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// System.Messaging
// Authors:
// Peter Van Isacker (sclytrack@planetinternet.be)
// Rafael Teixeira (rafaelteixeirabr@hotmail.com)
// (C) 2003 Peter Van Isacker
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Messaging.Design;
using System.Threading;
using Mono.Messaging;
namespace System.Messaging
[TypeConverter (typeof(MessageQueueConverter))]
[Editor ("System.Messaging.Design.QueuePathEditor", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
// [Designer ("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Install.MessageQueueInstallableComponentDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblyMicrosoft_VisualStudio)]
[InstallerType (typeof(MessageQueueInstaller))]
[DefaultEvent ("ReceiveCompleted")]
public class MessageQueue : Component, IEnumerable
#region Fields
public static readonly long InfiniteQueueSize;
public static readonly TimeSpan InfiniteTimeout = MessagingProviderLocator.InfiniteTimeout;
private IMessageFormatter formatter;
private MessagePropertyFilter messageReadPropertyFilter = new MessagePropertyFilter ();
private readonly IMessageQueue delegateQueue;
#endregion //Fields
#region Constructor
public MessageQueue () : this (GetMessageQueue ())
public MessageQueue (string path) : this (path, false)
public MessageQueue (string path, bool sharedModeDenyReceive) :
this (GetMessageQueue (path))
public MessageQueue (string path, QueueAccessMode accessMode) :
this (GetMessageQueue (path))
internal MessageQueue (IMessageQueue delegateQueue)
this.delegateQueue = delegateQueue;
formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter ();
delegateQueue.PeekCompleted += new CompletedEventHandler (DelegatePeekCompleted);
#endregion //Constructor
#region Properties
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_Authenticate")]
public bool Authenticate {
get {
return delegateQueue.Authenticate;
set {
delegateQueue.Authenticate = value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_BasePriority")]
public short BasePriority {
get {
return delegateQueue.BasePriority;
set {
delegateQueue.BasePriority = value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_CanRead")]
public bool CanRead {
get {
return delegateQueue.CanRead;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[Browsable (false)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_CanWrite")]
public bool CanWrite {
get {
return delegateQueue.CanWrite;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_Category")]
public Guid Category {
get {
return delegateQueue.Category;
set {
delegateQueue.Category = value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_CreateTime")]
public DateTime CreateTime {
get {
return delegateQueue.CreateTime;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
[Browsable (false)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_DefaultPropertiesToSend")]
public DefaultPropertiesToSend DefaultPropertiesToSend {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
set {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[Browsable (false)]
[DefaultValue (false)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_DenySharedReceive")]
public bool DenySharedReceive {
get {
return delegateQueue.DenySharedReceive;
set {
delegateQueue.DenySharedReceive = value;
[Browsable (false)]
public static bool EnableConnectionCache {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
set {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_EncryptionRequired")]
public EncryptionRequired EncryptionRequired {
get {
return (EncryptionRequired) delegateQueue.EncryptionRequired;
set {
delegateQueue.EncryptionRequired = (Mono.Messaging.EncryptionRequired) value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_FormatName")]
public string FormatName {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[Browsable (false)]
[DefaultValue (null)]
[TypeConverter (typeof(MessageFormatterConverter))]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_Formatter")]
public IMessageFormatter Formatter {
get {
return formatter;
set {
formatter = value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_GuidId")]
public Guid Id {
get {
return delegateQueue.Id;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_Label")]
public string Label {
get {
//return delegateQueue.Label;
throw new NotImplementedException ();
set {
//delegateQueue.Label = value;
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_LastModifyTime")]
public DateTime LastModifyTime {
get {
return delegateQueue.LastModifyTime;
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_MachineName")]
public string MachineName {
get {
return delegateQueue.QRef.Host;
set {
delegateQueue.QRef = delegateQueue.QRef.SetHost (value);
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[TypeConverter (typeof(SizeConverter))]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_MaximumJournalSize")]
public long MaximumJournalSize {
get {
return delegateQueue.MaximumJournalSize;
set {
delegateQueue.MaximumJournalSize = value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[TypeConverter (typeof(SizeConverter))]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_MaximumQueueSize")]
public long MaximumQueueSize {
get {
return delegateQueue.MaximumQueueSize;
set {
delegateQueue.MaximumQueueSize = value;
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_MessageReadPropertyFilter")]
public MessagePropertyFilter MessageReadPropertyFilter {
get {
return messageReadPropertyFilter;
set {
messageReadPropertyFilter = value;
[Editor ("System.Messaging.Design.QueuePathEditor", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
[Browsable (false)]
[DefaultValue ("")]
[TypeConverter ("System.Diagnostics.Design.StringValueConverter, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_Path")]
public string Path {
get {
return delegateQueue.QRef.ToString ();
set {
delegateQueue.QRef = QueueReference.Parse (value);
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_QueueName")]
public string QueueName {
get {
return delegateQueue.QRef.Queue;
set {
delegateQueue.QRef = delegateQueue.QRef.SetQueue (value);
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_ReadHandle")]
public IntPtr ReadHandle {
get {
return delegateQueue.ReadHandle;
[Browsable (false)]
[DefaultValue (null)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_SynchronizingObject")]
public ISynchronizeInvoke SynchronizingObject {
get {
return delegateQueue.SynchronizingObject;
set {
delegateQueue.SynchronizingObject = value;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_Transactional")]
public bool Transactional {
get {
return delegateQueue.Transactional;
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_WriteHandle")]
public bool UseJournalQueue {
get {
return delegateQueue.UseJournalQueue;
set {
delegateQueue.UseJournalQueue = value;
[Browsable (false)]
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_WriteHandle")]
public IntPtr WriteHandle {
get {
return delegateQueue.WriteHandle;
internal IMessageQueue DelegateQueue {
get {
return delegateQueue;
#endregion //Properties
#region Methods
public IAsyncResult BeginPeek ()
return delegateQueue.BeginPeek ();
public IAsyncResult BeginPeek (TimeSpan timeout)
return delegateQueue.BeginPeek (timeout);
public IAsyncResult BeginPeek (TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject)
return delegateQueue.BeginPeek (timeout, stateObject);
public IAsyncResult BeginPeek (TimeSpan timeout,
object stateObject,
AsyncCallback callback)
return delegateQueue.BeginPeek (timeout, stateObject, callback);
public IAsyncResult BeginReceive ()
return delegateQueue.BeginReceive ();
public IAsyncResult BeginReceive (TimeSpan timeout)
return delegateQueue.BeginReceive (timeout);
public IAsyncResult BeginReceive (TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject)
return delegateQueue.BeginReceive (timeout, stateObject);
public IAsyncResult BeginReceive (TimeSpan timeout, object stateObject, AsyncCallback callback)
return delegateQueue.BeginReceive (timeout, stateObject, callback);
public static void ClearConnectionCache ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void Close ()
delegateQueue.Close ();
public static MessageQueue Create (string path)
QueueReference qRef = QueueReference.Parse (path);
IMessageQueue iMessageQueue = CreateMessageQueue (qRef, false);
return new MessageQueue (iMessageQueue);
public static MessageQueue Create (string path, bool transactional)
QueueReference qRef = QueueReference.Parse (path);
IMessageQueue iMessageQueue = CreateMessageQueue (qRef,
return new MessageQueue (iMessageQueue);
public static void Delete (string path)
QueueReference qRef = QueueReference.Parse (path);
MessagingProviderLocator.GetProvider ().DeleteQueue (qRef);
public Message EndPeek (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.EndPeek (asyncResult);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message EndReceive (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if (asyncResult == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.EndReceive (asyncResult);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public static bool Exists (string path)
return Exists (QueueReference.Parse (path));
public Message[] GetAllMessages ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
return GetMessageEnumerator ();
public static Guid GetMachineId (string machineName)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public MessageEnumerator GetMessageEnumerator ()
return new MessageEnumerator (delegateQueue.GetMessageEnumerator (), Formatter);
public static MessageQueueEnumerator GetMessageQueueEnumerator ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public MessageEnumerator GetMessageEnumerator2 ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
private static ArrayList filteredQueueList (MessageQueueCriteria criteria)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static MessageQueueEnumerator GetMessageQueueEnumerator (MessageQueueCriteria criteria)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static MessageQueue[] GetPrivateQueuesByMachine (string machineName)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueues ()
IMessagingProvider provider = MessagingProviderLocator.GetProvider ();
IMessageQueue[] imqs = provider.GetPublicQueues ();
MessageQueue[] mqs = new MessageQueue[imqs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < imqs.Length; i++)
mqs[i] = new MessageQueue (imqs[i]);
return mqs;
public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueues (MessageQueueCriteria criteria)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByCategory (Guid category)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByLabel (string label)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public static MessageQueue[] GetPublicQueuesByMachine (string machineName)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Message Peek ()
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Peek ();
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message Peek (TimeSpan timeout)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Peek (timeout);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message PeekByCorrelationId (string correlationId)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.PeekByCorrelationId (correlationId);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message PeekByCorrelationId (string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.PeekByCorrelationId (correlationId, timeout);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message PeekById (string id)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.PeekById (id);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message PeekById (string id, TimeSpan timeout)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.PeekById (id, timeout);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public void Purge ()
delegateQueue.Purge ();
public Message Receive ()
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Receive ();
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message Receive (MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Receive (transaction.DelegateTx);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message Receive (MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Receive ((Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message Receive (TimeSpan timeout)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Receive (timeout);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message Receive (TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Receive (timeout, transaction.DelegateTx);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message Receive (TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.Receive (timeout,
(Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId (string correlationId)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveByCorrelationId (correlationId);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId (string correlationId, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveByCorrelationId (correlationId, transaction.DelegateTx);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId (string correlationId, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveByCorrelationId (correlationId, (Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId (string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveByCorrelationId (correlationId,
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId (string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveByCorrelationId (correlationId, timeout, transaction.DelegateTx);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveByCorrelationId (string correlationId, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveByCorrelationId (correlationId, timeout, (Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveById (string id)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveById (id);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveById (string id, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveById (id, transaction.DelegateTx);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveById (string id, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveById (id, (Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveById (string id, TimeSpan timeout)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveById (id, timeout);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveById (string id, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveById (id, timeout, transaction.DelegateTx);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public Message ReceiveById (string id, TimeSpan timeout, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
try {
IMessage iMsg = delegateQueue.ReceiveById (id, timeout, (Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
if (iMsg == null)
return null;
return new Message (iMsg, null, Formatter);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MessageUnavailableException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException (e.Message, e);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
public void Refresh ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void ResetPermissions ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void Send (object obj)
if (typeof (Message) == obj.GetType ()) {
Message m = (Message) obj;
if (m.BodyStream == null) {
IMessageFormatter f = (m.Formatter == null) ? Formatter : m.Formatter;
f.Write (m, m.Body);
try {
delegateQueue.Send (m.DelegateMessage);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
} else {
Message m = new Message (obj);
Send (m);
public void Send (object obj, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
if (typeof (Message) == obj.GetType ()) {
Message m = (Message) obj;
if (m.BodyStream == null) {
IMessageFormatter f = (m.Formatter == null) ? Formatter : m.Formatter;
f.Write (m, m.Body);
try {
delegateQueue.Send (m.DelegateMessage, transaction.DelegateTx);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
} else {
Message m = new Message (obj);
Send (m, transaction);
public void Send (object obj, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
if (typeof (Message) == obj.GetType ()) {
Message m = (Message) obj;
if (m.BodyStream == null) {
IMessageFormatter f = (m.Formatter == null) ? Formatter : m.Formatter;
f.Write (m, m.Body);
try {
delegateQueue.Send (m.DelegateMessage, (Mono.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType) transactionType);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
} else {
Message m = new Message (obj);
Send (m, transactionType);
public void Send (object obj, string label)
if (typeof (Message) == obj.GetType ()) {
Message m = (Message) obj;
m.Label = label;
Send (m);
} else {
Message m = new Message (obj);
Send (m, label);
public void Send (object obj, string label, MessageQueueTransaction transaction)
if (typeof (Message) == obj.GetType ()) {
Message m = (Message) obj;
m.Label = label;
if (m.BodyStream == null) {
IMessageFormatter f = (m.Formatter == null) ? Formatter : m.Formatter;
f.Write (m, m.Body);
try {
delegateQueue.Send (m.DelegateMessage, transaction.DelegateTx);
} catch (ConnectionException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.QueueNotAvailable, e.Message);
} catch (MonoMessagingException e) {
throw new MessageQueueException (MessageQueueErrorCode.Generic, e.Message);
} else {
Message m = new Message (obj);
Send (m, label, transaction);
public void Send (object obj, string label, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
if (typeof (Message) == obj.GetType ()) {
Message m = (Message) obj;
m.Label = label;
Send (m, transactionType);
} else {
Message m = new Message (obj);
Send (m, label, transactionType);
public void SetPermissions (AccessControlList dacl)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void SetPermissions (MessageQueueAccessControlEntry ace)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void SetPermissions (string user, MessageQueueAccessRights rights)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void SetPermissions (string user, MessageQueueAccessRights rights, AccessControlEntryType entryType)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
//delegateQueue.Dispose ();
#endregion //Methods
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_PeekCompleted")]
public event PeekCompletedEventHandler PeekCompleted;
private void DelegatePeekCompleted (object sender, CompletedEventArgs args)
if (PeekCompleted == null)
PeekCompletedEventArgs newArgs = new PeekCompletedEventArgs (this, args.AsyncResult);
PeekCompleted (sender, newArgs);
[MessagingDescription ("MQ_ReceiveCompleted")]
public event ReceiveCompletedEventHandler ReceiveCompleted;
private void DelegateReceiveCompleted (object sender, CompletedEventArgs args)
if (ReceiveCompleted == null)
ReceiveCompletedEventArgs newArgs = new ReceiveCompletedEventArgs (this, args.AsyncResult);
ReceiveCompleted (sender, newArgs);
private static IMessageQueue GetMessageQueue (string path)
QueueReference qRef = QueueReference.Parse (path);
IMessageQueue q = MessagingProviderLocator
.GetProvider ()
.GetMessageQueue (qRef);
return q;
private static IMessageQueue GetMessageQueue ()
return MessagingProviderLocator.GetProvider ()
.GetMessageQueue (QueueReference.DEFAULT);
private static IMessageQueue CreateMessageQueue (QueueReference qRef,
bool transactional)
return MessagingProviderLocator.GetProvider ()
.CreateMessageQueue (qRef, transactional);
private static bool Exists (QueueReference qRef)
return MessagingProviderLocator.GetProvider ().Exists (qRef);