Xamarin Public Jenkins (auto-signing) 7d05485754 Imported Upstream version
Former-commit-id: df344e34b07851d296efb3e6604c8db42b6f7aa3
2017-10-19 20:04:20 +00:00

544 lines
11 KiB

// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Mono.Profiler.Log {
public sealed class AppDomainLoadEvent : LogEvent {
public long AppDomainId { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class AppDomainUnloadEvent : LogEvent {
public long AppDomainId { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class AppDomainNameEvent : LogEvent {
public long AppDomainId { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ContextLoadEvent : LogEvent {
public long ContextId { get; internal set; }
public long AppDomainId { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ContextUnloadEvent : LogEvent {
public long ContextId { get; internal set; }
public long AppDomainId { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ThreadStartEvent : LogEvent {
public long ThreadId { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ThreadEndEvent : LogEvent {
public long ThreadId { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ThreadNameEvent : LogEvent {
public long ThreadId { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ImageLoadEvent : LogEvent {
public long ImagePointer { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ImageUnloadEvent : LogEvent {
public long ImagePointer { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class AssemblyLoadEvent : LogEvent {
public long AssemblyPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ImagePointer { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class AssemblyUnloadEvent : LogEvent {
public long AssemblyPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ImagePointer { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ClassLoadEvent : LogEvent {
public long ClassPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ImagePointer { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class JitEvent : LogEvent {
public long MethodPointer { get; internal set; }
public long CodePointer { get; internal set; }
public long CodeSize { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class JitHelperEvent : LogEvent {
public LogJitHelper Type { get; internal set; }
public long BufferPointer { get; internal set; }
public long BufferSize { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class AllocationEvent : LogEvent {
public long ClassPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectSize { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> Backtrace { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class HeapBeginEvent : LogEvent {
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class HeapEndEvent : LogEvent {
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class HeapObjectEvent : LogEvent {
public struct HeapObjectReference {
public long Offset { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ClassPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectSize { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<HeapObjectReference> References { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class HeapRootsEvent : LogEvent {
public struct HeapRoot {
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public LogHeapRootAttributes Attributes { get; internal set; }
public long ExtraInfo { get; internal set; }
public long MaxGenerationCollectionCount { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<HeapRoot> Roots { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCEvent : LogEvent {
public LogGCEvent Type { get; internal set; }
public byte Generation { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCResizeEvent : LogEvent {
public long NewSize { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCMoveEvent : LogEvent {
public IReadOnlyList<long> OldObjectPointers { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> NewObjectPointers { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCHandleCreationEvent : LogEvent {
public LogGCHandleType Type { get; internal set; }
public long Handle { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> Backtrace { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCHandleDeletionEvent : LogEvent {
public LogGCHandleType Type { get; internal set; }
public long Handle { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> Backtrace { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCFinalizeBeginEvent : LogEvent {
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCFinalizeEndEvent : LogEvent {
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCFinalizeObjectBeginEvent : LogEvent {
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class GCFinalizeObjectEndEvent : LogEvent {
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ThrowEvent : LogEvent {
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> Backtrace { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ExceptionClauseEvent : LogEvent {
public LogExceptionClause Type { get; internal set; }
public long Index { get; internal set; }
public long MethodPointer { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class EnterEvent : LogEvent {
public long MethodPointer { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class LeaveEvent : LogEvent {
public long MethodPointer { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class ExceptionalLeaveEvent : LogEvent {
public long MethodPointer { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class MonitorEvent : LogEvent {
public LogMonitorEvent Event { get; internal set; }
public long ObjectPointer { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> Backtrace { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class SampleHitEvent : LogEvent {
public long ThreadId { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> UnmanagedBacktrace { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<long> ManagedBacktrace { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class CounterSamplesEvent : LogEvent {
public struct CounterSample {
public long Index { get; internal set; }
public LogCounterType Type { get; internal set; }
public object Value { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<CounterSample> Samples { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class CounterDescriptionsEvent : LogEvent {
public struct CounterDescription {
public LogCounterSection Section { get; internal set; }
public string SectionName { get; internal set; }
public string CounterName { get; internal set; }
public LogCounterType Type { get; internal set; }
public LogCounterUnit Unit { get; internal set; }
public LogCounterVariance Variance { get; internal set; }
public long Index { get; internal set; }
public IReadOnlyList<CounterDescription> Descriptions { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class UnmanagedBinaryEvent : LogEvent {
public long SegmentPointer { get; internal set; }
public long SegmentOffset { get; internal set; }
public long SegmentSize { get; internal set; }
public string FileName { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class UnmanagedSymbolEvent : LogEvent {
public long CodePointer { get; internal set; }
public long CodeSize { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public sealed class SynchronizationPointEvent : LogEvent {
public LogSynchronizationPoint Type { get; internal set; }
internal override void Accept (LogEventVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);