Jo Shields 3c1f479b9d Imported Upstream version 4.0.0~alpha1
Former-commit-id: 806294f5ded97629b74c85c09952f2a74fe182d9
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00

408 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.Application;
// Graph maintainence algorithms.
sealed class ConnectAlgorithms : IConnectAlgorithms
static Random random = new Random();
int wantedConnectionCount = 0;
EventWaitHandle addNeighbor = new EventWaitHandle(true, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
EventWaitHandle maintainerClosed = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
EventWaitHandle welcomeReceived = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
Dictionary<Uri, PeerNodeAddress> nodeAddresses = new Dictionary<Uri, PeerNodeAddress>();
PeerNodeConfig config;
Dictionary<Uri, PeerNodeAddress> pendingConnectedNeighbor = new Dictionary<Uri, PeerNodeAddress>();
object thisLock = new object();
IPeerMaintainer maintainer = null;
bool disposed = false;
public void Initialize(IPeerMaintainer maintainer, PeerNodeConfig config, int wantedConnectionCount, Dictionary<EndpointAddress, Referral> referralCache)
this.maintainer = maintainer;
this.config = config;
this.wantedConnectionCount = wantedConnectionCount;
UpdateEndpointsCollection(referralCache.Values); // Add to the endpoints connection anything in the referralsCache
// Hook up the event handlers
maintainer.NeighborClosed += OnNeighborClosed;
maintainer.NeighborConnected += OnNeighborConnected;
maintainer.MaintainerClosed += OnMaintainerClosed;
maintainer.ReferralsAdded += OnReferralsAdded;
// instance lock
object ThisLock
get { return thisLock; }
public void Connect(TimeSpan timeout)
TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(timeout);
addNeighbor.Set(); // We are trying to add a neighbor
List<IAsyncResult> results = new List<IAsyncResult>();
List<WaitHandle> handles = new List<WaitHandle>();
// While we have more to endpoints try and we have connections pending and we are not connected upto ideal yet, and the maintainer is still open
while (results.Count != 0
|| (((nodeAddresses.Count != 0 || pendingConnectedNeighbor.Count != 0) && maintainer.IsOpen)
&& maintainer.ConnectedNeighborCount < wantedConnectionCount))
foreach (IAsyncResult iar in results)
handles.Add(welcomeReceived); // One of our connect requests resulted in a welcome or neighborManager was shutting down
handles.Add(maintainerClosed); // One of our connect requests resulted in a welcome or neighborManager was shutting down
handles.Add(addNeighbor); // Make the last waithandle the add a neighbor signal
int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles.ToArray(), config.ConnectTimeout, false);
if (index == results.Count) // welcomeReceived was signalled
else if (index == results.Count + 1) // maintainerClosed was signalled
lock (ThisLock)
else if (index == results.Count + 2) // addNeighbor was signalled
// We need to open a new neighbor
if (nodeAddresses.Count > 0)
if (pendingConnectedNeighbor.Count + maintainer.ConnectedNeighborCount < wantedConnectionCount)
PeerNodeAddress epr = null;
lock (ThisLock)
if (nodeAddresses.Count == 0 || !maintainer.IsOpen) // nodeAddresses or maintainer is closed got updated better cycle
int index2 = random.Next() % nodeAddresses.Count;
ICollection<Uri> keys = nodeAddresses.Keys;
int i = 0;
Uri key = null;
foreach (Uri uri in keys)
if (i++ == index2)
key = uri;
Fx.Assert(key != null, "key cannot be null here");
epr = nodeAddresses[key];
Fx.Assert(epr != null, "epr cannot be null here");
if (maintainer.FindDuplicateNeighbor(epr) == null
&& pendingConnectedNeighbor.ContainsKey(GetEndpointUri(epr)) == false)
lock (ThisLock)
pendingConnectedNeighbor.Add(GetEndpointUri(epr), epr);
// If the neighborManager is not open this call is going to throw.
// It throws ObjectDisposed exception.
// This check merely eliminates the perf hit, this check is not strictly necessary
// but cuts down the window for the ---- that will result in a throw to a miniscule level
// We ---- the throw because we are closing down
if (maintainer.IsOpen)
if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceInformation)
PeerMaintainerTraceRecord record = new PeerMaintainerTraceRecord(SR.GetString(SR.PeerMaintainerConnect, epr, this.config.MeshId));
TraceUtility.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, TraceCode.PeerMaintainerActivity, SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodePeerMaintainerActivity),
record, this, null);
IAsyncResult iar = maintainer.BeginOpenNeighbor(epr, timeoutHelper.RemainingTime(), null, epr);
catch (Exception e)
if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceInformation)
PeerMaintainerTraceRecord record = new PeerMaintainerTraceRecord(SR.GetString(SR.PeerMaintainerConnectFailure, epr, this.config.MeshId, e.Message));
TraceUtility.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, TraceCode.PeerMaintainerActivity, SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodePeerMaintainerActivity),
record, this, null);
// I need to remove the epr just began because the BeginOpen threw.
// However Object Disposed can arise as a result of a ---- between PeerNode.Close()
// and Connect trying to reconnect nodes.
if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw;
DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information);
if (nodeAddresses.Count == 0 || pendingConnectedNeighbor.Count + maintainer.ConnectedNeighborCount == wantedConnectionCount)
else if (index != WaitHandle.WaitTimeout)
// We have completed this thing remove it from results
IAsyncResult iar = results[index];
IPeerNeighbor neighbor = null;
// Get opened neighbor and fire NeighborOpened notification
neighbor = maintainer.EndOpenNeighbor(iar);
catch (Exception e)
if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) throw;
//A timeout occured no connections progressed, try some more connections
//This may result in more than wantedConnectionCount connections if the timeout connections were
// merely being slow
catch (CommunicationException e)
// mostly likely the endpoint could not be reached, but any channel exception means we should try another node
DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information);
catch (TimeoutException e)
if (TD.OpenTimeoutIsEnabled())
DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information);
void IDisposable.Dispose()
if (!disposed)
lock (ThisLock)
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
maintainer.ReferralsAdded -= OnReferralsAdded;
maintainer.MaintainerClosed -= OnMaintainerClosed;
maintainer.NeighborClosed -= OnNeighborClosed;
maintainer.NeighborConnected -= OnNeighborConnected;
// This method exists to minimize code churn if PeerNodeAddress is refactored later to derive from EndpointAddress
static Uri GetEndpointUri(PeerNodeAddress address)
return address.EndpointAddress.Uri;
// Algorithm to prune connections
// This implementation will reduce the number of connections to config.IdealNeighbors
// by examining LinkUtility and selecting the neighbor with the lowest and then disconnecting it
public void PruneConnections()
while (maintainer.NonClosingNeighborCount > config.IdealNeighbors && maintainer.IsOpen)
IPeerNeighbor leastUseful = maintainer.GetLeastUsefulNeighbor();
if (leastUseful == null)
maintainer.CloseNeighbor(leastUseful, PeerCloseReason.NotUsefulNeighbor);
// Helper method for updating the end points list
public void UpdateEndpointsCollection(ICollection<PeerNodeAddress> src)
if (src != null)
lock (ThisLock)
foreach (PeerNodeAddress address in src)
public void UpdateEndpointsCollection(ICollection<Referral> src)
if (src != null)
lock (ThisLock)
foreach (Referral referral in src)
void UpdateEndpointsCollection(PeerNodeAddress address)
// Don't accept invalid addresses
if (PeerValidateHelper.ValidNodeAddress(address))
Uri key = GetEndpointUri(address);
if (!nodeAddresses.ContainsKey(key) && key != GetEndpointUri(maintainer.GetListenAddress()))
nodeAddresses[key] = address;
// When a connection occurs remove it from the list to look at
void OnNeighborClosed(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)
if (neighbor.ListenAddress != null)
Uri address = GetEndpointUri(neighbor.ListenAddress);
if (!disposed)
lock (ThisLock)
if (!disposed)
if (address != null && pendingConnectedNeighbor.ContainsKey(address))
// When a connection occurs remove it from the list to look at
void OnNeighborConnected(IPeerNeighbor neighbor)
Uri address = GetEndpointUri(neighbor.ListenAddress);
if (!disposed)
lock (ThisLock)
if (!disposed)
if (address != null && pendingConnectedNeighbor.ContainsKey(address))
void OnMaintainerClosed()
if (!disposed)
lock (ThisLock)
if (!disposed)
// When a connection occurs add those to the group I look at
void OnReferralsAdded(IList<Referral> referrals, IPeerNeighbor neighbor)
bool added = false;
// Do some stuff here
foreach (Referral referral in referrals)
if (!disposed)
lock (ThisLock)
if (!disposed)
if (!maintainer.IsOpen)
Uri key = GetEndpointUri(referral.Address);
if (key != GetEndpointUri(maintainer.GetListenAddress())) // make sure the referral is not mine
if (!nodeAddresses.ContainsKey(key)
&& !pendingConnectedNeighbor.ContainsKey(key)
&& maintainer.FindDuplicateNeighbor(referral.Address) == null)
nodeAddresses[key] = referral.Address;
added = true;
if (added)
if (maintainer.ConnectedNeighborCount < wantedConnectionCount)