Xamarin Public Jenkins (auto-signing) 7d7f676260 Imported Upstream version
Former-commit-id: 38faa55fb9669e35e7d8448b15c25dc447f25767
2018-08-07 15:19:03 +00:00

797 lines
22 KiB

// module.cs: keeps a tree representation of the generated code
// Authors: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL
// Copyright 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com)
// Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Mono.Security.Cryptography;
using IKVM.Reflection;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace Mono.CSharp
// Module (top-level type) container
public sealed class ModuleContainer : TypeContainer
// Compiler generated container for static data
sealed class StaticDataContainer : CompilerGeneratedContainer
readonly Dictionary<int, Struct> size_types;
readonly Dictionary<string, FieldSpec> data_hashes;
public StaticDataContainer (ModuleContainer module)
: base (module, new MemberName ("<PrivateImplementationDetails>", Location.Null),
Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.INTERNAL)
size_types = new Dictionary<int, Struct> ();
data_hashes = new Dictionary<string, FieldSpec> (StringComparer.Ordinal);
public override void CloseContainer ()
base.CloseContainer ();
foreach (var entry in size_types) {
entry.Value.CloseContainer ();
public FieldSpec DefineInitializedData (byte[] data, Location loc)
Struct size_type;
if (!size_types.TryGetValue (data.Length, out size_type)) {
// Build common type for this data length. We cannot use
// DefineInitializedData because it creates public type,
// and its name is not unique among modules
size_type = new Struct (this, new MemberName ("$ArrayType=" + data.Length, loc), Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED, null);
size_type.CreateContainer ();
size_type.DefineContainer ();
size_types.Add (data.Length, size_type);
// It has to work even if StructLayoutAttribute does not exist
size_type.TypeBuilder.__SetLayout (1, data.Length);
FieldSpec fs;
var data_hash = GenerateDataFieldName (data);
if (!data_hashes.TryGetValue (data_hash, out fs)) {
var name = "$field-" + data_hash;
const Modifiers fmod = Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.READONLY;
var fbuilder = TypeBuilder.DefineField (name, size_type.CurrentType.GetMetaInfo (), ModifiersExtensions.FieldAttr (fmod) | FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA);
fbuilder.__SetDataAndRVA (data);
fs = new FieldSpec (CurrentType, null, size_type.CurrentType, fbuilder, fmod);
data_hashes.Add (data_hash, fs);
return fs;
static string GenerateDataFieldName (byte[] bytes)
using (var hashProvider = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider ())
return CryptoConvert.ToHex (hashProvider.ComputeHash (bytes));
StaticDataContainer static_data;
// Makes const data field inside internal type container
public FieldSpec MakeStaticData (byte[] data, Location loc)
if (static_data == null) {
static_data = new StaticDataContainer (this);
static_data.CreateContainer ();
static_data.DefineContainer ();
AddCompilerGeneratedClass (static_data);
return static_data.DefineInitializedData (data, loc);
public sealed class PatternMatchingHelper : CompilerGeneratedContainer
public PatternMatchingHelper (ModuleContainer module)
: base (module, new MemberName ("<PatternMatchingHelper>", Location.Null),
Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN)
public Method NumberMatcher { get; private set; }
protected override bool DoDefineMembers ()
if (!base.DoDefineMembers ())
return false;
NumberMatcher = GenerateNumberMatcher ();
return true;
Method GenerateNumberMatcher ()
var loc = Location;
var parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (
new [] {
new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc),
new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "value", 0, null, loc),
new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc), "enumType", 0, null, loc),
new [] {
var m = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("NumberMatcher", loc),
parameters, null);
parameters [0].Resolve (m, 0);
parameters [1].Resolve (m, 1);
parameters [2].Resolve (m, 2);
ToplevelBlock top_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, parameters, loc);
m.Block = top_block;
// if (enumType)
// return Equals (obj, value);
var equals_args = new Arguments (2);
equals_args.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc)));
equals_args.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));
var if_type = new If (
top_block.GetParameterReference (2, loc),
new Return (new Invocation (new SimpleName ("Equals", loc), equals_args), loc),
top_block.AddStatement (if_type);
// if (obj is Enum || obj == null)
// return false;
var if_enum = new If (
new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalOr,
new Is (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc), new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Enum, loc), loc),
new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc), new NullLiteral (loc))),
new Return (new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc),
top_block.AddStatement (if_enum);
var system_convert = new MemberAccess (new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Convert", loc);
var expl_block = new ExplicitBlock (top_block, loc, loc);
// var converted = System.Convert.ChangeType (obj, System.Convert.GetTypeCode (value));
var lv_converted = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, top_block, loc);
var arguments_gettypecode = new Arguments (1);
arguments_gettypecode.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));
var gettypecode = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (system_convert, "GetTypeCode", loc), arguments_gettypecode);
var arguments_changetype = new Arguments (1);
arguments_changetype.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc)));
arguments_changetype.Add (new Argument (gettypecode));
var changetype = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (system_convert, "ChangeType", loc), arguments_changetype);
expl_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (lv_converted, loc), changetype, loc)));
// return converted.Equals (value)
var equals_arguments = new Arguments (1);
equals_arguments.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));
var equals_invocation = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (new LocalVariableReference (lv_converted, loc), "Equals"), equals_arguments);
expl_block.AddStatement (new Return (equals_invocation, loc));
var catch_block = new ExplicitBlock (top_block, loc, loc);
catch_block.AddStatement (new Return (new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc));
top_block.AddStatement (new TryCatch (expl_block, new List<Catch> () {
new Catch (catch_block, loc)
}, loc, false));
m.Define ();
m.PrepareEmit ();
AddMember (m);
return m;
PatternMatchingHelper pmh;
public PatternMatchingHelper CreatePatterMatchingHelper ()
if (pmh == null) {
pmh = new PatternMatchingHelper (this);
pmh.CreateContainer ();
pmh.DefineContainer ();
pmh.Define ();
AddCompilerGeneratedClass (pmh);
return pmh;
public CharSet? DefaultCharSet;
public TypeAttributes DefaultCharSetType = TypeAttributes.AnsiClass;
readonly Dictionary<int, List<AnonymousTypeClass>> anonymous_types;
readonly Dictionary<ArrayContainer.TypeRankPair, ArrayContainer> array_types;
readonly Dictionary<TypeSpec, PointerContainer> pointer_types;
readonly Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReferenceContainer> reference_types;
readonly Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReadOnlyReferenceContainer> readonly_reference_types;
readonly Dictionary<TypeSpec, MethodSpec> attrs_cache;
readonly Dictionary<TypeSpec, AwaiterDefinition> awaiters;
readonly Dictionary<TypeSpec, TypeInfo> type_info_cache;
AssemblyDefinition assembly;
readonly CompilerContext context;
readonly RootNamespace global_ns;
readonly Dictionary<string, RootNamespace> alias_ns;
ModuleBuilder builder;
bool has_extenstion_method;
PredefinedAttributes predefined_attributes;
PredefinedTypes predefined_types;
PredefinedMembers predefined_members;
public Binary.PredefinedOperator[] OperatorsBinaryEqualityLifted;
public Binary.PredefinedOperator[] OperatorsBinaryLifted;
static readonly string[] attribute_targets = new string[] { "assembly", "module" };
public ModuleContainer (CompilerContext context)
: base (null, MemberName.Null, null, 0)
this.context = context;
caching_flags &= ~(Flags.Obsolete_Undetected | Flags.Excluded_Undetected);
containers = new List<TypeContainer> ();
anonymous_types = new Dictionary<int, List<AnonymousTypeClass>> ();
global_ns = new GlobalRootNamespace ();
alias_ns = new Dictionary<string, RootNamespace> ();
array_types = new Dictionary<ArrayContainer.TypeRankPair, ArrayContainer> ();
pointer_types = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, PointerContainer> ();
reference_types = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReferenceContainer> ();
readonly_reference_types = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReadOnlyReferenceContainer> ();
attrs_cache = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, MethodSpec> ();
awaiters = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, AwaiterDefinition> ();
type_info_cache = new Dictionary<TypeSpec, TypeInfo> ();
#region Properties
internal Dictionary<ArrayContainer.TypeRankPair, ArrayContainer> ArrayTypesCache {
get {
return array_types;
// Cache for parameter-less attributes
internal Dictionary<TypeSpec, MethodSpec> AttributeConstructorCache {
get {
return attrs_cache;
public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets {
get {
return AttributeTargets.Assembly;
public ModuleBuilder Builder {
get {
return builder;
public override CompilerContext Compiler {
get {
return context;
public int CounterAnonymousTypes { get; set; }
public AssemblyDefinition DeclaringAssembly {
get {
return assembly;
internal DocumentationBuilder DocumentationBuilder {
get; set;
public override string DocCommentHeader {
get {
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public Evaluator Evaluator {
get; set;
public bool HasDefaultCharSet {
get {
return DefaultCharSet.HasValue;
public bool HasExtensionMethod {
get {
return has_extenstion_method;
set {
has_extenstion_method = value;
public bool HasTypesFullyDefined {
get; set;
// Returns module global:: namespace
public RootNamespace GlobalRootNamespace {
get {
return global_ns;
public override ModuleContainer Module {
get {
return this;
internal Dictionary<TypeSpec, PointerContainer> PointerTypesCache {
get {
return pointer_types;
internal PredefinedAttributes PredefinedAttributes {
get {
return predefined_attributes;
internal PredefinedMembers PredefinedMembers {
get {
return predefined_members;
internal PredefinedTypes PredefinedTypes {
get {
return predefined_types;
internal Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReferenceContainer> ReferenceTypesCache {
get {
return reference_types;
internal Dictionary<TypeSpec, ReadOnlyReferenceContainer> ReadonlyReferenceTypesCache {
get {
return readonly_reference_types;
internal Dictionary<TypeSpec, TypeInfo> TypeInfoCache {
get {
return type_info_cache;
public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets {
get {
return attribute_targets;
public Dictionary<string, string> GetResourceStrings { get; private set; }
public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor)
visitor.Visit (this);
public void AddAnonymousType (AnonymousTypeClass type)
List<AnonymousTypeClass> existing;
if (!anonymous_types.TryGetValue (type.Parameters.Count, out existing))
if (existing == null) {
existing = new List<AnonymousTypeClass> ();
anonymous_types.Add (type.Parameters.Count, existing);
existing.Add (type);
public void AddAttribute (Attribute attr, IMemberContext context)
attr.AttachTo (this, context);
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = new Attributes (attr);
attributes.AddAttribute (attr);
public void AddAssemblyReferences (List<Assembly> names)
if (names == null)
foreach (var name in names) {
Builder.__GetAssemblyToken (name);
public override void AddTypeContainer (TypeContainer tc)
AddTypeContainerMember (tc);
public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa)
if (a.Target == AttributeTargets.Assembly) {
assembly.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa);
if (a.Type == pa.DefaultCharset) {
switch (a.GetCharSetValue ()) {
case CharSet.Ansi:
case CharSet.None:
case CharSet.Auto:
DefaultCharSet = CharSet.Auto;
DefaultCharSetType = TypeAttributes.AutoClass;
case CharSet.Unicode:
DefaultCharSet = CharSet.Unicode;
DefaultCharSetType = TypeAttributes.UnicodeClass;
Report.Error (1724, a.Location, "Value specified for the argument to `{0}' is not valid",
a.GetSignatureForError ());
} else if (a.Type == pa.CLSCompliant) {
Attribute cls = DeclaringAssembly.CLSCompliantAttribute;
if (cls == null) {
Report.Warning (3012, 1, a.Location,
"You must specify the CLSCompliant attribute on the assembly, not the module, to enable CLS compliance checking");
} else if (DeclaringAssembly.IsCLSCompliant != a.GetBoolean ()) {
Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (cls.Location, cls.GetSignatureForError ());
Report.Warning (3017, 1, a.Location,
"You cannot specify the CLSCompliant attribute on a module that differs from the CLSCompliant attribute on the assembly");
builder.SetCustomAttribute ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), cdata);
public override void CloseContainer ()
if (anonymous_types != null) {
foreach (var atypes in anonymous_types)
foreach (var at in atypes.Value)
at.CloseContainer ();
base.CloseContainer ();
public TypeBuilder CreateBuilder (string name, TypeAttributes attr, int typeSize)
return builder.DefineType (name, attr, null, typeSize);
// Creates alias global namespace
public RootNamespace CreateRootNamespace (string alias)
if (alias == global_ns.Alias) {
RootNamespace.Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (Report, Location.Null);
return global_ns;
RootNamespace rn;
if (!alias_ns.TryGetValue (alias, out rn)) {
rn = new RootNamespace (alias);
alias_ns.Add (alias, rn);
return rn;
public void Create (AssemblyDefinition assembly, ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder)
this.assembly = assembly;
builder = moduleBuilder;
public override bool Define ()
DefineContainer ();
ExpandBaseInterfaces ();
base.Define ();
HasTypesFullyDefined = true;
return true;
public override bool DefineContainer ()
DefineNamespace ();
return base.DefineContainer ();
public void EnableRedefinition ()
is_defined = false;
public override void EmitContainer ()
if (OptAttributes != null)
OptAttributes.Emit ();
if (Compiler.Settings.Unsafe && !assembly.IsSatelliteAssembly) {
var pa = PredefinedAttributes.UnverifiableCode;
if (pa.IsDefined)
pa.EmitAttribute (builder);
foreach (var tc in containers) {
tc.PrepareEmit ();
base.EmitContainer ();
if (Compiler.Report.Errors == 0 && !Compiler.Settings.WriteMetadataOnly)
VerifyMembers ();
if (anonymous_types != null) {
foreach (var atypes in anonymous_types)
foreach (var at in atypes.Value)
at.EmitContainer ();
internal override void GenerateDocComment (DocumentationBuilder builder)
foreach (var tc in containers)
tc.GenerateDocComment (builder);
public AnonymousTypeClass GetAnonymousType (IList<AnonymousTypeParameter> parameters)
List<AnonymousTypeClass> candidates;
if (!anonymous_types.TryGetValue (parameters.Count, out candidates))
return null;
int i;
foreach (AnonymousTypeClass at in candidates) {
for (i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
if (!parameters [i].Equals (at.Parameters [i]))
if (i == parameters.Count)
return at;
return null;
// Return container with awaiter definition. It never returns null
// but all container member can be null for easier error reporting
public AwaiterDefinition GetAwaiter (TypeSpec type)
AwaiterDefinition awaiter;
if (awaiters.TryGetValue (type, out awaiter))
return awaiter;
awaiter = new AwaiterDefinition ();
// Predefined: bool IsCompleted { get; }
awaiter.IsCompleted = MemberCache.FindMember (type, MemberFilter.Property ("IsCompleted", Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool),
BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as PropertySpec;
// Predefined: GetResult ()
// The method return type is also result type of await expression
awaiter.GetResult = MemberCache.FindMember (type, MemberFilter.Method ("GetResult", 0,
ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null),
BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;
// Predefined: INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted (System.Action)
var nc = PredefinedTypes.INotifyCompletion;
awaiter.INotifyCompletion = !nc.Define () || type.ImplementsInterface (nc.TypeSpec, false);
awaiters.Add (type, awaiter);
return awaiter;
public override void GetCompletionStartingWith (string prefix, List<string> results)
var names = Evaluator.GetVarNames ();
results.AddRange (names.Where (l => l.StartsWith (prefix)));
public RootNamespace GetRootNamespace (string name)
RootNamespace rn;
alias_ns.TryGetValue (name, out rn);
return rn;
public override string GetSignatureForError ()
return "<module>";
public Binary.PredefinedOperator[] GetPredefinedEnumAritmeticOperators (TypeSpec enumType, bool nullable)
TypeSpec underlying;
Binary.Operator mask = 0;
if (nullable) {
underlying = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetEnumUnderlyingType (this, enumType);
mask = Binary.Operator.NullableMask;
} else {
underlying = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (enumType);
var operators = new[] {
new Binary.PredefinedOperator (enumType, underlying,
mask | Binary.Operator.AdditionMask | Binary.Operator.SubtractionMask | Binary.Operator.DecomposedMask, enumType),
new Binary.PredefinedOperator (underlying, enumType,
mask | Binary.Operator.AdditionMask | Binary.Operator.SubtractionMask | Binary.Operator.DecomposedMask, enumType),
new Binary.PredefinedOperator (enumType, mask | Binary.Operator.SubtractionMask, underlying)
return operators;
public void InitializePredefinedTypes ()
predefined_attributes = new PredefinedAttributes (this);
predefined_types = new PredefinedTypes (this);
predefined_members = new PredefinedMembers (this);
OperatorsBinaryEqualityLifted = Binary.CreateEqualityLiftedOperatorsTable (this);
OperatorsBinaryLifted = Binary.CreateStandardLiftedOperatorsTable (this);
public override bool IsClsComplianceRequired ()
return DeclaringAssembly.IsCLSCompliant;
public Attribute ResolveAssemblyAttribute (PredefinedAttribute a_type)
Attribute a = OptAttributes.Search ("assembly", a_type);
if (a != null) {
a.Resolve ();
return a;
public void SetDeclaringAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
// TODO: This setter is quite ugly but I have not found a way around it yet
this.assembly = assembly;
public void LoadGetResourceStrings (List<string> fileNames)
foreach (var fileName in fileNames) {
if (!File.Exists (fileName)) {
Report.Error (1566, "Error reading resource file `{0}'", fileName);
foreach (var l in File.ReadLines (fileName)) {
if (GetResourceStrings == null)
GetResourceStrings = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
var line = l.Trim ();
if (line.Length == 0 || line [0] == '#' || line [0] == ';')
var epos = line.IndexOf ('=');
if (epos < 0)
var key = line.Substring (0, epos).Trim ();
var value = line.Substring (epos + 1).Trim ();
GetResourceStrings [key] = value;