Jo Shields a575963da9 Imported Upstream version 3.6.0
Former-commit-id: da6be194a6b1221998fc28233f2503bd61dd9d14
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00

655 lines
29 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Type Name="AutoCompleteStringCollection" FullName="System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class AutoCompleteStringCollection : System.Collections.IList" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Contains a collection of strings to use for the auto-complete feature on certain Windows Forms controls. </para>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public AutoCompleteStringCollection ();" />
<Parameters />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> class. </para>
<Member MemberName="Add">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public int Add (string value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.String" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Inserts a new <see cref="T:System.String" /> into the collection.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The position in the collection where the <see cref="T:System.String" /> was added.</para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The <see cref="T:System.String" /> to add to the collection.</param>
<Member MemberName="AddRange">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void AddRange (string[] value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.String[]" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Adds the elements of a <see cref="T:System.String" /> collection to the end. </para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The strings to add to the collection.</param>
<Member MemberName="Clear">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Clear ();" />
<Parameters />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Removes all strings from the collection.</para>
<Member MemberName="CollectionChanged">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public event System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged;" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Occurs when the collection changes.</para>
<Member MemberName="Contains">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool Contains (string value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.String" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.String" /> exists within the collection.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>true if the <see cref="T:System.String" /> exists within the collection; otherwise, false.</para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The <see cref="T:System.String" /> for which to search.</param>
<Member MemberName="CopyTo">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void CopyTo (string[] array, int index);" />
<Parameter Name="array" Type="System.String[]" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Copies an array of <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects into the collection, starting at the specified position.</para>
<param name="array">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects to add to the collection.</param>
<param name="index">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The position within the collection at which to start the insertion. </param>
<Member MemberName="Count">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public int Count { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets the number of items in the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> .</para>
<Member MemberName="GetEnumerator">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ();" />
<Parameters />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" />.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>An enumerator that iterates through the collection.</para>
<Member MemberName="IndexOf">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public int IndexOf (string value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.String" />
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The <see cref="M:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection.IndexOf(System.String)" /> returns the index for the first occurrence of the string within the collection.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Obtains the position of the specified string within the collection.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The index for the specified item.</para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The <see cref="T:System.String" /> for which to search.</param>
<Member MemberName="Insert">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Insert (int index, string value);" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.String" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Inserts the string into a specific index in the collection.</para>
<param name="index">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The position at which to insert the string.</param>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The string to insert.</param>
<Member MemberName="IsReadOnly">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsReadOnly { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets a value indicating whether the contents of the collection are read-only.</para>
<Member MemberName="IsSynchronized">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public bool IsSynchronized { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets a value indicating whether access to the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe).</para>
<Member MemberName="Item">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public string this[int index] { set; get; }" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<param name="index">To be added.</param>
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<Member MemberName="OnCollectionChanged">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected void OnCollectionChanged (System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs e);" />
<Parameter Name="e" Type="System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection.CollectionChanged" /> event. </para>
<param name="e">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />A <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>
<Member MemberName="Remove">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void Remove (string value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.String" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Removes a string from the collection. </para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The <see cref="T:System.String" /> to remove.</param>
<Member MemberName="RemoveAt">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public void RemoveAt (int index);" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Removes the string at the specified index.</para>
<param name="index">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The zero-based index of the string to remove.</param>
<Member MemberName="SyncRoot">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public object SyncRoot { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<since version=".NET 2.0" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" />.</para>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index);" />
<Parameter Name="array" Type="System.Array" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Copies the strings of the collection to an <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at a particular <see cref="T:System.Array" /> index. For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)" />.</para>
<param name="array">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the strings copied from collection. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing.</param>
<param name="index">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.Add">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="int IList.Add (object value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.Object" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Adds a string to the collection. For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Collections.IList.Add(System.Object)" />.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The index at which the <paramref name="value" /> has been added. </para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The string to be added to the collection</param>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.Contains">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="bool IList.Contains (object value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.Object" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Determines where the collection contains a specified string. For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Collections.IList.Contains(System.Object)" />.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>true if <paramref name="value" /> is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The string to locate in the collection.</param>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.IndexOf">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="int IList.IndexOf (object value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.Object" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Determines the index of a specified string in the collection. For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(System.Object)" />.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>The index of <paramref name="value" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The string to locate in the collection.</param>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.Insert">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="void IList.Insert (int index, object value);" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.Object" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Inserts an item to the collection at the specified index. For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Collections.IList.Insert(System.Int32,System.Object)" />.</para>
<param name="index">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The zero-based index at which <paramref name="value" /> should be inserted.</param>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The string to insert into the collection.</param>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. For a description of this member, see <see cref="P:System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize" />.</para>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. For a description of this member, see <see cref="P:System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly" />.</para>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.Item">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="object System.Collections.IList.Item[int index] { set; get; }" />
<Parameter Name="index" Type="System.Int32" />
<param name="index">To be added.</param>
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="System.Collections.IList.Remove">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="void IList.Remove (object value);" />
<Parameter Name="value" Type="System.Object" />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection" /> instance is cast to an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> interface.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Removes the first occurrence of a specific string from the collection. For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Collections.IList.Remove(System.Object)" />.</para>
<param name="value">
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />The string to remove from the collection.</param>