Xamarin Public Jenkins (auto-signing) 73ee7591e8 Imported Upstream version
Former-commit-id: d18deab1b47cfd3ad8cba82b3f37d00eec2170af
2019-12-10 18:00:56 +00:00

543 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#pragma warning disable 1591 // TODO: doc comments
namespace Microsoft.Cci.Pdb {
internal class PdbFunction {
static internal readonly Guid msilMetaData = new Guid(0xc6ea3fc9, 0x59b3, 0x49d6, 0xbc, 0x25,
0x09, 0x02, 0xbb, 0xab, 0xb4, 0x60);
static internal readonly IComparer byAddress = new PdbFunctionsByAddress();
static internal readonly IComparer byAddressAndToken = new PdbFunctionsByAddressAndToken();
//static internal readonly IComparer byToken = new PdbFunctionsByToken();
internal uint token;
internal uint slotToken;
internal uint tokenOfMethodWhoseUsingInfoAppliesToThisMethod;
//internal string name;
//internal string module;
//internal ushort flags;
internal uint segment;
internal uint address;
internal uint length;
//internal byte[] metadata;
internal PdbScope[] scopes;
internal PdbSlot[] slots;
internal PdbConstant[] constants;
internal string[] usedNamespaces;
internal PdbLines[] lines;
internal ushort[]/*?*/ usingCounts;
internal IEnumerable<INamespaceScope>/*?*/ namespaceScopes;
internal string/*?*/ iteratorClass;
internal List<ILocalScope>/*?*/ iteratorScopes;
internal PdbSynchronizationInformation/*?*/ synchronizationInformation;
/// <summary>
/// Flag saying whether the method has been identified as a product of VB compilation using
/// the legacy Windows PDB symbol format, in which case scope ends need to be shifted by 1
/// due to different semantics of scope limits in VB and C# compilers.
/// </summary>
private bool visualBasicScopesAdjusted = false;
private static string StripNamespace(string module) {
int li = module.LastIndexOf('.');
if (li > 0) {
return module.Substring(li + 1);
return module;
/// <summary>
/// When the Windows PDB reader identifies a PdbFunction as having 'Basic' as its source language,
/// it calls this method which adjusts all scopes by adding 1 to their lengths to compensate
/// for different behavior of VB vs. the C# compiler w.r.t. emission of scope info.
/// </summary>
internal void AdjustVisualBasicScopes()
if (!visualBasicScopesAdjusted)
visualBasicScopesAdjusted = true;
// Don't adjust root scope as that one is correct
foreach (PdbScope scope in scopes)
/// <summary>
/// Recursively update the entire scope tree by adding 1 to the length of each scope.
/// </summary>
private void AdjustVisualBasicScopes(PdbScope[] scopes)
foreach (PdbScope scope in scopes)
internal static PdbFunction[] LoadManagedFunctions(/*string module,*/
BitAccess bits, uint limit,
bool readStrings) {
//string mod = StripNamespace(module);
int begin = bits.Position;
int count = 0;
while (bits.Position < limit) {
ushort siz;
ushort rec;
bits.ReadUInt16(out siz);
int star = bits.Position;
int stop = bits.Position + siz;
bits.Position = star;
bits.ReadUInt16(out rec);
switch ((SYM)rec) {
ManProcSym proc;
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.parent);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.end);
bits.Position = (int)proc.end;
case SYM.S_END:
bits.Position = stop;
//Console.WriteLine("{0,6}: {1:x2} {2}",
// bits.Position, rec, (SYM)rec);
bits.Position = stop;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
bits.Position = begin;
PdbFunction[] funcs = new PdbFunction[count];
int func = 0;
while (bits.Position < limit) {
ushort siz;
ushort rec;
bits.ReadUInt16(out siz);
int star = bits.Position;
int stop = bits.Position + siz;
bits.ReadUInt16(out rec);
switch ((SYM)rec) {
ManProcSym proc;
//int offset = bits.Position;
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.parent);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.end);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.next);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.len);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.dbgStart);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.dbgEnd);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.token);
bits.ReadUInt32(out proc.off);
bits.ReadUInt16(out proc.seg);
bits.ReadUInt8(out proc.flags);
bits.ReadUInt16(out proc.retReg);
if (readStrings) {
bits.ReadCString(out proc.name);
} else {
bits.SkipCString(out proc.name);
//Console.WriteLine("token={0:X8} [{1}::{2}]", proc.token, module, proc.name);
bits.Position = stop;
funcs[func++] = new PdbFunction(/*module,*/ proc, bits);
default: {
//throw new PdbDebugException("Unknown SYMREC {0}", (SYM)rec);
bits.Position = stop;
return funcs;
internal static void CountScopesAndSlots(BitAccess bits, uint limit,
out int constants, out int scopes, out int slots, out int usedNamespaces) {
int pos = bits.Position;
BlockSym32 block;
constants = 0;
slots = 0;
scopes = 0;
usedNamespaces = 0;
while (bits.Position < limit) {
ushort siz;
ushort rec;
bits.ReadUInt16(out siz);
int star = bits.Position;
int stop = bits.Position + siz;
bits.Position = star;
bits.ReadUInt16(out rec);
switch ((SYM)rec) {
case SYM.S_BLOCK32: {
bits.ReadUInt32(out block.parent);
bits.ReadUInt32(out block.end);
bits.Position = (int)block.end;
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = stop;
bits.Position = pos;
internal PdbFunction() {
internal PdbFunction(/*string module, */ManProcSym proc, BitAccess bits) {
this.token = proc.token;
//this.module = module;
//this.name = proc.name;
//this.flags = proc.flags;
this.segment = proc.seg;
this.address = proc.off;
this.length = proc.len;
if (proc.seg != 1) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Segment is {0}, not 1.", proc.seg);
if (proc.parent != 0 || proc.next != 0) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Warning parent={0}, next={1}",
proc.parent, proc.next);
//if (proc.dbgStart != 0 || proc.dbgEnd != 0) {
// throw new PdbDebugException("Warning DBG start={0}, end={1}",
// proc.dbgStart, proc.dbgEnd);
int constantCount;
int scopeCount;
int slotCount;
int usedNamespacesCount;
CountScopesAndSlots(bits, proc.end, out constantCount, out scopeCount, out slotCount, out usedNamespacesCount);
int scope = constantCount > 0 || slotCount > 0 || usedNamespacesCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int slot = 0;
int constant = 0;
int usedNs = 0;
scopes = new PdbScope[scopeCount+scope];
slots = new PdbSlot[slotCount];
constants = new PdbConstant[constantCount];
usedNamespaces = new string[usedNamespacesCount];
if (scope > 0)
scopes[0] = new PdbScope(this.address, proc.len, slots, constants, usedNamespaces);
while (bits.Position < proc.end) {
ushort siz;
ushort rec;
bits.ReadUInt16(out siz);
int star = bits.Position;
int stop = bits.Position + siz;
bits.Position = star;
bits.ReadUInt16(out rec);
switch ((SYM)rec) {
case SYM.S_OEM: { // 0x0404
OemSymbol oem;
bits.ReadGuid(out oem.idOem);
bits.ReadUInt32(out oem.typind);
// internal byte[] rgl; // user data, force 4-byte alignment
if (oem.idOem == msilMetaData) {
string name = bits.ReadString();
if (name == "MD2") {
} else if (name == "asyncMethodInfo") {
this.synchronizationInformation = new PdbSynchronizationInformation(bits);
bits.Position = stop;
} else {
throw new PdbDebugException("OEM section: guid={0} ti={1}",
oem.idOem, oem.typind);
// bits.Position = stop;
case SYM.S_BLOCK32: {
BlockSym32 block = new BlockSym32();
bits.ReadUInt32(out block.parent);
bits.ReadUInt32(out block.end);
bits.ReadUInt32(out block.len);
bits.ReadUInt32(out block.off);
bits.ReadUInt16(out block.seg);
bits.SkipCString(out block.name);
bits.Position = stop;
scopes[scope++] = new PdbScope(this.address, block, bits, out slotToken);
bits.Position = (int)block.end;
slots[slot++] = new PdbSlot(bits);
bits.Position = stop;
constants[constant++] = new PdbConstant(bits);
bits.Position = stop;
bits.ReadCString(out usedNamespaces[usedNs++]);
bits.Position = stop;
case SYM.S_END:
bits.Position = stop;
default: {
//throw new PdbDebugException("Unknown SYM: {0}", (SYM)rec);
bits.Position = stop;
if (bits.Position != proc.end) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Not at S_END");
ushort esiz;
ushort erec;
bits.ReadUInt16(out esiz);
bits.ReadUInt16(out erec);
if (erec != (ushort)SYM.S_END) {
throw new PdbDebugException("Missing S_END");
internal void ReadMD2CustomMetadata(BitAccess bits)
byte version;
bits.ReadUInt8(out version);
if (version == 4) {
byte count;
bits.ReadUInt8(out count);
while (count-- > 0)
private void ReadCustomMetadata(BitAccess bits)
int savedPosition = bits.Position;
byte version;
bits.ReadUInt8(out version);
byte kind;
bits.ReadUInt8(out kind);
bits.Position += 2; // 2-bytes padding
uint numberOfBytesInItem;
bits.ReadUInt32(out numberOfBytesInItem);
if (version == 4)
switch (kind)
case 0: this.ReadUsingInfo(bits); break;
case 1: this.ReadForwardInfo(bits); break;
case 2: break; // this.ReadForwardedToModuleInfo(bits); break;
case 3: this.ReadIteratorLocals(bits); break;
case 4: this.ReadForwardIterator(bits); break;
case 5: break; // dynamic locals - see http://index/#Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices/Shared/CustomDebugInfoReader.cs,a3031f7681d76e93
case 6: break; // EnC data
case 7: break; // EnC data for lambdas and closures
// ignore any other unknown record types that may be added in future, instead of throwing an exception
// see more details here: https://github.com/tmat/roslyn/blob/portable-pdb/docs/specs/PortablePdb-Metadata.md
default: break; // throw new PdbDebugException("Unknown custom metadata item kind: {0}", kind);
bits.Position = savedPosition + (int)numberOfBytesInItem;
private void ReadForwardIterator(BitAccess bits) {
this.iteratorClass = bits.ReadString();
private void ReadIteratorLocals(BitAccess bits) {
uint numberOfLocals;
bits.ReadUInt32(out numberOfLocals);
this.iteratorScopes = new List<ILocalScope>((int)numberOfLocals);
while (numberOfLocals-- > 0) {
uint ilStartOffset;
uint ilEndOffset;
bits.ReadUInt32(out ilStartOffset);
bits.ReadUInt32(out ilEndOffset);
this.iteratorScopes.Add(new PdbIteratorScope(ilStartOffset, ilEndOffset-ilStartOffset));
//private void ReadForwardedToModuleInfo(BitAccess bits) {
private void ReadForwardInfo(BitAccess bits) {
bits.ReadUInt32(out this.tokenOfMethodWhoseUsingInfoAppliesToThisMethod);
private void ReadUsingInfo(BitAccess bits) {
ushort numberOfNamespaces;
bits.ReadUInt16(out numberOfNamespaces);
this.usingCounts = new ushort[numberOfNamespaces];
for (ushort i = 0; i < numberOfNamespaces; i++) {
bits.ReadUInt16(out this.usingCounts[i]);
internal class PdbFunctionsByAddress : IComparer {
public int Compare(Object x, Object y) {
PdbFunction fx = (PdbFunction)x;
PdbFunction fy = (PdbFunction)y;
if (fx.segment < fy.segment) {
return -1;
} else if (fx.segment > fy.segment) {
return 1;
} else if (fx.address < fy.address) {
return -1;
} else if (fx.address > fy.address) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
internal class PdbFunctionsByAddressAndToken : IComparer {
public int Compare(Object x, Object y) {
PdbFunction fx = (PdbFunction)x;
PdbFunction fy = (PdbFunction)y;
if (fx.segment < fy.segment) {
return -1;
} else if (fx.segment > fy.segment) {
return 1;
} else if (fx.address < fy.address) {
return -1;
} else if (fx.address > fy.address) {
return 1;
} else {
if (fx.token < fy.token)
return -1;
else if (fx.token > fy.token)
return 1;
return 0;
//internal class PdbFunctionsByToken : IComparer {
// public int Compare(Object x, Object y) {
// PdbFunction fx = (PdbFunction)x;
// PdbFunction fy = (PdbFunction)y;
// if (fx.token < fy.token) {
// return -1;
// } else if (fx.token > fy.token) {
// return 1;
// } else {
// return 0;
// }
// }
internal class PdbSynchronizationInformation {
internal uint kickoffMethodToken;
internal uint generatedCatchHandlerIlOffset;
internal PdbSynchronizationPoint[] synchronizationPoints;
internal PdbSynchronizationInformation(BitAccess bits) {
uint asyncStepInfoCount;
bits.ReadUInt32(out this.kickoffMethodToken);
bits.ReadUInt32(out this.generatedCatchHandlerIlOffset);
bits.ReadUInt32(out asyncStepInfoCount);
this.synchronizationPoints = new PdbSynchronizationPoint[asyncStepInfoCount];
for (uint i = 0; i < asyncStepInfoCount; i += 1) {
this.synchronizationPoints[i] = new PdbSynchronizationPoint(bits);
public uint GeneratedCatchHandlerOffset {
get { return this.generatedCatchHandlerIlOffset; }
internal class PdbSynchronizationPoint {
internal uint synchronizeOffset;
internal uint continuationMethodToken;
internal uint continuationOffset;
internal PdbSynchronizationPoint(BitAccess bits) {
bits.ReadUInt32(out this.synchronizeOffset);
bits.ReadUInt32(out this.continuationMethodToken);
bits.ReadUInt32(out this.continuationOffset);
public uint SynchronizeOffset {
get { return this.synchronizeOffset; }
public uint ContinuationOffset {
get { return this.continuationOffset; }