Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

453 lines
17 KiB

// <copyright file="EdmFunction.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm
/// <summary>
/// Class for representing a function
/// </summary>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Edm")]
public sealed class EdmFunction : EdmType
#region Constructors
internal EdmFunction(string name, string namespaceName, DataSpace dataSpace, EdmFunctionPayload payload)
: base(name, namespaceName, dataSpace)
//---- name of the 'schema'
//---- this is used by the SQL Gen utility and update pipeline to support generation of the correct function name in the store
_schemaName = payload.Schema;
_fullName = this.NamespaceName + "." + this.Name;
FunctionParameter[] returnParameters = payload.ReturnParameters;
Debug.Assert(returnParameters.All((returnParameter) => returnParameter != null), "All return parameters must be non-null");
Debug.Assert(returnParameters.All((returnParameter) => returnParameter.Mode == ParameterMode.ReturnValue), "Return parameter in a function must have the ParameterMode equal to ReturnValue.");
_returnParameters = new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<FunctionParameter>(
.Select((returnParameter) => SafeLink<EdmFunction>.BindChild<FunctionParameter>(this, FunctionParameter.DeclaringFunctionLinker, returnParameter))
if (payload.IsAggregate.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.Aggregate, payload.IsAggregate.Value);
if (payload.IsBuiltIn.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.BuiltIn, payload.IsBuiltIn.Value);
if (payload.IsNiladic.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.NiladicFunction, payload.IsNiladic.Value);
if (payload.IsComposable.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.IsComposable, payload.IsComposable.Value);
if (payload.IsFromProviderManifest.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.IsFromProviderManifest, payload.IsFromProviderManifest.Value);
if (payload.IsCachedStoreFunction.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.IsCachedStoreFunction, payload.IsCachedStoreFunction.Value);
if (payload.IsFunctionImport.HasValue) SetFunctionAttribute(ref _functionAttributes, FunctionAttributes.IsFunctionImport, payload.IsFunctionImport.Value);
if (payload.ParameterTypeSemantics.HasValue)
_parameterTypeSemantics = payload.ParameterTypeSemantics.Value;
if (payload.StoreFunctionName != null)
_storeFunctionNameAttribute = payload.StoreFunctionName;
if (payload.EntitySets != null)
Debug.Assert(_returnParameters.Count == payload.EntitySets.Length, "The number of entity sets should match the number of return parameters");
_entitySets = new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EntitySet>(payload.EntitySets);
var list = new List<EntitySet>();
if (_returnParameters.Count != 0)
Debug.Assert(_returnParameters.Count == 1, "If there was more than one result set payload.EntitySets should not have been null");
_entitySets = new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EntitySet>(list);
if (payload.CommandText != null)
_commandTextAttribute = payload.CommandText;
if (payload.Parameters != null)
// validate the parameters
foreach (FunctionParameter parameter in payload.Parameters)
if (parameter == null)
throw EntityUtil.CollectionParameterElementIsNull("parameters");
Debug.Assert(parameter.Mode != ParameterMode.ReturnValue, "No function parameter can have ParameterMode equal to ReturnValue.");
// Populate the parameters
_parameters = new SafeLinkCollection<EdmFunction, FunctionParameter>(this, FunctionParameter.DeclaringFunctionLinker, new MetadataCollection<FunctionParameter>(payload.Parameters));
_parameters = new ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<FunctionParameter>(new MetadataCollection<FunctionParameter>());
#region Fields
private readonly ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<FunctionParameter> _returnParameters;
private readonly ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<FunctionParameter> _parameters;
private readonly FunctionAttributes _functionAttributes = FunctionAttributes.Default;
private readonly string _storeFunctionNameAttribute;
private readonly ParameterTypeSemantics _parameterTypeSemantics;
private readonly string _commandTextAttribute;
private readonly string _schemaName;
private readonly ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EntitySet> _entitySets;
private readonly string _fullName;
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Returns the kind of the type
/// </summary>
public override BuiltInTypeKind BuiltInTypeKind { get { return BuiltInTypeKind.EdmFunction; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the full name of this type, which is namespace + "." + name.
/// </summary>
public override string FullName
return _fullName;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the collection of parameters
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<FunctionParameter> Parameters
return _parameters;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if this is a C-space function and it has an eSQL body defined as DefiningExpression.
/// </summary>
internal bool HasUserDefinedBody
return this.IsModelDefinedFunction && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CommandTextAttribute);
/// <summary>
/// For function imports, optionally indicates the entity set to which the result is bound.
/// If the function import has multiple result sets, returns the entity set to which the first result is bound
/// </summary>
[MetadataProperty(BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet, false)]
internal EntitySet EntitySet
return _entitySets.Count != 0 ? _entitySets[0] : null;
/// <summary>
/// For function imports, indicates the entity sets to which the return parameters are bound.
/// The number of elements in the collection matches the number of return parameters.
/// A null element in the collection indicates that the corresponding are not bound to an entity set.
/// </summary>
[MetadataProperty(BuiltInTypeKind.EntitySet, true)]
internal ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EntitySet> EntitySets
return _entitySets;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the return parameter of this function
/// </summary>
[MetadataProperty(BuiltInTypeKind.FunctionParameter, false)]
public FunctionParameter ReturnParameter
return _returnParameters.FirstOrDefault();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the return parameters of this function
/// </summary>
[MetadataProperty(BuiltInTypeKind.FunctionParameter, true)]
public ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<FunctionParameter> ReturnParameters
return _returnParameters;
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, false)]
internal string StoreFunctionNameAttribute
get { return _storeFunctionNameAttribute; }
[MetadataProperty(typeof(ParameterTypeSemantics), false)]
internal ParameterTypeSemantics ParameterTypeSemanticsAttribute
get { return _parameterTypeSemantics; }
// Function attribute parameters
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean, false)]
internal bool AggregateAttribute
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.Aggregate);
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean, false)]
internal bool BuiltInAttribute
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.BuiltIn);
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean, false)]
internal bool IsFromProviderManifest
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.IsFromProviderManifest);
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean, false)]
internal bool NiladicFunctionAttribute
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.NiladicFunction);
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Composable")]
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean, false)]
public bool IsComposableAttribute
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.IsComposable);
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, false)]
public string CommandTextAttribute
return _commandTextAttribute;
internal bool IsCachedStoreFunction
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.IsCachedStoreFunction);
internal bool IsModelDefinedFunction
return this.DataSpace == DataSpace.CSpace && !IsCachedStoreFunction && !IsFromProviderManifest && !IsFunctionImport;
internal bool IsFunctionImport
return GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes.IsFunctionImport);
[MetadataProperty(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, false)]
internal string Schema
return _schemaName;
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Sets this item to be readonly, once this is set, the item will never be writable again.
/// </summary>
internal override void SetReadOnly()
if (!IsReadOnly)
foreach (FunctionParameter returnParameter in ReturnParameters)
/// <summary>
/// Builds function identity string in the form of "functionName (param1, param2, ... paramN)".
/// </summary>
internal override void BuildIdentity(StringBuilder builder)
// If we've already cached the identity, simply append it
if (null != CacheIdentity)
(param) => param.TypeUsage,
(param) => param.Mode);
/// <summary>
/// Builds identity based on the functionName and parameter types. All parameters are assumed to be <see cref="ParameterMode.In"/>.
/// Returns string in the form of "functionName (param1, param2, ... paramN)".
/// </summary>
internal static string BuildIdentity(string functionName, IEnumerable<TypeUsage> functionParameters)
StringBuilder identity = new StringBuilder();
(param) => param,
(param) => ParameterMode.In);
return identity.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Builds identity based on the functionName and parameters metadata.
/// Returns string in the form of "functionName (param1, param2, ... paramN)".
/// </summary>
internal static void BuildIdentity<TParameterMetadata>(StringBuilder builder,
string functionName,
IEnumerable<TParameterMetadata> functionParameters,
Func<TParameterMetadata, TypeUsage> getParameterTypeUsage,
Func<TParameterMetadata, ParameterMode> getParameterMode)
// Note: some callers depend on the format of the returned identity string.
// Start with the function name
// Then add the string representing the list of parameters
bool first = true;
foreach (TParameterMetadata parameter in functionParameters)
if (first) { first = false; }
else { builder.Append(","); }
builder.Append(' ');
private bool GetFunctionAttribute(FunctionAttributes attribute)
return attribute == (attribute & _functionAttributes);
private static void SetFunctionAttribute(ref FunctionAttributes field, FunctionAttributes attribute, bool isSet)
if (isSet)
// make sure that attribute bits are set to 1
field |= attribute;
// make sure that attribute bits are set to 0
field ^= field & attribute;
#region Nested types
private enum FunctionAttributes : byte
None = 0,
Aggregate = 1,
BuiltIn = 2,
NiladicFunction = 4,
IsComposable = 8,
IsFromProviderManifest = 16,
IsCachedStoreFunction = 32,
IsFunctionImport = 64,
Default = IsComposable,
internal struct EdmFunctionPayload
public string Name;
public string NamespaceName;
public string Schema;
public string StoreFunctionName;
public string CommandText;
public EntitySet[] EntitySets;
public bool? IsAggregate;
public bool? IsBuiltIn;
public bool? IsNiladic;
public bool? IsComposable;
public bool? IsFromProviderManifest;
public bool? IsCachedStoreFunction;
public bool? IsFunctionImport;
public FunctionParameter[] ReturnParameters;
public ParameterTypeSemantics? ParameterTypeSemantics;
public FunctionParameter[] Parameters;
public DataSpace DataSpace;