Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

246 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Transactions
using System;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel.Security;
using System.Transactions;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Transactions.Wsat.Messaging;
using Microsoft.Transactions.Wsat.Protocol;
using DiagnosticUtility = System.ServiceModel.DiagnosticUtility;
abstract class WsatTransactionFormatter : TransactionFormatter
bool initialized;
WsatConfiguration wsatConfig;
WsatProxy wsatProxy;
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion;
protected WsatTransactionFormatter(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;
void EnsureInitialized()
if (!this.initialized)
lock (this)
if (!this.initialized)
this.wsatConfig = new WsatConfiguration();
this.wsatProxy = new WsatProxy(this.wsatConfig, this.protocolVersion);
this.initialized = true;
// The demand is not added now (in 4.5), to avoid a breaking change. To be considered in the next version.
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)] // because we call code from a non-APTCA assembly; WSATs are not supported in partial trust, so customers should not be broken by this demand
public override void WriteTransaction(Transaction transaction, Message message)
// Make a context and add it to the message
CoordinationContext context;
RequestSecurityTokenResponse issuedToken;
MarshalAsCoordinationContext(transaction, out context, out issuedToken);
if (issuedToken != null)
CoordinationServiceSecurity.AddIssuedToken(message, issuedToken);
WsatTransactionHeader header = new WsatTransactionHeader(context, this.protocolVersion);
void ForcePromotion(Transaction transaction)
// Force promotion. This may throw TransactionException.
// We used to check the DistributedIdentifier property first, but VSWhidbey bug 547901
// prevents us from doing so reliably in multi-threaded scenarios (there is a ----
// in the System.Transactions code that can cause a NullReferenceException if we ask
// for the identifier while the transaction is being promoted)
// The demand is not added now (in 4.5), to avoid a breaking change. To be considered in the next version.
// We demand full trust because we use CoordinationServiceSecurity from a non-APTCA assembly and CoordinationServiceSecurity.GetIssuedToken(..) can call Environment.FailFast.
// It's recommended to not let partially trusted callers to bring down the process.
// WSATs are not supported in partial trust, so customers should not be broken by this demand.
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)]
public override TransactionInfo ReadTransaction(Message message)
CoordinationContext context = WsatTransactionHeader.GetCoordinationContext(message, this.protocolVersion);
if (context == null)
return null;
// Incoming transaction tokens are optional
RequestSecurityTokenResponse issuedToken;
issuedToken = CoordinationServiceSecurity.GetIssuedToken(message, context.Identifier, this.protocolVersion);
catch (XmlException e)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(
new TransactionException(SR.FailedToDeserializeIssuedToken, e));
return new WsatTransactionInfo(this.wsatProxy, context, issuedToken);
public WsatTransactionInfo CreateTransactionInfo(CoordinationContext context,
RequestSecurityTokenResponse issuedToken)
return new WsatTransactionInfo(this.wsatProxy, context, issuedToken);
// The demand is not added now (in 4.5), to avoid a breaking change. To be considered in the next version.
// We demand full trust because we use CoordinationContext and CoordinationServiceSecurity from a non-APTCA assembly.
// The CoordinationContext constructor can call Environment.FailFast and it's recommended to not let partially trusted callers to bring down the process.
// WSATs are not supported in partial trust, so customers should not be broken by this demand.
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)]
public void MarshalAsCoordinationContext(Transaction transaction,
out CoordinationContext context,
out RequestSecurityTokenResponse issuedToken)
Guid transactionId = transaction.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier;
string nonNativeContextId = null;
context = new CoordinationContext(this.protocolVersion);
// Get timeout, description and isolation flags
uint timeout;
IsolationFlags isoFlags;
string description;
out timeout,
out isoFlags,
out description);
context.IsolationFlags = isoFlags;
context.Description = description;
// If we can, use cached extended information
// Note - it may be worth using outgoing contexts more than once.
// We'll let performance profiling decide that question
WsatExtendedInformation info;
if (WsatExtendedInformationCache.Find(transaction, out info))
context.Expires = info.Timeout;
// The extended info cache only contains an identifier when it's non-native
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Identifier))
context.Identifier = info.Identifier;
nonNativeContextId = info.Identifier;
context.Expires = timeout;
if (context.Expires == 0)
// If the timeout is zero, there are two possibilities:
// 1) This is a root transaction with an infinite timeout.
// 2) This is a subordinate transaction whose timeout was not flowed.
// We have no mechanism for distinguishing between the two cases.
// We could always return zero here, instead of using the local max timeout.
// The problem is that the 2004/08 WS-C spec does not specify the meaning
// of a zero expires field. While we accept zero to mean "as large as possible"
// it would be risky to expect others to do the same. So we only propagate
// zero in the expires field if the local max timeout has been disabled.
// This is MB 34596: how can we flow the real timeout?
context.Expires = (uint)TimeoutHelper.ToMilliseconds(this.wsatConfig.MaxTimeout);
if (context.Identifier == null)
context.Identifier = CoordinationContext.CreateNativeIdentifier(transactionId);
nonNativeContextId = null;
string tokenId;
if (!this.wsatConfig.IssuedTokensEnabled)
tokenId = null;
issuedToken = null;
out issuedToken,
out tokenId);
AddressHeader refParam = new WsatRegistrationHeader(transactionId, nonNativeContextId, tokenId);
context.RegistrationService = wsatConfig.CreateRegistrationService(refParam, this.protocolVersion);
context.IsolationLevel = transaction.IsolationLevel;
context.LocalTransactionId = transactionId;
if (this.wsatConfig.OleTxUpgradeEnabled)
context.PropagationToken = TransactionInterop.GetTransmitterPropagationToken(transaction);
// Versioned Wsat transaction formatters
class WsatTransactionFormatter10 : WsatTransactionFormatter
static WsatTransactionHeader emptyTransactionHeader = new WsatTransactionHeader(null, ProtocolVersion.Version10);
public WsatTransactionFormatter10() : base(ProtocolVersion.Version10) { }
public override MessageHeader EmptyTransactionHeader
get { return emptyTransactionHeader; }
class WsatTransactionFormatter11 : WsatTransactionFormatter
static WsatTransactionHeader emptyTransactionHeader = new WsatTransactionHeader(null, ProtocolVersion.Version11);
public WsatTransactionFormatter11() : base(ProtocolVersion.Version11) { }
public override MessageHeader EmptyTransactionHeader
get { return emptyTransactionHeader; }