Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

276 lines
12 KiB

// <copyright file="DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Services.Discovery {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web.Services.Diagnostics;
/// <include file='doc\DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// Does a recursive search of virtual subdirectories to find stuff to
/// make a disco file from. *.disco files (or whatever the PrimarySearchPattern is) are
/// treated as end-points - recursion stops where they are found.
/// </devdoc>
internal class DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher : DynamicDiscoSearcher {
private string rootPathAsdi; // ADSI search root path with prefix
private string entryPathPrefix;
private string startDir;
// If we could get an event back from IIS Admin Object that some directory is addred/removed/renamed
// then the following memeber should become static, so we get 5-10 _times_ performace gain on
// processing .vsdisco in the Web Root
// !!SEE ALSO!! CleanupCache method
private /*static*/ Hashtable webApps = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable Adsi = new Hashtable();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
internal DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher(string startDir, string[] excludedUrls, string rootUrl) :
origUrl = rootUrl;
entryPathPrefix = GetWebServerForUrl( rootUrl ) + "/ROOT";
this.startDir = startDir;
string localPath = (new System.Uri(rootUrl)).LocalPath;
if ( localPath.Equals("/") ) localPath = ""; // empty local path should be ""
rootPathAsdi = entryPathPrefix + localPath;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <include file='doc\DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher.Search"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// Main function. Searches dir recursively for primary (.vsdisco) and seconary (.asmx) files.
/// </devdoc>
internal override void Search(string fileToSkipAtBegin) {
ScanDirectory( rootPathAsdi );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Look in virtual subdirectories.
protected override void SearchSubDirectories(string nameAdsiDir) {
if ( CompModSwitches.DynamicDiscoverySearcher.TraceVerbose ) Debug.WriteLine( "DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher.SearchSubDirectories(): nameAdsiDir=" + nameAdsiDir);
DirectoryEntry vdir = (DirectoryEntry)Adsi[nameAdsiDir]; //may be already bound
if (vdir == null) {
if ( !DirectoryEntry.Exists(nameAdsiDir) )
vdir = new DirectoryEntry(nameAdsiDir);
Adsi[nameAdsiDir] = vdir;
foreach (DirectoryEntry obj in vdir.Children) {
DirectoryEntry child = (DirectoryEntry)Adsi[obj.Path];
if (child == null) {
child = obj;
Adsi[obj.Path] = obj;
} else {
AppSettings settings = GetAppSettings(child);
if (settings != null) {
ScanDirectory(child.Path); //go down ADSI path
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected override DirectoryInfo GetPhysicalDir(string dir ) {
DirectoryEntry vdir = (DirectoryEntry)Adsi[dir];
if (vdir == null) {
if (!DirectoryEntry.Exists(dir) ) {
return null;
vdir = new DirectoryEntry(dir);
Adsi[dir] = vdir;
try {
DirectoryInfo directory = null;
AppSettings settings = GetAppSettings(vdir);
if (settings == null) {
return null;
if (settings.VPath == null) { //SchemaClassName == "IIsWebDirectory"
//NOTE This assumes there was a known physical directory
//corresponding to a parent WebDirectory.
//And incoming 'dir' is a child of that parent.
if ( !dir.StartsWith(rootPathAsdi, StringComparison.Ordinal) ) {
throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.WebVirtualDisoRoot, dir, rootPathAsdi), "dir");
string physicalDir = dir.Substring(rootPathAsdi.Length);
physicalDir = physicalDir.Replace('/', '\\'); //it always begins with '/' or is empty
directory = new DirectoryInfo(startDir + physicalDir);
else {
directory = new DirectoryInfo(settings.VPath); //SchemaClassName == "IIsWebVirtualDir
if ( directory.Exists )
return directory;
catch (Exception e) {
if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) {
if ( CompModSwitches.DynamicDiscoverySearcher.TraceVerbose ) Debug.WriteLine( "+++ DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher.GetPhysicalDir(): dir=" + dir + " Exception=" + e.ToString() );
if (Tracing.On) Tracing.ExceptionCatch(TraceEventType.Warning, this, "GetPhysicalDir", e);
return null;
return null;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate root ADSI virtual directory name (func by '[....]').
private string GetWebServerForUrl(string url) {
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
DirectoryEntry w3Service = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://" + uri.Host + "/W3SVC");
foreach (DirectoryEntry obj in w3Service.Children) {
DirectoryEntry site = (DirectoryEntry)Adsi[obj.Path]; //may be already bound
if (site == null) {
site = obj;
Adsi[obj.Path] = obj;
else {
AppSettings settings = GetAppSettings(site);
if (settings == null || settings.Bindings == null) { //SchemaClassName != "IIsWebServer"
foreach (string bindingsEntry in settings.Bindings) {
if ( CompModSwitches.DynamicDiscoverySearcher.TraceVerbose ) Debug.WriteLine("GetWebServerForUrl() bindingsEntry=" + bindingsEntry);
string[] bindings = bindingsEntry.Split(':');
string ip = bindings[0];
string port = bindings[1];
string hostname = bindings[2];
if (Convert.ToInt32(port, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != uri.Port)
if (uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns) {
if (hostname.Length == 0 || string.Compare(hostname, uri.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return site.Path;
else {
if (ip.Length == 0 || string.Compare(ip, uri.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return site.Path;
return null;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Makes result URL found file path from diectory name and short file name.
protected override string MakeResultPath(string dirName, string fileName) {
string res = origUrl
+ dirName.Substring(rootPathAsdi.Length, dirName.Length - rootPathAsdi.Length)
+ '/' + fileName;
return res;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Makes exclusion path absolute for quick comparision on search.
protected override string MakeAbsExcludedPath(string pathRelativ) {
return rootPathAsdi + '/' + pathRelativ.Replace('\\', '/');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected override bool IsVirtualSearch {
get { return true; }
private AppSettings GetAppSettings(DirectoryEntry entry) {
string key = entry.Path; //this is fast since does not cause bind()
AppSettings result = null;
object obj = webApps[key];
if (obj == null) {
// We provie a write lock while Hashtable supports multiple readers under single writer
lock (webApps) {
obj = webApps[key];
if (obj == null) { //make sure other thread not taken care of
result = new AppSettings(entry); //that consumes a 50-2000 ms
webApps[key] = result;
else {
result = (AppSettings)obj;
return result.AccessRead ? result : null; //ignore denied object on upper level
private void CleanupCache() {
//Destroy system resources excplicitly since the destructor is called sometime late
foreach (DictionaryEntry obj in Adsi) {
rootPathAsdi = null;
entryPathPrefix = null;
startDir = null;
Adsi = null;
//REMOVE NEXT LINE IF the member webApps has turned into static (see webApps declaration line)
webApps = null;
private class AppSettings {
internal readonly bool AccessRead = false; // if false the caller will ignore the object
internal readonly string[] Bindings = null; // the field is only for WebServers
internal readonly string VPath = null; // the filed is only for VirtualDirs
internal AppSettings(DirectoryEntry entry) {
string schema = entry.SchemaClassName;
AccessRead = true;
if (schema == "IIsWebVirtualDir" || schema == "IIsWebDirectory") {
if (!(bool)(entry.Properties["AccessRead"][0])) {
AccessRead = false;
if (schema == "IIsWebVirtualDir") {
VPath = (string) (entry.Properties["Path"][0]);
else if (schema == "IIsWebServer") {
Bindings = new string[entry.Properties["ServerBindings"].Count];
for (int i = 0; i < Bindings.Length; ++i) {
Bindings[i] = (string) (entry.Properties["ServerBindings"][i]);
else {
//schema is not recognized add to the cache but never look at the object
AccessRead = false;