1235 lines
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1235 lines
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// System.Xml.XPath.DefaultContext & support classes
// Author:
// Piers Haken (piersh@friskit.com)
// (C) 2002 Piers Haken
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Xml.XPath
internal class XPathFunctions
public static bool ToBoolean (object arg)
if (arg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
if (arg is bool)
return (bool) arg;
if (arg is double)
double dArg = (double) arg;
return (dArg != 0.0 && !double.IsNaN (dArg));
if (arg is string)
return ((string) arg).Length != 0;
if (arg is XPathNodeIterator)
XPathNodeIterator iter = (XPathNodeIterator) arg;
return iter.MoveNext ();
if (arg is XPathNavigator)
return ToBoolean (((XPathNavigator) arg).SelectChildren (XPathNodeType.All));
throw new ArgumentException ();
public static bool ToBoolean (bool b)
return b;
public static bool ToBoolean (double d)
return d != 0.0 && !Double.IsNaN (d);
public static bool ToBoolean (string s)
return s != null && s.Length > 0;
public static bool ToBoolean (BaseIterator iter)
return iter != null && iter.MoveNext ();
public static string ToString (object arg)
if (arg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
if (arg is string)
return (string) arg;
if (arg is bool)
return ((bool) arg) ? "true" : "false";
if (arg is double)
return ToString ((double) arg);
if (arg is XPathNodeIterator)
XPathNodeIterator iter = (XPathNodeIterator) arg;
if (!iter.MoveNext ())
return "";
return iter.Current.Value;
if (arg is XPathNavigator)
return ((XPathNavigator) arg).Value;
throw new ArgumentException ();
public static string ToString (double d)
// See XPath 1.0 section 4.2
if (d == Double.NegativeInfinity)
return "-Infinity";
if (d == Double.PositiveInfinity)
return "Infinity";
return d.ToString ("R", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
public static double ToNumber (object arg)
if (arg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
if (arg is BaseIterator || arg is XPathNavigator)
arg = ToString (arg); // follow on
if (arg is string) {
string s = arg as string;
return ToNumber (s); // use explicit overload
if (arg is double)
return (double) arg;
if (arg is bool)
return Convert.ToDouble ((bool) arg);
throw new ArgumentException ();
public static double ToNumber (string arg)
if (arg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
string s = arg.Trim (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
if (s.Length == 0)
return double.NaN;
try {
// workaround for allowed ".xxx" style.
if (s [0] == '.')
s = '.' + s;
return Double.Parse (s, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
} catch (System.OverflowException) {
return double.NaN;
} catch (System.FormatException) {
return double.NaN;
internal abstract class XPathFunction : Expression
public XPathFunction (FunctionArguments args) {}
internal class XPathFunctionLast : XPathFunction
public XPathFunctionLast (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null)
throw new XPathException ("last takes 0 args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Number; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return (double) iter.Count;
public override string ToString ()
return "last()";
internal override bool IsPositional {
get { return true; }
internal class XPathFunctionPosition : XPathFunction
public XPathFunctionPosition (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null)
throw new XPathException ("position takes 0 args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Number; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return (double) iter.ComparablePosition;
public override string ToString ()
return "position()";
internal override bool IsPositional {
get { return true; }
internal class XPathFunctionCount : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionCount (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("count takes 1 arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Number; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return (double) arg0.EvaluateNodeSet (iter).Count;
public override bool EvaluateBoolean (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0.GetReturnType (iter) == XPathResultType.NodeSet)
return arg0.EvaluateBoolean (iter);
return arg0.EvaluateNodeSet (iter).MoveNext ();
public override string ToString ()
return "count(" + arg0.ToString () + ")";
internal class XPathFunctionId : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionId (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("id takes 1 arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
public Expression Id { get { return arg0; } }
private static char [] rgchWhitespace = {' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'};
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.NodeSet; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
String strArgs;
object val = arg0.Evaluate (iter);
XPathNodeIterator valItr = val as XPathNodeIterator;
if (valItr != null)
strArgs = "";
while (valItr.MoveNext ())
strArgs += valItr.Current.Value + " ";
strArgs = XPathFunctions.ToString (val);
XPathNavigator n = iter.Current.Clone ();
ArrayList rgNodes = new ArrayList ();
string [] ids = strArgs.Split (rgchWhitespace);
for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
if (n.MoveToId (ids [i]))
rgNodes.Add (n.Clone ());
rgNodes.Sort (XPathNavigatorComparer.Instance);
return new ListIterator (iter, rgNodes);
public override string ToString ()
return "id(" + arg0.ToString () + ")";
internal class XPathFunctionLocalName : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionLocalName (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("local-name takes 1 or zero args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0 == null)
return iter.Current.LocalName;
BaseIterator argNs = arg0.EvaluateNodeSet (iter);
if (argNs == null || !argNs.MoveNext ())
return "";
return argNs.Current.LocalName;
public override string ToString ()
return "local-name(" + arg0.ToString () + ")";
internal class XPathFunctionNamespaceUri : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionNamespaceUri (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("namespace-uri takes 1 or zero args");
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0 == null)
return iter.Current.NamespaceURI;
BaseIterator argNs = arg0.EvaluateNodeSet (iter);
if (argNs == null || !argNs.MoveNext ())
return "";
return argNs.Current.NamespaceURI;
public override string ToString ()
return "namespace-uri(" + arg0.ToString () + ")";
internal class XPathFunctionName : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionName (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("name takes 1 or zero args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0 == null)
return iter.Current.Name;
BaseIterator argNs = arg0.EvaluateNodeSet (iter);
if (argNs == null || !argNs.MoveNext ())
return "";
return argNs.Current.Name;
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat ("name(",
arg0 != null ? arg0.ToString () : String.Empty,
internal class XPathFunctionString : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionString (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("string takes 1 or zero args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0 == null)
return iter.Current.Value;
return arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
public override string ToString ()
return "string(" + arg0.ToString () + ")";
internal class XPathFunctionConcat : XPathFunction
ArrayList rgs;
public XPathFunctionConcat (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null)
throw new XPathException ("concat takes 2 or more args");
args.ToArrayList (rgs = new ArrayList ());
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get {
for (int i = 0; i < rgs.Count; i++)
if (!((Expression) rgs [i]).Peer)
return false;
return true;
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
int len = rgs.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
sb.Append (((Expression)rgs[i]).EvaluateString (iter));
return sb.ToString ();
public override string ToString ()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append ("concat(");
for (int i = 0; i < rgs.Count - 1; i++) {
sb.AppendFormat (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", rgs [i].ToString ());
sb.Append (',');
sb.AppendFormat (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", rgs [rgs.Count - 1].ToString ());
sb.Append (')');
return sb.ToString ();
internal class XPathFunctionStartsWith : XPathFunction
Expression arg0, arg1;
public XPathFunctionStartsWith (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null || args.Tail.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("starts-with takes 2 args");
arg0 = args.Arg;
arg1 = args.Tail.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Boolean; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer && arg1.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return arg0.EvaluateString (iter).StartsWith (arg1.EvaluateString (iter));
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat ("starts-with(", arg0.ToString (), ",", arg1.ToString (), ")");
internal class XPathFunctionContains : XPathFunction
Expression arg0, arg1;
public XPathFunctionContains (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null || args.Tail.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("contains takes 2 args");
arg0 = args.Arg;
arg1 = args.Tail.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Boolean; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer && arg1.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return arg0.EvaluateString (iter).IndexOf (arg1.EvaluateString (iter)) != -1;
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat ("contains(", arg0.ToString (), ",", arg1.ToString (), ")");
internal class XPathFunctionSubstringBefore : XPathFunction
Expression arg0, arg1;
public XPathFunctionSubstringBefore (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null || args.Tail.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("substring-before takes 2 args");
arg0 = args.Arg;
arg1 = args.Tail.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer && arg1.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
string str1 = arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
string str2 = arg1.EvaluateString (iter);
int ich = str1.IndexOf (str2);
if (ich <= 0)
return "";
return str1.Substring (0, ich);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat ("substring-before(", arg0.ToString (), ",", arg1.ToString (), ")");
internal class XPathFunctionSubstringAfter : XPathFunction
Expression arg0, arg1;
public XPathFunctionSubstringAfter (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null || args.Tail.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("substring-after takes 2 args");
arg0 = args.Arg;
arg1 = args.Tail.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer && arg1.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
string str1 = arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
string str2 = arg1.EvaluateString (iter);
int ich = str1.IndexOf (str2);
if (ich < 0)
return "";
return str1.Substring (ich + str2.Length);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat ("substring-after(", arg0.ToString (), ",", arg1.ToString (), ")");
internal class XPathFunctionSubstring : XPathFunction
Expression arg0, arg1, arg2;
public XPathFunctionSubstring (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null || (args.Tail.Tail != null && args.Tail.Tail.Tail != null))
throw new XPathException ("substring takes 2 or 3 args");
arg0 = args.Arg;
arg1 = args.Tail.Arg;
if (args.Tail.Tail != null)
arg2= args.Tail.Tail.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer && arg1.Peer && (arg2 != null ? arg2.Peer : true); }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
string str = arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
double ich = Math.Round (arg1.EvaluateNumber (iter)) - 1;
if (Double.IsNaN (ich) ||
Double.IsNegativeInfinity (ich) ||
ich >= (double) str.Length)
return "";
if (arg2 == null)
if (ich < 0)
ich = 0.0;
return str.Substring ((int) ich);
double cch = Math.Round (arg2.EvaluateNumber (iter));
if (Double.IsNaN (cch))
return "";
if (ich < 0.0 || cch < 0.0)
cch = ich + cch;
if (cch <= 0.0)
return "";
ich = 0.0;
double cchMax = (double) str.Length - ich;
if (cch > cchMax)
cch = cchMax;
return str.Substring ((int) ich, (int) cch);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {
"substring(", arg0.ToString (), ",", arg1.ToString (), ",", arg2.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionStringLength : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionStringLength (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("string-length takes 1 or zero args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Number; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
string str;
if (arg0 != null)
str = arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
str = iter.Current.Value;
return (double) str.Length;
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {
"string-length(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionNormalizeSpace : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionNormalizeSpace (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("normalize-space takes 1 or zero args");
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 !=null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
string str;
if (arg0 != null)
str = arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
str = iter.Current.Value;
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
bool fSpace = false;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {
char ch = str [i];
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
fSpace = true;
if (fSpace)
fSpace = false;
if (sb.Length > 0)
sb.Append (' ');
sb.Append (ch);
return sb.ToString ();
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {
arg0 != null ? arg0.ToString () : String.Empty,
internal class XPathFunctionTranslate : XPathFunction
Expression arg0, arg1, arg2;
public XPathFunctionTranslate (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail == null || args.Tail.Tail == null || args.Tail.Tail.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("translate takes 3 args");
arg0 = args.Arg;
arg1 = args.Tail.Arg;
arg2= args.Tail.Tail.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.String; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer && arg1.Peer && arg2.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
string s0 = arg0.EvaluateString (iter);
string s1 = arg1.EvaluateString (iter);
string s2 = arg2.EvaluateString (iter);
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder (s0.Length);
int pos = 0, len = s0.Length, s2len = s2.Length;
while (pos < len) {
int idx = s1.IndexOf (s0 [pos]);
if (idx != -1) {
if (idx < s2len)
ret.Append (s2 [idx]);
ret.Append (s0 [pos]);
return ret.ToString ();
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {
arg0.ToString (), ",",
arg1.ToString (), ",",
arg2.ToString (), ")"});
internal abstract class XPathBooleanFunction : XPathFunction
public XPathBooleanFunction (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Boolean; }}
public override object StaticValue {
get { return StaticValueAsBoolean; }
internal class XPathFunctionBoolean : XPathBooleanFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionBoolean (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("boolean takes 1 or zero args");
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0 == null)
return XPathFunctions.ToBoolean (iter.Current.Value);
return arg0.EvaluateBoolean (iter);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"boolean(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionNot : XPathBooleanFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionNot (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("not takes one arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return !arg0.EvaluateBoolean (iter);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"not(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionTrue : XPathBooleanFunction
public XPathFunctionTrue (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null)
throw new XPathException ("true takes 0 args");
public override bool HasStaticValue {
get { return true; }
public override bool StaticValueAsBoolean {
get { return true; }
internal override bool Peer {
get { return true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return true;
public override string ToString ()
return "true()";
internal class XPathFunctionFalse : XPathBooleanFunction
public XPathFunctionFalse (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null)
throw new XPathException ("false takes 0 args");
public override bool HasStaticValue {
get { return true; }
public override bool StaticValueAsBoolean {
get { return false; }
internal override bool Peer {
get { return true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return false;
public override string ToString ()
return "false()";
internal class XPathFunctionLang : XPathFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionLang (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("lang takes one arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Boolean; }}
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return EvaluateBoolean (iter);
public override bool EvaluateBoolean (BaseIterator iter)
string lang = arg0.EvaluateString (iter).ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
string actualLang = iter.Current.XmlLang.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return lang == actualLang || lang == (actualLang.Split ('-')[0]);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"lang(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal abstract class XPathNumericFunction : XPathFunction
internal XPathNumericFunction (FunctionArguments args)
: base (args)
public override XPathResultType ReturnType { get { return XPathResultType.Number; }}
public override object StaticValue {
get { return StaticValueAsNumber; }
internal class XPathFunctionNumber : XPathNumericFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionNumber (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args != null) {
arg0 = args.Arg;
if (args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("number takes 1 or zero args");
public override Expression Optimize ()
if (arg0 == null)
return this;
arg0 = arg0.Optimize ();
return !arg0.HasStaticValue ?
(Expression) this :
new ExprNumber (StaticValueAsNumber);
public override bool HasStaticValue {
get { return arg0 != null && arg0.HasStaticValue; }
public override double StaticValueAsNumber {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.StaticValueAsNumber : 0; }
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0 != null ? arg0.Peer : true; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
if (arg0 == null)
return XPathFunctions.ToNumber (iter.Current.Value);
return arg0.EvaluateNumber (iter);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"number(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionSum : XPathNumericFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionSum (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("sum takes one arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
XPathNodeIterator itr = arg0.EvaluateNodeSet (iter);
double sum = 0;
while (itr.MoveNext ())
sum += XPathFunctions.ToNumber (itr.Current.Value);
return sum;
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"sum(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionFloor : XPathNumericFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionFloor (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("floor takes one arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
public override bool HasStaticValue {
get { return arg0.HasStaticValue; }
public override double StaticValueAsNumber {
get { return HasStaticValue ? Math.Floor (arg0.StaticValueAsNumber) : 0; }
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return Math.Floor (arg0.EvaluateNumber (iter));
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"floor(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionCeil : XPathNumericFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionCeil (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("ceil takes one arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
public override bool HasStaticValue {
get { return arg0.HasStaticValue; }
public override double StaticValueAsNumber {
get { return HasStaticValue ? Math.Ceiling (arg0.StaticValueAsNumber) : 0; }
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return Math.Ceiling (arg0.EvaluateNumber (iter));
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"ceil(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});
internal class XPathFunctionRound : XPathNumericFunction
Expression arg0;
public XPathFunctionRound (FunctionArguments args) : base (args)
if (args == null || args.Tail != null)
throw new XPathException ("round takes one arg");
arg0 = args.Arg;
public override bool HasStaticValue {
get { return arg0.HasStaticValue; }
public override double StaticValueAsNumber {
get { return HasStaticValue ? Round (arg0.StaticValueAsNumber) : 0; }
internal override bool Peer {
get { return arg0.Peer; }
public override object Evaluate (BaseIterator iter)
return Round (arg0.EvaluateNumber (iter));
private double Round (double arg)
if (arg < -0.5 || arg > 0)
return Math.Floor (arg + 0.5);
return Math.Round (arg);
public override string ToString ()
return String.Concat (new string [] {"round(", arg0.ToString (), ")"});