1432 lines
32 KiB
1432 lines
32 KiB
// getline.cs: A command line editor
// Authors:
// Miguel de Icaza (miguel@novell.com)
// Copyright 2008 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2016 Xamarin Inc
// Completion wanted:
// * Enable bash-like completion window the window as an option for non-GUI people?
// * Continue completing when Backspace is used?
// * Should we keep the auto-complete on "."?
// * Completion produces an error if the value is not resolvable, we should hide those errors
// Dual-licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 license or the
// Apache License 2.0
// USE -define:DEMO to build this as a standalone file and test it
// TODO:
// Enter an error (a = 1); Notice how the prompt is in the wrong line
// This is caused by Stderr not being tracked by System.Console.
// Completion support
// Why is Thread.Interrupt not working? Currently I resort to Abort which is too much.
// Limitations in System.Console:
// Console needs SIGWINCH support of some sort
// Console needs a way of updating its position after things have been written
// behind its back (P/Invoke puts for example).
// System.Console needs to get the DELETE character, and report accordingly.
// Bug:
// About 8 lines missing, type "Con<TAB>" and not enough lines are inserted at the bottom.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Mono.Terminal {
public class LineEditor {
public class Completion {
public string [] Result;
public string Prefix;
public Completion (string prefix, string [] result)
Prefix = prefix;
Result = result;
public delegate Completion AutoCompleteHandler (string text, int pos);
// null does nothing, "csharp" uses some heuristics that make sense for C#
public string HeuristicsMode;
//static StreamWriter log;
// The text being edited.
StringBuilder text;
// The text as it is rendered (replaces (char)1 with ^A on display for example).
StringBuilder rendered_text;
// The prompt specified, and the prompt shown to the user.
string prompt;
string shown_prompt;
// The current cursor position, indexes into "text", for an index
// into rendered_text, use TextToRenderPos
int cursor;
// The row where we started displaying data.
int home_row;
// The maximum length that has been displayed on the screen
int max_rendered;
// If we are done editing, this breaks the interactive loop
bool done = false;
// The thread where the Editing started taking place
Thread edit_thread;
// Our object that tracks history
History history;
// The contents of the kill buffer (cut/paste in Emacs parlance)
string kill_buffer = "";
// The string being searched for
string search;
string last_search;
// whether we are searching (-1= reverse; 0 = no; 1 = forward)
int searching;
// The position where we found the match.
int match_at;
// Used to implement the Kill semantics (multiple Alt-Ds accumulate)
KeyHandler last_handler;
// If we have a popup completion, this is not null and holds the state.
CompletionState current_completion;
// If this is set, it contains an escape sequence to reset the Unix colors to the ones that were used on startup
static byte [] unix_reset_colors;
// This contains a raw stream pointing to stdout, used to bypass the TermInfoDriver
static Stream unix_raw_output;
delegate void KeyHandler ();
struct Handler {
public ConsoleKeyInfo CKI;
public KeyHandler KeyHandler;
public bool ResetCompletion;
public Handler (ConsoleKey key, KeyHandler h, bool resetCompletion = true)
CKI = new ConsoleKeyInfo ((char) 0, key, false, false, false);
KeyHandler = h;
ResetCompletion = resetCompletion;
public Handler (char c, KeyHandler h, bool resetCompletion = true)
KeyHandler = h;
// Use the "Zoom" as a flag that we only have a character.
CKI = new ConsoleKeyInfo (c, ConsoleKey.Zoom, false, false, false);
ResetCompletion = resetCompletion;
public Handler (ConsoleKeyInfo cki, KeyHandler h, bool resetCompletion = true)
CKI = cki;
KeyHandler = h;
ResetCompletion = resetCompletion;
public static Handler Control (char c, KeyHandler h, bool resetCompletion = true)
return new Handler ((char) (c - 'A' + 1), h, resetCompletion);
public static Handler Alt (char c, ConsoleKey k, KeyHandler h)
ConsoleKeyInfo cki = new ConsoleKeyInfo ((char) c, k, false, true, false);
return new Handler (cki, h);
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the user requests auto-completion using the tab character
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The result is null for no values found, an array with a single
/// string, in that case the string should be the text to be inserted
/// for example if the word at pos is "T", the result for a completion
/// of "ToString" should be "oString", not "ToString".
/// When there are multiple results, the result should be the full
/// text
/// </remarks>
public AutoCompleteHandler AutoCompleteEvent;
static Handler [] handlers;
public LineEditor (string name) : this (name, 10) { }
public LineEditor (string name, int histsize)
handlers = new Handler [] {
new Handler (ConsoleKey.Home, CmdHome),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.End, CmdEnd),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, CmdLeft),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.RightArrow, CmdRight),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.UpArrow, CmdUp, resetCompletion: false),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.DownArrow, CmdDown, resetCompletion: false),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.Enter, CmdDone, resetCompletion: false),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.Backspace, CmdBackspace, resetCompletion: false),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.Delete, CmdDeleteChar),
new Handler (ConsoleKey.Tab, CmdTabOrComplete, resetCompletion: false),
// Emacs keys
Handler.Control ('A', CmdHome),
Handler.Control ('E', CmdEnd),
Handler.Control ('B', CmdLeft),
Handler.Control ('F', CmdRight),
Handler.Control ('P', CmdUp, resetCompletion: false),
Handler.Control ('N', CmdDown, resetCompletion: false),
Handler.Control ('K', CmdKillToEOF),
Handler.Control ('Y', CmdYank),
Handler.Control ('D', CmdDeleteChar),
Handler.Control ('L', CmdRefresh),
Handler.Control ('R', CmdReverseSearch),
Handler.Control ('G', delegate {} ),
Handler.Alt ('B', ConsoleKey.B, CmdBackwardWord),
Handler.Alt ('F', ConsoleKey.F, CmdForwardWord),
Handler.Alt ('D', ConsoleKey.D, CmdDeleteWord),
Handler.Alt ((char) 8, ConsoleKey.Backspace, CmdDeleteBackword),
//Handler.Control ('T', CmdDebug),
// quote
Handler.Control ('Q', delegate { HandleChar (Console.ReadKey (true).KeyChar); })
rendered_text = new StringBuilder ();
text = new StringBuilder ();
history = new History (name, histsize);
GetUnixConsoleReset ();
//if (File.Exists ("log"))File.Delete ("log");
//log = File.CreateText ("log");
// On Unix, there is a "default" color which is not represented by any colors in
// ConsoleColor and it is not possible to set is by setting the ForegroundColor or
// BackgroundColor properties, so we have to use the terminfo driver in Mono to
// fetch these values
void GetUnixConsoleReset ()
// On Unix, we want to be able to reset the color for the pop-up completion
int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
var is_unix = (p == 4) || (p == 128);
if (!is_unix)
// Sole purpose of this call is to initialize the Terminfo driver
var x = Console.CursorLeft;
try {
var terminfo_driver = Type.GetType ("System.ConsoleDriver")?.GetField ("driver", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.GetValue (null);
if (terminfo_driver == null)
var unix_reset_colors_str = (terminfo_driver?.GetType ()?.GetField ("origPair", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic))?.GetValue (terminfo_driver) as string;
if (unix_reset_colors_str != null)
unix_reset_colors = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ((string)unix_reset_colors_str);
unix_raw_output = Console.OpenStandardOutput ();
} catch (Exception e){
Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + e);
void CmdDebug ()
history.Dump ();
Console.WriteLine ();
Render ();
void Render ()
Console.Write (shown_prompt);
Console.Write (rendered_text);
int max = System.Math.Max (rendered_text.Length + shown_prompt.Length, max_rendered);
for (int i = rendered_text.Length + shown_prompt.Length; i < max_rendered; i++)
Console.Write (' ');
max_rendered = shown_prompt.Length + rendered_text.Length;
// Write one more to ensure that we always wrap around properly if we are at the
// end of a line.
Console.Write (' ');
UpdateHomeRow (max);
void UpdateHomeRow (int screenpos)
int lines = 1 + (screenpos / Console.WindowWidth);
home_row = Console.CursorTop - (lines - 1);
if (home_row < 0)
home_row = 0;
void RenderFrom (int pos)
int rpos = TextToRenderPos (pos);
int i;
for (i = rpos; i < rendered_text.Length; i++)
Console.Write (rendered_text [i]);
if ((shown_prompt.Length + rendered_text.Length) > max_rendered)
max_rendered = shown_prompt.Length + rendered_text.Length;
else {
int max_extra = max_rendered - shown_prompt.Length;
for (; i < max_extra; i++)
Console.Write (' ');
void ComputeRendered ()
rendered_text.Length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++){
int c = (int) text [i];
if (c < 26){
if (c == '\t')
rendered_text.Append (" ");
else {
rendered_text.Append ('^');
rendered_text.Append ((char) (c + (int) 'A' - 1));
} else
rendered_text.Append ((char)c);
int TextToRenderPos (int pos)
int p = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++){
int c;
c = (int) text [i];
if (c < 26){
if (c == 9)
p += 4;
p += 2;
} else
return p;
int TextToScreenPos (int pos)
return shown_prompt.Length + TextToRenderPos (pos);
string Prompt {
get { return prompt; }
set { prompt = value; }
int LineCount {
get {
return (shown_prompt.Length + rendered_text.Length)/Console.WindowWidth;
void ForceCursor (int newpos)
cursor = newpos;
int actual_pos = shown_prompt.Length + TextToRenderPos (cursor);
int row = home_row + (actual_pos/Console.WindowWidth);
int col = actual_pos % Console.WindowWidth;
if (row >= Console.BufferHeight)
row = Console.BufferHeight-1;
Console.SetCursorPosition (col, row);
//log.WriteLine ("Going to cursor={0} row={1} col={2} actual={3} prompt={4} ttr={5} old={6}", newpos, row, col, actual_pos, prompt.Length, TextToRenderPos (cursor), cursor);
//log.Flush ();
void UpdateCursor (int newpos)
if (cursor == newpos)
ForceCursor (newpos);
void InsertChar (char c)
int prev_lines = LineCount;
text = text.Insert (cursor, c);
ComputeRendered ();
if (prev_lines != LineCount){
Console.SetCursorPosition (0, home_row);
Render ();
ForceCursor (++cursor);
} else {
RenderFrom (cursor);
ForceCursor (++cursor);
UpdateHomeRow (TextToScreenPos (cursor));
static void SaveExcursion (Action code)
var saved_col = Console.CursorLeft;
var saved_row = Console.CursorTop;
var saved_fore = Console.ForegroundColor;
var saved_back = Console.BackgroundColor;
code ();
Console.CursorLeft = saved_col;
Console.CursorTop = saved_row;
if (unix_reset_colors != null){
unix_raw_output.Write (unix_reset_colors, 0, unix_reset_colors.Length);
} else {
Console.ForegroundColor = saved_fore;
Console.BackgroundColor = saved_back;
class CompletionState {
public string Prefix;
public string [] Completions;
public int Col, Row, Width, Height;
int selected_item, top_item;
public CompletionState (int col, int row, int width, int height)
Col = col;
Row = row;
Width = width;
Height = height;
if (Col < 0)
throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot be less than zero" + Col, "Col");
if (Row < 0)
throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot be less than zero", "Row");
if (Width < 1)
throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot be less than one", "Width");
if (Height < 1)
throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot be less than one", "Height");
void DrawSelection ()
for (int r = 0; r < Height; r++){
int item_idx = top_item + r;
bool selected = (item_idx == selected_item);
Console.ForegroundColor = selected ? ConsoleColor.Black : ConsoleColor.Gray;
Console.BackgroundColor = selected ? ConsoleColor.Cyan : ConsoleColor.Blue;
var item = Prefix + Completions [item_idx];
if (item.Length > Width)
item = item.Substring (0, Width);
Console.CursorLeft = Col;
Console.CursorTop = Row + r;
Console.Write (item);
for (int space = item.Length; space <= Width; space++)
Console.Write (" ");
public string Current {
get {
return Completions [selected_item];
public void Show ()
SaveExcursion (DrawSelection);
public void SelectNext ()
if (selected_item+1 < Completions.Length){
if (selected_item + top_item >= Height)
SaveExcursion (DrawSelection);
public void SelectPrevious ()
if (selected_item > 0){
if (selected_item < top_item)
top_item = selected_item;
SaveExcursion (DrawSelection);
void Clear ()
for (int r = 0; r < Height; r++){
Console.CursorLeft = Col;
Console.CursorTop = Row + r;
for (int space = 0; space <= Width; space++)
Console.Write (" ");
public void Remove ()
SaveExcursion (Clear);
void ShowCompletions (string prefix, string [] completions)
// Ensure we have space, determine window size
int window_height = System.Math.Min (completions.Length, Console.WindowHeight/5);
int target_line = Console.WindowHeight-window_height-1;
if (Console.CursorTop > target_line){
var saved_left = Console.CursorLeft;
var delta = Console.CursorTop-target_line;
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Console.CursorTop = Console.WindowHeight-1;
for (int i = 0; i < delta+1; i++){
for (int c = Console.WindowWidth; c > 0; c--)
Console.Write (" "); // To debug use ("{0}", i%10);
Console.CursorTop = target_line;
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Render ();
const int MaxWidth = 50;
int window_width = 12;
int plen = prefix.Length;
foreach (var s in completions)
window_width = System.Math.Max (plen + s.Length, window_width);
window_width = System.Math.Min (window_width, MaxWidth);
if (current_completion == null){
int left = Console.CursorLeft-prefix.Length;
if (left + window_width + 1 >= Console.WindowWidth)
left = Console.WindowWidth-window_width-1;
current_completion = new CompletionState (left, Console.CursorTop+1, window_width, window_height) {
Prefix = prefix,
Completions = completions,
} else {
current_completion.Prefix = prefix;
current_completion.Completions = completions;
current_completion.Show ();
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
void HideCompletions ()
if (current_completion == null)
current_completion.Remove ();
current_completion = null;
// Triggers the completion engine, if insertBestMatch is true, then this will
// insert the best match found, this behaves like the shell "tab" which will
// complete as much as possible given the options.
void Complete ()
Completion completion = AutoCompleteEvent (text.ToString (), cursor);
string [] completions = completion.Result;
if (completions == null){
HideCompletions ();
int ncompletions = completions.Length;
if (ncompletions == 0){
HideCompletions ();
if (completions.Length == 1){
InsertTextAtCursor (completions [0]);
HideCompletions ();
} else {
int last = -1;
for (int p = 0; p < completions [0].Length; p++){
char c = completions [0][p];
for (int i = 1; i < ncompletions; i++){
if (completions [i].Length < p)
goto mismatch;
if (completions [i][p] != c){
goto mismatch;
last = p;
var prefix = completion.Prefix;
if (last != -1){
InsertTextAtCursor (completions [0].Substring (0, last+1));
// Adjust the completions to skip the common prefix
prefix += completions [0].Substring (0, last+1);
for (int i = 0; i < completions.Length; i++)
completions [i] = completions [i].Substring (last+1);
ShowCompletions (prefix, completions);
Render ();
ForceCursor (cursor);
// When the user has triggered a completion window, this will try to update
// the contents of it. The completion window is assumed to be hidden at this
// point
void UpdateCompletionWindow ()
if (current_completion != null)
throw new Exception ("This method should only be called if the window has been hidden");
Completion completion = AutoCompleteEvent (text.ToString (), cursor);
string [] completions = completion.Result;
if (completions == null)
int ncompletions = completions.Length;
if (ncompletions == 0)
ShowCompletions (completion.Prefix, completion.Result);
Render ();
ForceCursor (cursor);
// Commands
void CmdDone ()
if (current_completion != null){
InsertTextAtCursor (current_completion.Current);
HideCompletions ();
done = true;
void CmdTabOrComplete ()
bool complete = false;
if (AutoCompleteEvent != null){
if (TabAtStartCompletes)
complete = true;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++){
if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace (text [i])){
complete = true;
if (complete)
Complete ();
HandleChar ('\t');
} else
HandleChar ('t');
void CmdHome ()
UpdateCursor (0);
void CmdEnd ()
UpdateCursor (text.Length);
void CmdLeft ()
if (cursor == 0)
UpdateCursor (cursor-1);
void CmdBackwardWord ()
int p = WordBackward (cursor);
if (p == -1)
UpdateCursor (p);
void CmdForwardWord ()
int p = WordForward (cursor);
if (p == -1)
UpdateCursor (p);
void CmdRight ()
if (cursor == text.Length)
UpdateCursor (cursor+1);
void RenderAfter (int p)
ForceCursor (p);
RenderFrom (p);
ForceCursor (cursor);
void CmdBackspace ()
if (cursor == 0)
bool completing = current_completion != null;
HideCompletions ();
text.Remove (--cursor, 1);
ComputeRendered ();
RenderAfter (cursor);
if (completing)
UpdateCompletionWindow ();
void CmdDeleteChar ()
// If there is no input, this behaves like EOF
if (text.Length == 0){
done = true;
text = null;
Console.WriteLine ();
if (cursor == text.Length)
text.Remove (cursor, 1);
ComputeRendered ();
RenderAfter (cursor);
int WordForward (int p)
if (p >= text.Length)
return -1;
int i = p;
if (Char.IsPunctuation (text [p]) || Char.IsSymbol (text [p]) || Char.IsWhiteSpace (text[p])){
for (; i < text.Length; i++){
if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit (text [i]))
for (; i < text.Length; i++){
if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (text [i]))
} else {
for (; i < text.Length; i++){
if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (text [i]))
if (i != p)
return i;
return -1;
int WordBackward (int p)
if (p == 0)
return -1;
int i = p-1;
if (i == 0)
return 0;
if (Char.IsPunctuation (text [i]) || Char.IsSymbol (text [i]) || Char.IsWhiteSpace (text[i])){
for (; i >= 0; i--){
if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit (text [i]))
for (; i >= 0; i--){
if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (text[i]))
} else {
for (; i >= 0; i--){
if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (text [i]))
if (i != p)
return i;
return -1;
void CmdDeleteWord ()
int pos = WordForward (cursor);
if (pos == -1)
string k = text.ToString (cursor, pos-cursor);
if (last_handler == CmdDeleteWord)
kill_buffer = kill_buffer + k;
kill_buffer = k;
text.Remove (cursor, pos-cursor);
ComputeRendered ();
RenderAfter (cursor);
void CmdDeleteBackword ()
int pos = WordBackward (cursor);
if (pos == -1)
string k = text.ToString (pos, cursor-pos);
if (last_handler == CmdDeleteBackword)
kill_buffer = k + kill_buffer;
kill_buffer = k;
text.Remove (pos, cursor-pos);
ComputeRendered ();
RenderAfter (pos);
// Adds the current line to the history if needed
void HistoryUpdateLine ()
history.Update (text.ToString ());
void CmdHistoryPrev ()
if (!history.PreviousAvailable ())
HistoryUpdateLine ();
SetText (history.Previous ());
void CmdHistoryNext ()
if (!history.NextAvailable())
history.Update (text.ToString ());
SetText (history.Next ());
void CmdUp ()
if (current_completion == null)
CmdHistoryPrev ();
current_completion.SelectPrevious ();
void CmdDown ()
if (current_completion == null)
CmdHistoryNext ();
current_completion.SelectNext ();
void CmdKillToEOF ()
kill_buffer = text.ToString (cursor, text.Length-cursor);
text.Length = cursor;
ComputeRendered ();
RenderAfter (cursor);
void CmdYank ()
InsertTextAtCursor (kill_buffer);
void InsertTextAtCursor (string str)
int prev_lines = LineCount;
text.Insert (cursor, str);
ComputeRendered ();
if (prev_lines != LineCount){
Console.SetCursorPosition (0, home_row);
Render ();
cursor += str.Length;
ForceCursor (cursor);
} else {
RenderFrom (cursor);
cursor += str.Length;
ForceCursor (cursor);
UpdateHomeRow (TextToScreenPos (cursor));
void SetSearchPrompt (string s)
SetPrompt ("(reverse-i-search)`" + s + "': ");
void ReverseSearch ()
int p;
if (cursor == text.Length){
// The cursor is at the end of the string
p = text.ToString ().LastIndexOf (search);
if (p != -1){
match_at = p;
cursor = p;
ForceCursor (cursor);
} else {
// The cursor is somewhere in the middle of the string
int start = (cursor == match_at) ? cursor - 1 : cursor;
if (start != -1){
p = text.ToString ().LastIndexOf (search, start);
if (p != -1){
match_at = p;
cursor = p;
ForceCursor (cursor);
// Need to search backwards in history
HistoryUpdateLine ();
string s = history.SearchBackward (search);
if (s != null){
match_at = -1;
SetText (s);
ReverseSearch ();
void CmdReverseSearch ()
if (searching == 0){
match_at = -1;
last_search = search;
searching = -1;
search = "";
SetSearchPrompt ("");
} else {
if (search == ""){
if (last_search != "" && last_search != null){
search = last_search;
SetSearchPrompt (search);
ReverseSearch ();
ReverseSearch ();
void SearchAppend (char c)
search = search + c;
SetSearchPrompt (search);
// If the new typed data still matches the current text, stay here
if (cursor < text.Length){
string r = text.ToString (cursor, text.Length - cursor);
if (r.StartsWith (search))
ReverseSearch ();
void CmdRefresh ()
Console.Clear ();
max_rendered = 0;
Render ();
ForceCursor (cursor);
void InterruptEdit (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs a)
// Do not abort our program:
a.Cancel = true;
// Interrupt the editor
// Implements heuristics to show the completion window based on the mode
bool HeuristicAutoComplete (bool wasCompleting, char insertedChar)
if (HeuristicsMode == "csharp"){
// csharp heuristics
if (wasCompleting){
if (insertedChar == ' '){
return false;
return true;
// If we were not completing, determine if we want to now
if (insertedChar == '.'){
// Avoid completing for numbers "1.2" for example
if (cursor > 1 && Char.IsDigit (text[cursor-2])){
for (int p = cursor-3; p >= 0; p--){
char c = text[p];
if (Char.IsDigit (c))
if (c == '_')
return true;
if (Char.IsLetter (c) || Char.IsPunctuation (c) || Char.IsSymbol (c) || Char.IsControl (c))
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
void HandleChar (char c)
if (searching != 0)
SearchAppend (c);
else {
bool completing = current_completion != null;
HideCompletions ();
InsertChar (c);
if (HeuristicAutoComplete (completing, c))
UpdateCompletionWindow ();
void EditLoop ()
ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
while (!done){
ConsoleModifiers mod;
cki = Console.ReadKey (true);
if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape){
if (current_completion != null){
HideCompletions ();
} else {
cki = Console.ReadKey (true);
mod = ConsoleModifiers.Alt;
} else
mod = cki.Modifiers;
bool handled = false;
foreach (Handler handler in handlers){
ConsoleKeyInfo t = handler.CKI;
if (t.Key == cki.Key && t.Modifiers == mod){
handled = true;
if (handler.ResetCompletion)
HideCompletions ();
handler.KeyHandler ();
last_handler = handler.KeyHandler;
} else if (t.KeyChar == cki.KeyChar && t.Key == ConsoleKey.Zoom){
handled = true;
if (handler.ResetCompletion)
HideCompletions ();
handler.KeyHandler ();
last_handler = handler.KeyHandler;
if (handled){
if (searching != 0){
if (last_handler != CmdReverseSearch){
searching = 0;
SetPrompt (prompt);
if (cki.KeyChar != (char) 0){
HandleChar (cki.KeyChar);
void InitText (string initial)
text = new StringBuilder (initial);
ComputeRendered ();
cursor = text.Length;
Render ();
ForceCursor (cursor);
void SetText (string newtext)
Console.SetCursorPosition (0, home_row);
InitText (newtext);
void SetPrompt (string newprompt)
shown_prompt = newprompt;
Console.SetCursorPosition (0, home_row);
Render ();
ForceCursor (cursor);
public string Edit (string prompt, string initial)
edit_thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
searching = 0;
Console.CancelKeyPress += InterruptEdit;
done = false;
history.CursorToEnd ();
max_rendered = 0;
Prompt = prompt;
shown_prompt = prompt;
InitText (initial);
history.Append (initial);
do {
try {
EditLoop ();
} catch (ThreadAbortException){
searching = 0;
Thread.ResetAbort ();
Console.WriteLine ();
SetPrompt (prompt);
SetText ("");
} while (!done);
Console.WriteLine ();
Console.CancelKeyPress -= InterruptEdit;
if (text == null){
history.Close ();
return null;
string result = text.ToString ();
if (result != "")
history.Accept (result);
history.RemoveLast ();
return result;
public void SaveHistory ()
if (history != null) {
history.Close ();
public bool TabAtStartCompletes { get; set; }
// Emulates the bash-like behavior, where edits done to the
// history are recorded
class History {
string [] history;
int head, tail;
int cursor, count;
string histfile;
public History (string app, int size)
if (size < 1)
throw new ArgumentException ("size");
if (app != null){
string dir = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
//Console.WriteLine (dir);
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)){
try {
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
} catch {
app = null;
if (app != null)
histfile = Path.Combine (dir, app) + ".history";
history = new string [size];
head = tail = cursor = 0;
if (File.Exists (histfile)){
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText (histfile)){
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) != null){
if (line != "")
Append (line);
public void Close ()
if (histfile == null)
try {
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText (histfile)){
int start = (count == history.Length) ? head : tail;
for (int i = start; i < start+count; i++){
int p = i % history.Length;
sw.WriteLine (history [p]);
} catch {
// ignore
// Appends a value to the history
public void Append (string s)
//Console.WriteLine ("APPENDING {0} head={1} tail={2}", s, head, tail);
history [head] = s;
head = (head+1) % history.Length;
if (head == tail)
tail = (tail+1 % history.Length);
if (count != history.Length)
//Console.WriteLine ("DONE: head={1} tail={2}", s, head, tail);
// Updates the current cursor location with the string,
// to support editing of history items. For the current
// line to participate, an Append must be done before.
public void Update (string s)
history [cursor] = s;
public void RemoveLast ()
head = head-1;
if (head < 0)
head = history.Length-1;
public void Accept (string s)
int t = head-1;
if (t < 0)
t = history.Length-1;
history [t] = s;
public bool PreviousAvailable ()
//Console.WriteLine ("h={0} t={1} cursor={2}", head, tail, cursor);
if (count == 0)
return false;
int next = cursor-1;
if (next < 0)
next = count-1;
if (next == head)
return false;
return true;
public bool NextAvailable ()
if (count == 0)
return false;
int next = (cursor + 1) % history.Length;
if (next == head)
return false;
return true;
// Returns: a string with the previous line contents, or
// nul if there is no data in the history to move to.
public string Previous ()
if (!PreviousAvailable ())
return null;
if (cursor < 0)
cursor = history.Length - 1;
return history [cursor];
public string Next ()
if (!NextAvailable ())
return null;
cursor = (cursor + 1) % history.Length;
return history [cursor];
public void CursorToEnd ()
if (head == tail)
cursor = head;
public void Dump ()
Console.WriteLine ("Head={0} Tail={1} Cursor={2} count={3}", head, tail, cursor, count);
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length;i++){
Console.WriteLine (" {0} {1}: {2}", i == cursor ? "==>" : " ", i, history[i]);
//log.Flush ();
public string SearchBackward (string term)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
int slot = cursor-i-1;
if (slot < 0)
slot = history.Length+slot;
if (slot >= history.Length)
slot = 0;
if (history [slot] != null && history [slot].IndexOf (term) != -1){
cursor = slot;
return history [slot];
return null;
#if DEMO
class Demo {
static void Main ()
LineEditor le = new LineEditor ("foo");
string s;
while ((s = le.Edit ("shell> ", "")) != null){
Console.WriteLine ("----> [{0}]", s);