359 lines
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359 lines
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// MonoTests.System.Security.Policy.CodeGroupTest
// Authors:
// Nick Drochak (ndrochak@gol.com)
// Sebastien Pouliot (spouliot@motus.com)
// (C) 2001 Nick Drochak, All rights reserved.
// Portions (C) 2004 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com)
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;
namespace MonoTests.System.Security.Policy {
public class MyCodeGroup : CodeGroup {
public MyCodeGroup (IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy)
: base (membershipCondition, policy) {}
public override CodeGroup Copy ()
return this;
public override string MergeLogic {
get { return ""; }
public override PolicyStatement Resolve (Evidence evidence)
return null;
public override CodeGroup ResolveMatchingCodeGroups (Evidence evidence)
return this;
// this version has a constructor with no parameters
public class MySecondCodeGroup : CodeGroup {
// must be public (else the ToFromXmlRoundtrip_WithChildren_Second will fail)
public MySecondCodeGroup () : base (new AllMembershipCondition (), null) {}
public MySecondCodeGroup (IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy)
: base (membershipCondition, policy) {}
public override CodeGroup Copy () {
return this;
public override string MergeLogic {
get { return ""; }
public override PolicyStatement Resolve (Evidence evidence) {
return null;
public override CodeGroup ResolveMatchingCodeGroups (Evidence evidence) {
return this;
public class CodeGroupTest {
private const string ps_Name = "TestName";
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void Constructor_MembershipConditionNullPolicyStatement ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (null, new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)));
public void Constructor_MembershipConditionPolicyStatementNull ()
// legal
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition(), null);
Assert.IsNull (cg.PolicyStatement, "PolicyStatement");
public void Constructor ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition(), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)));
Assert.IsNotNull (cg.PolicyStatement, "PolicyStatement property not set correctly by constructor.");
Assert.IsNotNull (cg.MembershipCondition, "MembershipCondition property not set correctly by constructor.");
public void Description ()
const string description = "Test Description";
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition(), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)));
cg.Description = description;
Assert.AreEqual (description, cg.Description, "Description not the expected value");
public void Name ()
const string name = "Test Name";
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition(), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)));
cg.Name = name;
Assert.AreEqual (name, cg.Name, "Description not the expected value");
public void AddChild ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup(new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None)));
Assert.AreEqual (0, cg.Children.Count, "Unexpected number of children (before add)");
cg.AddChild (new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.Unrestricted))));
Assert.AreEqual (1, cg.Children.Count, "Unexpected number of children (after add)");
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void AddChild_Null ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None)));
cg.AddChild (null);
public void AttributeString ()
PolicyStatementAttribute psa = PolicyStatementAttribute.LevelFinal;
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None));
ps.Attributes = psa;
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup(new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
Assert.AreEqual (psa.ToString(), cg.AttributeString, "AttributeString");
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void Children_Null ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None)));
cg.Children = null;
public void PermissionSetName ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement(new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
Assert.AreEqual (ps_Name, cg.PermissionSetName, "PermissionSetName");
public void Equals ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.Name = "SomeName";
cg.Description = "Some Description";
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg), "Equals (itself)");
Assert.IsTrue (!cg.Equals ("Not Equal to this"), "Equals (string)");
MyCodeGroup cg2 = new MyCodeGroup(new AllMembershipCondition(), ps);
cg2.Name = "SomeOtherName";
cg2.Description = "Some Other Description";
Assert.IsTrue (!cg.Equals (cg2), "Equals (another)");
cg2 = new MyCodeGroup (new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition(), ps);
cg2.Name = cg.Name;
cg2.Description = cg.Description;
Assert.IsTrue (!cg.Equals (cg2), "Equals (different Membership Condition)");
public void EqualsWithChildren ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cgChild = new MyCodeGroup(new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition(), ps);
cgChild.Name = "ChildName";
cgChild.Description = "Child Descripiton";
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.Name = "SomeName";
cg.Description = "Some Description";
cg.AddChild (cgChild);
MyCodeGroup cg2 = new MyCodeGroup (cg.MembershipCondition, cg.PolicyStatement);
cg2.Name = cg.Name;
cg2.Description = cg.Description;
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg2), "Should be equal when Children are ignored");
Assert.IsTrue (!cg.Equals(cg2, true), "Should not be equal when Child count is different");
Assert.IsTrue (cg2.Equals(cg, true), "Should be equal when children are equal");
public void RemoveChild ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.Name = "SomeName";
cg.Description = "Some Description";
MyCodeGroup cgChild = new MyCodeGroup (new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition (), ps);
cgChild.Name = "ChildName";
cgChild.Description = "Child Descripiton";
cg.AddChild (cgChild);
MyCodeGroup cgChild2 = new MyCodeGroup (new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition (), ps);
cgChild2.Name = "ChildName2";
cgChild2.Description = "Child Descripiton 2";
cg.AddChild (cgChild2);
Assert.AreEqual (2, cg.Children.Count, "Should be two children before the call to Remove()");
Assert.AreEqual (1, cg.Children.Count, "Should be one children after the call to Remove()");
Assert.AreEqual("ChildName2", ((CodeGroup)cg.Children[0]).Name, "Remaining child does not have correct name");
public void RemoveChild_NonExistant ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cgChild = new MyCodeGroup (new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition (), ps);
cgChild.Name = "ChildName";
cgChild.Description = "Child Descripiton";
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.AddChild (cgChild);
cg.RemoveChild (cgChild);
cg.RemoveChild (cgChild);
// no exception
public void RemoveChild_Null ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None)));
cg.RemoveChild (null);
// no exception
public void ToXml ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None)));
SecurityElement se = cg.ToXml ();
string s = se.ToString ();
Assert.IsTrue (s.StartsWith ("<CodeGroup class=\"MonoTests.System.Security.Policy.MyCodeGroup,"), "ToXml-Starts");
Assert.IsTrue (s.EndsWith ("version=\"1\"/>" + Environment.NewLine + "</CodeGroup>" + Environment.NewLine), "ToXml-Ends");
cg.AddChild (new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.Unrestricted))));
se = cg.ToXml ();
s = se.ToString ();
Assert.IsTrue (s.IndexOf ("<CodeGroup class=\"MonoTests.System.Security.Policy.MyCodeGroup,", 1) > 0, "ToXml-Child");
public void ToFromXmlRoundtrip ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.Name = "SomeName";
cg.Description = "Some Description";
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg), "Equals (itself)");
SecurityElement se = cg.ToXml ();
MyCodeGroup cg2 = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition(), ps);
cg2.Name = "SomeOtherName";
cg2.Description = "Some Other Description";
Assert.IsTrue (!cg.Equals (cg2), "Equals (another)");
cg2.FromXml (se);
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg2), "Equals (FromXml)");
[ExpectedException (typeof (MissingMethodException))]
public void ToFromXmlRoundtrip_WithChildren ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
MyCodeGroup cgChild = new MyCodeGroup (new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition (), ps);
cgChild.Name = "ChildName";
cgChild.Description = "Child Descripiton";
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.Name = "SomeName";
cg.Description = "Some Description";
cg.AddChild (cgChild);
cg.AddChild (cgChild);
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg), "Equals (itself)");
SecurityElement se = cg.ToXml ();
MyCodeGroup cg2 = (MyCodeGroup) cg.Copy ();
cg2.FromXml (se);
// MissingMethodException down here (stangely not up here ?!? delayed ?)
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg2, true), "Equals (FromXml)");
public void ToFromXmlRoundtrip_WithChildren_Second ()
PolicyStatement ps = new PolicyStatement (new NamedPermissionSet (ps_Name));
// only the child is MySecondCodeGroup
MySecondCodeGroup cgChild = new MySecondCodeGroup (new ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition (), ps);
cgChild.Name = "ChildName";
cgChild.Description = "Child Descripiton";
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), ps);
cg.Name = "SomeName";
cg.Description = "Some Description";
cg.AddChild (cgChild);
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg), "Equals (itself)");
SecurityElement se = cg.ToXml ();
MyCodeGroup cg2 = (MyCodeGroup) cg.Copy ();
cg2.FromXml (se);
Assert.IsTrue (cg.Equals (cg2, true), "Equals (FromXml)");
public void FromXml_Bad ()
MyCodeGroup cg = new MyCodeGroup (new AllMembershipCondition (), new PolicyStatement(new PermissionSet (PermissionState.None)));
SecurityElement se = cg.ToXml ();
se.Tag = "Mono";
// strangely this works :(
cg.FromXml (se);
// let's get weirder :)
foreach (SecurityElement child in se.Children) {
child.Tag = "Mono";
cg.FromXml (se);
// it's not enough :(( - very relax parsing
se.Attributes = new Hashtable ();
cg.FromXml (se);
// arghh - I will prevail!
foreach (SecurityElement child in se.Children) {
child.Attributes = new Hashtable ();
cg.FromXml (se);
// huh ? well maybe not (but this is both cruel and injust)
} // public class CodeGroupTest
} // namespace MonoTests.System.Security.Policy |