Jo Shields a575963da9 Imported Upstream version 3.6.0
Former-commit-id: da6be194a6b1221998fc28233f2503bd61dd9d14
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00

1269 lines
32 KiB

// OciCalls.cs
// Part of the Mono class libraries at
// mcs/class/System.Data.OracleClient/System.Data.OracleClient.Oci
// Assembly: System.Data.OracleClient.dll
// Namespace: System.Data.OracleClient.Oci
// Authors: Joerg Rosenkranz <>
// Daniel Morgan <>
// Copyright (C) Joerg Rosenkranz, 2004
// Copyright (C) Daniel Morgan, 2005, 2009
// Licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Data.OracleClient.Oci
internal sealed class OciCalls
private static bool traceOci;
static OciCalls()
string env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OCI_TRACE");
traceOci = (env != null && env.Length > 0);
private OciCalls ()
#region OCI native calls
private sealed class OciNativeCalls
private OciNativeCalls ()
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrSet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrSet (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
IntPtr attributep,
uint size,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrSet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrSetString (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
string attributep,
uint size,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIPasswordChange")]
internal static extern int OCIPasswordChange (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
byte [] user_name,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int usernm_len,
byte [] opasswd,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int opasswd_len,
byte [] npasswd,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int npasswd_len,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIErrorGet (IntPtr hndlp,
uint recordno,
IntPtr sqlstate,
out int errcodep,
IntPtr bufp,
uint bufsize,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType type);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIBindByName")]
internal static extern int OCIBindByName (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
string placeholder,
int placeh_len,
IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIBindByName")]
internal static extern int OCIBindByNameRef (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
string placeholder,
int placeh_len,
ref IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIBindByName")]
internal static extern int OCIBindByNameBytes (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
string placeholder,
int placeh_len,
byte[] valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIBindByPos")]
internal static extern int OCIBindByPos (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint position,
IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIBindByPos")]
internal static extern int OCIBindByPosBytes (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint position,
byte[] valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIBindByPos")]
internal static extern int OCIBindByPosRef (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint position,
ref IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIDateTimeFromText (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr errhp, [In][Out] byte[] date_str, uint dstr_length,
[In][Out] byte[] fmt, uint fmt_length,
[In][Out] byte[] lang_name, uint lang_length, IntPtr datetime);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIDefineByPos (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr defnpp,
IntPtr errhp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int position,
IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
ref short rlenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint="OCIDefineByPos")]
internal static extern int OCIDefineByPosPtr (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr defnpp,
IntPtr errhp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int position,
ref IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
ref short rlenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIDescriptorFree (IntPtr hndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType type);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIEnvCreate (out IntPtr envhpp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciEnvironmentMode mode,
IntPtr ctxp,
IntPtr malocfp,
IntPtr ralocfp,
IntPtr mfreep,
int xtramem_sz,
IntPtr usrmempp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCICacheFree (IntPtr envhp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr stmthp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrGet (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out IntPtr attributep,
out int sizep,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrGet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrGetSByte (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out sbyte attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrGet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrGetByte (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out byte attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrGet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrGetUInt16 (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out ushort attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrGet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrGetInt32 (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out int attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci", EntryPoint = "OCIAttrGet")]
internal static extern int OCIAttrGetIntPtr (IntPtr trgthndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out IntPtr attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIDescriptorAlloc (IntPtr parenth,
out IntPtr hndlpp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType type,
int xtramem_sz,
IntPtr usrmempp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIHandleAlloc (IntPtr parenth,
out IntPtr descpp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType type,
int xtramem_sz,
IntPtr usrmempp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIHandleFree (IntPtr hndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType type);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobClose (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobCopy (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr dst_locp,
IntPtr src_locp,
uint amount,
uint dst_offset,
uint src_offset);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobErase (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
ref uint amount,
uint offset);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobGetChunkSize (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
out uint chunk_size);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobGetLength (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
out uint lenp);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobOpen (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
byte mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobRead (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
ref uint amtp,
uint offset,
byte[] bufp,
uint bufl,
IntPtr ctxp,
IntPtr cbfp,
ushort csid,
byte csfrm);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobTrim (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
uint newlen);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobWrite (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
ref uint amtp,
uint offset,
byte[] bufp,
uint bufl,
byte piece,
IntPtr ctxp,
IntPtr cbfp,
ushort csid,
byte csfrm);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCILobCharSetForm (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
out byte csfrm);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCINlsGetInfo (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr errhp,
[In][Out] byte[] bufp,
uint buflen,
ushort item);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIServerAttach (IntPtr srvhp,
IntPtr errhp,
string dblink,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int dblink_len,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIServerDetach (IntPtr srvhp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIServerVersion (IntPtr hndlp,
IntPtr errhp,
[In][Out] byte[] bufp,
uint bufsz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType type);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCISessionBegin (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr usrhp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciCredentialType credt,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciSessionMode mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCISessionEnd (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr usrhp,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIParamGet (IntPtr hndlp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciHandleType htype,
IntPtr errhp,
out IntPtr parmdpp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int pos);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIStmtExecute (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr stmthp,
IntPtr errhp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] uint iters,
uint rowoff,
IntPtr snap_in,
IntPtr snap_out,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciExecuteMode mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIStmtFetch (IntPtr stmtp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint nrows,
ushort orientation,
uint mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIStmtPrepare (IntPtr stmthp,
IntPtr errhp,
byte [] stmt,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] int stmt_length,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciStatementLanguage language,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciStatementMode mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCITransCommit (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint flags);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCITransRollback (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint flags);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCITransStart (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint timeout,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U4)] OciTransactionFlags flags);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCICharSetToUnicode (
IntPtr svchp,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder dst,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.SysUInt)] int dstlen,
byte [] src,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.SysUInt)] int srclen,
out long rsize);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIUnicodeToCharSet (
IntPtr svchp,
byte [] dst,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.SysUInt)] int dstlen,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string src,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.SysUInt)] int srclen,
out long rsize);
#region OCI call wrappers
internal static int OCIAttrSet (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
IntPtr attributep,
uint size,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIAttrSet ({0}, {1})", trghndltyp, attrtype), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrSet (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, attributep, size, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIAttrSetString (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
string attributep,
uint size,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIAttrSetString ({0}, {1})", trghndltyp, attrtype), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrSetString (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, attributep, size, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIPasswordChange (IntPtr svchp, IntPtr errhp,
int usernm_len,
byte [] opasswd,
int opasswd_len,
byte [] npasswd,
int npasswd_len,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIPasswordChange"), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIPasswordChange (svchp, errhp, user_name, (uint) usernm_len, opasswd, (uint) opasswd_len, npasswd, (uint) npasswd_len, mode);
internal static int OCIErrorGet (IntPtr hndlp,
uint recordno,
IntPtr sqlstate,
out int errcodep,
IntPtr bufp,
uint bufsize,
OciHandleType type)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIErrorGet", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIErrorGet (hndlp, recordno, sqlstate, out errcodep, bufp, bufsize, type);
internal static int OCIBindByName (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
string placeholder,
int placeh_len,
IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIBindByName", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIBindByName (stmtp, out bindpp, errhp, placeholder, placeh_len, valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, alenp, rcodep, maxarr_len, curelp, mode);
internal static int OCIBindByNameRef (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
string placeholder,
int placeh_len,
ref IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIBindByName", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIBindByNameRef (stmtp, out bindpp, errhp, placeholder, placeh_len, ref valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, alenp, rcodep, maxarr_len, curelp, mode);
internal static int OCIBindByNameBytes (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
string placeholder,
int placeh_len,
byte[] valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIBindByName", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIBindByNameBytes (stmtp, out bindpp, errhp, placeholder, placeh_len, valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, alenp, rcodep, maxarr_len, curelp, mode);
internal static int OCIBindByPos (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint position,
IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIBindByPos", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIBindByPos (stmtp, out bindpp, errhp, position, valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, alenp, rcodep, maxarr_len, curelp, mode);
internal static int OCIBindByPosRef (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint position,
ref IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIBindByPos", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIBindByPosRef (stmtp, out bindpp, errhp, position, ref valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, alenp, rcodep, maxarr_len, curelp, mode);
internal static int OCIBindByPosBytes (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr bindpp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint position,
byte[] valuep,
int value_sz,
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.U2)] OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
IntPtr alenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint maxarr_len,
IntPtr curelp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIBindByPos", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIBindByPosBytes (stmtp, out bindpp, errhp, position, valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, alenp, rcodep, maxarr_len, curelp, mode);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern void OCIDateTimeConstruct (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr err,
IntPtr datetime,
short year,
byte month,
byte day,
byte hour,
byte min,
byte sec,
uint fsec,
byte[] timezone,
uint timezone_length);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern void OCIDateTimeGetDate (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr err,
IntPtr datetime,
out short year,
out byte month,
out byte day);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern void OCIDateTimeGetTime (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr err,
IntPtr datetime,
out byte hour,
out byte min,
out byte sec,
out uint fsec);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIIntervalGetDaySecond (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr err,
out int days,
out int hours,
out int mins,
out int secs,
out int fsec,
IntPtr interval);
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIIntervalGetYearMonth (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr err,
out int years,
out int months,
IntPtr interval);
internal static int OCIDefineByPos (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr defnpp,
IntPtr errhp,
int position,
IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
ref short rlenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIDefineByPos", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIDefineByPos (stmtp, out defnpp, errhp, position, valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, ref rlenp, rcodep, mode);
internal static int OCIDefineByPosPtr (IntPtr stmtp,
out IntPtr defnpp,
IntPtr errhp,
int position,
ref IntPtr valuep,
int value_sz,
OciDataType dty,
ref short indp,
ref short rlenp,
IntPtr rcodep,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIDefineByPosPtr", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIDefineByPosPtr (stmtp, out defnpp, errhp, position, ref valuep,
value_sz, dty, ref indp, ref rlenp, rcodep, mode);
internal static int OCIDescriptorFree (IntPtr hndlp,
OciHandleType type)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIDescriptorFree ({0})", type), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIDescriptorFree (hndlp, type);
internal static int OCIEnvCreate (out IntPtr envhpp,
OciEnvironmentMode mode,
IntPtr ctxp,
IntPtr malocfp,
IntPtr ralocfp,
IntPtr mfreep,
int xtramem_sz,
IntPtr usrmempp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIEnvCreate", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIEnvCreate (out envhpp, mode, ctxp, malocfp, ralocfp, mfreep,
xtramem_sz, usrmempp);
internal static int OCICacheFree (IntPtr envhp,
IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr stmthp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCICacheFree", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCICacheFree (envhp, svchp, stmthp);
internal static int OCIAttrGet (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out IntPtr attributep,
out int sizep,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIAttrGet", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrGet (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, out attributep, out sizep, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIAttrGetSByte (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out sbyte attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIAttrGetSByte", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrGetSByte (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, out attributep, sizep, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIAttrGetByte (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out byte attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIAttrGetByte", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrGetByte (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, out attributep, sizep, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIAttrGetUInt16 (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out ushort attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIAttrGetUInt16", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrGetUInt16 (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, out attributep, sizep, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIAttrGetInt32 (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out int attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIAttrGetInt32", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrGetInt32 (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, out attributep, sizep, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIAttrGetIntPtr (IntPtr trgthndlp,
OciHandleType trghndltyp,
out IntPtr attributep,
IntPtr sizep,
OciAttributeType attrtype,
IntPtr errhp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIAttrGetIntPtr", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIAttrGetIntPtr (trgthndlp, trghndltyp, out attributep, sizep, attrtype, errhp);
internal static int OCIDescriptorAlloc (IntPtr parenth,
out IntPtr hndlpp,
OciHandleType type,
int xtramem_sz,
IntPtr usrmempp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIDescriptorAlloc", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIDescriptorAlloc (parenth, out hndlpp, type, xtramem_sz, usrmempp);
internal static int OCIHandleAlloc (IntPtr parenth,
out IntPtr descpp,
OciHandleType type,
int xtramem_sz,
IntPtr usrmempp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIHandleAlloc ({0})", type), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIHandleAlloc (parenth, out descpp, type, xtramem_sz, usrmempp);
internal static int OCIHandleFree (IntPtr hndlp,
OciHandleType type)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIHandleFree ({0})", type), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIHandleFree (hndlp, type);
internal static int OCILobClose (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobClose", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobClose (svchp, errhp, locp);
internal static int OCILobCopy (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr dst_locp,
IntPtr src_locp,
uint amount,
uint dst_offset,
uint src_offset)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobCopy", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobCopy (svchp, errhp, dst_locp, src_locp, amount, dst_offset, src_offset);
internal static int OCILobErase (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
ref uint amount,
uint offset)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobErase", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobErase (svchp, errhp, locp, ref amount, offset);
internal static int OCILobGetChunkSize (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
out uint chunk_size)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobGetChunkSize", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobGetChunkSize (svchp, errhp, locp, out chunk_size);
internal static int OCILobGetLength (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
out uint lenp)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobGetLength", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobGetLength (svchp, errhp, locp, out lenp);
internal static int OCILobOpen (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
byte mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobOpen", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobOpen (svchp, errhp, locp, mode);
internal static int OCILobRead (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
ref uint amtp,
uint offset,
byte[] bufp,
uint bufl,
IntPtr ctxp,
IntPtr cbfp,
ushort csid,
byte csfrm)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobRead", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobRead (svchp, errhp, locp, ref amtp, offset, bufp, bufl,
ctxp, cbfp, csid, csfrm);
internal static int OCILobTrim (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
uint newlen)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobTrim", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobTrim (svchp, errhp, locp, newlen);
internal static int OCILobWrite (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
ref uint amtp,
uint offset,
byte[] bufp,
uint bufl,
byte piece,
IntPtr ctxp,
IntPtr cbfp,
ushort csid,
byte csfrm)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobWrite", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobWrite (svchp, errhp, locp, ref amtp, offset, bufp, bufl,
piece, ctxp, cbfp, csid, csfrm);
internal static int OCILobCharSetForm (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr locp,
out byte csfrm)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCILobCharSetForm", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCILobCharSetForm (svchp, errhp, locp, out csfrm);
internal static int OCINlsGetInfo (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr errhp,
ref byte[] bufp,
uint buflen,
ushort item)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCINlsGetInfo", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCINlsGetInfo (hndl, errhp, bufp, buflen, item);
internal static int OCIServerAttach (IntPtr srvhp,
IntPtr errhp,
string dblink,
int dblink_len,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIServerAttach", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIServerAttach (srvhp, errhp, dblink, dblink_len, mode);
internal static int OCIServerDetach (IntPtr srvhp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIServerDetach", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIServerDetach (srvhp, errhp, mode);
internal static int OCIServerVersion (IntPtr hndlp,
IntPtr errhp,
ref byte[] bufp,
uint bufsz,
OciHandleType hndltype)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIServerVersion", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIServerVersion (hndlp,
internal static int OCISessionBegin (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr usrhp,
OciCredentialType credt,
OciSessionMode mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCISessionBegin", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCISessionBegin (svchp, errhp, usrhp, credt, mode);
internal static int OCISessionEnd (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
IntPtr usrhp,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCISessionEnd", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCISessionEnd (svchp, errhp, usrhp, mode);
internal static int OCIParamGet (IntPtr hndlp,
OciHandleType htype,
IntPtr errhp,
out IntPtr parmdpp,
int pos)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIParamGet", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIParamGet (hndlp, htype, errhp, out parmdpp, pos);
internal static int OCIStmtExecute (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr stmthp,
IntPtr errhp,
bool iters,
uint rowoff,
IntPtr snap_in,
IntPtr snap_out,
OciExecuteMode mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIStmtExecute", "OCI");
uint it = 0;
if (iters == true)
it = 1;
return OciNativeCalls.OCIStmtExecute (svchp, stmthp, errhp, it, rowoff,
snap_in, snap_out, mode);
internal static int OCIStmtFetch (IntPtr stmtp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint nrows,
ushort orientation,
uint mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIStmtFetch", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIStmtFetch (stmtp, errhp, nrows, orientation, mode);
internal static int OCIStmtPrepare (IntPtr stmthp,
IntPtr errhp,
byte [] stmt,
int stmt_length,
OciStatementLanguage language,
OciStatementMode mode)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, string.Format("OCIStmtPrepare ({0})", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stmt)), "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCIStmtPrepare (stmthp, errhp, stmt, stmt_length, language, mode);
internal static int OCITransCommit (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint flags)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCITransCommit", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCITransCommit (svchp, errhp, flags);
internal static int OCITransRollback (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint flags)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCITransRollback", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCITransRollback (svchp, errhp, flags);
internal static int OCITransStart (IntPtr svchp,
IntPtr errhp,
uint timeout,
OciTransactionFlags flags)
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCITransStart", "OCI");
return OciNativeCalls.OCITransStart (svchp, errhp, timeout, flags);
internal static int OCICharSetToUnicode (
IntPtr svchp,
StringBuilder dst,
byte [] src,
out int rsize)
int rc;
long retSize;
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCICharSetToUnicode", "OCI");
rc = OciNativeCalls.OCICharSetToUnicode (svchp, dst,
(dst != null ? dst.Capacity : 0),
src, src.Length, out retSize);
rsize = (int) retSize;
internal static int OCIUnicodeToCharSet (
IntPtr svchp,
byte [] dst,
string src,
out int rsize)
int rc;
long retSize;
Trace.WriteLineIf(traceOci, "OCIUnicodeToCharSet", "OCI");
rc = OciNativeCalls.OCIUnicodeToCharSet (svchp, dst,
(dst != null ? dst.Length : 0),
src, src.Length, out retSize);
rsize = (int) retSize;
[DllImport ("oci")]
internal static extern int OCIDateTimeCheck (IntPtr hndl,
IntPtr err, IntPtr date, out uint valid);
#region AllocateClear
private static bool IsUnix =
(int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 4 || (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128 || (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 6;
private static extern IntPtr calloc (int nmemb, int size);
private const int GMEM_ZEROINIT = 0x40;
private static extern IntPtr GlobalAlloc (int flags, int bytes);
internal static IntPtr AllocateClear (int cb)
if (IsUnix) {
return calloc (1, cb);
} else {
return GlobalAlloc (GMEM_ZEROINIT, cb);
#endregion AllocateClear