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2007-19-09 Palaniappan N <npalaniappan@novell.com>
The folder is made in sync. with the Novell Forge's C# LDAP SDK with the following updates:
*Novell.Directory.Ldap :
- Connection.cs: Checked the condition, whether the sockets
created by BOTH SSL and cleartext connections are open / null
in Connection.cs
- Connection.cs: Added a new catch block in Connection.cs to
catch the socket exceptions.
- Connection.cs: Version has been updated to 2.1.8
- LdapResponse.cs: Changes made to monitor the events which
caused problems with eDirectory 8.8 SP1 release, because of the
LdapResponse structure.
- LdapException.cs: A fix for the bug which deals about the
exceptions caused while using events with lots of create/modify events
- LdapAttributeSchema.cs: Superior was not set properly. Corrected.
- Message.cs: To fix the issue of seeing duplicate records while searching
*Novell.Directory.Ldap.Extensions :
- Added support for Backup-Restore of LDAP by including the following classes
# LdapBackupRequest.cs
# LdapBackupResponse.cs
# LdapRestoreRequest.cs
# BackupRestoreConstants.cs
*Novell.Directory.Ldap.Utilclass :
- DN.cs: Done a fix in by correcting the misplaced decrement operator
which caused malfunctioning of isDescendantOf() method
*Novell.Directory.Ldap.Events :
- LdapEventSource.cs: Exception has been thrown in case of supply of
negative sleep interval
*Novell.Directory.Ldap.Events.Edir.EventData :
- ValueEventData.cs: A new property BinaryData has been implemented in the
class to enable applications retrieve the binary data as such from the
ASN1OctetString with out converting it in to a String
*Novell.Directory.Ldap.Rfc2251 :
- RfcIntermediateResponse.cs: The variable m_responseNameIndex has been
modified to get value 0 also to fix an issue related to parsing the response.
- RfcModifyDNRequest.cs: SetIdentifier method has been applied to newSuperior
to make rename work properly with all LDAP servers.
* Changelog:
- Updated
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.dll.sources:
- Added the new file entries of the Backup-Restore Extension
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj:
- Added the new file entries of the Backup-Restore Extension
* Novell.Directory.Ldap20.csproj:
- Added the new file entries of the Backup-Restore Extension
2005-12-06 Konstantin Triger <kostat@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj: fixing conditional compilation constants.
2005-11-30 Wade Berrier <wberrier@novell.com>
* Makefile: Add EXTRA_DISTFILES to include all missing files from 'make dist'
* Cleanup: Remove CVS dirs
2005-16-11 Eyal Alaluf <eyala@mainsoft.com>
* Makefile: Ignore ClsCompliant warnings for java profile
2005-27-09 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj: added reference to resx files.
2005-27-09 Palaniappan N <npalaniappan@novell.com>
* The folder is made in synch. with the Novell Forge's C# LDAP SDK with the following updates:
- Changes in Connection.cs regarding appropriate handling
in method ServerCertificateValidation.
- Added support for error code 113 SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED.
- Added two files ResultCodeMessages.txt and ExceptionMessages.txt in
- Added support for subordinate subtree scope.
- Removed hard coded dependency on Mono Security
- Fix for a race condition in Connection.cs
- Updated with support for Interactiveness of SSL Handshake,
Ldap Events, Edir Events, Intermediate Response
- Connection.cs class is modified by synchronizing the stream
threads so as to avoid the memory consumption and handle consumption.
- Changed version from 2.1.1 to 2.1.4 in Connection.cs.
- Updated ChangeLog so that latest changes are on the top.
2005-26-09 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.dll.sources: added reference to Consts.cs.in
2005-15-09 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj: added reference to Consts.cs.in
2005-14-08 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* LdapConnection.cs:
- Values from app settings are not stored anymore in app domain.
- Exchange tokens until negotiatin is complete.
- Added new property for authentication mech, stored in app settings.
2005-28-07 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.Security.jvm: added new directory containing
TARGET_JVM specific classes for kerberos authentication.
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/AuthenticationTypes.cs: added new enum,
corresponding to System.DirectoryServices.AuthenticationTypes. Used in
LdapConnection.Bind methods.
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.dll.sources: updated sources files.
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/LdapBindRequest.cs: added new constructor with
credentials parameter passed as sbyte.
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/Connection.cs: added properties for accessing
private input and output streams. Added method for streams replacing.
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/LdapConnection.cs:
- changed Bind api to receive AuthenticationTypes as parameter.
- added TARGET_JVM-specific BindSecure method.
- added TARGET_JVM-specific support for creating bind requests
with security credentials.
- added TARGET_JVM-specific properties for security mechanism
and application section name in configuration.
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj: updated TARGET_JVM project file.
2005-27-07 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.Asn1/Asn1Enumerated.cs,
Novell.Directory.Ldap.Asn1/LBERDecoder.cs: removed unnecessary attribute
CLSCompliantAttribute(true), since it is already defined
in Novell.Directory.Ldap/AssemblyInfo.cs
2005-26-07 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/LdapException.cs: propagate root cause exception
to base. Use InnerException instead of private member.
2005-26-07 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/AssemblyInfo.cs,
Novell.Directory.Ldap.Asn1/LBERDecoder.cs: added ifdef for TARGET_JVM.
2005-05-07 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj: Project file converted
to Developer Edition format. Removed ClearCase references.
2005-21-06 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap.vmwcsproj: Added project file for TARGET_JVM.
2005-19-06 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Novell.Directory.Ldap/AssemblyInfo.cs,
added ifdef to exclude the code not used in TARGET_JVM.
2005-04-05 Boris Kirzner <borisk@mainsoft.com>
* Added Novell.Directory.Ldap.Rfc2251/RfcLdapSuperDN.cs to sources.
2004-12-07 Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com>
* Makefile : csc wanted ".dll" for Mono.Security
2004-12-06 Anil Bhatia <banil@novell.com>
* Updated with support for SSL,
Ldap Events, Edir Events, Intermediate Response
* Updated ChangeLog so that latest changes are
on the top.
2003-12-14 Sunil Kumar <sunilk@novell.com>
* Updated with XML Doc. Support
2003-12-09 Sunil Kumar <sunilk@novell.com>
* Updated with Schema Support
2003-11-21 Sunil Kumar <sunilk@novell.com>
* Changed the linux build script to replace corlib.dll
with mscorlib.dll
2003-11-16 Sunil Kumar <sunilk@novell.com>
* Added LDAP controls in Novell.Directory.Ldap.Controls
* Added Samples for LDAP controls
2003-11-15 Sunil Kumar <sunilk@novell.com>
* Changed the LdapConnection public Method name as per MS naming convention
* Added the Authors description
2003-11-14 Sunil Kumar <sunilk@novell.com>
* Changed the Directory structure and Class file names as per the Microsoft Standards.
* Changed the build scripts accordingly