107 lines
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107 lines
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# Makefile for Windows NT. Assumes Microsoft compiler.
# Use "nmake -f NT_MAKEFILE nodebug=1 all" for optimized versions of library,
# gctest and editor. Please adjust/uncomment CPU, CVTRES_CPU, GC_DLL, GC_LIB,
# CFLAGS_SPECIFIC, LINK_GC variables below for the desired configuration.
# For building x86 (32-bit) library:
# For building x64 (amd64) library:
!include <ntwin32.mak>
# For a static single-threaded collector library:
#LINK_GC=lib /out:$(GC_LIB)
# For a static multi-threaded collector library:
#LINK_GC=lib /out:$(GC_LIB)
# For a dynamic 32-bit multi-threaded collector library:
# For a dynamic 64-bit multi-threaded collector library:
LINK_DLL_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib \
/nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no /pdb:"gc.pdb" \
/out:$(GC_DLL) /implib:$(GC_LIB)
# For a dynamic 32- or 64-bit multi-threaded collector library:
LINK_GC=link $(ldebug) $(LINK_DLL_FLAGS)
# Make sure that .cc is not viewed as a suffix. It is for VC++2005, but
# not earlier versions. We can deal with either, but not inconsistency.
.SUFFIXES: .obj .cpp .c
# Atomic_ops installation directory. For win32, the source directory
# should do, since we only need the headers.
# We assume this was manually unpacked.
OBJS= alloc.obj reclaim.obj allchblk.obj misc.obj mach_dep.obj os_dep.obj mark_rts.obj headers.obj mark.obj obj_map.obj blacklst.obj finalize.obj new_hblk.obj dbg_mlc.obj fnlz_mlc.obj malloc.obj dyn_load.obj typd_mlc.obj ptr_chck.obj gc_cpp.obj mallocx.obj win32_threads.obj extra\msvc_dbg.obj thread_local_alloc.obj
all: gctest.exe cord\de.exe test_cpp.exe
$(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(CFLAGS_SPECIFIC) -Iinclude -I$(AO_INCLUDE_DIR) -DALL_INTERIOR_POINTERS -DENABLE_DISCLAIM -DCORD_NOT_DLL -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE $*.c /Fo$*.obj /wd4100 /wd4127 /wd4701
# Disable crt security warnings, since unfortunately they warn about all sorts
# of safe uses of strncpy. It would be nice to leave the rest enabled.
$(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(CFLAGS_SPECIFIC) -Iinclude -I$(AO_INCLUDE_DIR) -DALL_INTERIOR_POINTERS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE $*.cpp /Fo$*.obj
$(OBJS) tests\test.obj: include\private\gc_priv.h include\private\gc_hdrs.h include\gc.h include\private\gcconfig.h include\private\gc_locks.h include\private\gc_pmark.h include\gc_mark.h include\gc_disclaim.h include\private\msvc_dbg.h
$(GC_LIB): $(OBJS)
gctest.exe: tests\test.obj $(GC_LIB)
$(link) /MACHINE:$(CPU) $(ldebug) $(guiflags) -out:$*.exe tests\test.obj $(guilibs) $(GC_LIB)
# mapsympe -n -o gctest.sym gctest.exe
# This produces a GUI app that opens no window and writes to gctest.gc.log.
cord\tests\de_win.rbj: cord\tests\de_win.res
cvtres /MACHINE:$(CVTRES_CPU) /OUT:cord\tests\de_win.rbj cord\tests\de_win.res
cord\tests\de.obj cord\tests\de_win.obj: include\cord.h include\cord_pos.h cord\tests\de_win.h cord\tests\de_cmds.h
cord\tests\de_win.res: cord\tests\de_win.rc cord\tests\de_win.h cord\tests\de_cmds.h
$(rc) $(rcvars) -r -fo cord\tests\de_win.res cord\tests\de_win.rc
# Cord/de is a real win32 GUI app.
cord\de.exe: cord\cordbscs.obj cord\cordxtra.obj cord\tests\de.obj cord\tests\de_win.obj cord\tests\de_win.rbj $(GC_LIB)
$(link) /MACHINE:$(CPU) $(ldebug) $(guiflags) -out:cord\de.exe cord\cordbscs.obj cord\cordxtra.obj cord\tests\de.obj cord\tests\de_win.obj cord\tests\de_win.rbj $(GC_LIB) $(guilibs)
gc_cpp.obj: include\gc_cpp.h include\gc.h
test_cpp.cpp: tests\test_cpp.cc
copy tests\test_cpp.cc test_cpp.cpp
# This generates the C++ test executable. The executable expects
# a single numeric argument, which is the number of iterations.
# The output appears in test_cpp.gc.log file.
test_cpp.exe: test_cpp.obj include\gc_cpp.h include\gc.h $(GC_LIB)
$(link) /MACHINE:$(CPU) $(ldebug) $(guiflags) -out:test_cpp.exe test_cpp.obj $(GC_LIB) $(guilibs)
tar xvfz $(AO_SRC_DIR).tar.gz
del *.exe *.log *.obj *.pdb cord\*.exe cord\*.exp cord\*.lib cord\*.obj cord\*.pdb cord\tests\*.rbj cord\tests\*.res cord\tests\*.obj extra\*.obj gc*.lib gc*.dll gc*.exp test_cpp.cpp tests\*.obj 2> nul