Jo Shields a575963da9 Imported Upstream version 3.6.0
Former-commit-id: da6be194a6b1221998fc28233f2503bd61dd9d14
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00

135 lines
6.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Microsoft.Web.UnitTestUtil;
using Xunit;
using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx;
namespace Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Test
public class MailToExtensionsTest
public void MailToWithoutEmailThrowsArgumentNullException()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => html.Mailto("link text", null), "emailAddress");
public void MailToWithoutLinkTextThrowsArgumentNullException()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull(() => html.Mailto(null, ""), "linkText");
public void MailToWithLinkTextAndEmailRendersProperElement()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "");
Assert.Equal("<a href=\"\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithLinkTextEmailAndHtmlAttributesRendersAttributes()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "", new { title = "this is a test" });
Assert.Equal("<a href=\"\" title=\"this is a test\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithLinkTextEmailAndHtmlAttributesDictionaryRendersAttributes()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "", new RouteValueDictionary(new { title = "this is a test" }));
Assert.Equal("<a href=\"\" title=\"this is a test\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithSubjectAndHtmlAttributesRendersAttributes()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "", "The subject", new { title = "this is a test" });
Assert.Equal("<a href=\" subject\" title=\"this is a test\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithSubjectAndHtmlAttributesDictionaryRendersAttributes()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "", "The subject", new RouteValueDictionary(new { title = "this is a test" }));
Assert.Equal("<a href=\" subject\" title=\"this is a test\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToAttributeEncodesEmail()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "te\">");
Assert.Equal("<a href=\"mailto:te&quot;>\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithMultipleRecipientsRendersWithCommas()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "te\">,");
Assert.Equal("<a href=\"mailto:te&quot;>,\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithSubjectAppendsSubjectQuery()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "", "This is the subject");
Assert.Equal("<a href=\" is the subject\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithCopyOnlyAppendsCopyQuery()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("This is a test", "", null, null, "", null, null);
Assert.Equal("<a href=\"\">This is a test</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithMultipartBodyRendersProperMailtoEncoding()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
string body = @"Line one
Line two
Line three";
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("email me", "", null, body, null, null, null);
Assert.Equal("<a href=\" one%0ALine two%0ALine three\">email me</a>", result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithAllValuesProvidedRendersCorrectTag()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
string body = @"Line one
Line two
Line three";
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("email me", "", "the subject", body, "", "", new { title = "email test" });
string expected = @"<a href="" subject&amp;;;body=Line one%0ALine two%0ALine three"" title=""email test"">email me</a>";
Assert.Equal(expected, result.ToHtmlString());
public void MailToWithAttributesWithUnderscores()
HtmlHelper html = MvcHelper.GetHtmlHelperWithPath(new ViewDataDictionary());
string body = @"Line one
Line two
Line three";
MvcHtmlString result = html.Mailto("email me", "", "the subject", body, "", "", new { foo_bar = "baz" });
string expected = @"<a foo-bar=""baz"" href="" subject&amp;;;body=Line one%0ALine two%0ALine three"">email me</a>";
Assert.Equal(expected, result.ToHtmlString());