300 lines
8.1 KiB
300 lines
8.1 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Mono.Options;
using Mono.Profiler.Aot;
using static System.Console;
namespace aotprofiletool {
class MainClass {
static readonly string Name = "aotprofile-tool";
static bool AdbForward;
static bool Methods;
static bool Modules;
static bool Summary;
static bool Types;
static bool Verbose;
static Regex FilterMethod;
static Regex FilterModule;
static Regex FilterType;
static string Output;
static int Port = -1;
static string ProcessArguments (string [] args)
var help = false;
var options = new OptionSet {
$"Usage: {Name}.exe OPTIONS* <aotprofile-file>",
"Processes AOTPROFILE files created by Mono's AOT Profiler",
"Copyright 2019 Microsoft Corporation",
{ "h|help|?",
"Show this message and exit",
v => help = v != null },
{ "a|all",
"Show modules, types and methods in the profile",
v => Modules = Types = Methods = true },
{ "d|modules",
"Show modules in the profile",
v => Modules = true },
{ "f|adb-forward",
"Set adb socket forwarding for Android",
v => AdbForward = true },
{ "filter-method=",
"Filter by method with regex {VALUE}",
v => FilterMethod = new Regex (v) },
{ "filter-module=",
"Filter by module with regex {VALUE}",
v => FilterModule = new Regex (v) },
{ "filter-type=",
"Filter by type with regex {VALUE}",
v => FilterType = new Regex (v) },
{ "m|methods",
"Show methods in the profile",
v => Methods = true },
{ "o|output=",
"Write profile to {OUTPUT} file",
v => Output = v },
{ "p|port=",
"Read profile from aot profiler using local connection on {PORT}",
v => int.TryParse (v, out Port) },
{ "s|summary",
"Show summary of the profile",
v => Summary = true },
{ "t|types",
"Show types in the profile",
v => Types = true },
{ "v|verbose",
"Output information about progress during the run of the tool",
v => Verbose = true },
"If no other option than -v is used then --all is used by default"
var remaining = options.Parse (args);
if (help || args.Length < 1) {
options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Out);
Environment.Exit (0);
if (remaining.Count != 1 && Port < 0) {
Error ("Please specify one <aotprofile-file> to process or network PORT with -p.");
Environment.Exit (2);
return remaining.Count > 0 ? remaining [0] : null;
static ProfileData ReadProfileFromPort (ProfileReader reader)
ProfileData pd;
if (AdbForward) {
var cmdArgs = $"forward tcp:{Port} tcp:{Port}";
if (Verbose)
ColorWriteLine ($"Calling 'adb {cmdArgs}'...", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("adb", cmdArgs);
using (var client = new TcpClient ("", Port)) {
using (var stream = client.GetStream ()) {
var msgData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("save\n");
stream.Write (msgData, 0, msgData.Length);
if (Verbose)
ColorWriteLine ($"Reading from '{Port}'...", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream (128 * 1024)) {
var data = new byte [4 * 1024];
int len;
while ((len = stream.Read (data, 0, data.Length)) > 0) {
memoryStream.Write (data, 0, len);
if (Verbose)
ColorWrite ($"Read {len} bytes...\r", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
if (Verbose)
ColorWriteLine ($"Read total {memoryStream.Length} bytes...", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
memoryStream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
pd = reader.ReadAllData (memoryStream);
return pd;
public static void Main (string [] args)
var path = ProcessArguments (args);
if (args.Length == 1) {
Modules = Types = Methods = true;
var reader = new ProfileReader ();
ProfileData pd = null;
if (path == null) {
if (Port < 0) {
Error ($"You should specify path or -p PORT to read the profile.");
Environment.Exit (4);
} else {
try {
pd = ReadProfileFromPort (reader);
} catch (Exception e) {
Error ($"Unable to read profile through local port: {Port}.\n{e}");
Environment.Exit (5);
} else if (!File.Exists (path)) {
Error ($"'{path}' doesn't exist.");
Environment.Exit (3);
} else {
using (var stream = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Open)) {
if (Verbose)
ColorWriteLine ($"Reading '{path}'...", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
pd = reader.ReadAllData (stream);
List<MethodRecord> methods = new List<MethodRecord> (pd.Methods);
ICollection<TypeRecord> types = new List<TypeRecord> (pd.Types);
ICollection<ModuleRecord> modules = new List<ModuleRecord> (pd.Modules);
if (FilterMethod != null || FilterType != null || FilterModule != null) {
methods = new List<MethodRecord> ();
types = new HashSet<TypeRecord> ();
modules = new HashSet<ModuleRecord> ();
foreach (var method in pd.Methods) {
var type = method.Type;
var module = type.Module;
if (FilterModule != null) {
var match = FilterModule.Match (module.ToString ());
if (!match.Success)
if (FilterType != null) {
var match = FilterType.Match (method.Type.ToString ());
if (!match.Success)
if (FilterMethod != null) {
var match = FilterMethod.Match (method.ToString ());
if (!match.Success)
methods.Add (method);
types.Add (type);
modules.Add (module);
if (FilterMethod == null && FilterType != null) {
foreach (var type in pd.Types) {
if (types.Contains (type))
var match = FilterType.Match (type.ToString ());
if (!match.Success)
types.Add (type);
if (Modules) {
ColorWriteLine ($"Modules:", ConsoleColor.Green);
foreach (var module in modules)
WriteLine ($"\t{module.Mvid} {module.ToString ()}");
if (Types) {
ColorWriteLine ($"Types:", ConsoleColor.Green);
foreach (var type in types)
WriteLine ($"\t{type}");
if (Methods) {
ColorWriteLine ($"Methods:", ConsoleColor.Green);
foreach (var method in methods)
WriteLine ($"\t{method}");
if (Summary) {
ColorWriteLine ($"Summary:", ConsoleColor.Green);
WriteLine ($"\tModules: {modules.Count.ToString ("N0"),10}{(modules.Count != pd.Modules.Length ? $" (of {pd.Modules.Length})" : "" )}");
WriteLine ($"\tTypes: {types.Count.ToString ("N0"),10}{(types.Count != pd.Types.Length ? $" (of {pd.Types.Length})" : "")}");
WriteLine ($"\tMethods: {methods.Count.ToString ("N0"),10}{(methods.Count != pd.Methods.Length ? $" (of {pd.Methods.Length})" : "")}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Output)) {
if (Verbose)
ColorWriteLine ($"Going to write the profile to '{Output}'", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
var modulesArray = new ModuleRecord [modules.Count];
modules.CopyTo (modulesArray, 0);
var typesArray = new TypeRecord [types.Count];
types.CopyTo (typesArray, 0);
var updatedPD = new ProfileData (modulesArray, typesArray, methods.ToArray ());
using (var stream = new FileStream (Output, FileMode.Create)) {
var writer = new ProfileWriter ();
writer.WriteAllData (stream, updatedPD);
static void ColorMessage (string message, ConsoleColor color, TextWriter writer, bool writeLine = true)
ForegroundColor = color;
if (writeLine)
writer.WriteLine (message);
writer.Write (message);
ResetColor ();
public static void ColorWriteLine (string message, ConsoleColor color) => ColorMessage (message, color, Out);
public static void ColorWrite (string message, ConsoleColor color) => ColorMessage (message, color, Out, false);
public static void Error (string message) => ColorMessage ($"Error: {Name}: {message}", ConsoleColor.Red, Console.Error);
public static void Warning (string message) => ColorMessage ($"Warning: {Name}: {message}", ConsoleColor.Yellow, Console.Error);