326 lines
7.6 KiB
326 lines
7.6 KiB
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h"){
$sourcedir = $ARGV[1];
$dir = $sourcedir;
$html = 1;
shift @ARGV;
shift @ARGV;
open (FILE, "$dir/api-style.css" || die "Did not find $dir/api-style.css");
while (<FILE>){
$css = $css . $_;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-t"){
$dir = $ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
if ($html){
opendir (D, "$sourcedir/sources/") || die "Can not open $dir";
while ($n = readdir (D)){
if ($n =~ /mono-api-.*\.html$/){
open (IN, "$sourcedir/sources/$n") || die "Can not open $n";
$files[$filecount] = $n;
while (<IN>){
@files_content[$filecount] .= $_;
if (/name="api:(.*?)"/){
$_ =~ s/.*name="api:(\w+?)".*/\1/;
$apis[$filecount] .= "$_";
close IN;
while (<ARGV>){
if (/\/\*\* *\n/){
} else {
#print "IGNORING: $_";
if ($html){
for ($f = 0; $f < $filecount; $f++){
$name = $files[$f];
open (OUT, "> $dir/html/$name") || die "Can not create $dir/html/$name";
print "Merging: $name\n";
print OUT<<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<style type="text/css">
<div class="mapi-docs">
@a = split (/\n/, $files_content[$f]);
$strikeextra = "";
$api_shown = 0;
for ($ai = 0; $ai < $#a; $ai++){
$line = $a[$ai];
($api,$caption) = $line =~ /<h4><a name=\"api:(\w+)\">(\w+)<\/a><\/h4>/;
if ($api ne ""){
if ($api_shown == 1){
print OUT "</div> <!-- class=mapi -->\n\n";
if ($deprecated{$api}){
$strike = "mapi-strike";
$strikeextra = "</div><br><div class='mapi-deprecated'><b>Deprecated:</b> " . $deprecated{$api};
} else {
$strike = "";
$strikeextra = "";
$api_shown = 1;
$proto = $prototype{$api};
if ($proto eq ""){
$proto = "$api";
print OUT<<EOF;
<a name="api:$api"></a>
<div class="mapi">
<div class="mapi-entry $strike"><code>$api$strikeextra</code></div>
<div class="mapi-height-container">
<div class="mapi-ptr-container"></div>
<div class="mapi-description">
<div class="mapi-ptr"></div>
<div class="mapi-declaration mapi-section">Syntax</div>
<div class="mapi-prototype">$proto</div>
$ppars = $arguments{$api};
if ($ppars ne "" && (!($ppars =~ /^[ \t]+$/))){
print OUT " <div class=\"mapi-section\">Parameters</div>\n";
print OUT " <table class=\"mapi-parameters\"><tbody>".${arguments{$api}}."</tbody></table>";
&opt_print ("Return value", $returns{$api}, 0);
&opt_print ("Description", $bodies{$api}, 0);
print OUT " </div><!--mapi-description-->\n </div><!--height container-->\n";
} else {
if ($line =~ /@API_IDX@/){
$apis_toc = &create_toc ($apis[$f]);
$line =~ s/\@API_IDX\@/$apis_toc/;
if ($line =~ /^<h4/){
print OUT "</div>\n";
$api_shown = 0;
if ($line =~ /`/){
print OUT "$line\n";
print OUT<<EOF;
close OUT;
system ("$ENV{runtimedir}/mono-wrapper convert.exe $dir/html/$name $dir/html/x-$name");
# clean up the mess that AgilityPack does, it CDATAs our CSS
open HACK, "$dir/html/x-$name" || die "Could not open $dir/html/x-$name";
open HACKOUT, ">$dir/deploy/$name" || die "Could not open output";
$line = 0;
$doprint = 0;
while (<HACK>){
print HACKOUT $last if ($doprint);
# Remove the junk <span> wrapper generated by AgilityPack
if ($line==1){
if (/<style type/){
# Replace the CSS in the XHTML output with the original CSS
print HACKOUT $_;
print HACKOUT $css;
while (<HACK>){
last if (/<\/style>/);
$last = $_;
$doprint = 1;
if (!($last =~ /span/)){
print HACKOUT $last;
#system ("cp.exe $dir/html/$name $dir/deploy/$name");
sub process_doc {
$doc = "";
$func = <>;
chop $func;
$func =~ s/^ \* //;
$func =~ s/:$//;
print "Function: $func\n" if (!$html);
$args = "";
$inbody = 0;
$returns = "";
$body = "";
$functions[$fn++] = $func;
$deprecated = 0;
# Process arguments
while (<>){
if (/^ \*\*?\//){
$body =~ s/@(\w+)/<i>\1<\/i>/g;
$returns =~ s/@(\w+)/<i>\1<\/i>/g;
$args =~ s/@(\w+)/<i>\1<\/i>/g;
$body =~ s/#(\w+)/<code>\1<\/code>/g;
$returns =~ s/#(\w+)/<code>\1<\/code>/g;
$args =~ s/#(\w+)/<code>\1<\/code>/g;
$returns =~ s/\`([:.\w\*]+)\`/<code>\1<\/code>/g;
$args =~ s/\`([:.\w\*]+)\`/<code>\1<\/code>/g;
$body =~ s/\`([:.\w\*]+)\`/<code>\1<\/code>/g;
$body =~ s/\n/ /;
$bodies{$func} = $body;
$arguments{$func} = $args;
$deprecated{$func} = $deprecated;
$returns{$func} = $returns;
$proto = "";
while (<>){
$proto .= $_;
last if (/\{/);
$proto =~ s/{//;
# clean it up a little, remove newlines, empty space at end
$proto =~ s/ +$//;
# Turn "Type * xxx" into "Type* xxx"
$proto =~ s/^(\w+)\W+\*/\1\*/;
$prototype{$func} = $proto;
s/^\ \*//;
$_ = "<p>" if (/^\s*$/);
if ($inbody == 0){
if (/\s*(\w+):(.*)/){
if ($1 eq "deprecated"){
$deprecated = $2;
} else {
#$args .= "<dt><i>$1:</i></dt><dd>$2</dd>";
$args .= "<tr><td><i>$1</i><td>$2</td></td></tr>";
} else {
$body = "\t$_\n";
$inbody = 1;
} elsif ($inbody == 1) {
if (/Returns?:/){
$returns = "\t$_\n";
$inbody = 2;
} else {
$body .= "\n\t$_";
} else {
$returns .= "\n\t$_";
sub create_toc {
my ($apis_listed) = @_;
my $type_size = 0;
my $name_size = 0;
my $ret, $xname, $args, $line;
$apis_toc = "";
# Try to align things, so compute type size, method size, and arguments
foreach $line (split /\n/, $apis_listed){
$p = $prototype{$line};
($ret, $xname, $args) = $p =~ /(.*)\n(\w+)[ \t](.*)/;
$tl = length ($ret);
$pl = length ($xname);
$type_size = $tl if ($tl > $type_size);
$name_size = $pl if ($pl > $name_size);
foreach $line (split /\n/, $apis_listed){
$p = $prototype{$line};
($ret, $xname, $args) = $p =~ /(.*)\n(\w+)[ \t](.*)/;
if ($xname eq ""){
$xname = $line;
$rspace = " " x ($type_size - length ($ret));
$nspace = " " x ($name_size - length ($xname));
$args = &format ($args, length ($ret . $rspace . $xname . $nspace), 60);
$apis_toc .= "$ret$rspace<a href=\"\#api:$line\">$xname</a>$nspace$args\n";
return $apis_toc;
# Formats the rest of the arguments in a way that will fit in N columns
sub format {
my ($args, $size, $limit) = @_;
my $sret = "";
# return $args if ((length (args) + size) < $limit);
$remain = $limit - $size;
@sa = split /,/, $args;
$linelen = $size;
foreach $arg (@sa){
if ($sret eq ""){
$sret = $arg . ", ";
$linelen += length ($sret);
} else {
if ($linelen + length ($arg) < $limit){
$sret .= "FITS" . $arg . ", ";
} else {
$newline = " " x ($size) . $arg . ", ";
$linelen = length ($newline);
$sret .= "\n" . $newline;
$sret =~ s/, $/;/;
return $sret;
sub opt_print {
my ($caption, $opttext, $quote) = @_;
if ($opttext ne "" && (!($opttext =~ /^[ \t]+$/))){
print OUT " <div class=\"mapi-section\">$caption</div>\n";
print OUT " <div>$opttext</div>\n";