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207 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher
internal class OperationInvokerHandler : BaseRequestProcessorHandler
IDuplexChannel duplex;
public OperationInvokerHandler (IChannel channel)
duplex = channel as IDuplexChannel;
protected override bool ProcessRequest (MessageProcessingContext mrc)
RequestContext rc = mrc.RequestContext;
DispatchRuntime dispatchRuntime = mrc.OperationContext.EndpointDispatcher.DispatchRuntime;
DispatchOperation operation = GetOperation (mrc.IncomingMessage, dispatchRuntime);
mrc.Operation = operation;
try {
DoProcessRequest (mrc);
if (!mrc.Operation.IsOneWay)
Reply (mrc, true);
} catch (TargetInvocationException ex) {
mrc.ReplyMessage = BuildExceptionMessage (mrc, ex.InnerException,
if (!mrc.Operation.IsOneWay)
Reply (mrc, true);
ProcessCustomErrorHandlers (mrc, ex);
return false;
void DoProcessRequest (MessageProcessingContext mrc)
DispatchOperation operation = mrc.Operation;
Message req = mrc.IncomingMessage;
object instance = mrc.InstanceContext.GetServiceInstance(req);
object [] parameters, outParams;
BuildInvokeParams (mrc, out parameters);
if (operation.Invoker.IsSynchronous) {
object result = operation.Invoker.Invoke (instance, parameters, out outParams);
HandleInvokeResult (mrc, outParams, result);
} else {
AsyncCallback callback = delegate {};
// FIXME: the original code passed null callback
// and null state, which is very wrong :(
// It is still wrong to pass dummy callback, but
// wrong code without obvious issues is better
// than code with an obvious issue.
var ar = operation.Invoker.InvokeBegin (instance, parameters, callback, null);
object result = operation.Invoker.InvokeEnd (instance, out outParams, ar);
HandleInvokeResult (mrc, outParams, result);
void Reply (MessageProcessingContext mrc, bool useTimeout)
if (duplex != null)
mrc.Reply (duplex, useTimeout);
mrc.Reply (useTimeout);
DispatchOperation GetOperation (Message input, DispatchRuntime dispatchRuntime)
if (dispatchRuntime.OperationSelector != null) {
string name = dispatchRuntime.OperationSelector.SelectOperation (ref input);
foreach (DispatchOperation d in dispatchRuntime.Operations)
if (d.Name == name)
return d;
} else {
string action = input.Headers.Action;
foreach (DispatchOperation d in dispatchRuntime.Operations)
if (d.Action == action)
return d;
return dispatchRuntime.UnhandledDispatchOperation;
void HandleInvokeResult (MessageProcessingContext mrc, object [] outputs, object result)
DispatchOperation operation = mrc.Operation;
mrc.EventsHandler.AfterInvoke (operation);
if (operation.IsOneWay)
Message res = null;
if (operation.SerializeReply)
res = operation.Formatter.SerializeReply (
mrc.OperationContext.IncomingMessageVersion, outputs, result);
res = (Message) result;
res.Headers.CopyHeadersFrom (mrc.OperationContext.OutgoingMessageHeaders);
res.Properties.CopyProperties (mrc.OperationContext.OutgoingMessageProperties);
if (res.Headers.RelatesTo == null)
res.Headers.RelatesTo = mrc.OperationContext.IncomingMessageHeaders.MessageId;
mrc.ReplyMessage = res;
void BuildInvokeParams (MessageProcessingContext mrc, out object [] parameters)
DispatchOperation operation = mrc.Operation;
EnsureValid (operation);
if (operation.DeserializeRequest) {
parameters = operation.Invoker.AllocateInputs ();
operation.Formatter.DeserializeRequest (mrc.IncomingMessage, parameters);
} else
parameters = new object [] { mrc.IncomingMessage };
mrc.EventsHandler.BeforeInvoke (operation);
void ProcessCustomErrorHandlers (MessageProcessingContext mrc, Exception ex)
var dr = mrc.OperationContext.EndpointDispatcher.DispatchRuntime;
bool shutdown = false;
if (dr.ChannelDispatcher != null) // non-callback channel
foreach (var eh in dr.ChannelDispatcher.ErrorHandlers)
shutdown |= eh.HandleError (ex);
if (shutdown)
ProcessSessionErrorShutdown (mrc);
void ProcessSessionErrorShutdown (MessageProcessingContext mrc)
var dr = mrc.OperationContext.EndpointDispatcher.DispatchRuntime;
var session = mrc.OperationContext.Channel.InputSession;
var dcc = mrc.OperationContext.Channel as IDuplexContextChannel;
if (session == null || dcc == null)
foreach (var h in dr.InputSessionShutdownHandlers)
h.ChannelFaulted (dcc);
bool IsGenericFaultException (Type type, out Type arg)
for (; type != null; type = type.BaseType) {
if (!type.IsGenericType)
var tdef = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition ();
if (!tdef.Equals (typeof (FaultException<>)))
arg = type.GetGenericArguments () [0];
return true;
arg = null;
return false;
Message BuildExceptionMessage (MessageProcessingContext mrc, Exception ex, bool includeDetailsInFault)
var dr = mrc.OperationContext.EndpointDispatcher.DispatchRuntime;
var cd = dr.ChannelDispatcher;
Message msg = null;
if (cd != null) // non-callback channel
foreach (var eh in cd.ErrorHandlers)
eh.ProvideFault (ex, cd.MessageVersion, ref msg);
if (msg != null)
return msg;
var req = mrc.IncomingMessage;
Type gft;
var fe = ex as FaultException;
if (fe != null && IsGenericFaultException (fe.GetType (), out gft)) {
foreach (var fci in mrc.Operation.FaultContractInfos) {
if (fci.Detail == gft)
return Message.CreateMessage (req.Version, fe.CreateMessageFault (), fci.Action);
// FIXME: set correct name
FaultCode fc = new FaultCode (
if (includeDetailsInFault) {
return Message.CreateMessage (req.Version, fc, ex.Message, new ExceptionDetail (ex), req.Headers.Action);
string faultString =
@"The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. The server may be able to return exception details (it depends on the server settings).";
return Message.CreateMessage (req.Version, fc, faultString, req.Headers.Action);
void EnsureValid (DispatchOperation operation)
if (operation.Invoker == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("DispatchOperation '{0}' for contract '{1}' requires Invoker.", operation.Name, operation.Parent.EndpointDispatcher.ContractName));
if ((operation.DeserializeRequest || operation.SerializeReply) && operation.Formatter == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("The DispatchOperation '" + operation.Name + "' requires Formatter, since DeserializeRequest and SerializeReply are not both false.");