377 lines
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377 lines
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// <copyright file="DBDataPermission.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">Microsoft</owner>
namespace System.Data.Common {
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
[SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ControlEvidence=true, ControlPolicy=true)]
public abstract class DBDataPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission {
private bool _isUnrestricted;// = false;
private bool _allowBlankPassword;// = false;
private NameValuePermission _keyvaluetree = NameValuePermission.Default;
private /*DBConnectionString[]*/ArrayList _keyvalues; // = null;
[ Obsolete("DBDataPermission() has been deprecated. Use the DBDataPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true) ] // V1.2.3300, MDAC 86034
protected DBDataPermission() : this(PermissionState.None) { // V1.0.3300
protected DBDataPermission(PermissionState state) { // V1.0.3300
if (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted) {
_isUnrestricted = true;
else if (state == PermissionState.None) {
_isUnrestricted = false;
else {
throw ADP.InvalidPermissionState(state);
[ Obsolete("DBDataPermission(PermissionState state,Boolean allowBlankPassword) has been deprecated. Use the DBDataPermission(PermissionState.None) constructor. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202", true) ] // V1.2.3300, MDAC 86034
protected DBDataPermission(PermissionState state, bool allowBlankPassword) : this(state) { // V1.0.3300, MDAC 84281
AllowBlankPassword = allowBlankPassword;
protected DBDataPermission(DBDataPermission permission) { // V1.0.5000, for Copy
if (null == permission) {
throw ADP.ArgumentNull("permissionAttribute");
protected DBDataPermission(DBDataPermissionAttribute permissionAttribute) { // V1.0.5000, for CreatePermission
if (null == permissionAttribute) {
throw ADP.ArgumentNull("permissionAttribute");
_isUnrestricted = permissionAttribute.Unrestricted;
if (!_isUnrestricted) {
_allowBlankPassword = permissionAttribute.AllowBlankPassword;
if (permissionAttribute.ShouldSerializeConnectionString() || permissionAttribute.ShouldSerializeKeyRestrictions()) { // MDAC 86773
Add(permissionAttribute.ConnectionString, permissionAttribute.KeyRestrictions, permissionAttribute.KeyRestrictionBehavior);
// how connectionString security is used
// parsetable (all string) is shared with connection
internal DBDataPermission(DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions) { // v2.0
if (null != connectionOptions) {
_allowBlankPassword = connectionOptions.HasBlankPassword; // MDAC 84563
AddPermissionEntry(new DBConnectionString(connectionOptions));
public bool AllowBlankPassword { // V1.0.3300
get {
return _allowBlankPassword;
set { // MDAC 61263
// for behavioral backward compatability with V1.1
// set_AllowBlankPassword does not _isUnrestricted=false
_allowBlankPassword = value;
public virtual void Add(string connectionString, string restrictions, KeyRestrictionBehavior behavior) { // V1.0.5000
DBConnectionString constr = new DBConnectionString(connectionString, restrictions, behavior, null, false);
internal void AddPermissionEntry(DBConnectionString entry) {
if (null == _keyvaluetree) {
_keyvaluetree = new NameValuePermission();
if (null == _keyvalues) {
_keyvalues = new ArrayList();
NameValuePermission.AddEntry(_keyvaluetree, _keyvalues, entry);
_isUnrestricted = false; // MDAC 84639
protected void Clear() { // V1.2.3300, MDAC 83105
_keyvaluetree = null;
_keyvalues = null;
// IPermission interface methods
// [ObsoleteAttribute("override Copy instead of using default implementation")] // not inherited
override public IPermission Copy() {
DBDataPermission copy = CreateInstance();
return copy;
private void CopyFrom(DBDataPermission permission) {
_isUnrestricted = permission.IsUnrestricted();
if (!_isUnrestricted) {
_allowBlankPassword = permission.AllowBlankPassword;
if (null != permission._keyvalues) {
_keyvalues = (ArrayList) permission._keyvalues.Clone();
if (null != permission._keyvaluetree) {
_keyvaluetree = permission._keyvaluetree.CopyNameValue();
// [ Obsolete("use DBDataPermission(DBDataPermission) ctor") ]
[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")] // V1.0.5000, MDAC 82936
virtual protected DBDataPermission CreateInstance() {
// derived class should override with a different implementation avoiding reflection to allow semi-trusted scenarios
return (Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(), System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public|System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, null) as DBDataPermission);
override public IPermission Intersect(IPermission target) { // used during Deny actions
if (null == target) {
return null;
if (target.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
throw ADP.PermissionTypeMismatch();
if (this.IsUnrestricted()) { // MDAC 84803, NDPWhidbey 29121
return target.Copy();
DBDataPermission operand = (DBDataPermission) target;
if (operand.IsUnrestricted()) { // NDPWhidbey 29121
return this.Copy();
DBDataPermission newPermission = (DBDataPermission) operand.Copy();
newPermission._allowBlankPassword &= AllowBlankPassword;
if ((null != _keyvalues) && (null != newPermission._keyvalues)) {
newPermission._keyvaluetree.Intersect(newPermission._keyvalues, _keyvaluetree);
else {
// either target.Add or this.Add have not been called
// return a non-null object so IsSubset calls will fail
newPermission._keyvalues = null;
newPermission._keyvaluetree = null;
if (newPermission.IsEmpty()) { // no intersection, MDAC 86773
newPermission = null;
return newPermission;
private bool IsEmpty() { // MDAC 84804
ArrayList keyvalues = _keyvalues;
bool flag = (!IsUnrestricted() && !AllowBlankPassword && ((null == keyvalues) || (0 == keyvalues.Count)));
return flag;
override public bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target) {
if (null == target) {
return IsEmpty();
if (target.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
throw ADP.PermissionTypeMismatch();
DBDataPermission superset = (target as DBDataPermission);
bool subset = superset.IsUnrestricted();
if (!subset) {
if (!IsUnrestricted() &&
(!AllowBlankPassword || superset.AllowBlankPassword) &&
((null == _keyvalues) || (null != superset._keyvaluetree))) {
subset = true;
if (null != _keyvalues) {
foreach(DBConnectionString kventry in _keyvalues) {
if(!superset._keyvaluetree.CheckValueForKeyPermit(kventry)) {
subset = false;
return subset;
// IUnrestrictedPermission interface methods
public bool IsUnrestricted() {
return _isUnrestricted;
override public IPermission Union(IPermission target) {
if (null == target) {
return this.Copy();
if (target.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
throw ADP.PermissionTypeMismatch();
if (IsUnrestricted()) { // MDAC 84803
return this.Copy();
DBDataPermission newPermission = (DBDataPermission) target.Copy();
if (!newPermission.IsUnrestricted()) {
newPermission._allowBlankPassword |= AllowBlankPassword;
if (null != _keyvalues) {
foreach(DBConnectionString entry in _keyvalues) {
return (newPermission.IsEmpty() ? null : newPermission);
private string DecodeXmlValue(string value) {
if ((null != value) && (0 < value.Length)) {
value = value.Replace(""", "\"");
value = value.Replace("'", "\'");
value = value.Replace("<", "<");
value = value.Replace(">", ">");
value = value.Replace("&", "&");
return value;
private string EncodeXmlValue(string value) {
if ((null != value) && (0 < value.Length)) {
value = value.Replace('\0', ' '); // assumption that '\0' will only be at end of string
value = value.Trim();
value = value.Replace("&", "&");
value = value.Replace(">", ">");
value = value.Replace("<", "<");
value = value.Replace("\'", "'");
value = value.Replace("\"", """);
return value;
// <IPermission class="...Permission" version="1" AllowBlankPassword=false>
// <add ConnectionString="provider=x;data source=y;" KeyRestrictions="address=;server=" KeyRestrictionBehavior=PreventUsage/>
// </IPermission>
override public void FromXml(SecurityElement securityElement) {
// code derived from CodeAccessPermission.ValidateElement
if (null == securityElement) {
throw ADP.ArgumentNull("securityElement");
string tag = securityElement.Tag;
if (!tag.Equals(XmlStr._Permission) && !tag.Equals(XmlStr._IPermission)) {
throw ADP.NotAPermissionElement();
String version = securityElement.Attribute(XmlStr._Version);
if ((null != version) && !version.Equals(XmlStr._VersionNumber)) {
throw ADP.InvalidXMLBadVersion();
string unrestrictedValue = securityElement.Attribute(XmlStr._Unrestricted);
_isUnrestricted = (null != unrestrictedValue) && Boolean.Parse(unrestrictedValue);
Clear(); // MDAC 83105
if (!_isUnrestricted) {
string allowNull = securityElement.Attribute(XmlStr._AllowBlankPassword);
_allowBlankPassword = (null != allowNull) && Boolean.Parse(allowNull);
ArrayList children = securityElement.Children;
if (null != children) {
foreach(SecurityElement keyElement in children) {
tag = keyElement.Tag;
if ((XmlStr._add == tag) || ((null != tag) && (XmlStr._add == tag.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))) {
string constr = keyElement.Attribute(XmlStr._ConnectionString);
string restrt = keyElement.Attribute(XmlStr._KeyRestrictions);
string behavr = keyElement.Attribute(XmlStr._KeyRestrictionBehavior);
KeyRestrictionBehavior behavior = KeyRestrictionBehavior.AllowOnly;
if (null != behavr) {
behavior = (KeyRestrictionBehavior) Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyRestrictionBehavior), behavr, true);
constr = DecodeXmlValue(constr);
restrt = DecodeXmlValue(restrt);
Add(constr, restrt, behavior);
else {
_allowBlankPassword = false;
// <IPermission class="...Permission" version="1" AllowBlankPassword=false>
// <add ConnectionString="provider=x;data source=y;"/>
// <add ConnectionString="provider=x;data source=y;" KeyRestrictions="user id=;password=;" KeyRestrictionBehavior=AllowOnly/>
// <add ConnectionString="provider=x;data source=y;" KeyRestrictions="address=;server=" KeyRestrictionBehavior=PreventUsage/>
// </IPermission>
override public SecurityElement ToXml() {
Type type = this.GetType();
SecurityElement root = new SecurityElement(XmlStr._IPermission);
root.AddAttribute(XmlStr._class, type.AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace('\"', '\''));
root.AddAttribute(XmlStr._Version, XmlStr._VersionNumber);
if (IsUnrestricted()) {
root.AddAttribute(XmlStr._Unrestricted, XmlStr._true);
else {
root.AddAttribute(XmlStr._AllowBlankPassword, _allowBlankPassword.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
if (null != _keyvalues) {
foreach(DBConnectionString value in _keyvalues) {
SecurityElement valueElement = new SecurityElement(XmlStr._add);
string tmp;
tmp = value.ConnectionString; // WebData 97375
tmp = EncodeXmlValue(tmp);
if (!ADP.IsEmpty(tmp)) {
valueElement.AddAttribute(XmlStr._ConnectionString, tmp);
tmp = value.Restrictions;
tmp = EncodeXmlValue(tmp);
if (null == tmp) { tmp = ADP.StrEmpty; }
valueElement.AddAttribute(XmlStr._KeyRestrictions, tmp);
tmp = value.Behavior.ToString();
valueElement.AddAttribute(XmlStr._KeyRestrictionBehavior, tmp);
return root;
private static class XmlStr {
internal const string _class = "class";
internal const string _IPermission = "IPermission";
internal const string _Permission = "Permission";
internal const string _Unrestricted = "Unrestricted";
internal const string _AllowBlankPassword = "AllowBlankPassword";
internal const string _true = "true";
internal const string _Version = "version";
internal const string _VersionNumber = "1";
internal const string _add = "add";
internal const string _ConnectionString = "ConnectionString";
internal const string _KeyRestrictions = "KeyRestrictions";
internal const string _KeyRestrictionBehavior = "KeyRestrictionBehavior";