1674 lines
40 KiB
1674 lines
40 KiB
// namespace.cs: Tracks namespaces
// Author:
// Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz)
// Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc.
// Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter;
namespace Mono.CSharp {
public class RootNamespace : Namespace {
readonly string alias_name;
readonly Dictionary<string, Namespace> all_namespaces;
public RootNamespace (string alias_name)
: base ()
this.alias_name = alias_name;
RegisterNamespace (this);
all_namespaces = new Dictionary<string, Namespace> ();
all_namespaces.Add ("", this);
public string Alias {
get {
return alias_name;
public static void Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (Report report, Location loc)
report.Error (1681, loc, "The global extern alias cannot be redefined");
// For better error reporting where we try to guess missing using directive
public List<string> FindTypeNamespaces (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity)
List<string> res = null;
foreach (var ns in all_namespaces) {
var type = ns.Value.LookupType (ctx, name, arity, LookupMode.Normal, Location.Null);
if (type != null) {
if (res == null)
res = new List<string> ();
res.Add (ns.Key);
return res;
// For better error reporting where compiler tries to guess missing using directive
public List<string> FindExtensionMethodNamespaces (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity)
List<string> res = null;
foreach (var ns in all_namespaces) {
if (ns.Key.Length == 0)
var methods = ns.Value.LookupExtensionMethod (ctx, name, arity);
if (methods != null) {
if (res == null)
res = new List<string> ();
res.Add (ns.Key);
return res;
public void RegisterNamespace (Namespace child)
if (child != this)
all_namespaces.Add (child.Name, child);
public override string GetSignatureForError ()
return alias_name + "::";
public sealed class GlobalRootNamespace : RootNamespace
public GlobalRootNamespace ()
: base ("global")
// Namespace cache for imported and compiled namespaces
public class Namespace
readonly Namespace parent;
string fullname;
protected Dictionary<string, Namespace> namespaces;
protected Dictionary<string, IList<TypeSpec>> types;
List<TypeSpec> extension_method_types;
Dictionary<string, TypeSpec> cached_types;
bool cls_checked;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor Takes the current namespace and the
/// name. This is bootstrapped with parent == null
/// and name = ""
/// </summary>
public Namespace (Namespace parent, string name)
: this ()
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");
this.parent = parent;
string pname = parent != null ? parent.fullname : null;
if (pname == null)
fullname = name;
fullname = pname + "." + name;
while (parent.parent != null)
parent = parent.parent;
var root = parent as RootNamespace;
if (root == null)
throw new InternalErrorException ("Root namespaces must be created using RootNamespace");
root.RegisterNamespace (this);
protected Namespace ()
namespaces = new Dictionary<string, Namespace> ();
cached_types = new Dictionary<string, TypeSpec> ();
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// The qualified name of the current namespace
/// </summary>
public string Name {
get { return fullname; }
/// <summary>
/// The parent of this namespace, used by the parser to "Pop"
/// the current namespace declaration
/// </summary>
public Namespace Parent {
get { return parent; }
public Namespace AddNamespace (MemberName name)
var ns_parent = name.Left == null ? this : AddNamespace (name.Left);
return ns_parent.TryAddNamespace (name.Basename);
Namespace TryAddNamespace (string name)
Namespace ns;
if (!namespaces.TryGetValue (name, out ns)) {
ns = new Namespace (this, name);
namespaces.Add (name, ns);
return ns;
public bool TryGetNamespace (string name, out Namespace ns)
return namespaces.TryGetValue (name, out ns);
// TODO: Replace with CreateNamespace where MemberName is created for the method call
public Namespace GetNamespace (string name, bool create)
int pos = name.IndexOf ('.');
Namespace ns;
string first;
if (pos >= 0)
first = name.Substring (0, pos);
first = name;
if (!namespaces.TryGetValue (first, out ns)) {
if (!create)
return null;
ns = new Namespace (this, first);
namespaces.Add (first, ns);
if (pos >= 0)
ns = ns.GetNamespace (name.Substring (pos + 1), create);
return ns;
public IList<TypeSpec> GetAllTypes (string name)
IList<TypeSpec> found;
if (types == null || !types.TryGetValue (name, out found))
return null;
return found;
public virtual string GetSignatureForError ()
return fullname;
public TypeSpec LookupType (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc)
if (types == null)
return null;
TypeSpec best = null;
if (arity == 0 && cached_types.TryGetValue (name, out best)) {
if (best != null || mode != LookupMode.IgnoreAccessibility)
return best;
IList<TypeSpec> found;
if (!types.TryGetValue (name, out found))
return null;
foreach (var ts in found) {
if (ts.Arity == arity) {
if (best == null) {
if ((ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.INTERNAL) != 0 && !ts.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (ctx.Module.DeclaringAssembly) && mode != LookupMode.IgnoreAccessibility)
best = ts;
if (best.MemberDefinition.IsImported && ts.MemberDefinition.IsImported) {
if (ts.Kind == MemberKind.MissingType)
if (best.Kind == MemberKind.MissingType) {
best = ts;
if (mode == LookupMode.Normal) {
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (best);
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ts);
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (433, loc, "The imported type `{0}' is defined multiple times", ts.GetSignatureForError ());
if (ts.Kind == MemberKind.MissingType)
if (best.MemberDefinition.IsImported)
best = ts;
if ((best.Modifiers & Modifiers.INTERNAL) != 0 && !best.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (ctx.Module.DeclaringAssembly))
if (mode != LookupMode.Normal)
if (ts.MemberDefinition.IsImported) {
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (best);
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ts);
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Warning (436, 2, loc,
"The type `{0}' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition",
best.GetSignatureForError ());
// Lookup for the best candidate with the closest arity match
if (arity < 0) {
if (best == null) {
best = ts;
} else if (System.Math.Abs (ts.Arity + arity) < System.Math.Abs (best.Arity + arity)) {
best = ts;
// TODO MemberCache: Cache more
if (arity == 0 && mode == LookupMode.Normal)
cached_types.Add (name, best);
if (best != null) {
var dep = best.GetMissingDependencies ();
if (dep != null)
ImportedTypeDefinition.Error_MissingDependency (ctx, dep, loc);
return best;
public FullNamedExpression LookupTypeOrNamespace (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc)
var texpr = LookupType (ctx, name, arity, mode, loc);
Namespace ns;
if (arity == 0 && namespaces.TryGetValue (name, out ns)) {
if (texpr == null)
return new NamespaceExpression (ns, loc);
if (mode != LookupMode.Probing) {
//ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (texpr.Type);
// ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ns.loc, "");
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Warning (437, 2, loc,
"The type `{0}' conflicts with the imported namespace `{1}'. Using the definition found in the source file",
texpr.GetSignatureForError (), ns.GetSignatureForError ());
if (texpr.MemberDefinition.IsImported)
return new NamespaceExpression (ns, loc);
if (texpr == null)
return null;
return new TypeExpression (texpr, loc);
// Completes types with the given `prefix'
public IEnumerable<string> CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (string prefix)
if (types == null)
return Enumerable.Empty<string> ();
var res = from item in types
where item.Key.StartsWith (prefix) && item.Value.Any (l => (l.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0)
select item.Key;
if (namespaces != null)
res = res.Concat (from item in namespaces where item.Key.StartsWith (prefix) select item.Key);
return res;
// Looks for extension method in this namespace
public List<MethodSpec> LookupExtensionMethod (IMemberContext invocationContext, string name, int arity)
if (extension_method_types == null)
return null;
List<MethodSpec> found = null;
for (int i = 0; i < extension_method_types.Count; ++i) {
var ts = extension_method_types[i];
// When the list was built we didn't know what members the type
// contains
if ((ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) == 0) {
if (extension_method_types.Count == 1) {
extension_method_types = null;
return found;
extension_method_types.RemoveAt (i--);
var res = ts.MemberCache.FindExtensionMethods (invocationContext, name, arity);
if (res == null)
if (found == null) {
found = res;
} else {
found.AddRange (res);
return found;
public void AddType (ModuleContainer module, TypeSpec ts)
if (types == null) {
types = new Dictionary<string, IList<TypeSpec>> (64);
if (ts.IsClass && ts.Arity == 0) {
var extension_method_allowed = ts.MemberDefinition.IsImported ? (ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) != 0 : (ts.IsStatic || ts.MemberDefinition.IsPartial);
if (extension_method_allowed) {
if (extension_method_types == null)
extension_method_types = new List<TypeSpec> ();
extension_method_types.Add (ts);
var name = ts.Name;
IList<TypeSpec> existing;
if (types.TryGetValue (name, out existing)) {
TypeSpec better_type;
TypeSpec found;
if (existing.Count == 1) {
found = existing[0];
if (ts.Arity == found.Arity) {
better_type = IsImportedTypeOverride (module, ts, found);
if (better_type == found)
if (better_type != null) {
existing [0] = better_type;
existing = new List<TypeSpec> ();
existing.Add (found);
types[name] = existing;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < existing.Count; ++i) {
found = existing[i];
if (ts.Arity != found.Arity)
better_type = IsImportedTypeOverride (module, ts, found);
if (better_type == found)
if (better_type != null) {
existing.RemoveAt (i);
existing.Add (ts);
} else {
types.Add (name, new TypeSpec[] { ts });
// We import any types but in the situation there are same types
// but one has better visibility (either public or internal with friend)
// the less visible type is removed from the namespace cache
public static TypeSpec IsImportedTypeOverride (ModuleContainer module, TypeSpec ts, TypeSpec found)
var ts_accessible = (ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0 || ts.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (module.DeclaringAssembly);
var found_accessible = (found.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0 || found.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (module.DeclaringAssembly);
if (ts_accessible && !found_accessible)
return ts;
// found is better always better for accessible or inaccessible ts
if (!ts_accessible)
return found;
return null;
public void RemoveContainer (TypeContainer tc)
IList<TypeSpec> found;
if (types.TryGetValue (tc.MemberName.Name, out found)) {
for (int i = 0; i < found.Count; ++i) {
if (tc.MemberName.Arity != found [i].Arity)
if (found.Count == 1)
types.Remove (tc.MemberName.Name);
found.RemoveAt (i);
cached_types.Remove (tc.MemberName.Basename);
public void SetBuiltinType (BuiltinTypeSpec pts)
var found = types[pts.Name];
cached_types.Remove (pts.Name);
if (found.Count == 1) {
types[pts.Name][0] = pts;
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public void VerifyClsCompliance ()
if (types == null || cls_checked)
cls_checked = true;
// TODO: This is quite ugly way to check for CLS compliance at namespace level
var locase_types = new Dictionary<string, List<TypeSpec>> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var tgroup in types.Values) {
foreach (var tm in tgroup) {
if ((tm.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) == 0 || !tm.IsCLSCompliant ())
List<TypeSpec> found;
if (!locase_types.TryGetValue (tm.Name, out found)) {
found = new List<TypeSpec> ();
locase_types.Add (tm.Name, found);
found.Add (tm);
foreach (var locase in locase_types.Values) {
if (locase.Count < 2)
bool all_same = true;
foreach (var notcompliant in locase) {
all_same = notcompliant.Name == locase[0].Name;
if (!all_same)
if (all_same)
TypeContainer compiled = null;
foreach (var notcompliant in locase) {
if (!notcompliant.MemberDefinition.IsImported) {
if (compiled != null)
compiled.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (compiled);
compiled = notcompliant.MemberDefinition as TypeContainer;
} else {
compiled.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (notcompliant);
compiled.Compiler.Report.Warning (3005, 1, compiled.Location,
"Identifier `{0}' differing only in case is not CLS-compliant", compiled.GetSignatureForError ());
public class CompilationSourceFile : NamespaceContainer
readonly SourceFile file;
CompileUnitEntry comp_unit;
Dictionary<string, SourceFile> include_files;
Dictionary<string, bool> conditionals;
public CompilationSourceFile (ModuleContainer parent, SourceFile sourceFile)
: this (parent)
this.file = sourceFile;
public CompilationSourceFile (ModuleContainer parent)
: base (parent)
public CompileUnitEntry SymbolUnitEntry {
get {
return comp_unit;
public string FileName {
get {
return file.Name;
public SourceFile SourceFile {
get {
return file;
public void AddIncludeFile (SourceFile file)
if (file == this.file)
if (include_files == null)
include_files = new Dictionary<string, SourceFile> ();
if (!include_files.ContainsKey (file.OriginalFullPathName))
include_files.Add (file.OriginalFullPathName, file);
public void AddDefine (string value)
if (conditionals == null)
conditionals = new Dictionary<string, bool> (2);
conditionals[value] = true;
public void AddUndefine (string value)
if (conditionals == null)
conditionals = new Dictionary<string, bool> (2);
conditionals[value] = false;
public override void PrepareEmit ()
var sw = Module.DeclaringAssembly.SymbolWriter;
if (sw != null) {
CreateUnitSymbolInfo (sw, Compiler.Settings.PathMap);
base.PrepareEmit ();
// Creates symbol file index in debug symbol file
void CreateUnitSymbolInfo (MonoSymbolFile symwriter, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pathMap)
var si = file.CreateSymbolInfo (symwriter, pathMap);
comp_unit = new CompileUnitEntry (symwriter, si);
if (include_files != null) {
foreach (SourceFile include in include_files.Values) {
si = include.CreateSymbolInfo (symwriter, pathMap);
comp_unit.AddFile (si);
public bool IsConditionalDefined (string value)
if (conditionals != null) {
bool res;
if (conditionals.TryGetValue (value, out res))
return res;
// When conditional was undefined
if (conditionals.ContainsKey (value))
return false;
return Compiler.Settings.IsConditionalSymbolDefined (value);
public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
// Namespace block as created by the parser
public class NamespaceContainer : TypeContainer, IMemberContext
static readonly Namespace[] empty_namespaces = new Namespace[0];
readonly Namespace ns;
public new readonly NamespaceContainer Parent;
List<UsingClause> clauses;
// Used by parsed to check for parser errors
public bool DeclarationFound;
Namespace[] namespace_using_table;
TypeSpec[] types_using_table;
Dictionary<string, UsingAliasNamespace> aliases;
public NamespaceContainer (MemberName name, NamespaceContainer parent)
: base (parent, name, null, MemberKind.Namespace)
this.Parent = parent;
this.ns = parent.NS.AddNamespace (name);
containers = new List<TypeContainer> ();
protected NamespaceContainer (ModuleContainer parent)
: base (parent, null, null, MemberKind.Namespace)
ns = parent.GlobalRootNamespace;
containers = new List<TypeContainer> (2);
#region Properties
public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets {
get {
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override string DocCommentHeader {
get {
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public Namespace NS {
get {
return ns;
public List<UsingClause> Usings {
get {
return clauses;
public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets {
get {
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public void AddUsing (UsingClause un)
if (DeclarationFound){
Compiler.Report.Error (1529, un.Location, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements except extern alias declarations");
if (clauses == null)
clauses = new List<UsingClause> ();
clauses.Add (un);
public void AddUsing (UsingAliasNamespace un)
if (DeclarationFound){
Compiler.Report.Error (1529, un.Location, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements except extern alias declarations");
AddAlias (un);
void AddAlias (UsingAliasNamespace un)
if (clauses == null) {
clauses = new List<UsingClause> ();
} else {
foreach (var entry in clauses) {
var a = entry as UsingAliasNamespace;
if (a != null && a.Alias.Value == un.Alias.Value) {
Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (a.Location, "");
Compiler.Report.Error (1537, un.Location,
"The using alias `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", un.Alias.Value);
clauses.Add (un);
public override void AddPartial (TypeDefinition next_part)
var existing = ns.LookupType (this, next_part.MemberName.Name, next_part.MemberName.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null);
var td = existing != null ? existing.MemberDefinition as TypeDefinition : null;
AddPartial (next_part, td);
public override void AddTypeContainer (TypeContainer tc)
var mn = tc.MemberName;
var name = mn.Basename;
while (mn.Left != null) {
mn = mn.Left;
name = mn.Name;
var names_container = Parent == null ? Module : (TypeContainer) this;
MemberCore mc;
if (names_container.DefinedNames.TryGetValue (name, out mc)) {
if (tc is NamespaceContainer && mc is NamespaceContainer) {
AddTypeContainerMember (tc);
Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc);
if ((mc.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && (tc is ClassOrStruct || tc is Interface)) {
Error_MissingPartialModifier (tc);
} else {
Report.Error (101, tc.Location, "The namespace `{0}' already contains a definition for `{1}'",
GetSignatureForError (), mn.GetSignatureForError ());
} else {
names_container.DefinedNames.Add (name, tc);
var tdef = tc.PartialContainer;
if (tdef != null) {
// Same name conflict in different namespace containers
var conflict = ns.GetAllTypes (mn.Name);
if (conflict != null) {
foreach (var e in conflict) {
if (e.Arity == mn.Arity) {
mc = (MemberCore) e.MemberDefinition;
if (mc != null) {
Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc);
Report.Error (101, tc.Location, "The namespace `{0}' already contains a definition for `{1}'",
GetSignatureForError (), mn.GetSignatureForError ());
} else {
ns.AddType (Module, tdef.Definition);
base.AddTypeContainer (tc);
public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public override void EmitContainer ()
VerifyClsCompliance ();
base.EmitContainer ();
public ExtensionMethodCandidates LookupExtensionMethod (IMemberContext invocationContext, string name, int arity, int position)
// Here we try to resume the search for extension method at the point
// where the last bunch of candidates was found. It's more tricky than
// it seems as we have to check both namespace containers and namespace
// in correct order.
// Consider:
// namespace A {
// using N1;
// namespace B.C.D {
// <our first search found candidates in A.B.C.D
// }
// }
// In the example above namespace A.B.C.D, A.B.C and A.B have to be
// checked before we hit A.N1 using
ExtensionMethodCandidates candidates;
var container = this;
do {
candidates = container.LookupExtensionMethodCandidates (invocationContext, name, arity, ref position);
if (candidates != null || container.MemberName == null)
return candidates;
var container_ns = container.ns.Parent;
var mn = container.MemberName.Left;
int already_checked = position - 2;
while (already_checked-- > 0) {
mn = mn.Left;
container_ns = container_ns.Parent;
while (mn != null) {
var methods = container_ns.LookupExtensionMethod (invocationContext, name, arity);
if (methods != null) {
return new ExtensionMethodCandidates (invocationContext, methods, container, position);
mn = mn.Left;
container_ns = container_ns.Parent;
position = 0;
container = container.Parent;
} while (container != null);
return null;
ExtensionMethodCandidates LookupExtensionMethodCandidates (IMemberContext invocationContext, string name, int arity, ref int position)
List<MethodSpec> candidates = null;
if (position == 0) {
candidates = ns.LookupExtensionMethod (invocationContext, name, arity);
if (candidates != null) {
return new ExtensionMethodCandidates (invocationContext, candidates, this, position);
if (position == 1) {
foreach (Namespace n in namespace_using_table) {
var a = n.LookupExtensionMethod (invocationContext, name, arity);
if (a == null)
if (candidates == null)
candidates = a;
candidates.AddRange (a);
if (types_using_table != null) {
foreach (var t in types_using_table) {
var res = t.MemberCache.FindExtensionMethods (invocationContext, name, arity);
if (res == null)
if (candidates == null)
candidates = res;
candidates.AddRange (res);
if (candidates != null)
return new ExtensionMethodCandidates (invocationContext, candidates, this, position);
return null;
public override FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceOrType (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc)
// Only simple names (no dots) will be looked up with this function
FullNamedExpression resolved;
for (NamespaceContainer container = this; container != null; container = container.Parent) {
resolved = container.Lookup (name, arity, mode, loc);
if (resolved != null || container.MemberName == null)
return resolved;
var container_ns = container.ns.Parent;
var mn = container.MemberName.Left;
while (mn != null) {
resolved = container_ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (this, name, arity, mode, loc);
if (resolved != null)
return resolved;
mn = mn.Left;
container_ns = container_ns.Parent;
return null;
public override void GetCompletionStartingWith (string prefix, List<string> results)
if (Usings == null)
foreach (var un in Usings) {
if (un.Alias != null)
var name = un.NamespaceExpression.Name;
if (name.StartsWith (prefix))
results.Add (name);
IEnumerable<string> all = Enumerable.Empty<string> ();
foreach (Namespace using_ns in namespace_using_table) {
if (prefix.StartsWith (using_ns.Name)) {
int ld = prefix.LastIndexOf ('.');
if (ld != -1) {
string rest = prefix.Substring (ld + 1);
all = all.Concat (using_ns.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (rest));
all = all.Concat (using_ns.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (prefix));
results.AddRange (all);
base.GetCompletionStartingWith (prefix, results);
// Looks-up a alias named @name in this and surrounding namespace declarations
public FullNamedExpression LookupExternAlias (string name)
if (aliases == null)
return null;
UsingAliasNamespace uan;
if (aliases.TryGetValue (name, out uan) && uan is UsingExternAlias)
return uan.ResolvedExpression;
return null;
// Looks-up a alias named @name in this and surrounding namespace declarations
public override FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceAlias (string name)
for (NamespaceContainer n = this; n != null; n = n.Parent) {
if (n.aliases == null)
UsingAliasNamespace uan;
if (n.aliases.TryGetValue (name, out uan)) {
if (uan.ResolvedExpression == null)
uan.Define (n);
return uan.ResolvedExpression;
return null;
FullNamedExpression Lookup (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc)
// Check whether it's in the namespace.
FullNamedExpression fne = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (this, name, arity, mode, loc);
// Check aliases.
if (aliases != null && arity == 0) {
UsingAliasNamespace uan;
if (aliases.TryGetValue (name, out uan)) {
if (fne != null && mode != LookupMode.Probing) {
// TODO: Namespace has broken location
//Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fne.Location, null);
Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (uan.Location, null);
Compiler.Report.Error (576, loc,
"Namespace `{0}' contains a definition with same name as alias `{1}'",
GetSignatureForError (), name);
if (uan.ResolvedExpression == null)
uan.Define (this);
return uan.ResolvedExpression;
if (fne != null)
return fne;
// Lookup can be called before the namespace is defined from different namespace using alias clause
if (namespace_using_table == null) {
DoDefineNamespace ();
// Check using entries.
FullNamedExpression match = null;
foreach (Namespace using_ns in namespace_using_table) {
// A using directive imports only types contained in the namespace, it
// does not import any nested namespaces
var t = using_ns.LookupType (this, name, arity, mode, loc);
if (t == null)
fne = new TypeExpression (t, loc);
if (match == null) {
match = fne;
// Prefer types over namespaces
var texpr_fne = fne as TypeExpr;
var texpr_match = match as TypeExpr;
if (texpr_fne != null && texpr_match == null) {
match = fne;
} else if (texpr_fne == null) {
// It can be top level accessibility only
var better = Namespace.IsImportedTypeOverride (Module, texpr_match.Type, texpr_fne.Type);
if (better == null) {
if (mode == LookupMode.Normal) {
Error_AmbiguousReference (name, texpr_match, texpr_fne, loc);
return match;
if (better == texpr_fne.Type)
match = texpr_fne;
if (types_using_table != null && (mode & LookupMode.IgnoreStaticUsing) == 0) {
foreach (var using_type in types_using_table) {
var type = MemberCache.FindNestedType (using_type, name, arity, true);
if (type == null)
fne = new TypeExpression (type, loc);
if (match == null) {
match = fne;
if (mode == LookupMode.Normal) {
Error_AmbiguousReference (name, match, fne, loc);
return match;
void Error_AmbiguousReference (string name, FullNamedExpression a, FullNamedExpression b, Location loc)
var report = Compiler.Report;
report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (a.Type);
report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (b.Type);
report.Error (104, loc, "`{0}' is an ambiguous reference between `{1}' and `{2}'",
name, a.GetSignatureForError (), b.GetSignatureForError ());
public static Expression LookupStaticUsings (IMemberContext mc, string name, int arity, Location loc)
for (var m = mc.CurrentMemberDefinition; m != null; m = m.Parent) {
var nc = m as NamespaceContainer;
if (nc == null)
List<MemberSpec> candidates = null;
if (nc.types_using_table != null) {
foreach (var using_type in nc.types_using_table) {
var members = MemberCache.FindMembers (using_type, name, true);
if (members == null)
foreach (var member in members) {
if ((member.Kind & MemberKind.NestedMask) != 0) {
// non-static nested type is included with using static
} else {
if ((member.Modifiers & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0)
if ((member.Modifiers & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) != 0)
if (arity > 0 && member.Arity != arity)
if (candidates == null)
candidates = new List<MemberSpec> ();
candidates.Add (member);
if (candidates != null) {
var expr = Expression.MemberLookupToExpression (mc, candidates, false, null, name, arity, Expression.MemberLookupRestrictions.None, loc);
if (expr != null)
return expr;
return null;
protected override void DefineNamespace ()
if (namespace_using_table == null)
DoDefineNamespace ();
base.DefineNamespace ();
void DoDefineNamespace ()
namespace_using_table = empty_namespaces;
if (clauses != null) {
List<Namespace> namespaces = null;
List<TypeSpec> types = null;
bool post_process_using_aliases = false;
for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Count; ++i) {
var entry = clauses[i];
if (entry.Alias != null) {
if (aliases == null)
aliases = new Dictionary<string, UsingAliasNamespace> ();
// Aliases are not available when resolving using section
// except extern aliases
if (entry is UsingExternAlias) {
entry.Define (this);
if (entry.ResolvedExpression != null)
aliases.Add (entry.Alias.Value, (UsingExternAlias) entry);
clauses.RemoveAt (i--);
} else {
post_process_using_aliases = true;
try {
entry.Define (this);
} finally {
// It's needed for repl only, when using clause cannot be resolved don't hold it in
// global list which is resolved for every evaluation
if (entry.ResolvedExpression == null) {
clauses.RemoveAt (i--);
if (entry.ResolvedExpression == null)
var using_ns = entry.ResolvedExpression as NamespaceExpression;
if (using_ns == null) {
var type = entry.ResolvedExpression.Type;
if (types == null)
types = new List<TypeSpec> ();
if (types.Contains (type)) {
Warning_DuplicateEntry (entry);
} else {
types.Add (type);
} else {
if (namespaces == null)
namespaces = new List<Namespace> ();
if (namespaces.Contains (using_ns.Namespace)) {
// Ensure we don't report the warning multiple times in repl
clauses.RemoveAt (i--);
Warning_DuplicateEntry (entry);
} else {
namespaces.Add (using_ns.Namespace);
namespace_using_table = namespaces == null ? new Namespace [0] : namespaces.ToArray ();
if (types != null)
types_using_table = types.ToArray ();
if (post_process_using_aliases) {
for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Count; ++i) {
var entry = clauses[i];
if (entry.Alias != null) {
aliases[entry.Alias.Value] = (UsingAliasNamespace) entry;
protected override void DoDefineContainer ()
base.DoDefineContainer ();
if (clauses != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Count; ++i) {
var entry = clauses[i];
// Finish definition of using aliases not visited during container
// definition
if (entry.Alias != null && entry.ResolvedExpression == null) {
entry.Define (this);
public void EnableRedefinition ()
is_defined = false;
namespace_using_table = null;
internal override void GenerateDocComment (DocumentationBuilder builder)
if (containers != null) {
foreach (var tc in containers)
tc.GenerateDocComment (builder);
public override string GetSignatureForError ()
return MemberName == null ? "global::" : base.GetSignatureForError ();
public override void RemoveContainer (TypeContainer cont)
base.RemoveContainer (cont);
NS.RemoveContainer (cont);
protected override bool VerifyClsCompliance ()
if (Module.IsClsComplianceRequired ()) {
if (MemberName != null && MemberName.Name[0] == '_') {
Warning_IdentifierNotCompliant ();
ns.VerifyClsCompliance ();
return true;
return false;
void Warning_DuplicateEntry (UsingClause entry)
Compiler.Report.Warning (105, 3, entry.Location,
"The using directive for `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace",
entry.ResolvedExpression.GetSignatureForError ());
public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public class UsingNamespace : UsingClause
public UsingNamespace (ATypeNameExpression expr, Location loc)
: base (expr, loc)
public override void Define (NamespaceContainer ctx)
base.Define (ctx);
var ns = resolved as NamespaceExpression;
if (ns != null)
if (resolved != null) {
var compiler = ctx.Module.Compiler;
var type = resolved.Type;
resolved = null;
compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type);
compiler.Report.Error (138, Location,
"A `using' directive can only be applied to namespaces but `{0}' denotes a type. Consider using a `using static' instead",
type.GetSignatureForError ());
public class UsingType : UsingClause
public UsingType (ATypeNameExpression expr, Location loc)
: base (expr, loc)
public override void Define (NamespaceContainer ctx)
base.Define (ctx);
if (resolved == null)
var ns = resolved as NamespaceExpression;
if (ns != null) {
var compiler = ctx.Module.Compiler;
compiler.Report.Error (7007, Location,
"A 'using static' directive can only be applied to types but `{0}' denotes a namespace. Consider using a `using' directive instead",
ns.GetSignatureForError ());
// TODO: Need to move it to post_process_using_aliases
//ObsoleteAttribute obsolete_attr = resolved.Type.GetAttributeObsolete ();
//if (obsolete_attr != null) {
// AttributeTester.Report_ObsoleteMessage (obsolete_attr, resolved.GetSignatureForError (), Location, ctx.Compiler.Report);
public class UsingClause
readonly ATypeNameExpression expr;
readonly Location loc;
protected FullNamedExpression resolved;
public UsingClause (ATypeNameExpression expr, Location loc)
this.expr = expr;
this.loc = loc;
#region Properties
public virtual SimpleMemberName Alias {
get {
return null;
public Location Location {
get {
return loc;
public ATypeNameExpression NamespaceExpression {
get {
return expr;
public FullNamedExpression ResolvedExpression {
get {
return resolved;
public string GetSignatureForError ()
return expr.GetSignatureForError ();
public virtual void Define (NamespaceContainer ctx)
resolved = expr.ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (ctx, false);
public override string ToString()
return resolved.ToString();
public class UsingExternAlias : UsingAliasNamespace
public UsingExternAlias (SimpleMemberName alias, Location loc)
: base (alias, null, loc)
public override void Define (NamespaceContainer ctx)
var ns = ctx.Module.GetRootNamespace (Alias.Value);
if (ns == null) {
ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (430, Location,
"The extern alias `{0}' was not specified in -reference option",
resolved = new NamespaceExpression (ns, Location);
public class UsingAliasNamespace : UsingNamespace
readonly SimpleMemberName alias;
public struct AliasContext : IMemberContext
readonly NamespaceContainer ns;
public AliasContext (NamespaceContainer ns)
this.ns = ns;
public TypeSpec CurrentType {
get {
return null;
public TypeParameters CurrentTypeParameters {
get {
return null;
public MemberCore CurrentMemberDefinition {
get {
return null;
public bool IsObsolete {
get {
return false;
public bool IsUnsafe {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public bool IsStatic {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public ModuleContainer Module {
get {
return ns.Module;
public string GetSignatureForError ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public ExtensionMethodCandidates LookupExtensionMethod (string name, int arity)
return null;
public FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceOrType (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc)
var fne = ns.NS.LookupTypeOrNamespace (ns, name, arity, mode, loc);
if (fne != null)
return fne;
// Only extern aliases are allowed in this context
fne = ns.LookupExternAlias (name);
if (fne != null || ns.MemberName == null)
return fne;
var container_ns = ns.NS.Parent;
var mn = ns.MemberName.Left;
while (mn != null) {
fne = container_ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (this, name, arity, mode, loc);
if (fne != null)
return fne;
mn = mn.Left;
container_ns = container_ns.Parent;
if (ns.Parent != null)
return ns.Parent.LookupNamespaceOrType (name, arity, mode, loc);
return null;
public FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceAlias (string name)
return ns.LookupNamespaceAlias (name);
public UsingAliasNamespace (SimpleMemberName alias, ATypeNameExpression expr, Location loc)
: base (expr, loc)
this.alias = alias;
public override SimpleMemberName Alias {
get {
return alias;
public override void Define (NamespaceContainer ctx)
// The namespace-or-type-name of a using-alias-directive is resolved as if
// the immediately containing compilation unit or namespace body had no
// using-directives. A using-alias-directive may however be affected
// by extern-alias-directives in the immediately containing compilation
// unit or namespace body
// We achieve that by introducing alias-context which redirect any local
// namespace or type resolve calls to parent namespace
resolved = NamespaceExpression.ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (new AliasContext (ctx), false) ??
new TypeExpression (InternalType.ErrorType, NamespaceExpression.Location);