388 lines
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388 lines
11 KiB
// CertificateFormatter.cs: Certificate Formatter (not GUI specific)
// Author:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// (C) 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com)
// (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Security.X509;
using Mono.Security.X509.Extensions;
namespace Mono.Tools.CertView {
public class CertificateFormatter {
public class FieldNames {
public FieldNames () {}
public const string Version = "Version";
public const string SerialNumber = "Serial number";
public const string SignatureAlgorithm = "Signature algorithm";
public const string Issuer = "Issuer";
public const string ValidFrom = "Valid from";
public const string ValidUntil = "Valid until";
public const string Subject = "Subject";
public const string PublicKey = "Public key";
public class PropertyNames {
public PropertyNames () {}
public const string ThumbprintAlgorithm = "Thumbprint algorithm";
public const string Thumbprint = "Thumbprint";
public class Help {
public Help () {}
public const string IssuedBy = "This is the distinguished name (DN) of the certificate authority (CA) that issued this certificate.";
public const string IssuedTo = "This is the distinguished name (DN) of the entity (individual, device or organization) to whom the certificate was issued.";
public const string ValidFrom = "This certificate isn't valid before the specified date.";
public const string ValidUntil = "This certificate isn't valid after the specified date. This also means that the certificate authority (CA) won't publish the status of the certificate after this date.";
private const string untrustedRoot = "This root certificate isn't part of your trusted root store. Please read your documentation carefully before adding a new root certificate in your trusted store.";
private const string unknownCriticalExtension = "This certificate contains unknown critical extensions and shouldn't be used by applications that can't process those extensions.";
private const string noSignatureCheck = "The signature of the certificate can;t be verified without the issuer certificate.";
private const string noValidation = "No CRL, nor an OCSP responder, has been found to validate the status of the certificate.";
private const string unsupportedHash = "The {0} algorithm is unsupported by the .NET Framework. The certificate signature cannot be verified.";
private string thumbprintAlgorithm;
private X509Certificate x509;
private string status;
private string[] subjectAltName;
private static string defaultThumbprintAlgo;
private static Hashtable extensions;
static CertificateFormatter ()
IDictionary tb = (IDictionary) ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig ("Thumbprint");
defaultThumbprintAlgo = ((tb != null) ? (string) tb ["Algorithm"] : "SHA1");
extensions = new Hashtable ();
IDictionary exts = (IDictionary) ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig ("X509.Extensions");
if (exts != null) {
foreach (DictionaryEntry ext in exts)
extensions.Add (ext.Key, ext.Value);
private X509Extension CreateExtensionFromOid (string oid, object[] args)
try {
Type algoClass = null;
string algo = (string) extensions [oid];
// do we have an entry
if (algo == null)
return (X509Extension) args [0];
algoClass = Type.GetType (algo);
// call the constructor for the type
return (X509Extension) Activator.CreateInstance (algoClass, args);
catch {
// method doesn't throw any exception
return (X509Extension) args [0];
public CertificateFormatter (string filename)
byte[] data = null;
using (FileStream fs = File.Open (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
data = new byte [fs.Length];
fs.Read (data, 0, data.Length);
fs.Close ();
if ((data != null) && (data.Length > 0)) {
X509Certificate x509 = null;
if (data [0] != 0x30) {
// it may be PEM encoded
data = FromPEM (data);
if (data [0] == 0x30) {
x509 = new X509Certificate (data);
if (x509 != null) {
Initialize (x509);
private byte[] FromPEM (byte[] data)
string pem = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (data);
int start = pem.IndexOf ("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----");
if (start < 0)
return null;
start += 27; // 27 being the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- length
int end = pem.IndexOf ("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", start);
if (end < start)
return null;
string base64 = pem.Substring (start, (end - start));
return Convert.FromBase64String (base64);
public CertificateFormatter (X509Certificate cert)
Initialize (cert);
internal void Initialize (X509Certificate cert)
x509 = cert;
thumbprintAlgorithm = defaultThumbprintAlgo;
try {
// preprocess some informations
foreach (X509Extension xe in x509.Extensions) {
if ((!extensions.ContainsKey (xe.Oid)) && (xe.Critical))
status = unknownCriticalExtension;
if (xe.Oid == "") {
SubjectAltNameExtension san = new SubjectAltNameExtension (xe);
subjectAltName = san.RFC822;
if (x509.IsSelfSigned) {
status = untrustedRoot;
catch (Exception e) {
status = e.ToString ();
public X509Certificate Certificate {
get { return x509; }
public string Status {
get { return status; }
public X509Extension GetExtension (int i)
X509Extension xe = x509.Extensions [i];
object[] extn = new object [1] { xe };
return CreateExtensionFromOid (xe.Oid, extn);
public string Extension (int i, bool detailed)
X509Extension xe = x509.Extensions [i];
if (!detailed)
return Array2Word (xe.Value.Value);
return Extension2String (x509.Extensions[i].Value.Value);
private string DN (string dname, bool detailed)
string[] a = dname.Split (',');
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
if (detailed) {
foreach (string s in a) {
string s2 = s.Trim () + Environment.NewLine;
sb.Insert (0, s2.Replace ("=", " = "));
else {
foreach (string s in a) {
string s2 = s.Trim ();
sb.Insert (0, s2.Substring (s2.IndexOf ("=") + 1) + ", ");
// must remove last ", "
sb.Remove (sb.Length - 2, 2);
return sb.ToString();
public string Issuer (bool detailed)
return DN (x509.IssuerName, detailed);
public string PublicKey (bool detailed)
if (detailed)
return Array2Word (x509.PublicKey);
if (x509.RSA != null)
return "RSA (" + x509.RSA.KeySize + " Bits)";
else if (x509.DSA != null)
return "DSA (" + x509.DSA.KeySize + " Bits)";
return "Unknown key type (unknown key size)";
public string SerialNumber (bool detailed)
byte[] sn = (byte[]) x509.SerialNumber.Clone ();
Array.Reverse (sn);
return CertificateFormatter.Array2Word (sn);
public string Subject (bool detailed)
return DN (x509.SubjectName, detailed);
public string SubjectAltName (bool detailed)
if ((subjectAltName == null) || (subjectAltName.Length < 1))
return String.Empty;
if (!detailed)
return "mailto:" + subjectAltName [0];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (string s in subjectAltName) {
sb.Append (s);
sb.Append (Environment.NewLine);
return sb.ToString ();
public string SignatureAlgorithm (bool detailed)
string result = null;
switch (x509.SignatureAlgorithm) {
case "1.2.840.10040.4.3":
result = "sha1DSA";
case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2":
result = "md2RSA";
status = String.Format (unsupportedHash, "MD2");
case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.3":
result = "md4RSA";
status = String.Format (unsupportedHash, "MD4");
case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.4":
result = "md5RSA";
case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5":
result = "sha1RSA";
case "":
result = "sha1WithRSASignature";
result = x509.SignatureAlgorithm;
if (detailed)
return "unknown (" + result + ")";
return result;
if (detailed)
result += " (" + x509.SignatureAlgorithm + ")";
return result;
public string ThumbprintAlgorithm {
get { return thumbprintAlgorithm.ToLower (); }
set { thumbprintAlgorithm = value; }
public byte[] Thumbprint {
get {
HashAlgorithm ha = HashAlgorithm.Create (thumbprintAlgorithm);
return ha.ComputeHash (x509.RawData);
public string ValidFrom (bool detailed)
return x509.ValidFrom.ToString ();
public string ValidUntil (bool detailed)
return x509.ValidUntil.ToString ();
public string Version (bool detailed)
return "V" + x509.Version;
static public string OneLine (string input)
// remove tabulation
string oneline = input.Replace ("\t", "");
// remove new lines after :
oneline = oneline.Replace (":" + Environment.NewLine, ":");
// remove ending new line (if present)
if (oneline.EndsWith (Environment.NewLine))
oneline = oneline.Substring (0, oneline.Length - Environment.NewLine.Length);
// replace remaining new lines by comma + space
return oneline.Replace (Environment.NewLine, ", ");
static public string Array2Word (byte[] array)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
int x = 0;
while (x < array.Length) {
sb.Append (array [x].ToString ("X2"));
if (x % 2 == 1)
sb.Append (" ");
return sb.ToString ();
static private void WriteLine (StringBuilder sb, byte[] extnValue, int n, int pos)
int p = pos;
StringBuilder preview = new StringBuilder ();
for (int j=0; j < 8; j++) {
if (j < n) {
sb.Append (extnValue [p++].ToString ("X2"));
sb.Append (" ");
sb.Append (" ");
sb.Append (" ");
p = pos;
for (int j=0; j < n; j++) {
byte b = extnValue [p++];
if (b < 0x20)
sb.Append (".");
sb.Append (Convert.ToChar (b));
sb.Append (Environment.NewLine);
static public string Extension2String (byte[] extnValue)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
int div = (extnValue.Length >> 3);
int rem = (extnValue.Length - (div << 3));
int x = 0;
for (int i=0; i < div; i++) {
WriteLine (sb, extnValue, 8, x);
x += 8;
WriteLine (sb, extnValue, rem, x);
return sb.ToString ();