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// System.Web.HttpRequestTest.cs - Unit tests for System.Web.HttpRequest
// Author:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// Miguel de Icaza <miguel@novell.com>
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo@novell.com>
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MonoTests.SystemWeb.Framework;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Globalization;
using MonoTests.Common;
namespace MonoTests.System.Web {
public class HttpRequestTest {
[ExpectedException (typeof (HttpRequestValidationException))]
public void ValidateInput_XSS ()
string problem = "http://server.com/attack2.aspx?test=<script>alert('vulnerability')</script>";
string decoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (problem);
int n = decoded.IndexOf ('?');
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest (null, decoded.Substring (0,n), decoded.Substring (n+1));
request.ValidateInput ();
// the next statement throws
Assert.AreEqual ("<script>alert('vulnerability')</script>", request.QueryString ["test"], "QueryString");
// Notes:
// * this is to avoid a regression that would cause Mono to
// fail again on item #2 of the XSS vulnerabilities listed at:
// http://it-project.ru/andir/docs/aspxvuln/aspxvuln.en.xml
// * The author notes that Microsoft has decided not to fix
// this issue (hence the NotDotNet category).
[Category ("NotDotNet")]
[ExpectedException (typeof (HttpRequestValidationException))]
public void ValidateInput_XSS_Unicode ()
string problem = "http://server.com/attack2.aspx?test=%uff1cscript%uff1ealert('vulnerability')%uff1c/script%uff1e";
string decoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (problem);
int n = decoded.IndexOf ('?');
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest (null, decoded.Substring (0,n), decoded.Substring (n+1));
request.ValidateInput ();
// the next statement throws
Assert.AreEqual ("\xff1cscript\xff1ealert('vulnerability')\xff1c/script\xff1e", request.QueryString ["test"], "QueryString");
// This has affected ASP.NET 1.1 but it seems fixed now
// http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
// http://weblogs.asp.net/kaevans/archive/2003/11/12/37169.aspx
[ExpectedException (typeof (HttpRequestValidationException))]
public void ValidateInput_XSS_Null ()
string problem = "http://secunia.com/?test=<%00SCRIPT>alert(document.cookie)</SCRIPT>";
string decoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (problem);
int n = decoded.IndexOf ('?');
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest (null, decoded.Substring (0,n), decoded.Substring (n+1));
request.ValidateInput ();
// the next statement throws
Assert.AreEqual ("<SCRIPT>alert(document.cookie)</SCRIPT>", request.QueryString ["test"], "QueryString");
// Tests the properties from the simple constructor.
public void Test_PropertiesSimpleConstructor ()
string url = "http://www.gnome.org/";
string qs = "key=value&key2=value%32second";
HttpRequest r = new HttpRequest ("file", url, qs);
Assert.AreEqual ("/?" + qs, r.RawUrl, "U1");
Assert.AreEqual (url, r.Url.ToString (), "U2");
r = new HttpRequest ("file", "http://www.gnome.org", qs);
Assert.AreEqual (url, r.Url.ToString (), "U3");
qs = "a&b=1&c=d&e&b=2&d=";
r = new HttpRequest ("file", url, qs);
NameValueCollection nvc = r.QueryString;
Assert.AreEqual ("a,e", nvc [null], "U4");
Assert.AreEqual ("1,2", nvc ["b"], "U5");
Assert.AreEqual ("d", nvc ["c"], "U5");
Assert.AreEqual ("", nvc ["d"], "U6");
Assert.AreEqual (4, nvc.Count, "U6");
Assert.AreEqual (null, r.ApplicationPath, "U7");
public void Test_AccessToVars ()
string url = "http://www.gnome.org/";
string qs = "key=value&key2=value%32second";
HttpRequest r = new HttpRequest ("file", url, qs);
string s = r.PhysicalApplicationPath;
public void Test_QueryStringDecoding()
// Note: The string to encode must exist in default encoding language
// \r - will exist in all encodings
string url = "http://www.gnome.org/";
string qs = "umlaut=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("\r", Encoding.Default);
HttpRequest r = new HttpRequest ("file", url, qs);
Assert.AreEqual ("\r", r.QueryString["umlaut"]);
[Category ("NunitWeb")]
public void Test_PhysicalApplicationPath ()
WebTest t = new WebTest (new HandlerInvoker (new HandlerDelegate (
t.Run ();
static public void PhysicalApplicationPathDelegate ()
HttpRequest r = HttpContext.Current.Request;
string pap = r.PhysicalApplicationPath;
Assert.IsTrue (pap.EndsWith (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (pap), pap, "#2");
[Category ("NunitWeb")]
public void Test_MapPath ()
WebTest t = new WebTest (new HandlerInvoker (new HandlerDelegate (
t.Run ();
static public void MapPathDelegate ()
HttpRequest r = HttpContext.Current.Request;
string appBase = r.PhysicalApplicationPath.TrimEnd (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
Assert.AreEqual (appBase, r.MapPath ("~"), "test1");
Assert.AreEqual (appBase, r.MapPath (null), "test1a");
Assert.AreEqual (appBase, r.MapPath (""), "test1b");
Assert.AreEqual (appBase, r.MapPath (" "), "test1c");
Assert.AreEqual (appBase + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, r.MapPath ("~/"), "test1");
Assert.AreEqual (appBase, r.MapPath ("/NunitWeb"), "test1.1");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config"), "test2");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("~/Web.config"), "test3");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("/NunitWeb/Web.config"), "test4");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config", null, false), "test5");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config", "", false), "test6");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config", "/NunitWeb", false), "test7");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("/NunitWeb/Web.config", "/NunitWeb", false), "test8");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config", "/NunitWeb/", false), "test8");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config", "~", false), "test10");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "DIR" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Web.config"),
r.MapPath ("Web.config", "~/DIR", false), "test11");
AssertExtensions.Throws<InvalidOperationException> (() => {
// Throws because the test's virtual dir is /NunitWeb and / is above it
r.MapPath ("/test.txt");
}, "test12");
AssertExtensions.Throws<InvalidOperationException> (() => {
// Throws because the test's virtual dir is /NunitWeb and /NunitWeb1 does not match it
r.MapPath ("/NunitWeb1/test.txt");
}, "test13");
AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => {
r.MapPath ("/test.txt", "/", false);
}, "test14");
AssertExtensions.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => {
r.MapPath ("/test.txt", "/NunitWeb", false);
}, "test15");
Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine (appBase, "test.txt"), r.MapPath ("/NunitWeb/test.txt", "/NunitWeb", true), "test16");
[Category ("NunitWeb")]
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void Test_MapPath_InvalidBase_1 ()
WebTest t = new WebTest (new HandlerInvoker (new HandlerDelegate (
t.Run ();
static public void MapPathDelegate_InvalidBase_1 ()
HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath ("Web.config", "something", true);
[Category ("NunitWeb")]
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void Test_MapPath_InvalidBase_2 ()
WebTest t = new WebTest (new HandlerInvoker (new HandlerDelegate (
t.Run ();
static public void MapPathDelegate_InvalidBase_2 ()
HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath ("Web.config", "something", false);
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ReadOnlyHeadersAdd ()
var r = new HttpRequest ("file", "http://www.gnome.org", "key=value&key2=value%32second");
r.Headers.Add ("a","a");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ReadOnlyHeadersSet ()
var r = new HttpRequest ("file", "http://www.gnome.org", "key=value&key2=value%32second");
r.Headers.Set ("a","a");
[ExpectedException (typeof (PlatformNotSupportedException))]
public void ReadOnlyHeadersRemove ()
var r = new HttpRequest ("file", "http://www.gnome.org", "key=value&key2=value%32second");
r.Headers.Remove ("a");
public class Test_HttpFakeRequest {
class FakeHttpWorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest {
public int return_kind;
void WhereAmI ()
Console.WriteLine (Environment.StackTrace);
public FakeHttpWorkerRequest (int re)
return_kind = re;
public override string GetFilePath()
WhereAmI ();
return "/tmp/uri.aspx";
public override string GetUriPath()
WhereAmI ();
return "/uri.aspx";
public override string GetQueryString()
WhereAmI ();
switch (return_kind) {
case 20:
return null;
case 16:
return "key1=value1&key2=value2";
case 25: // HEAD
case 30: // POST
return "mapa.x=10&mapa.y=20";
case 26: // HEAD
case 31: // POST
return "mapa.x=10&mapa=20";
case 27: // GET
return "mapa.x=10&mapa.y=20";
case 28: // GET
return "mapa.x=10";
case 29: // GET
return "mapa=10";
case 32: // GET
return "mapa.x=pi&mapa.y=20";
case 50:
return "PlainString";
case 51:
return "Plain&Arg=1";
case 52:
return "Empty=";
return "GetQueryString";
public override string GetRawUrl()
WhereAmI ();
return "/bb.aspx";
public override string GetHttpVerbName()
WhereAmI ();
if (return_kind == 25 || return_kind == 26)
return "HEAD";
if (return_kind == 30 || return_kind == 31)
return "POST";
return "GET";
public override string GetHttpVersion()
WhereAmI ();
return "HTTP/1.1";
public override byte [] GetPreloadedEntityBody ()
if (return_kind != 30 && return_kind != 31)
return base.GetPreloadedEntityBody ();
return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (GetQueryString ());
public override bool IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded ()
if (return_kind != 30 && return_kind != 31)
return base.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded ();
return true;
public override int GetRemotePort()
return 1010;
public override string GetLocalAddress()
return "localhost";
public override string GetAppPath ()
return "AppPath";
public override string GetRemoteName ()
return "RemoteName";
public override string GetRemoteAddress ()
return "RemoteAddress";
public override string GetServerName ()
return "localhost";
public override int GetLocalPort()
return 2020;
public override void SendStatus(int s, string x)
public override void SendKnownResponseHeader(int x, string j)
public override void SendUnknownResponseHeader(string a, string b)
public override void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] arr, int x)
public override void SendResponseFromFile(string a, long b , long c)
WhereAmI ();
public override void SendResponseFromFile (IntPtr a, long b, long c)
public override void FlushResponse(bool x)
public override void EndOfRequest() {
public override string GetKnownRequestHeader (int index)
switch (index){
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType:
switch (return_kind){
case 1: return "text/plain";
case 2: return "text/plain; charset=latin1";
case 3: return "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1";
case 4: return "text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"";
case 5: return "text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" ; other";
case 30:
case 31:
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength:
switch (return_kind){
case 0: return "1024";
case 1: return "-1024";
case 30:
case 31:
return GetQueryString ().Length.ToString ();
case -1: return "Blah";
case -2: return "";
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCookie:
switch (return_kind){
case 10: return "Key=Value";
case 11: return "Key=<value>";
case 12: return "Key=>";
case 13: return "Key=\xff1c";
case 14: return "Key=\xff1e";
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer:
switch (return_kind){
case 1: return null;
case 2: return "http://www.mono-project.com/test.aspx";
case 15: return "http://www.mono-project.com";
case 33: return "x";
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderUserAgent:
switch (return_kind){
case 15: return "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10";
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAccept:
switch (return_kind){
case 21: return "text/xml,application/xml, application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5";
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptLanguage:
switch (return_kind){
case 21: return "en-us, en;q=0.5";
return "";
public override string [][] GetUnknownRequestHeaders ()
if (return_kind == 0)
return new string [0][];
if (return_kind == 3){
string [][] x = new string [4][];
x [0] = new string [] { "k1", "v1" };
x [1] = new string [] { "k2", "v2" };
x [2] = new string [] { "k3", "v3" };
x [3] = new string [] { "k4", "v4" };
return x;
if (return_kind == 4){
// This tests the bad values and the extra row with an error
string [][] x = new string [3][];
x [0] = new string [] { "k1", "" };
x [1] = new string [] { "k2", null };
x [2] = new string [] { "k3", " " };
return x;
if (return_kind == 2){
string [][] x = new string [2][];
x [0] = new string [] { "k1", "" };
// Returns an empty row.
return x;
return null;
HttpContext Cook (int re)
FakeHttpWorkerRequest f = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest (re);
HttpContext c = new HttpContext (f);
return c;
[Test] public void Test_BrokenContentLength ()
HttpContext c = Cook (-1);
Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Request.ContentLength, "C1");
c = Cook (-2);
Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Request.ContentLength, "C2");
[Ignore ("tests undocumented behavior that depends on implementation")]
public void Test_EmptyUnknownRow ()
HttpContext c = Cook (2);
NameValueCollection x = c.Request.Headers;
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void Test_RequestFields ()
HttpContext c = Cook (1);
Assert.IsNull (c.Request.ApplicationPath, "A1");
Assert.AreEqual ("text/plain", c.Request.ContentType, "A2");
c = Cook (0);
Assert.AreEqual (1024, c.Request.ContentLength, "A3");
c = Cook (3);
Assert.AreEqual ("iso-8859-1", c.Request.ContentEncoding.WebName, "A4");
NameValueCollection x = c.Request.Headers;
Assert.AreEqual ("v1", x ["k1"], "K1");
Assert.AreEqual ("v2", x ["k2"], "K2");
Assert.AreEqual ("v3", x ["k3"], "K3");
Assert.AreEqual ("v4", x ["k4"], "K4");
Assert.AreEqual ("text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1", x ["Content-Type"], "K4");
Assert.AreEqual (5, x.Count, "K5");
c = Cook (2);
Assert.AreEqual ("iso-8859-1", c.Request.ContentEncoding.WebName, "A5");
Assert.AreEqual ("text/plain; charset=latin1", c.Request.ContentType, "A5-1");
c = Cook (4);
Assert.AreEqual ("iso-8859-1", c.Request.ContentEncoding.WebName, "A6");
x = c.Request.Headers;
Assert.AreEqual ("", x ["k1"], "K6");
Assert.AreEqual (null, x ["k2"], "K7");
Assert.AreEqual (" ", x ["k3"], "K8");
Assert.AreEqual (4, x.Count, "K9");
c = Cook (5);
Assert.AreEqual ("iso-8859-1", c.Request.ContentEncoding.WebName, "A7");
Assert.AreEqual ("RemoteName", c.Request.UserHostName, "A8");
Assert.AreEqual ("RemoteAddress", c.Request.UserHostAddress, "A9");
// Difference between Url property and RawUrl one: one is resolved, the other is not
Assert.AreEqual ("/bb.aspx", c.Request.RawUrl, "A10");
Assert.AreEqual ("http://localhost:2020/uri.aspx?GetQueryString", c.Request.Url.ToString (), "A11");
[Test] public void Test_Cookies ()
HttpContext c;
c = Cook (10);
c.Request.ValidateInput ();
Assert.AreEqual ("Value", c.Request.Cookies ["Key"].Value, "cookie1");
[ExpectedException(typeof (HttpRequestValidationException))]
public void Test_DangerousCookie ()
HttpContext c;
c = Cook (11);
c.Request.ValidateInput ();
object a = c.Request.Cookies;
public void Test_DangerousCookie2 ()
HttpContext c;
c = Cook (12);
c.Request.ValidateInput ();
object a = c.Request.Cookies;
public void Test_DangerousCookie3 ()
HttpContext c;
c = Cook (13);
c.Request.ValidateInput ();
object a = c.Request.Cookies;
public void Test_DangerousCookie4 ()
HttpContext c;
c = Cook (14);
c.Request.ValidateInput ();
object a = c.Request.Cookies;
public void Test_MiscHeaders ()
HttpContext c = Cook (15);
// The uri ToString contains the trailing slash.
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.mono-project.com/", c.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString (), "ref1");
Assert.AreEqual ("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10", c.Request.UserAgent, "ref2");
// All the AcceptTypes and UserLanguages tests below here pass under MS
c = Cook (20);
string [] at = c.Request.AcceptTypes;
string [] ul = c.Request.UserLanguages;
Assert.IsNull (at, "AT1");
Assert.IsNull (ul, "UL1");
c = Cook (21);
at = c.Request.AcceptTypes;
Assert.IsNotNull (at, "AT2");
string [] expected = { "text/xml", "application/xml", "application/xhtml+xml", "text/html;q=0.9",
"text/plain;q=0.8", "image/png", "*/*;q=0.5" };
Assert.AreEqual (expected.Length, at.Length, "AT3");
for (int i = expected.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Assert.AreEqual (expected [i], at [i], "AT" + (3 + i));
ul = c.Request.UserLanguages;
Assert.IsNotNull (ul, "UL2");
expected = new string [] { "en-us", "en;q=0.5" };
Assert.AreEqual (expected.Length, ul.Length, "UL3");
for (int i = expected.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Assert.AreEqual (expected [i], ul [i], "UL" + (3 + i));
public void Empty_WorkerRequest_QueryString ()
HttpContext c = Cook (20);
// Checks that the following line does not throw an exception if
// the querystring returned by the HttpWorkerRequest is null.
NameValueCollection nvc = c.Request.QueryString;
public void Test_QueryString_ToString ()
HttpContext c = Cook (50);
Assert.AreEqual (c.Request.QueryString.ToString (), "PlainString", "QTS#1");
c = Cook (51);
Assert.AreEqual (c.Request.QueryString.ToString (), "Plain&Arg=1", "QTS#2");
public void QueryString_NullTest ()
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest ("file.aspx", "http://localhost/file.aspx", null);
Assert.AreEqual (req.QueryString.ToString (), "", "QSNT#1");
public void Leading_qm_in_QueryString ()
HttpContext c = Cook (16);
NameValueCollection nvc = c.Request.QueryString;
foreach (string id in nvc.AllKeys) {
if (id.StartsWith ("?"))
Assert.Fail (id);
public void TestPath ()
HttpContext c = Cook (16);
// This used to crash, ifolder exposed this
string x = c.Request.Path;
public void MapImageCoordinatesHEAD ()
HttpContext c = Cook (25);
int [] coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.IsNotNull (coords, "A1");
Assert.AreEqual (10, coords [0], "X");
Assert.AreEqual (20, coords [1], "Y");
c = Cook (26);
coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.AreEqual (null, coords, "coords");
public void MapImageCoordinatesGET ()
HttpContext c = Cook (27);
int [] coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.AreEqual (10, coords [0], "X");
Assert.AreEqual (20, coords [1], "Y");
coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("m");
Assert.AreEqual (null, coords, "coords1");
c = Cook (28);
coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.AreEqual (null, coords, "coords2");
c = Cook (29);
coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.AreEqual (null, coords, "coords3");
c = Cook (32);
coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.AreEqual (null, coords, "coords4");
public void MapImageCoordinatesPOST ()
HttpContext c = Cook (30);
int [] coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.IsNotNull (coords, "A1");
Assert.AreEqual (10, coords [0], "X");
Assert.AreEqual (20, coords [1], "Y");
c = Cook (31);
coords = c.Request.MapImageCoordinates ("mapa");
Assert.AreEqual (null, coords, "coords2");
public void TestReferer ()
HttpContext c = Cook (1);
Assert.AreEqual (null, c.Request.UrlReferrer, "REF1");
c = Cook (2);
Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.mono-project.com/test.aspx", c.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString (), "REF1");
c = Cook (33);
Assert.AreEqual (null, c.Request.UrlReferrer, "REF1");
public void NegativeContentLength ()
HttpContext c = Cook (1);
HttpRequest req = c.Request;
Assert.AreEqual (0, req.ContentLength, "#01");
public void EmptyQueryValueParams ()
HttpContext c = Cook (52);
Assert.AreEqual ("", c.Request.Params["Empty"]);
// This class is defined here to make it easy to create fake
// HttpWorkerRequest-derived classes by only overriding the methods
// necessary for testing.
class BaseFakeHttpWorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest
public override void EndOfRequest()
public override void FlushResponse(bool finalFlush)
public override string GetHttpVerbName()
return "GET";
public override string GetHttpVersion()
return "HTTP/1.1";
public override string GetLocalAddress()
return "localhost";
public override int GetLocalPort()
return 8080;
public override string GetQueryString()
return String.Empty;
public override string GetRawUrl()
string rawUrl = GetUriPath();
string queryString = GetQueryString();
if (queryString != null && queryString.Length > 0)
rawUrl += "?" + queryString;
return rawUrl;
public override string GetRemoteAddress()
return "remotehost";
public override int GetRemotePort()
return 8080;
public override string GetUriPath()
return "default.aspx";
public override void SendKnownResponseHeader(int index, string value)
public override void SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr handle, long offset, long length)
public override void SendResponseFromFile(string filename, long offset, long length)
public override void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] data, int length)
public override void SendStatus(int statusCode, string statusDescription)
public override void SendUnknownResponseHeader(string name, string value)
// This test ensures accessing the Form property does not throw an
// exception when the length of data in the request exceeds the length
// as reported by the Content-Length header. This bug was discovered
// with an AJAX application using XMLHttpRequest to POST back to the
// server. The Content-Length header was two bytes less than the length
// of the buffer returned from GetPreloadedEntityBody. This was causing
// an exception to be thrown by Mono because it was trying to allocate
// a buffer that was -2 bytes in length.
public class Test_UrlEncodedBodyWithExtraCRLF
class FakeHttpWorkerRequest : BaseFakeHttpWorkerRequest
// This string is 9 bytes in length. That's 2 more than
// the Content-Length header says it should be.
string data = "foo=bar\r\n";
public override string GetKnownRequestHeader(int index)
switch (index)
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength:
return (data.Length - 2).ToString();
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType:
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
return String.Empty;
public override byte[] GetPreloadedEntityBody()
return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
HttpContext context = null;
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void SetUp()
HttpWorkerRequest workerRequest = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest();
context = new HttpContext(workerRequest);
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void ContentLength()
Assert.AreEqual(7, context.Request.ContentLength);
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void Form_Count()
Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Request.Form.Count);
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void Form_Item()
// I would have expected the extra two characters to be stripped
// but Microsoft's CLR keeps them so Mono should, too.
//Assert.AreEqual("bar\r\n", context.Request.Form["foo"]);
Assert.AreEqual("bar", context.Request.Form["foo"]);
// This test ensures the HttpRequet object's Form property gets
// properly constructed and populated when the Content-Type header
// includes a charset parameter and that the charset parameter is
// respected.
public class Test_UrlEncodedBodyWithUtf8CharsetParameter
class FakeHttpWorkerRequest : BaseFakeHttpWorkerRequest
// The two funny-looking characters are really a single
// accented "a" character encoded in UTF-8.
string data = "foo=b%C3%A1r";
public override string GetKnownRequestHeader(int index)
switch (index)
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength:
return data.Length.ToString();
case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType:
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
return String.Empty;
public override byte[] GetPreloadedEntityBody()
return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
HttpContext context = null;
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void SetUp()
HttpWorkerRequest workerRequest = new FakeHttpWorkerRequest();
context = new HttpContext(workerRequest);
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void Form_Count()
Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Request.Form.Count);
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // Cannot be runned on .net with no web context
public void Form_Item()
Assert.AreEqual("b\xE1r", context.Request.Form["foo"]);