Former-commit-id: 5624ac747d633e885131e8349322922b6a59baaa
416 lines
13 KiB
416 lines
13 KiB
// The assembler: Help compiler.
// Author:
// Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnome.org)
// (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using Monodoc;
using Monodoc.Providers;
using Mono.Options;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using Monodoc.Ecma;
namespace Mono.Documentation {
public class MDocAssembler : MDocCommand {
static readonly string[] ValidFormats = {
string droppedNamespace = null;
public static Option[] CreateFormatOptions (MDocCommand self, Dictionary<string, List<string>> formats)
string cur_format = "ecma";
var options = new OptionSet () {
{ "f|format=",
"The documentation {FORMAT} used in DIRECTORIES. " +
"Valid formats include:\n " +
string.Join ("\n ", ValidFormats) + "\n" +
"If not specified, the default format is `ecma'.",
v => {
if (Array.IndexOf (ValidFormats, v) < 0)
self.Error ("Invalid documentation format: {0}.", v);
cur_format = v;
} },
{ "<>", v => AddFormat (self, formats, cur_format, v) },
return new Option[]{options[0], options[1]};
public override void Run (IEnumerable<string> args)
bool replaceNTypes = false;
var formats = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> ();
string prefix = "tree";
var formatOptions = CreateFormatOptions (this, formats);
var options = new OptionSet () {
formatOptions [0],
{ "o|out=",
"Provides the output file prefix; the files {PREFIX}.zip and " +
"{PREFIX}.tree will be created.\n" +
"If not specified, `tree' is the default PREFIX.",
v => prefix = v },
formatOptions [1],
{"dropns=","The namespace that has been dropped from this version of the assembly.", v => droppedNamespace = v },
{"ntypes","Replace references to native types with their original types.", v => replaceNTypes=true },
List<string> extra = Parse (options, args, "assemble",
"Assemble documentation within DIRECTORIES for use within the monodoc browser.");
if (extra == null)
List<Provider> list = new List<Provider> ();
EcmaProvider ecma = null;
bool sort = false;
foreach (string format in formats.Keys) {
switch (format) {
case "ecma":
if (ecma == null) {
ecma = new EcmaProvider ();
list.Add (ecma);
sort = true;
ecma.FileSource = new MDocFileSource(droppedNamespace, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(droppedNamespace) ? ApiStyle.Unified : ApiStyle.Classic) {
ReplaceNativeTypes = replaceNTypes
foreach (string dir in formats [format])
ecma.AddDirectory (dir);
case "xhtml":
case "hb":
list.AddRange (formats [format].Select (d => (Provider) new XhtmlProvider (d)));
case "man":
list.Add (new ManProvider (formats [format].ToArray ()));
case "error":
list.AddRange (formats [format].Select (d => (Provider) new ErrorProvider (d)));
case "ecmaspec":
list.AddRange (formats [format].Select (d => (Provider) new EcmaSpecProvider (d)));
case "addins":
list.AddRange (formats [format].Select (d => (Provider) new AddinsProvider (d)));
HelpSource hs = new HelpSource (prefix, true);
hs.TraceLevel = TraceLevel;
foreach (Provider p in list) {
p.PopulateTree (hs.Tree);
if (sort && hs.Tree != null)
hs.Tree.RootNode.Sort ();
// Flushes the EcmaProvider
foreach (Provider p in list)
p.CloseTree (hs, hs.Tree);
hs.Save ();
private static void AddFormat (MDocCommand self, Dictionary<string, List<string>> d, string format, string file)
if (format == null)
self.Error ("No format specified.");
List<string> l;
if (!d.TryGetValue (format, out l)) {
l = new List<string> ();
d.Add (format, l);
l.Add (file);
/// <summary>
/// A custom provider file source that lets us modify the source files before they are processed by monodoc.
/// </summary>
internal class MDocFileSource : IEcmaProviderFileSource {
private string droppedNamespace;
private bool shouldDropNamespace = false;
private ApiStyle styleToDrop;
public bool ReplaceNativeTypes { get; set; }
/// <param name="ns">The namespace that is being dropped.</param>
/// <param name="style">The style that is being dropped.</param>
public MDocFileSource(string ns, ApiStyle style)
droppedNamespace = ns;
shouldDropNamespace = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (ns);
styleToDrop = style;
public XmlReader GetIndexReader(string path)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load (path);
DropApiStyle (doc, path);
DropNSFromDocument (doc);
// now put the modified contents into a stream for the XmlReader that monodoc will use.
MemoryStream io = new MemoryStream ();
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create (io)) {
doc.WriteTo (writer);
io.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return XmlReader.Create (io);
public XElement GetNamespaceElement(string path)
var element = XElement.Load (path);
var attributes = element.Descendants ().Concat(new XElement[] { element }).SelectMany (n => n.Attributes ());
var textNodes = element.Nodes ().OfType<XText> ();
DropNS (attributes, textNodes);
return element;
void DropApiStyle(XDocument doc, string path)
string styleString = styleToDrop.ToString ().ToLower ();
var items = doc
.Descendants ()
.Where (n => n.Attributes ()
.Any (a => a.Name.LocalName == "apistyle" && a.Value == styleString))
.ToArray ();
foreach (var element in items) {
element.Remove ();
if (styleToDrop == ApiStyle.Classic && ReplaceNativeTypes) {
RewriteCrefsIfNecessary (doc, path);
void RewriteCrefsIfNecessary (XDocument doc, string path)
// we also have to rewrite crefs
var sees = doc.Descendants ().Where (d => d.Name.LocalName == "see").ToArray ();
foreach (var see in sees) {
var cref = see.Attribute ("cref");
if (cref == null) {
EcmaUrlParser parser = new EcmaUrlParser ();
EcmaDesc reference;
if (!parser.TryParse (cref.Value, out reference)) {
if ((new EcmaDesc.Kind[] {
}).Any (k => k == reference.DescKind)) {
string ns = reference.Namespace;
string type = reference.TypeName;
string memberName = reference.MemberName;
if (reference.MemberArguments != null) {
XDocument refDoc = FindReferenceDoc (path, doc, ns, type);
if (refDoc == null) {
// look in the refDoc for the memberName, and match on parameters and # of type parameters
var overloads = refDoc.XPathSelectElements ("//Member[@MemberName='" + memberName + "']").ToArray ();
// Do some initial filtering to find members that could potentially match (based on parameter and typeparam counts)
var members = overloads.Where (e => reference.MemberArgumentsCount == e.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").Count () && reference.GenericMemberArgumentsCount == e.XPathSelectElements ("TypeParameters/TypeParameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").Count ()).Select (m => new {
Node = m,
AllParameters = m.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter").ToArray (),
Parameters = m.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter[not(@apistyle) or @apistyle='classic']").ToArray (),
NewParameters = m.XPathSelectElements ("Parameters/Parameter[@apistyle='unified']").ToArray ()
}).ToArray ();
// now find the member that matches on types
var member = members.FirstOrDefault (m => reference.MemberArguments.All (r => m.Parameters.Any (mp => mp.Attribute ("Type").Value.Contains (r.TypeName))));
if (member == null || member.NewParameters.Length == 0)
foreach (var arg in reference.MemberArguments) {
// find the "classic" parameter
var oldParam = member.Parameters.First (p => p.Attribute ("Type").Value.Contains (arg.TypeName));
var newParam = member.NewParameters.FirstOrDefault (p => oldParam.Attribute ("Name").Value == p.Attribute ("Name").Value);
if (newParam != null) {
// this means there was a change made, and we should try to convert this cref
arg.TypeName = NativeTypeManager.ConvertToNativeType (arg.TypeName);
var rewrittenReference = reference.ToEcmaCref ();
Console.WriteLine ("From {0} to {1}", cref.Value, rewrittenReference);
cref.Value = rewrittenReference;
XDocument FindReferenceDoc (string currentPath, XDocument currentDoc, string ns, string type)
if (currentPath.Length <= 1) {
return null;
// build up the supposed path to the doc
string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (currentPath);
if (dir.Equals (currentPath)) {
return null;
string supposedPath = Path.Combine (dir, ns, type + ".xml");
// if it's the current path, return currentDoc
if (supposedPath == currentPath) {
return currentDoc;
if (!File.Exists (supposedPath)) {
// hmm, file not there, look one directory up
return FindReferenceDoc (dir, currentDoc, ns, type);
// otherwise, load the XDoc and return
return XDocument.Load (supposedPath);
void DropNSFromDocument (XDocument doc)
var attributes = doc.Descendants ().SelectMany (n => n.Attributes ());
var textNodes = doc.DescendantNodes().OfType<XText> ().ToArray();
DropNS (attributes, textNodes);
void DropNS(IEnumerable<XAttribute> attributes, IEnumerable<XText> textNodes)
if (!shouldDropNamespace) {
string nsString = string.Format ("{0}.", droppedNamespace);
foreach (var attr in attributes) {
if (attr.Value.Contains (nsString)) {
attr.Value = attr.Value.Replace (nsString, string.Empty);
foreach (var textNode in textNodes) {
if (textNode.Value.Contains (nsString)) {
textNode.Value = textNode.Value.Replace (nsString, string.Empty);
/// <param name="nsName">This is the type's name in the processed XML content.
/// If dropping the namespace, we'll need to append it so that it's found in the source.</param>
/// <param name="typeName">Type name.</param>
public string GetTypeXmlPath(string basePath, string nsName, string typeName)
string nsNameToUse = nsName;
if (shouldDropNamespace) {
nsNameToUse = string.Format ("{0}.{1}", droppedNamespace, nsName);
var droppedPath = BuildTypeXmlPath (basePath, typeName, nsNameToUse);
var origPath = BuildTypeXmlPath (basePath, typeName, nsName);
if (!File.Exists (droppedPath)) {
if (File.Exists (origPath)) {
return origPath;
return droppedPath;
} else {
var finalPath = BuildTypeXmlPath (basePath, typeName, nsNameToUse);
return finalPath;
static string BuildTypeXmlPath (string basePath, string typeName, string nsNameToUse)
string finalPath = Path.Combine (basePath, nsNameToUse, Path.ChangeExtension (typeName, ".xml"));
return finalPath;
static string BuildNamespaceXmlPath (string basePath, string ns)
var nsFileName = Path.Combine (basePath, String.Format ("ns-{0}.xml", ns));
return nsFileName;
/// <returns>The namespace for path, with the dropped namespace so it can be used to pick the right file if we're dropping it.</returns>
/// <param name="ns">This namespace will already have "dropped" the namespace.</param>
public string GetNamespaceXmlPath(string basePath, string ns)
string nsNameToUse = ns;
if (shouldDropNamespace) {
nsNameToUse = string.Format ("{0}.{1}", droppedNamespace, ns);
var droppedPath = BuildNamespaceXmlPath (basePath, nsNameToUse);
var origPath = BuildNamespaceXmlPath (basePath, ns);
if (!File.Exists (droppedPath) && File.Exists(origPath)) {
return origPath;
return droppedPath;
} else {
var path = BuildNamespaceXmlPath (basePath, ns);
return path;
public XDocument GetTypeDocument(string path)
var doc = XDocument.Load (path);
DropApiStyle (doc, path);
DropNSFromDocument (doc);
return doc;
public XElement ExtractNamespaceSummary (string path)
using (var reader = GetIndexReader (path)) {
reader.ReadToFollowing ("Namespace");
var name = reader.GetAttribute ("Name");
var summary = reader.ReadToFollowing ("summary") ? XElement.Load (reader.ReadSubtree ()) : new XElement ("summary");
var remarks = reader.ReadToFollowing ("remarks") ? XElement.Load (reader.ReadSubtree ()) : new XElement ("remarks");
return new XElement ("namespace",
new XAttribute ("ns", name ?? string.Empty),