlocked by BeginTryReceive then the result will
// be put on the last pending gate.
return this.pendingResults.TrySignalPending(nestedResult);
void HandleReceiveRequestComplete(IAsyncResult innerResult, bool completedSynchronously)
MultipleReceiveAsyncResult receiveResult = this.outstanding;
Exception completionException = null;
Fx.AssertAndThrow(receiveResult != null, "HandleReceive invoked without an outstanding result");
// Cleanup states
this.outstanding = null;
// set the context on the outer result for the ChannelHandler.
RequestContext context;
receiveResult.Valid = this.channelBinder.EndTryReceive(innerResult, out context);
receiveResult.RequestContext = context;
catch (Exception ex)
if (Fx.IsFatal(ex))
completionException = ex;
receiveResult.Complete(completedSynchronously, completionException);
public bool EndTryReceive(IAsyncResult result, out RequestContext requestContext)
return MultipleReceiveAsyncResult.End(result, out requestContext);
public RequestContext CreateRequestContext(Message message)
return this.channelBinder.CreateRequestContext(message);
public void Send(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
this.channelBinder.Send(message, timeout);
public IAsyncResult BeginSend(Message message, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
return this.channelBinder.BeginSend(message, timeout, callback, state);
public void EndSend(IAsyncResult result)
public Message Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
return this.channelBinder.Request(message, timeout);
public IAsyncResult BeginRequest(Message message, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
return this.channelBinder.BeginRequest(message, timeout, callback, state);
public Message EndRequest(IAsyncResult result)
return this.channelBinder.EndRequest(result);
public bool WaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout)
return this.channelBinder.WaitForMessage(timeout);
public IAsyncResult BeginWaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
return this.channelBinder.BeginWaitForMessage(timeout, callback, state);
public bool EndWaitForMessage(IAsyncResult result)
return this.channelBinder.EndWaitForMessage(result);
class MultipleReceiveAsyncResult : AsyncResult
public MultipleReceiveAsyncResult(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
: base(callback, state)
public bool Valid
public RequestContext RequestContext
public new void Complete(bool completedSynchronously, Exception completionException)
base.Complete(completedSynchronously, completionException);
public static bool End(IAsyncResult result, out RequestContext context)
MultipleReceiveAsyncResult thisPtr = AsyncResult.End<MultipleReceiveAsyncResult>(result);
context = thisPtr.RequestContext;
return thisPtr.Valid;
class ReceiveScopeSignalGate : SignalGate<IAsyncResult>
public ReceiveScopeSignalGate(MultipleReceiveBinder binder)
this.Binder = binder;
public MultipleReceiveBinder Binder
private set;
class ReceiveScopeQueue
// This class is a circular queue with 2 pointers for pending items and head.
// Ordered Receives : The head is unlocked by BeginTryReceive. The ReceiveGate can signal only the
// the gate that it owns. If the gate is the head then it will proceed.
// Unordered Receives: Any pending item can be signalled. The pending index keeps track
// of results that haven't been completed. If the head is unlocked then it will proceed.
int pending;
int head;
int count;
readonly int size;
ReceiveScopeSignalGate[] items;
public ReceiveScopeQueue(int size)
this.size = size;
this.head = 0;
this.count = 0;
this.pending = 0;
items = new ReceiveScopeSignalGate[size];
internal bool IsFull
get { return this.count == this.size; }
internal void Enqueue(ReceiveScopeSignalGate receiveScope)
// This should only be called from EnsurePump which itself should only be
// BeginTryReceive. This makes sure that we don't need locks to enqueue an item.
Fx.AssertAndThrow(this.count < this.size, "Cannot Enqueue into a full queue.");
this.items[(this.head + this.count) % this.size] = receiveScope;
void Dequeue()
// Dequeue should not be called outside a signal/unlock boundary.
// There are no locks as this boundary ensures that only one thread
// Tries to dequeu an item either in the unlock or Signal thread.
Fx.AssertAndThrow(this.count > 0, "Cannot Dequeue and empty queue.");
this.items[head] = null;
this.head = (head + 1) % this.size;
internal bool TryDequeueHead(out IAsyncResult result)
// Invoked only from BeginTryReceive as only the main thread can
// dequeue the head and is Successful only if it's already been signaled and completed.
Fx.AssertAndThrow(this.count > 0, "Cannot unlock item when queue is empty");
if (this.items[head].Unlock(out result))
return true;
return false;
public bool TrySignal(ReceiveScopeSignalGate scope, IAsyncResult nestedResult)
// Ordered receives can only signal the gate that the AsyncResult owns.
// If the head has already been unlocked then it can proceed.
if (scope.Signal(nestedResult))
return true;
return false;
public bool TrySignalPending(IAsyncResult result)
// free index will wrap around and always return the next free index;
// Only the head of the queue can proceed as the head would be unlocked by
// BeginTryReceive. All other requests will just submit their completed result.
int nextPending = GetNextPending();
if (this.items[nextPending].Signal(result))
return true;
return false;
int GetNextPending()
int slot = this.pending;
while (true)
if (slot == (slot = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.pending, (slot + 1) % this.size, slot)))
return slot;