1600 lines
43 KiB
1600 lines
43 KiB
// mono-api-info.cs - Dumps public assembly information to an xml file.
// Authors:
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using System.IO;
namespace CorCompare
public class Driver
public static int Main (string [] args)
bool showHelp = false;
AbiMode = false;
FollowForwarders = false;
string output = null;
var acoll = new AssemblyCollection ();
var options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet {
"usage: mono-api-info [OPTIONS+] ASSEMBLY+",
"Expose IL structure of CLR assemblies as XML.",
"Available Options:",
{ "abi",
"Generate ABI, not API; contains only classes with instance fields which are not [NonSerialized].",
v => AbiMode = v != null },
{ "f|follow-forwarders",
"Follow type forwarders.",
v => FollowForwarders = v != null },
{ "d|L|lib|search-directory=",
"Check for assembly references in {DIRECTORY}.",
v => TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (v) },
{ "r=",
"Read and register the file {ASSEMBLY}, and add the directory containing ASSEMBLY to the search path.",
v => TypeHelper.Resolver.ResolveFile (v) },
{ "o=",
"The output file. If not specified the output will be written to stdout.",
v => output = v },
{ "h|?|help",
"Show this message and exit.",
v => showHelp = v != null },
var asms = options.Parse (args);
if (showHelp || asms.Count == 0) {
options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
Console.WriteLine ();
return showHelp? 0 :1;
string windir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows);
string pf = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles);
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (windir, @"assembly\GAC\MSDATASRC\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a"));
foreach (string arg in asms) {
acoll.Add (arg);
if (arg.Contains ("v3.0")) {
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (windir, @"Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"));
} else if (arg.Contains ("v3.5")) {
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (windir, @"Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"));
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (windir, @"Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation"));
} else if (arg.Contains ("v4.0")) {
if (arg.Contains ("Silverlight")) {
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (pf, @"Microsoft Silverlight\4.0.51204.0"));
} else {
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (windir, @"Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"));
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.Combine (windir, @"Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF"));
} else {
TypeHelper.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (arg));
StreamWriter outputStream = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (output))
outputStream = new StreamWriter (output);
try {
TextWriter outStream = outputStream ?? Console.Out;
var settings = new XmlWriterSettings ();
settings.Indent = true;
var textWriter = XmlWriter.Create (outStream, settings);
var writer = new WellFormedXmlWriter (textWriter);
writer.WriteStartDocument ();
acoll.Writer = writer;
acoll.DoOutput ();
writer.WriteEndDocument ();
writer.Flush ();
} finally {
if (outputStream != null)
outputStream.Dispose ();
return 0;
internal static bool AbiMode { get; private set; }
internal static bool FollowForwarders { get; private set; }
public class Utils {
static char[] CharsToCleanup = new char[] { '<', '>', '/' };
public static string CleanupTypeName (TypeReference type)
return CleanupTypeName (type.FullName);
public static string CleanupTypeName (string t)
if (t.IndexOfAny (CharsToCleanup) == -1)
return t;
var sb = new StringBuilder (t.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++) {
var ch = t [i];
switch (ch) {
case '<':
sb.Append ('[');
case '>':
sb.Append (']');
case '/':
sb.Append ('+');
sb.Append (ch);
return sb.ToString ();
class AssemblyCollection
XmlWriter writer;
List<AssemblyDefinition> assemblies = new List<AssemblyDefinition> ();
public AssemblyCollection ()
public bool Add (string name)
AssemblyDefinition ass = LoadAssembly (name);
if (ass == null) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Cannot load assembly file " + name);
return false;
assemblies.Add (ass);
return true;
public void DoOutput ()
if (writer == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
writer.WriteStartElement ("assemblies");
foreach (AssemblyDefinition a in assemblies) {
AssemblyData data = new AssemblyData (writer, a);
data.DoOutput ();
writer.WriteEndElement ();
public XmlWriter Writer {
set { writer = value; }
AssemblyDefinition LoadAssembly (string assembly)
try {
if (File.Exists (assembly))
return TypeHelper.Resolver.ResolveFile (assembly);
return TypeHelper.Resolver.Resolve (assembly);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine (e);
return null;
abstract class BaseData
protected XmlWriter writer;
protected BaseData (XmlWriter writer)
this.writer = writer;
public abstract void DoOutput ();
protected void AddAttribute (string name, string value)
writer.WriteAttributeString (name, value);
class TypeForwardedToData : BaseData
AssemblyDefinition ass;
public TypeForwardedToData (XmlWriter writer, AssemblyDefinition ass)
: base (writer)
this.ass = ass;
public override void DoOutput ()
foreach (ExportedType type in ass.MainModule.ExportedTypes) {
if (((uint)type.Attributes & 0x200000u) == 0)
writer.WriteStartElement ("attribute");
AddAttribute ("name", typeof (TypeForwardedToAttribute).FullName);
writer.WriteStartElement ("properties");
writer.WriteStartElement ("property");
AddAttribute ("name", "Destination");
AddAttribute ("value", Utils.CleanupTypeName (type.FullName));
writer.WriteEndElement (); // properties
writer.WriteEndElement (); // properties
writer.WriteEndElement (); // attribute
public static void OutputForwarders (XmlWriter writer, AssemblyDefinition ass)
TypeForwardedToData tftd = new TypeForwardedToData (writer, ass);
tftd.DoOutput ();
class AssemblyData : BaseData
AssemblyDefinition ass;
public AssemblyData (XmlWriter writer, AssemblyDefinition ass)
: base (writer)
this.ass = ass;
public override void DoOutput ()
if (writer == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
writer.WriteStartElement ("assembly");
AssemblyNameDefinition aname = ass.Name;
AddAttribute ("name", aname.Name);
AddAttribute ("version", aname.Version.ToString ());
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (writer, ass);
var types = new List<TypeDefinition> ();
if (ass.MainModule.Types != null) {
types.AddRange (ass.MainModule.Types);
if (Driver.FollowForwarders && ass.MainModule.ExportedTypes != null) {
foreach (var t in ass.MainModule.ExportedTypes) {
var forwarded = t.Resolve ();
if (forwarded == null) {
throw new Exception ("Could not resolve forwarded type " + t.FullName + " in " + ass.Name);
types.Add (forwarded);
if (types.Count == 0) {
writer.WriteEndElement (); // assembly
types.Sort (TypeReferenceComparer.Default);
writer.WriteStartElement ("namespaces");
string current_namespace = "$%&$&";
bool in_namespace = false;
foreach (TypeDefinition t in types) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (t.Namespace))
if (!Driver.AbiMode && ((t.Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) != TypeAttributes.Public))
if (t.DeclaringType != null)
continue; // enforce !nested
if (t.Namespace != current_namespace) {
current_namespace = t.Namespace;
if (in_namespace) {
writer.WriteEndElement (); // classes
writer.WriteEndElement (); // namespace
} else {
in_namespace = true;
writer.WriteStartElement ("namespace");
AddAttribute ("name", current_namespace);
writer.WriteStartElement ("classes");
TypeData bd = new TypeData (writer, t);
bd.DoOutput ();
if (in_namespace) {
writer.WriteEndElement (); // classes
writer.WriteEndElement (); // namespace
writer.WriteEndElement (); // namespaces
writer.WriteEndElement (); // assembly
abstract class MemberData : BaseData
MemberReference [] members;
public MemberData (XmlWriter writer, MemberReference [] members)
: base (writer)
this.members = members;
protected virtual ICustomAttributeProvider GetAdditionalCustomAttributeProvider (MemberReference member)
return null;
public override void DoOutput ()
writer.WriteStartElement (ParentTag);
foreach (MemberReference member in members) {
writer.WriteStartElement (Tag);
AddAttribute ("name", GetName (member));
if (!NoMemberAttributes)
AddAttribute ("attrib", GetMemberAttributes (member));
AddExtraAttributes (member);
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (writer, (ICustomAttributeProvider) member, GetAdditionalCustomAttributeProvider (member));
AddExtraData (member);
writer.WriteEndElement (); // Tag
writer.WriteEndElement (); // ParentTag
protected virtual void AddExtraData (MemberReference memberDefenition)
protected virtual void AddExtraAttributes (MemberReference memberDefinition)
protected virtual string GetName (MemberReference memberDefenition)
return "NoNAME";
protected virtual string GetMemberAttributes (MemberReference memberDefenition)
return null;
public virtual bool NoMemberAttributes {
get { return false; }
set {}
public virtual string ParentTag {
get { return "NoPARENTTAG"; }
public virtual string Tag {
get { return "NoTAG"; }
public static void OutputGenericParameters (XmlWriter writer, IGenericParameterProvider provider)
if (provider.GenericParameters.Count == 0)
var gparameters = provider.GenericParameters;
writer.WriteStartElement ("generic-parameters");
foreach (GenericParameter gp in gparameters) {
writer.WriteStartElement ("generic-parameter");
writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", gp.Name);
writer.WriteAttributeString ("attributes", ((int) gp.Attributes).ToString ());
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (writer, gp);
var constraints = gp.Constraints;
if (constraints.Count == 0) {
writer.WriteEndElement (); // generic-parameter
writer.WriteStartElement ("generic-parameter-constraints");
foreach (TypeReference constraint in constraints) {
writer.WriteStartElement ("generic-parameter-constraint");
writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", Utils.CleanupTypeName (constraint));
writer.WriteEndElement (); // generic-parameter-constraint
writer.WriteEndElement (); // generic-parameter-constraints
writer.WriteEndElement (); // generic-parameter
writer.WriteEndElement (); // generic-parameters
class TypeData : MemberData
TypeDefinition type;
public TypeData (XmlWriter writer, TypeDefinition type)
: base (writer, null)
this.type = type;
public override void DoOutput ()
if (writer == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
writer.WriteStartElement ("class");
AddAttribute ("name", type.Name);
string classType = GetClassType (type);
AddAttribute ("type", classType);
if (type.BaseType != null)
AddAttribute ("base", Utils.CleanupTypeName (type.BaseType));
if (type.IsSealed)
AddAttribute ("sealed", "true");
if (type.IsAbstract)
AddAttribute ("abstract", "true");
if ( (type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Serializable) != 0 || type.IsEnum)
AddAttribute ("serializable", "true");
string charSet = GetCharSet (type);
AddAttribute ("charset", charSet);
string layout = GetLayout (type);
if (layout != null)
AddAttribute ("layout", layout);
if (type.PackingSize >= 0) {
AddAttribute ("pack", type.PackingSize.ToString ());
if (type.ClassSize >= 0) {
AddAttribute ("size", type.ClassSize.ToString ());
if (type.IsEnum) {
var value_type = GetEnumValueField (type);
if (value_type == null)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
AddAttribute ("enumtype", Utils.CleanupTypeName (value_type.FieldType));
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (writer, type);
var ifaces = TypeHelper.GetInterfaces (type).
Where ((iface) => TypeHelper.IsPublic (iface)). // we're only interested in public interfaces
OrderBy (s => s.FullName, StringComparer.Ordinal);
if (ifaces.Any ()) {
writer.WriteStartElement ("interfaces");
foreach (TypeReference iface in ifaces) {
writer.WriteStartElement ("interface");
AddAttribute ("name", Utils.CleanupTypeName (iface));
writer.WriteEndElement (); // interface
writer.WriteEndElement (); // interfaces
MemberData.OutputGenericParameters (writer, type);
ArrayList members = new ArrayList ();
FieldDefinition [] fields = GetFields (type);
if (fields.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (fields, MemberReferenceComparer.Default);
FieldData fd = new FieldData (writer, fields);
members.Add (fd);
if (!Driver.AbiMode) {
MethodDefinition [] ctors = GetConstructors (type);
if (ctors.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (ctors, MethodDefinitionComparer.Default);
members.Add (new ConstructorData (writer, ctors));
PropertyDefinition[] properties = GetProperties (type);
if (properties.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (properties, PropertyDefinitionComparer.Default);
members.Add (new PropertyData (writer, properties));
EventDefinition [] events = GetEvents (type);
if (events.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (events, MemberReferenceComparer.Default);
members.Add (new EventData (writer, events));
MethodDefinition [] methods = GetMethods (type);
if (methods.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (methods, MethodDefinitionComparer.Default);
members.Add (new MethodData (writer, methods));
foreach (MemberData md in members)
md.DoOutput ();
var nested = type.NestedTypes;
//remove non public(familiy) and nested in second degree
for (int i = nested.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TypeDefinition t = nested [i];
if ((t.Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedPublic ||
(t.Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedFamily ||
(t.Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem) {
// public
if (t.DeclaringType == type)
continue; // not nested of nested
nested.RemoveAt (i);
if (nested.Count > 0) {
var nestedArray = nested.ToArray ();
Array.Sort (nestedArray, TypeReferenceComparer.Default);
writer.WriteStartElement ("classes");
foreach (TypeDefinition t in nestedArray) {
TypeData td = new TypeData (writer, t);
td.DoOutput ();
writer.WriteEndElement (); // classes
writer.WriteEndElement (); // class
static FieldReference GetEnumValueField (TypeDefinition type)
foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
if (field.IsSpecialName && field.Name == "value__")
return field;
return null;
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberReference member)
if (member != type)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("odd");
return ((int) type.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public static bool MustDocumentMethod (MethodDefinition method) {
// All other methods
MethodAttributes maskedAccess = method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask;
return maskedAccess == MethodAttributes.Public
|| maskedAccess == MethodAttributes.Family
|| maskedAccess == MethodAttributes.FamORAssem;
static string GetClassType (TypeDefinition t)
if (t.IsEnum)
return "enum";
if (t.IsValueType)
return "struct";
if (t.IsInterface)
return "interface";
if (TypeHelper.IsDelegate(t))
return "delegate";
if (t.IsPointer)
return "pointer";
return "class";
static string GetCharSet (TypeDefinition type)
TypeAttributes maskedStringFormat = type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.StringFormatMask;
if (maskedStringFormat == TypeAttributes.AnsiClass)
return CharSet.Ansi.ToString ();
if (maskedStringFormat == TypeAttributes.AutoClass)
return CharSet.Auto.ToString ();
if (maskedStringFormat == TypeAttributes.UnicodeClass)
return CharSet.Unicode.ToString ();
return CharSet.None.ToString ();
static string GetLayout (TypeDefinition type)
TypeAttributes maskedLayout = type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.LayoutMask;
if (maskedLayout == TypeAttributes.AutoLayout)
return LayoutKind.Auto.ToString ();
if (maskedLayout == TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout)
return LayoutKind.Explicit.ToString ();
if (maskedLayout == TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout)
return LayoutKind.Sequential.ToString ();
return null;
FieldDefinition [] GetFields (TypeDefinition type) {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
var fields = type.Fields;
foreach (FieldDefinition field in fields) {
if (field.IsSpecialName)
if (Driver.AbiMode && field.IsStatic)
// we're only interested in public or protected members
FieldAttributes maskedVisibility = (field.Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask);
if (Driver.AbiMode && !field.IsNotSerialized) {
list.Add (field);
} else {
if (maskedVisibility == FieldAttributes.Public
|| maskedVisibility == FieldAttributes.Family
|| maskedVisibility == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem) {
list.Add (field);
return (FieldDefinition []) list.ToArray (typeof (FieldDefinition));
internal static PropertyDefinition [] GetProperties (TypeDefinition type) {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
var properties = type.Properties;//type.GetProperties (flags);
foreach (PropertyDefinition property in properties) {
MethodDefinition getMethod = property.GetMethod;
MethodDefinition setMethod = property.SetMethod;
bool hasGetter = (getMethod != null) && MustDocumentMethod (getMethod);
bool hasSetter = (setMethod != null) && MustDocumentMethod (setMethod);
// if neither the getter or setter should be documented, then
// skip the property
if (hasGetter || hasSetter) {
list.Add (property);
return (PropertyDefinition []) list.ToArray (typeof (PropertyDefinition));
private MethodDefinition[] GetMethods (TypeDefinition type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
var methods = type.Methods;//type.GetMethods (flags);
foreach (MethodDefinition method in methods) {
if (method.IsSpecialName && !method.Name.StartsWith ("op_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// we're only interested in public or protected members
if (!MustDocumentMethod(method))
if (IsFinalizer (method)) {
string name = method.DeclaringType.Name;
int arity = name.IndexOf ('`');
if (arity > 0)
name = name.Substring (0, arity);
method.Name = "~" + name;
list.Add (method);
return (MethodDefinition []) list.ToArray (typeof (MethodDefinition));
static bool IsFinalizer (MethodDefinition method)
if (method.Name != "Finalize")
return false;
if (!method.IsVirtual)
return false;
if (method.Parameters.Count != 0)
return false;
return true;
private MethodDefinition [] GetConstructors (TypeDefinition type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
var ctors = type.Methods.Where (m => m.IsConstructor);//type.GetConstructors (flags);
foreach (MethodDefinition constructor in ctors) {
// we're only interested in public or protected members
if (!MustDocumentMethod(constructor))
list.Add (constructor);
return (MethodDefinition []) list.ToArray (typeof (MethodDefinition));
private EventDefinition[] GetEvents (TypeDefinition type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
var events = type.Events;//type.GetEvents (flags);
foreach (EventDefinition eventDef in events) {
MethodDefinition addMethod = eventDef.AddMethod;//eventInfo.GetAddMethod (true);
if (addMethod == null || !MustDocumentMethod (addMethod))
list.Add (eventDef);
return (EventDefinition []) list.ToArray (typeof (EventDefinition));
class FieldData : MemberData
public FieldData (XmlWriter writer, FieldDefinition [] members)
: base (writer, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberReference memberDefenition)
FieldDefinition field = (FieldDefinition) memberDefenition;
return field.Name;
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberReference memberDefenition)
FieldDefinition field = (FieldDefinition) memberDefenition;
return ((int) field.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
protected override void AddExtraAttributes (MemberReference memberDefinition)
base.AddExtraAttributes (memberDefinition);
FieldDefinition field = (FieldDefinition) memberDefinition;
AddAttribute ("fieldtype", Utils.CleanupTypeName (field.FieldType));
if (field.IsLiteral) {
object value = field.Constant;//object value = field.GetValue (null);
string stringValue = null;
//if (value is Enum) {
// // FIXME: when Mono bug #60090 has been
// // fixed, we should just be able to use
// // Convert.ToString
// stringValue = ((Enum) value).ToString ("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//else {
stringValue = Convert.ToString (value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (stringValue != null)
AddAttribute ("value", stringValue);
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "fields"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "field"; }
class PropertyData : MemberData
public PropertyData (XmlWriter writer, PropertyDefinition [] members)
: base (writer, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberReference memberDefenition)
PropertyDefinition prop = (PropertyDefinition) memberDefenition;
return prop.Name;
MethodDefinition [] GetMethods (PropertyDefinition prop, out bool haveParameters)
MethodDefinition _get = prop.GetMethod;
MethodDefinition _set = prop.SetMethod;
bool haveGet = (_get != null && TypeData.MustDocumentMethod(_get));
bool haveSet = (_set != null && TypeData.MustDocumentMethod(_set));
haveParameters = haveGet || (haveSet && _set.Parameters.Count > 1);
MethodDefinition [] methods;
if (haveGet && haveSet) {
methods = new MethodDefinition [] { _get, _set };
} else if (haveGet) {
methods = new MethodDefinition [] { _get };
} else if (haveSet) {
methods = new MethodDefinition [] { _set };
} else {
return null;
return methods;
protected override void AddExtraAttributes (MemberReference memberDefinition)
base.AddExtraAttributes (memberDefinition);
PropertyDefinition prop = (PropertyDefinition) memberDefinition;
AddAttribute ("ptype", Utils.CleanupTypeName (prop.PropertyType));
bool haveParameters;
MethodDefinition [] methods = GetMethods ((PropertyDefinition) memberDefinition, out haveParameters);
if (methods != null && haveParameters) {
string parms = Parameters.GetSignature (methods [0].Parameters);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (parms))
AddAttribute ("params", parms);
protected override void AddExtraData (MemberReference memberDefenition)
base.AddExtraData (memberDefenition);
bool haveParameters;
MethodDefinition [] methods = GetMethods ((PropertyDefinition) memberDefenition, out haveParameters);
if (methods == null)
MethodData data = new MethodData (writer, methods);
//data.NoMemberAttributes = true;
data.DoOutput ();
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberReference memberDefenition)
PropertyDefinition prop = (PropertyDefinition) memberDefenition;
return ((int) prop.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "properties"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "property"; }
class EventData : MemberData
public EventData (XmlWriter writer, EventDefinition [] members)
: base (writer, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberReference memberDefenition)
EventDefinition evt = (EventDefinition) memberDefenition;
return evt.Name;
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberReference memberDefenition)
EventDefinition evt = (EventDefinition) memberDefenition;
return ((int) evt.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
protected override void AddExtraAttributes (MemberReference memberDefinition)
base.AddExtraAttributes (memberDefinition);
EventDefinition evt = (EventDefinition) memberDefinition;
AddAttribute ("eventtype", Utils.CleanupTypeName (evt.EventType));
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "events"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "event"; }
class MethodData : MemberData
bool noAtts;
public MethodData (XmlWriter writer, MethodDefinition [] members)
: base (writer, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberReference memberDefenition)
MethodDefinition method = (MethodDefinition) memberDefenition;
string name = method.Name;
string parms = Parameters.GetSignature (method.Parameters);
return string.Format ("{0}({1})", name, parms);
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberReference memberDefenition)
MethodDefinition method = (MethodDefinition) memberDefenition;
return ((int)( method.Attributes)).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
protected override ICustomAttributeProvider GetAdditionalCustomAttributeProvider (MemberReference member)
var mbase = (MethodDefinition) member;
return mbase.MethodReturnType;
protected override void AddExtraAttributes (MemberReference memberDefinition)
base.AddExtraAttributes (memberDefinition);
if (!(memberDefinition is MethodDefinition))
MethodDefinition mbase = (MethodDefinition) memberDefinition;
if (mbase.IsAbstract)
AddAttribute ("abstract", "true");
if (mbase.IsVirtual)
AddAttribute ("virtual", "true");
if (mbase.IsFinal && mbase.IsVirtual && mbase.IsReuseSlot)
AddAttribute ("sealed", "true");
if (mbase.IsStatic)
AddAttribute ("static", "true");
var baseMethod = TypeHelper.GetBaseMethodInTypeHierarchy (mbase);
if (baseMethod != null && baseMethod != mbase) {
// This indicates whether this method is an override of another method.
// This information is not necessarily available in the api info for any
// particular assembly, because a method is only overriding another if
// there is a base virtual function with the same signature, and that
// base method can come from another assembly.
AddAttribute ("is-override", "true");
string rettype = Utils.CleanupTypeName (mbase.MethodReturnType.ReturnType);
if (rettype != "System.Void" || !mbase.IsConstructor)
AddAttribute ("returntype", (rettype));
// if (mbase.MethodReturnType.HasCustomAttributes)
// AttributeData.OutputAttributes (writer, mbase.MethodReturnType);
protected override void AddExtraData (MemberReference memberDefenition)
base.AddExtraData (memberDefenition);
if (!(memberDefenition is MethodDefinition))
MethodDefinition mbase = (MethodDefinition) memberDefenition;
ParameterData parms = new ParameterData (writer, mbase.Parameters);
parms.DoOutput ();
MemberData.OutputGenericParameters (writer, mbase);
public override bool NoMemberAttributes {
get { return noAtts; }
set { noAtts = value; }
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "methods"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "method"; }
class ConstructorData : MethodData
public ConstructorData (XmlWriter writer, MethodDefinition [] members)
: base (writer, members)
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "constructors"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "constructor"; }
class ParameterData : BaseData
private IList<ParameterDefinition> parameters;
public ParameterData (XmlWriter writer, IList<ParameterDefinition> parameters)
: base (writer)
this.parameters = parameters;
public override void DoOutput ()
writer.WriteStartElement ("parameters");
foreach (ParameterDefinition parameter in parameters) {
writer.WriteStartElement ("parameter");
AddAttribute ("name", parameter.Name);
AddAttribute ("position", parameter.Method.Parameters.IndexOf(parameter).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
AddAttribute ("attrib", ((int) parameter.Attributes).ToString());
string direction = "in";
if (parameter.ParameterType is ByReferenceType)
direction = parameter.IsOut ? "out" : "ref";
TypeReference t = parameter.ParameterType;
AddAttribute ("type", Utils.CleanupTypeName (t));
if (parameter.IsOptional) {
AddAttribute ("optional", "true");
if (parameter.HasConstant)
AddAttribute ("defaultValue", parameter.Constant == null ? "NULL" : parameter.Constant.ToString ());
if (direction != "in")
AddAttribute ("direction", direction);
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (writer, parameter);
writer.WriteEndElement (); // parameter
writer.WriteEndElement (); // parameters
class AttributeData
public static void DoOutput (XmlWriter writer, IList<ICustomAttributeProvider> providers)
if (writer == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
if (providers == null || providers.Count == 0)
if (!providers.Any ((provider) => provider != null && provider.HasCustomAttributes))
writer.WriteStartElement ("attributes");
foreach (var provider in providers) {
if (provider == null)
if (!provider.HasCustomAttributes)
var ass = provider as AssemblyDefinition;
if (ass != null && !Driver.FollowForwarders)
TypeForwardedToData.OutputForwarders (writer, ass);
var attributes = provider.CustomAttributes.
Where ((att) => !SkipAttribute (att)).
OrderBy ((a) => a.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName, StringComparer.Ordinal);
foreach (var att in attributes) {
string attName = Utils.CleanupTypeName (att.Constructor.DeclaringType);
writer.WriteStartElement ("attribute");
writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", attName);
var attribute_mapping = CreateAttributeMapping (att);
if (attribute_mapping != null) {
var mapping = attribute_mapping.Where ((attr) => attr.Key != "TypeId");
if (mapping.Any ()) {
writer.WriteStartElement ("properties");
foreach (var kvp in mapping) {
string name = kvp.Key;
object o = kvp.Value;
writer.WriteStartElement ("property");
writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", name);
if (o == null) {
writer.WriteAttributeString ("value", "null");
} else {
string value = o.ToString ();
if (attName.EndsWith ("GuidAttribute", StringComparison.Ordinal))
value = value.ToUpper ();
writer.WriteAttributeString ("value", value);
writer.WriteEndElement (); // property
writer.WriteEndElement (); // properties
writer.WriteEndElement (); // attribute
writer.WriteEndElement (); // attributes
static Dictionary<string, object> CreateAttributeMapping (CustomAttribute attribute)
Dictionary<string, object> mapping = null;
PopulateMapping (ref mapping, attribute);
var constructor = attribute.Constructor.Resolve ();
if (constructor == null || !constructor.HasParameters)
return mapping;
PopulateMapping (ref mapping, constructor, attribute);
return mapping;
static void PopulateMapping (ref Dictionary<string, object> mapping, CustomAttribute attribute)
if (!attribute.HasProperties)
foreach (var named_argument in attribute.Properties) {
var name = named_argument.Name;
var arg = named_argument.Argument;
if (arg.Value is CustomAttributeArgument)
arg = (CustomAttributeArgument) arg.Value;
if (mapping == null)
mapping = new Dictionary<string, object> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
mapping.Add (name, GetArgumentValue (arg.Type, arg.Value));
static Dictionary<FieldReference, int> CreateArgumentFieldMapping (MethodDefinition constructor)
Dictionary<FieldReference, int> field_mapping = null;
int? argument = null;
foreach (Instruction instruction in constructor.Body.Instructions) {
switch (instruction.OpCode.Code) {
case Code.Ldarg_1:
argument = 1;
case Code.Ldarg_2:
argument = 2;
case Code.Ldarg_3:
argument = 3;
case Code.Ldarg:
case Code.Ldarg_S:
argument = ((ParameterDefinition) instruction.Operand).Index + 1;
case Code.Stfld:
FieldReference field = (FieldReference) instruction.Operand;
if (field.DeclaringType.FullName != constructor.DeclaringType.FullName)
if (!argument.HasValue)
if (field_mapping == null)
field_mapping = new Dictionary<FieldReference, int> ();
if (!field_mapping.ContainsKey (field))
field_mapping.Add (field, (int) argument - 1);
argument = null;
return field_mapping;
static Dictionary<PropertyDefinition, FieldReference> CreatePropertyFieldMapping (TypeDefinition type)
Dictionary<PropertyDefinition, FieldReference> property_mapping = null;
foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties) {
if (property.GetMethod == null)
if (!property.GetMethod.HasBody)
foreach (Instruction instruction in property.GetMethod.Body.Instructions) {
if (instruction.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldfld)
FieldReference field = (FieldReference) instruction.Operand;
if (field.DeclaringType.FullName != type.FullName)
if (property_mapping == null)
property_mapping = new Dictionary<PropertyDefinition, FieldReference> ();
property_mapping.Add (property, field);
return property_mapping;
static void PopulateMapping (ref Dictionary<string, object> mapping, MethodDefinition constructor, CustomAttribute attribute)
if (!constructor.HasBody)
// Custom handling for attributes with arguments which cannot be easily extracted
var ca = attribute.ConstructorArguments;
switch (constructor.DeclaringType.FullName) {
case "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute":
var dca = constructor.Parameters[2].ParameterType == constructor.Module.TypeSystem.Int32 ?
new DecimalConstantAttribute ((byte) ca[0].Value, (byte) ca[1].Value, (int) ca[2].Value, (int) ca[3].Value, (int) ca[4].Value) :
new DecimalConstantAttribute ((byte) ca[0].Value, (byte) ca[1].Value, (uint) ca[2].Value, (uint) ca[3].Value, (uint) ca[4].Value);
if (mapping == null)
mapping = new Dictionary<string, object> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
mapping.Add ("Value", dca.Value);
case "System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute":
if (ca.Count != 1)
if (constructor.Parameters[0].ParameterType == constructor.Module.TypeSystem.Boolean) {
if (mapping == null)
mapping = new Dictionary<string, object> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
mapping.Add ("Bindable", ca[0].Value);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
var field_mapping = CreateArgumentFieldMapping (constructor);
if (field_mapping != null) {
var property_mapping = CreatePropertyFieldMapping ((TypeDefinition) constructor.DeclaringType);
if (property_mapping != null) {
foreach (var pair in property_mapping) {
int argument;
if (!field_mapping.TryGetValue (pair.Value, out argument))
var ca_arg = ca [argument];
if (ca_arg.Value is CustomAttributeArgument)
ca_arg = (CustomAttributeArgument)ca_arg.Value;
if (mapping == null)
mapping = new Dictionary<string, object> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
mapping.Add (pair.Key.Name, GetArgumentValue (ca_arg.Type, ca_arg.Value));
static object GetArgumentValue (TypeReference reference, object value)
var type = reference.Resolve ();
if (type == null)
return value;
if (type.IsEnum) {
if (IsFlaggedEnum (type))
return GetFlaggedEnumValue (type, value);
return GetEnumValue (type, value);
return value;
static bool IsFlaggedEnum (TypeDefinition type)
if (!type.IsEnum)
return false;
if (!type.HasCustomAttributes)
return false;
foreach (CustomAttribute attribute in type.CustomAttributes)
if (attribute.Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName == "System.FlagsAttribute")
return true;
return false;
static object GetFlaggedEnumValue (TypeDefinition type, object value)
if (value is ulong)
return GetFlaggedEnumValue (type, (ulong)value);
long flags = Convert.ToInt64 (value);
var signature = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = type.Fields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
FieldDefinition field = type.Fields [i];
if (!field.HasConstant)
long flag = Convert.ToInt64 (field.Constant);
if (flag == 0)
if ((flags & flag) == flag) {
if (signature.Length != 0)
signature.Append (", ");
signature.Append (field.Name);
flags -= flag;
return signature.ToString ();
static object GetFlaggedEnumValue (TypeDefinition type, ulong flags)
var signature = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = type.Fields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
FieldDefinition field = type.Fields [i];
if (!field.HasConstant)
ulong flag = Convert.ToUInt64 (field.Constant);
if (flag == 0)
if ((flags & flag) == flag) {
if (signature.Length != 0)
signature.Append (", ");
signature.Append (field.Name);
flags -= flag;
return signature.ToString ();
static object GetEnumValue (TypeDefinition type, object value)
foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
if (!field.HasConstant)
if (Comparer.Default.Compare (field.Constant, value) == 0)
return field.Name;
return value;
static bool SkipAttribute (CustomAttribute attribute)
if (!TypeHelper.IsPublic (attribute))
return true;
return attribute.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name.EndsWith ("TODOAttribute", StringComparison.Ordinal);
public static void OutputAttributes (XmlWriter writer, params ICustomAttributeProvider[] providers)
AttributeData.DoOutput (writer, providers);
static class Parameters {
public static string GetSignature (IList<ParameterDefinition> infos)
if (infos == null || infos.Count == 0)
return string.Empty;
var signature = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = 0; i < infos.Count; i++) {
if (i > 0)
signature.Append (", ");
ParameterDefinition info = infos [i];
string modifier;
if ((info.Attributes & ParameterAttributes.In) != 0)
modifier = "in";
else if ((info.Attributes & ParameterAttributes.Out) != 0)
modifier = "out";
modifier = string.Empty;
if (modifier.Length > 0) {
signature.Append (modifier);
signature.Append (" ");
signature.Append (Utils.CleanupTypeName (info.ParameterType));
return signature.ToString ();
class TypeReferenceComparer : IComparer<TypeReference>
public static TypeReferenceComparer Default = new TypeReferenceComparer ();
public int Compare (TypeReference a, TypeReference b)
int result = String.Compare (a.Namespace, b.Namespace, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return String.Compare (a.Name, b.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
class MemberReferenceComparer : IComparer
public static MemberReferenceComparer Default = new MemberReferenceComparer ();
public int Compare (object a, object b)
MemberReference ma = (MemberReference) a;
MemberReference mb = (MemberReference) b;
return String.Compare (ma.Name, mb.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
class PropertyDefinitionComparer : IComparer<PropertyDefinition>
public static PropertyDefinitionComparer Default = new PropertyDefinitionComparer ();
public int Compare (PropertyDefinition ma, PropertyDefinition mb)
int res = String.Compare (ma.Name, mb.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (res != 0)
return res;
if (!ma.HasParameters && !mb.HasParameters)
return 0;
if (!ma.HasParameters)
return -1;
if (!mb.HasParameters)
return 1;
return MethodDefinitionComparer.Compare (ma.Parameters, mb.Parameters);
class MethodDefinitionComparer : IComparer
public static MethodDefinitionComparer Default = new MethodDefinitionComparer ();
public int Compare (object a, object b)
MethodDefinition ma = (MethodDefinition) a;
MethodDefinition mb = (MethodDefinition) b;
int res = String.Compare (ma.Name, mb.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (res != 0)
return res;
if (!ma.HasParameters && !mb.HasParameters)
return 0;
if (!ma.HasParameters)
return -1;
if (!mb.HasParameters)
return 1;
res = Compare (ma.Parameters, mb.Parameters);
if (res != 0)
return res;
if (ma.HasGenericParameters != mb.HasGenericParameters)
return ma.HasGenericParameters ? -1 : 1;
if (ma.HasGenericParameters && mb.HasGenericParameters) {
res = ma.GenericParameters.Count - mb.GenericParameters.Count;
if (res != 0)
return res;
// operators can differ by only return type
return string.CompareOrdinal (ma.ReturnType.FullName, mb.ReturnType.FullName);
public static int Compare (IList<ParameterDefinition> pia, IList<ParameterDefinition> pib)
var res = pia.Count - pib.Count;
if (res != 0)
return res;
string siga = Parameters.GetSignature (pia);
string sigb = Parameters.GetSignature (pib);
return String.Compare (siga, sigb, StringComparison.Ordinal);