334 lines
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334 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Data.Spatial;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web.Compilation;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace System.Web.DynamicData {
/// <summary>
/// Default implementation of IFieldTemplateFactory. It uses user controls for the field templates.
/// </summary>
public class FieldTemplateFactory : IFieldTemplateFactory {
private const string IntegerField = "Integer";
private const string ForeignKeyField = "ForeignKey";
private const string ChildrenField = "Children";
private const string ManyToManyField = "ManyToMany";
private const string EnumerationField = "Enumeration";
private const string EditModePathModifier = "_Edit";
private const string InsertModePathModifier = "_Insert";
private Dictionary<Type, string> _typesToTemplateNames;
private Dictionary<Type, Type> _typesFallBacks;
private TemplateFactory _templateFactory;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public FieldTemplateFactory() {
_templateFactory = new TemplateFactory("FieldTemplates");
// For unit test purpose
internal FieldTemplateFactory(VirtualPathProvider vpp)
: this() {
_templateFactory.VirtualPathProvider = vpp;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the folder containing the user controls. By default, this is ~/DynamicData/FieldTemplates/
/// </summary>
public string TemplateFolderVirtualPath {
get {
return _templateFactory.TemplateFolderVirtualPath;
set {
_templateFactory.TemplateFolderVirtualPath = value;
/// <summary>
/// The MetaModel that the factory is associated with
/// </summary>
public MetaModel Model {
get {
return _templateFactory.Model;
private set {
_templateFactory.Model = value;
private void InitTypesToTemplateNamesTable() {
_typesToTemplateNames = new Dictionary<Type, string>();
_typesToTemplateNames[typeof(int)] = FieldTemplateFactory.IntegerField;
_typesToTemplateNames[typeof(string)] = DataType.Text.ToString();
private void BuildTypeFallbackTable() {
_typesFallBacks = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
_typesFallBacks[typeof(float)] = typeof(decimal);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(double)] = typeof(decimal);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(Int16)] = typeof(int);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(byte)] = typeof(int);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(long)] = typeof(int);
// Fall back to strings for most types
_typesFallBacks[typeof(char)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(int)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(decimal)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(Guid)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(DateTime)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(TimeSpan)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(DbGeography)] = typeof(string);
_typesFallBacks[typeof(DbGeometry)] = typeof(string);
private Type GetFallBackType(Type t) {
// Check if there is a fallback type
Type fallbackType;
if (_typesFallBacks.TryGetValue(t, out fallbackType))
return fallbackType;
return null;
// Internal for unit test purpose
internal string GetFieldTemplateVirtualPathWithCaching(MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint) {
// Compute a cache key based on all the input paramaters
long cacheKey = Misc.CombineHashCodes(uiHint, column, mode);
Func<string> templatePathFactoryFunction = () => GetFieldTemplateVirtualPath(column, mode, uiHint);
return _templateFactory.GetTemplatePath(cacheKey, templatePathFactoryFunction);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the virtual path of the field template user control to be used, based on various pieces of data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="column">The MetaColumn for which the field template is needed</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode (Readonly, Edit, Insert) for which the field template is needed</param>
/// <param name="uiHint">The UIHint (if any) that should affect the field template lookup</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual string GetFieldTemplateVirtualPath(MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint) {
mode = PreprocessMode(column, mode);
bool hasDataTypeAttribute = column != null && column.DataTypeAttribute != null;
// Set the UIHint in some special cases, but don't do it if we already have one or
// if we have a DataTypeAttribute
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uiHint) && !hasDataTypeAttribute) {
// Check if it's an association
// Or if it is an enum
if (column is MetaForeignKeyColumn) {
uiHint = FieldTemplateFactory.ForeignKeyField;
} else if (column is MetaChildrenColumn) {
var childrenColumn = (MetaChildrenColumn)column;
if (childrenColumn.IsManyToMany) {
uiHint = FieldTemplateFactory.ManyToManyField;
else {
uiHint = FieldTemplateFactory.ChildrenField;
} else if (column.ColumnType.IsEnum) {
uiHint = FieldTemplateFactory.EnumerationField;
return GetVirtualPathWithModeFallback(uiHint, column, mode);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a chance to change the mode. e.g. an Edit mode request can be turned into ReadOnly mode
/// if the column is a primary key
/// </summary>
public virtual DataBoundControlMode PreprocessMode(MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
if (column == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("column");
// Primary keys can't be edited, so put them in readonly mode. Note that this
// does not apply to Insert mode, which is fine
if (column.IsPrimaryKey && mode == DataBoundControlMode.Edit) {
mode = DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly;
// Generated columns should never be editable/insertable
if (column.IsGenerated) {
mode = DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly;
// ReadOnly columns cannot be edited nor inserted, and are always in Display mode
if (column.IsReadOnly) {
if (mode == DataBoundControlMode.Insert && column.AllowInitialValue) {
// but don't change the mode if we're in insert and an initial value is allowed
} else {
mode = DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly;
// If initial value is not allowed set mode to ReadOnly
if (mode == DataBoundControlMode.Insert && !column.AllowInitialValue) {
mode = DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly;
if (column is MetaForeignKeyColumn) {
// If the foreign key is part of the primary key (e.g. Order and Product in Order_Details table),
// change the mode to ReadOnly so that they can't be edited.
if (mode == DataBoundControlMode.Edit && ((MetaForeignKeyColumn)column).IsPrimaryKeyInThisTable) {
mode = DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly;
return mode;
private string GetVirtualPathWithModeFallback(string templateName, MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
// Try not only the requested mode, but others if needed. Basically:
// - an edit template can default to an item template
// - an insert template can default to an edit template, then to an item template
for (var currentMode = mode; currentMode >= 0; currentMode--) {
string virtualPath = GetVirtualPathForMode(templateName, column, currentMode);
if (virtualPath != null)
return virtualPath;
// We couldn't locate any field template at all, so give up
return null;
private string GetVirtualPathForMode(string templateName, MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
// If we got a template name, try it
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName)) {
string virtualPath = GetVirtualPathIfExists(templateName, column, mode);
if (virtualPath != null)
return virtualPath;
// Otherwise, use the column's type
return GetVirtualPathForTypeWithFallback(column.ColumnType, column, mode);
private string GetVirtualPathForTypeWithFallback(Type fieldType, MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
string templateName;
string virtualPath;
// If we have a data type attribute
if (column.DataTypeAttribute != null) {
templateName = column.DataTypeAttribute.GetDataTypeName();
// Try to get the path from it
virtualPath = GetVirtualPathIfExists(templateName, column, mode);
if (virtualPath != null)
return virtualPath;
// Try the actual fully qualified type name (i.e. with the namespace)
virtualPath = GetVirtualPathIfExists(fieldType.FullName, column, mode);
if (virtualPath != null)
return virtualPath;
// Try the simple type name
virtualPath = GetVirtualPathIfExists(fieldType.Name, column, mode);
if (virtualPath != null)
return virtualPath;
// If our type name table has an entry for it, try it
if (_typesToTemplateNames.TryGetValue(fieldType, out templateName)) {
virtualPath = GetVirtualPathIfExists(templateName, column, mode);
if (virtualPath != null)
return virtualPath;
// Check if there is a fallback type
Type fallbackType = GetFallBackType(fieldType);
// If not, we've run out of options
if (fallbackType == null)
return null;
// If so, try it
return GetVirtualPathForTypeWithFallback(fallbackType, column, mode);
private string GetVirtualPathIfExists(string templateName, MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
// Build the path
string virtualPath = BuildVirtualPath(templateName, column, mode);
// Check if it exists
if (_templateFactory.FileExists(virtualPath))
return virtualPath;
// If not, return null
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Build the virtual path to the field template user control based on the template name and mode.
/// By default, it returns names that look like TemplateName_ModeName.ascx, in the folder specified
/// by TemplateFolderVirtualPath.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="templateName"></param>
/// <param name="column"></param>
/// <param name="mode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual string BuildVirtualPath(string templateName, MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName)) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("templateName");
string modePathModifier = null;
switch (mode) {
case DataBoundControlMode.ReadOnly:
modePathModifier = String.Empty;
case DataBoundControlMode.Edit:
modePathModifier = FieldTemplateFactory.EditModePathModifier;
case DataBoundControlMode.Insert:
modePathModifier = FieldTemplateFactory.InsertModePathModifier;
return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
TemplateFolderVirtualPath + "{0}{1}.ascx", templateName, modePathModifier);
#region IFieldTemplateFactory Members
public virtual void Initialize(MetaModel model) {
Model = model;
/// <summary>
/// See IFieldTemplateFactory for details.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual IFieldTemplate CreateFieldTemplate(MetaColumn column, DataBoundControlMode mode, string uiHint) {
string fieldTemplatePath = GetFieldTemplateVirtualPathWithCaching(column, mode, uiHint);
if (fieldTemplatePath == null)
return null;
return (IFieldTemplate)BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath(
fieldTemplatePath, typeof(IFieldTemplate));