4277 lines
100 KiB
4277 lines
100 KiB
// cs-tokenizer.cs: The Tokenizer for the C# compiler
// This also implements the preprocessor
// Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL
// Copyright 2001, 2002 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com)
// Copyright 2004-2008 Novell, Inc
// Copyright 2011 Xamarin, Inc (http://www.xamarin.com)
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
namespace Mono.CSharp
// This class has to be used by parser only, it reuses token
// details once a file is parsed
public class LocatedToken
public int row, column;
public string value;
public SourceFile file;
public LocatedToken ()
public LocatedToken (string value, Location loc)
this.value = value;
file = loc.SourceFile;
row = loc.Row;
column = loc.Column;
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format ("Token '{0}' at {1},{2}", Value, row, column);
public Location Location
get { return new Location (file, row, column); }
public string Value
get { return value; }
/// <summary>
/// Tokenizer for C# source code.
/// </summary>
public class Tokenizer : yyParser.yyInput
class KeywordEntry<T>
public readonly T Token;
public KeywordEntry<T> Next;
public readonly char[] Value;
public KeywordEntry (string value, T token)
this.Value = value.ToCharArray ();
this.Token = token;
sealed class IdentifiersComparer : IEqualityComparer<char[]>
readonly int length;
public IdentifiersComparer (int length)
this.length = length;
public bool Equals (char[] x, char[] y)
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
if (x [i] != y [i])
return false;
return true;
public int GetHashCode (char[] obj)
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
h = (h << 5) - h + obj [i];
return h;
public class LocatedTokenBuffer
readonly LocatedToken[] buffer;
public int pos;
public LocatedTokenBuffer ()
buffer = new LocatedToken[0];
public LocatedTokenBuffer (LocatedToken[] buffer)
this.buffer = buffer ?? new LocatedToken[0];
public LocatedToken Create (SourceFile file, int row, int column)
return Create (null, file, row, column);
public LocatedToken Create (string value, SourceFile file, int row, int column)
// TODO: I am not very happy about the logic but it's the best
// what I could come up with for now.
// Ideally we should be using just tiny buffer (256 elements) which
// is enough to hold all details for currect stack and recycle elements
// poped from the stack but there is a trick needed to recycle
// them properly.
LocatedToken entry;
if (pos >= buffer.Length) {
entry = new LocatedToken ();
} else {
entry = buffer[pos];
if (entry == null) {
entry = new LocatedToken ();
buffer[pos] = entry;
entry.value = value;
entry.file = file;
entry.row = row;
entry.column = column;
return entry;
// Used for token not required by expression evaluator
[Conditional ("FULL_AST")]
public void CreateOptional (SourceFile file, int row, int col, ref object token)
token = Create (file, row, col);
public enum PreprocessorDirective
Invalid = 0,
Region = 1,
Endregion = 2,
If = 3 | RequiresArgument,
Endif = 4,
Elif = 5 | RequiresArgument,
Else = 6,
Define = 7 | RequiresArgument,
Undef = 8 | RequiresArgument,
Error = 9,
Warning = 10,
Pragma = 11 | CustomArgumentsParsing,
Line = 12 | CustomArgumentsParsing,
CustomArgumentsParsing = 1 << 10,
RequiresArgument = 1 << 11
readonly SeekableStreamReader reader;
readonly CompilationSourceFile source_file;
readonly CompilerContext context;
readonly Report Report;
SourceFile current_source;
Location hidden_block_start;
int ref_line = 1;
int line = 1;
int col = 0;
int previous_col;
int current_token;
readonly int tab_size;
bool handle_get_set = false;
bool handle_remove_add = false;
bool handle_where;
bool lambda_arguments_parsing;
List<Location> escaped_identifiers;
int parsing_generic_less_than;
readonly bool doc_processing;
readonly LocatedTokenBuffer ltb;
// Used mainly for parser optimizations. Some expressions for instance
// can appear only in block (including initializer, base initializer)
// scope only
public int parsing_block;
internal bool query_parsing;
// When parsing type only, useful for ambiguous nullable types
public int parsing_type;
// Set when parsing generic declaration (type or method header)
public bool parsing_generic_declaration;
public bool parsing_generic_declaration_doc;
// The value indicates that we have not reach any declaration or
// namespace yet
public int parsing_declaration;
public bool parsing_attribute_section;
public bool parsing_modifiers;
public bool parsing_catch_when;
int parsing_string_interpolation;
int string_interpolation_section;
Stack<bool> parsing_string_interpolation_quoted;
public bool parsing_interpolation_format;
// The special characters to inject on streams to run the unit parser
// in the special expression mode. Using private characters from
// Plane Sixteen (U+100000 to U+10FFFD)
// This character is only tested just before the tokenizer is about to report
// an error; So on the regular operation mode, this addition will have no
// impact on the tokenizer's performance.
public const int EvalStatementParserCharacter = 0x100000;
public const int EvalCompilationUnitParserCharacter = 0x100001;
public const int EvalUsingDeclarationsParserCharacter = 0x100002;
public const int DocumentationXref = 0x100003;
const int UnicodeLS = 0x2028;
const int UnicodePS = 0x2029;
// XML documentation buffer. The save point is used to divide
// comments on types and comments on members.
StringBuilder xml_comment_buffer;
// See comment on XmlCommentState enumeration.
XmlCommentState xml_doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
// Whether tokens have been seen on this line
bool tokens_seen = false;
// Set to true once the GENERATE_COMPLETION token has bee
// returned. This helps produce one GENERATE_COMPLETION,
// as many COMPLETE_COMPLETION as necessary to complete the
// AST tree and one final EOF.
bool generated;
// Whether a token has been seen on the file
// This is needed because `define' is not allowed to be used
// after a token has been seen.
bool any_token_seen;
// Class variables
static readonly KeywordEntry<int>[][] keywords;
static readonly KeywordEntry<PreprocessorDirective>[][] keywords_preprocessor;
static readonly HashSet<string> keyword_strings;
static readonly NumberStyles styles;
static readonly NumberFormatInfo csharp_format_info;
// Pragma arguments
static readonly char[] pragma_warning = "warning".ToCharArray ();
static readonly char[] pragma_warning_disable = "disable".ToCharArray ();
static readonly char[] pragma_warning_restore = "restore".ToCharArray ();
static readonly char[] pragma_checksum = "checksum".ToCharArray ();
static readonly char[] line_hidden = "hidden".ToCharArray ();
static readonly char[] line_default = "default".ToCharArray ();
static readonly char[] simple_whitespaces = new char[] { ' ', '\t' };
public bool PropertyParsing {
get { return handle_get_set; }
set { handle_get_set = value; }
public bool EventParsing {
get { return handle_remove_add; }
set { handle_remove_add = value; }
public bool ConstraintsParsing {
get { return handle_where; }
set { handle_where = value; }
public XmlCommentState doc_state {
get { return xml_doc_state; }
set {
if (value == XmlCommentState.Allowed) {
check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
reset_doc_comment ();
xml_doc_state = value;
// This is used to trigger completion generation on the parser
public bool CompleteOnEOF;
void AddEscapedIdentifier (Location loc)
if (escaped_identifiers == null)
escaped_identifiers = new List<Location> ();
escaped_identifiers.Add (loc);
public bool IsEscapedIdentifier (ATypeNameExpression name)
return escaped_identifiers != null && escaped_identifiers.Contains (name.Location);
// Values for the associated token returned
internal int putback_char; // Used by repl only
object val;
// Pre-processor
const int TAKING = 1;
const int ELSE_SEEN = 4;
const int PARENT_TAKING = 8;
const int REGION = 16;
// pre-processor if stack state:
Stack<int> ifstack;
public const int MaxIdentifierLength = 512;
public const int MaxNumberLength = 512;
readonly char[] id_builder;
readonly Dictionary<char[], string>[] identifiers;
readonly char[] number_builder;
int number_pos;
char[] value_builder = new char[64];
public int Line {
get {
return ref_line;
// This is used when the tokenizer needs to save
// the current position as it needs to do some parsing
// on its own to deamiguate a token in behalf of the
// parser.
Stack<Position> position_stack = new Stack<Position> (2);
class Position {
public int position;
public int line;
public int ref_line;
public int col;
public Location hidden;
public int putback_char;
public int previous_col;
public Stack<int> ifstack;
public int parsing_generic_less_than;
public int current_token;
public object val;
public int parsing_string_interpolation;
public int string_interpolation_section;
public Stack<bool> parsing_string_interpolation_quoted;
public Position (Tokenizer t)
position = t.reader.Position;
line = t.line;
ref_line = t.ref_line;
col = t.col;
hidden = t.hidden_block_start;
putback_char = t.putback_char;
previous_col = t.previous_col;
if (t.ifstack != null && t.ifstack.Count != 0) {
// There is no simple way to clone Stack<T> all
// methods reverse the order
var clone = t.ifstack.ToArray ();
Array.Reverse (clone);
ifstack = new Stack<int> (clone);
parsing_generic_less_than = t.parsing_generic_less_than;
string_interpolation_section = t.string_interpolation_section;
current_token = t.current_token;
val = t.val;
parsing_string_interpolation = t.parsing_string_interpolation;
string_interpolation_section = t.string_interpolation_section;
if (t.parsing_string_interpolation_quoted != null && t.parsing_string_interpolation_quoted.Count != 0) {
var clone = t.parsing_string_interpolation_quoted.ToArray ();
Array.Reverse (clone);
parsing_string_interpolation_quoted = new Stack<bool> (clone);
public Tokenizer (SeekableStreamReader input, CompilationSourceFile file, ParserSession session, Report report)
this.source_file = file;
this.context = file.Compiler;
this.current_source = file.SourceFile;
this.identifiers = session.Identifiers;
this.id_builder = session.IDBuilder;
this.number_builder = session.NumberBuilder;
this.ltb = new LocatedTokenBuffer (session.LocatedTokens);
this.Report = report;
reader = input;
putback_char = -1;
xml_comment_buffer = new StringBuilder ();
doc_processing = context.Settings.DocumentationFile != null;
tab_size = context.Settings.TabSize;
public void PushPosition ()
position_stack.Push (new Position (this));
public void PopPosition ()
Position p = position_stack.Pop ();
reader.Position = p.position;
ref_line = p.ref_line;
line = p.line;
col = p.col;
hidden_block_start = p.hidden;
putback_char = p.putback_char;
previous_col = p.previous_col;
ifstack = p.ifstack;
parsing_generic_less_than = p.parsing_generic_less_than;
parsing_string_interpolation = p.parsing_string_interpolation;
parsing_string_interpolation_quoted = p.parsing_string_interpolation_quoted;
current_token = p.current_token;
val = p.val;
// Do not reset the position, ignore it.
public void DiscardPosition ()
position_stack.Pop ();
static void AddKeyword (string kw, int token)
keyword_strings.Add (kw);
AddKeyword (keywords, kw, token);
static void AddPreprocessorKeyword (string kw, PreprocessorDirective directive)
AddKeyword (keywords_preprocessor, kw, directive);
static void AddKeyword<T> (KeywordEntry<T>[][] keywords, string kw, T token)
int length = kw.Length;
if (keywords[length] == null) {
keywords[length] = new KeywordEntry<T>['z' - '_' + 1];
int char_index = kw[0] - '_';
var kwe = keywords[length][char_index];
if (kwe == null) {
keywords[length][char_index] = new KeywordEntry<T> (kw, token);
while (kwe.Next != null) {
kwe = kwe.Next;
kwe.Next = new KeywordEntry<T> (kw, token);
// Class initializer
static Tokenizer ()
keyword_strings = new HashSet<string> ();
// 11 is the length of the longest keyword for now
keywords = new KeywordEntry<int>[11][];
AddKeyword ("__arglist", Token.ARGLIST);
AddKeyword ("__makeref", Token.MAKEREF);
AddKeyword ("__reftype", Token.REFTYPE);
AddKeyword ("__refvalue", Token.REFVALUE);
AddKeyword ("abstract", Token.ABSTRACT);
AddKeyword ("as", Token.AS);
AddKeyword ("add", Token.ADD);
AddKeyword ("base", Token.BASE);
AddKeyword ("bool", Token.BOOL);
AddKeyword ("break", Token.BREAK);
AddKeyword ("byte", Token.BYTE);
AddKeyword ("case", Token.CASE);
AddKeyword ("catch", Token.CATCH);
AddKeyword ("char", Token.CHAR);
AddKeyword ("checked", Token.CHECKED);
AddKeyword ("class", Token.CLASS);
AddKeyword ("const", Token.CONST);
AddKeyword ("continue", Token.CONTINUE);
AddKeyword ("decimal", Token.DECIMAL);
AddKeyword ("default", Token.DEFAULT);
AddKeyword ("delegate", Token.DELEGATE);
AddKeyword ("do", Token.DO);
AddKeyword ("double", Token.DOUBLE);
AddKeyword ("else", Token.ELSE);
AddKeyword ("enum", Token.ENUM);
AddKeyword ("event", Token.EVENT);
AddKeyword ("explicit", Token.EXPLICIT);
AddKeyword ("extern", Token.EXTERN);
AddKeyword ("false", Token.FALSE);
AddKeyword ("finally", Token.FINALLY);
AddKeyword ("fixed", Token.FIXED);
AddKeyword ("float", Token.FLOAT);
AddKeyword ("for", Token.FOR);
AddKeyword ("foreach", Token.FOREACH);
AddKeyword ("goto", Token.GOTO);
AddKeyword ("get", Token.GET);
AddKeyword ("if", Token.IF);
AddKeyword ("implicit", Token.IMPLICIT);
AddKeyword ("in", Token.IN);
AddKeyword ("int", Token.INT);
AddKeyword ("interface", Token.INTERFACE);
AddKeyword ("internal", Token.INTERNAL);
AddKeyword ("is", Token.IS);
AddKeyword ("lock", Token.LOCK);
AddKeyword ("long", Token.LONG);
AddKeyword ("namespace", Token.NAMESPACE);
AddKeyword ("new", Token.NEW);
AddKeyword ("null", Token.NULL);
AddKeyword ("object", Token.OBJECT);
AddKeyword ("operator", Token.OPERATOR);
AddKeyword ("out", Token.OUT);
AddKeyword ("override", Token.OVERRIDE);
AddKeyword ("params", Token.PARAMS);
AddKeyword ("private", Token.PRIVATE);
AddKeyword ("protected", Token.PROTECTED);
AddKeyword ("public", Token.PUBLIC);
AddKeyword ("readonly", Token.READONLY);
AddKeyword ("ref", Token.REF);
AddKeyword ("remove", Token.REMOVE);
AddKeyword ("return", Token.RETURN);
AddKeyword ("sbyte", Token.SBYTE);
AddKeyword ("sealed", Token.SEALED);
AddKeyword ("set", Token.SET);
AddKeyword ("short", Token.SHORT);
AddKeyword ("sizeof", Token.SIZEOF);
AddKeyword ("stackalloc", Token.STACKALLOC);
AddKeyword ("static", Token.STATIC);
AddKeyword ("string", Token.STRING);
AddKeyword ("struct", Token.STRUCT);
AddKeyword ("switch", Token.SWITCH);
AddKeyword ("this", Token.THIS);
AddKeyword ("throw", Token.THROW);
AddKeyword ("true", Token.TRUE);
AddKeyword ("try", Token.TRY);
AddKeyword ("typeof", Token.TYPEOF);
AddKeyword ("uint", Token.UINT);
AddKeyword ("ulong", Token.ULONG);
AddKeyword ("unchecked", Token.UNCHECKED);
AddKeyword ("unsafe", Token.UNSAFE);
AddKeyword ("ushort", Token.USHORT);
AddKeyword ("using", Token.USING);
AddKeyword ("virtual", Token.VIRTUAL);
AddKeyword ("void", Token.VOID);
AddKeyword ("volatile", Token.VOLATILE);
AddKeyword ("while", Token.WHILE);
AddKeyword ("partial", Token.PARTIAL);
AddKeyword ("where", Token.WHERE);
// LINQ keywords
AddKeyword ("from", Token.FROM);
AddKeyword ("join", Token.JOIN);
AddKeyword ("on", Token.ON);
AddKeyword ("equals", Token.EQUALS);
AddKeyword ("select", Token.SELECT);
AddKeyword ("group", Token.GROUP);
AddKeyword ("by", Token.BY);
AddKeyword ("let", Token.LET);
AddKeyword ("orderby", Token.ORDERBY);
AddKeyword ("ascending", Token.ASCENDING);
AddKeyword ("descending", Token.DESCENDING);
AddKeyword ("into", Token.INTO);
// Contextual async keywords
AddKeyword ("async", Token.ASYNC);
AddKeyword ("await", Token.AWAIT);
// Contextual filter catch keyword
AddKeyword ("when", Token.WHEN);
keywords_preprocessor = new KeywordEntry<PreprocessorDirective>[10][];
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("region", PreprocessorDirective.Region);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("endregion", PreprocessorDirective.Endregion);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("if", PreprocessorDirective.If);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("endif", PreprocessorDirective.Endif);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("elif", PreprocessorDirective.Elif);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("else", PreprocessorDirective.Else);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("define", PreprocessorDirective.Define);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("undef", PreprocessorDirective.Undef);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("error", PreprocessorDirective.Error);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("warning", PreprocessorDirective.Warning);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("pragma", PreprocessorDirective.Pragma);
AddPreprocessorKeyword ("line", PreprocessorDirective.Line);
csharp_format_info = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
styles = NumberStyles.Float;
int GetKeyword (char[] id, int id_len)
// Keywords are stored in an array of arrays grouped by their
// length and then by the first character
if (id_len >= keywords.Length || keywords [id_len] == null)
return -1;
int first_index = id [0] - '_';
if (first_index > 'z' - '_')
return -1;
var kwe = keywords [id_len] [first_index];
if (kwe == null)
return -1;
int res;
do {
res = kwe.Token;
for (int i = 1; i < id_len; ++i) {
if (id [i] != kwe.Value [i]) {
res = 0;
kwe = kwe.Next;
} while (res == 0 && kwe != null);
if (res == 0)
return -1;
int next_token;
switch (res) {
case Token.GET:
case Token.SET:
if (!handle_get_set)
res = -1;
case Token.REMOVE:
case Token.ADD:
if (!handle_remove_add)
res = -1;
case Token.EXTERN:
if (parsing_declaration == 0)
res = Token.EXTERN_ALIAS;
case Token.DEFAULT:
switch (peek_token ()) {
case Token.COLON:
// Special case: foo == null ? default : 1;
if (current_token != Token.INTERR) {
token ();
res = Token.DEFAULT_COLON;
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
res = Token.DEFAULT_VALUE;
case Token.WHEN:
if (current_token != Token.CATCH && !parsing_catch_when)
res = -1;
case Token.WHERE:
if (!(handle_where && current_token != Token.COLON) && !query_parsing)
res = -1;
case Token.FROM:
// A query expression is any expression that starts with `from identifier'
// followed by any token except ; , =
if (!query_parsing) {
if (lambda_arguments_parsing || parsing_block == 0) {
res = -1;
PushPosition ();
// HACK: to disable generics micro-parser, because PushPosition does not
// store identifiers array
parsing_generic_less_than = 1;
switch (xtoken ()) {
case Token.IDENTIFIER:
case Token.INT:
case Token.BOOL:
case Token.BYTE:
case Token.CHAR:
case Token.DECIMAL:
case Token.DOUBLE:
case Token.FLOAT:
case Token.LONG:
case Token.OBJECT:
case Token.STRING:
case Token.UINT:
case Token.ULONG:
next_token = xtoken ();
if (next_token == Token.SEMICOLON || next_token == Token.COMMA || next_token == Token.EQUALS || next_token == Token.ASSIGN)
goto default;
res = Token.FROM_FIRST;
query_parsing = true;
if (context.Settings.Version <= LanguageVersion.ISO_2)
Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (context, Location, "query expressions");
case Token.VOID:
Expression.Error_VoidInvalidInTheContext (Location, Report);
PopPosition ();
// HACK: A token is not a keyword so we need to restore identifiers buffer
// which has been overwritten before we grabbed the identifier
id_builder [0] = 'f'; id_builder [1] = 'r'; id_builder [2] = 'o'; id_builder [3] = 'm';
return -1;
PopPosition ();
case Token.JOIN:
case Token.ON:
case Token.EQUALS:
case Token.SELECT:
case Token.GROUP:
case Token.BY:
case Token.LET:
case Token.ORDERBY:
case Token.ASCENDING:
case Token.DESCENDING:
case Token.INTO:
if (!query_parsing)
res = -1;
case Token.USING:
case Token.NAMESPACE:
// TODO: some explanation needed
check_incorrect_doc_comment ();
parsing_modifiers = false;
case Token.PARTIAL:
if (parsing_block > 0) {
res = -1;
// Save current position and parse next token.
PushPosition ();
next_token = token ();
bool ok =
next_token == Token.CLASS ||
next_token == Token.STRUCT ||
next_token == Token.INTERFACE ||
next_token == Token.VOID ||
next_token == Token.REF_STRUCT;
PopPosition ();
if (ok) {
if (next_token == Token.VOID) {
if (context.Settings.Version <= LanguageVersion.ISO_2)
Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (context, Location, "partial methods");
} else if (context.Settings.Version == LanguageVersion.ISO_1)
Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (context, Location, "partial types");
return res;
if (next_token < Token.LAST_KEYWORD) {
Report.Error (267, Location,
"The `partial' modifier can be used only immediately before `class', `struct', `interface', or `void' keyword");
return token ();
// HACK: A token is not a keyword so we need to restore identifiers buffer
// which has been overwritten before we grabbed the identifier
id_builder[0] = 'p';
id_builder[1] = 'a';
id_builder[2] = 'r';
id_builder[3] = 't';
id_builder[4] = 'i';
id_builder[5] = 'a';
id_builder[6] = 'l';
res = -1;
case Token.ASYNC:
if (parsing_modifiers) {
// Skip attributes section or constructor called async
if (parsing_attribute_section || peek_token () == Token.OPEN_PARENS) {
res = -1;
} else {
// async is keyword
} else if (parsing_block > 0) {
switch (peek_token ()) {
case Token.DELEGATE:
// async is keyword
case Token.IDENTIFIER:
PushPosition ();
xtoken ();
if (xtoken () != Token.ARROW) {
PopPosition ();
goto default;
PopPosition ();
// peek_token could overwrite id_buffer
id_builder [0] = 'a'; id_builder [1] = 's'; id_builder [2] = 'y'; id_builder [3] = 'n'; id_builder [4] = 'c';
res = -1;
} else {
res = -1;
if (res == Token.ASYNC && context.Settings.Version <= LanguageVersion.V_4) {
Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (context, Location, "asynchronous functions");
case Token.AWAIT:
if (parsing_block == 0)
res = -1;
case Token.THROW:
switch (current_token) {
case Token.ARROW:
case Token.INTERR:
res = Token.THROW_EXPR;
case Token.REF:
if (peek_token () == Token.STRUCT) {
token ();
res = Token.REF_STRUCT;
return res;
static PreprocessorDirective GetPreprocessorDirective (char[] id, int id_len)
// Keywords are stored in an array of arrays grouped by their
// length and then by the first character
if (id_len >= keywords_preprocessor.Length || keywords_preprocessor[id_len] == null)
return PreprocessorDirective.Invalid;
int first_index = id[0] - '_';
if (first_index > 'z' - '_')
return PreprocessorDirective.Invalid;
var kwe = keywords_preprocessor[id_len][first_index];
if (kwe == null)
return PreprocessorDirective.Invalid;
PreprocessorDirective res = PreprocessorDirective.Invalid;
do {
res = kwe.Token;
for (int i = 1; i < id_len; ++i) {
if (id[i] != kwe.Value[i]) {
res = 0;
kwe = kwe.Next;
} while (res == PreprocessorDirective.Invalid && kwe != null);
return res;
public Location Location {
get {
return new Location (current_source, ref_line, col);
static bool is_identifier_start_character (int c)
if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_')
return true;
if (c < 0x80)
return false;
return is_identifier_start_character_slow_part ((char) c);
static bool is_identifier_part_character (char c)
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
return true;
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
return true;
if (c == '_' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
return true;
if (c < 0x80)
return false;
return is_identifier_part_character_slow_part (c);
static bool is_identifier_start_character_slow_part (char c)
switch (Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c)) {
case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber:
case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter:
return true;
return false;
static bool is_identifier_part_character_slow_part (char c)
switch (Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c)) {
// connecting-character: A Unicode character of the class Pc
case UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation:
// combining-character: A Unicode character of classes Mn or Mc
case UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark:
case UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark:
// decimal-digit-character: A Unicode character of the class Nd
case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber:
// plus is_identifier_start_character_slow_part
case UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber:
case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter:
case UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter:
return true;
// formatting-character: A Unicode character of the class Cf
case UnicodeCategory.Format:
// csc bug compatibility which recognizes it as a whitespace
return c != 0xFEFF;
return false;
public static bool IsKeyword (string s)
return keyword_strings.Contains (s);
// Open parens micro parser
int TokenizeOpenParens ()
int ptoken;
current_token = -1;
int bracket_level = 0;
bool is_type = false;
bool can_be_type = false;
bool at_least_one_comma = false;
while (true) {
ptoken = current_token;
token ();
switch (current_token) {
case Token.CLOSE_PARENS:
token ();
// Expression inside parens is lambda, (int i) =>
if (current_token == Token.ARROW)
// Expression inside parens is deconstruct expression, (a, x.y) = ...
if (current_token == Token.ASSIGN && at_least_one_comma)
// Expression inside parens is single type, (int[])
if (is_type) {
if (current_token == Token.SEMICOLON)
return Token.OPEN_PARENS;
return Token.OPEN_PARENS_CAST;
// Expression is possible cast, look at next token, (T)null
if (can_be_type) {
switch (current_token) {
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
case Token.BANG:
case Token.TILDE:
case Token.IDENTIFIER:
case Token.LITERAL:
case Token.BASE:
case Token.CHECKED:
case Token.DELEGATE:
case Token.FALSE:
case Token.FIXED:
case Token.NEW:
case Token.NULL:
case Token.SIZEOF:
case Token.THIS:
case Token.THROW:
case Token.TRUE:
case Token.TYPEOF:
case Token.UNCHECKED:
case Token.UNSAFE:
case Token.DEFAULT:
case Token.AWAIT:
// These can be part of a member access
case Token.INT:
case Token.UINT:
case Token.SHORT:
case Token.USHORT:
case Token.LONG:
case Token.ULONG:
case Token.DOUBLE:
case Token.FLOAT:
case Token.CHAR:
case Token.BYTE:
case Token.DECIMAL:
case Token.BOOL:
case Token.STRING:
case Token.SBYTE:
return Token.OPEN_PARENS_CAST;
return Token.OPEN_PARENS;
case Token.DOT:
case Token.DOUBLE_COLON:
if (ptoken != Token.IDENTIFIER && ptoken != Token.OP_GENERICS_GT)
goto default;
case Token.IDENTIFIER:
case Token.AWAIT:
switch (ptoken) {
case Token.DOT:
if (bracket_level == 0) {
is_type = false;
can_be_type = true;
case Token.OP_GENERICS_LT:
case Token.COMMA:
case Token.DOUBLE_COLON:
case -1:
if (bracket_level == 0)
can_be_type = true;
can_be_type = is_type = false;
case Token.OBJECT:
case Token.STRING:
case Token.BOOL:
case Token.DECIMAL:
case Token.FLOAT:
case Token.DOUBLE:
case Token.SBYTE:
case Token.BYTE:
case Token.SHORT:
case Token.USHORT:
case Token.INT:
case Token.UINT:
case Token.LONG:
case Token.ULONG:
case Token.CHAR:
case Token.VOID:
if (bracket_level == 0)
is_type = true;
case Token.COMMA:
if (bracket_level == 0) {
bracket_level = 100;
can_be_type = is_type = false;
at_least_one_comma = true;
case Token.OP_GENERICS_LT:
case Token.OPEN_BRACKET:
if (bracket_level++ == 0)
is_type = true;
case Token.OP_GENERICS_GT:
case Token.STAR:
if (bracket_level == 0)
is_type = true;
case Token.REF:
case Token.OUT:
can_be_type = is_type = false;
return Token.OPEN_PARENS;
public static bool IsValidIdentifier (string s)
if (s == null || s.Length == 0)
return false;
if (!is_identifier_start_character (s [0]))
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < s.Length; i ++)
if (! is_identifier_part_character (s [i]))
return false;
return true;
bool parse_less_than (ref int genericDimension)
int the_token = token ();
if (the_token == Token.OPEN_BRACKET) {
while (true) {
the_token = token ();
if (the_token == Token.EOF)
return true;
if (the_token == Token.CLOSE_BRACKET)
the_token = token ();
} else if (the_token == Token.IN || the_token == Token.OUT) {
the_token = token ();
switch (the_token) {
case Token.IDENTIFIER:
case Token.OBJECT:
case Token.STRING:
case Token.BOOL:
case Token.DECIMAL:
case Token.FLOAT:
case Token.DOUBLE:
case Token.SBYTE:
case Token.BYTE:
case Token.SHORT:
case Token.USHORT:
case Token.INT:
case Token.UINT:
case Token.LONG:
case Token.ULONG:
case Token.CHAR:
case Token.VOID:
case Token.OP_GENERICS_GT:
genericDimension = 1;
return true;
case Token.IN:
case Token.OUT:
return true;
case Token.COMMA:
do {
the_token = token ();
} while (the_token == Token.COMMA);
if (the_token == Token.OP_GENERICS_GT) {
return true;
return false;
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
int parens_count = 1;
while (true) {
switch (token ()) {
case Token.COMMA:
// tuple declaration after <
if (parens_count == 1)
return true;
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
case Token.CLOSE_PARENS:
if (--parens_count <= 0)
return false;
case Token.OP_GENERICS_GT:
case Token.EOF:
return false;
return false;
the_token = token ();
if (the_token == Token.OP_GENERICS_GT)
return true;
else if (the_token == Token.COMMA || the_token == Token.DOT || the_token == Token.DOUBLE_COLON)
goto start;
else if (the_token == Token.INTERR_NULLABLE || the_token == Token.STAR)
goto again;
else if (the_token == Token.OP_GENERICS_LT) {
int unused = 0;
if (!parse_less_than (ref unused))
return false;
goto again;
} else if (the_token == Token.OPEN_BRACKET) {
the_token = token ();
if (the_token == Token.CLOSE_BRACKET)
goto again;
else if (the_token == Token.COMMA)
goto rank_specifiers;
return false;
return false;
public int peek_token ()
int the_token;
PushPosition ();
the_token = token ();
PopPosition ();
return the_token;
// Tonizes `?' using custom disambiguous rules to return one
// Tricky expression looks like:
// Foo ? a = x ? b : c;
int TokenizePossibleNullableType ()
if (parsing_block == 0 || parsing_type > 0)
int d = peek_char ();
if (d == '?') {
get_char ();
return Token.OP_COALESCING;
if (d == '.') {
d = reader.Peek ();
return d >= '0' && d <= '9' ? Token.INTERR : Token.INTERR_OPERATOR;
if (d != ' ') {
if (d == ',' || d == ';' || d == '>')
if (d == '*' || (d >= '0' && d <= '9'))
return Token.INTERR;
PushPosition ();
current_token = Token.NONE;
int next_token;
int parens = 0;
int generics = 0;
int brackets = 0;
var nt = xtoken ();
switch (nt) {
case Token.DOT:
next_token = Token.INTERR_OPERATOR;
case Token.LITERAL:
case Token.TRUE:
case Token.FALSE:
case Token.NULL:
case Token.THIS:
case Token.NEW:
case Token.THROW:
next_token = Token.INTERR;
case Token.SEMICOLON:
case Token.COMMA:
case Token.CLOSE_PARENS:
case Token.OPEN_BRACKET:
case Token.OP_GENERICS_GT:
case Token.INTERR:
case Token.COLON:
next_token = Token.INTERR_NULLABLE;
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
next_token = -1;
case Token.OP_GENERICS_LT:
next_token = -1;
next_token = -1;
if (next_token == -1) {
switch (xtoken ()) {
case Token.COMMA:
case Token.SEMICOLON:
case Token.OPEN_BRACE:
case Token.IN:
next_token = Token.INTERR_NULLABLE;
case Token.COLON:
next_token = Token.INTERR;
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
goto default;
case Token.OPEN_BRACKET:
goto default;
case Token.CLOSE_PARENS:
goto default;
case Token.OP_GENERICS_LT:
goto default;
int ntoken;
int interrs = 1;
int colons = 0;
int braces = 0;
// All shorcuts failed, do it hard way
while ((ntoken = xtoken ()) != Token.EOF) {
switch (ntoken) {
case Token.OPEN_BRACE:
case Token.OPEN_PARENS:
case Token.CLOSE_BRACE:
case Token.OP_GENERICS_LT:
case Token.OPEN_BRACKET:
case Token.CLOSE_PARENS:
if (parens > 0) {
PopPosition ();
case Token.OP_GENERICS_GT:
if (generics > 0) {
PopPosition ();
if (braces != 0)
if (ntoken == Token.SEMICOLON)
if (parens != 0)
if (ntoken == Token.COMMA) {
if (generics != 0 || brackets != 0)
PopPosition ();
if (ntoken == Token.COLON) {
if (++colons == interrs)
if (ntoken == Token.INTERR) {
next_token = colons != interrs && braces == 0 ? Token.INTERR_NULLABLE : Token.INTERR;
PopPosition ();
return next_token;
bool decimal_digits (int c)
int d;
bool seen_digits = false;
if (c != -1){
if (number_pos == MaxNumberLength)
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) c;
// We use peek_char2, because decimal_digits needs to do a
// 2-character look-ahead (5.ToString for example).
while ((d = peek_char2 ()) != -1){
if (d >= '0' && d <= '9'){
if (number_pos == MaxNumberLength)
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) d;
get_char ();
seen_digits = true;
} else
return seen_digits;
static bool is_hex (int e)
return (e >= '0' && e <= '9') || (e >= 'A' && e <= 'F') || (e >= 'a' && e <= 'f');
static TypeCode real_type_suffix (int c)
switch (c){
case 'F': case 'f':
return TypeCode.Single;
case 'D': case 'd':
return TypeCode.Double;
case 'M': case 'm':
return TypeCode.Decimal;
return TypeCode.Empty;
ILiteralConstant integer_type_suffix (ulong ul, int c, Location loc)
bool is_unsigned = false;
bool is_long = false;
if (c != -1){
bool scanning = true;
do {
switch (c){
case 'U': case 'u':
if (is_unsigned)
scanning = false;
is_unsigned = true;
get_char ();
case 'l':
if (!is_unsigned){
// if we have not seen anything in between
// report this error
Report.Warning (78, 4, Location, "The `l' suffix is easily confused with the digit `1' (use `L' for clarity)");
goto case 'L';
case 'L':
if (is_long)
scanning = false;
is_long = true;
get_char ();
scanning = false;
c = peek_char ();
} while (scanning);
if (is_long && is_unsigned){
return new ULongLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, ul, loc);
if (is_unsigned){
// uint if possible, or ulong else.
if ((ul & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0)
return new UIntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, (uint) ul, loc);
return new ULongLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, ul, loc);
} else if (is_long){
// long if possible, ulong otherwise
if ((ul & 0x8000000000000000) != 0)
return new ULongLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, ul, loc);
return new LongLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, (long) ul, loc);
} else {
// int, uint, long or ulong in that order
if ((ul & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0){
uint ui = (uint) ul;
if ((ui & 0x80000000) != 0)
return new UIntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, ui, loc);
return new IntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, (int) ui, loc);
} else {
if ((ul & 0x8000000000000000) != 0)
return new ULongLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, ul, loc);
return new LongLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, (long) ul, loc);
// given `c' as the next char in the input decide whether
// we need to convert to a special type, and then choose
// the best representation for the integer
ILiteralConstant adjust_int (int c, Location loc)
try {
if (number_pos > 9){
ulong ul = (uint) (number_builder [0] - '0');
for (int i = 1; i < number_pos; i++){
ul = checked ((ul * 10) + ((uint)(number_builder [i] - '0')));
return integer_type_suffix (ul, c, loc);
} else {
uint ui = (uint) (number_builder [0] - '0');
for (int i = 1; i < number_pos; i++){
ui = checked ((ui * 10) + ((uint)(number_builder [i] - '0')));
return integer_type_suffix (ui, c, loc);
} catch (OverflowException) {
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
return new IntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
catch (FormatException) {
Report.Error (1013, Location, "Invalid number");
return new IntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
ILiteralConstant adjust_real (TypeCode t, Location loc)
string s = new string (number_builder, 0, number_pos);
const string error_details = "Floating-point constant is outside the range of type `{0}'";
switch (t){
case TypeCode.Decimal:
try {
return new DecimalLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, decimal.Parse (s, styles, csharp_format_info), loc);
} catch (OverflowException) {
Report.Error (594, Location, error_details, "decimal");
return new DecimalLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
case TypeCode.Single:
try {
return new FloatLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, float.Parse (s, styles, csharp_format_info), loc);
} catch (OverflowException) {
Report.Error (594, Location, error_details, "float");
return new FloatLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
try {
return new DoubleLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, double.Parse (s, styles, csharp_format_info), loc);
} catch (OverflowException) {
Report.Error (594, loc, error_details, "double");
return new DoubleLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
ILiteralConstant handle_hex (Location loc)
int d;
ulong ul;
get_char ();
while ((d = peek_char ()) != -1){
if (is_hex (d)){
number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) d;
get_char ();
} else
string s = new String (number_builder, 0, number_pos);
try {
if (number_pos <= 8)
ul = System.UInt32.Parse (s, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
ul = System.UInt64.Parse (s, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
return integer_type_suffix (ul, peek_char (), loc);
} catch (OverflowException){
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
return new IntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
catch (FormatException) {
Report.Error (1013, Location, "Invalid number");
return new IntLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);
// Invoked if we know we have .digits or digits
int is_number (int c, bool dotLead)
ILiteralConstant res;
int read_start = reader.Position - 1;
if (dotLead) {
// Caller did peek_char
number_pos = 0;
var loc = Location;
if (!dotLead){
if (c == '0'){
int peek = peek_char ();
if (peek == 'x' || peek == 'X') {
val = res = handle_hex (loc);
res.ParsedValue = reader.ReadChars (read_start, reader.Position - 1);
return Token.LITERAL;
decimal_digits (c);
c = peek_char ();
// We need to handle the case of
// "1.1" vs "1.string" (LITERAL_FLOAT vs NUMBER DOT IDENTIFIER)
bool is_real = false;
if (c == '.'){
if (!dotLead)
get_char ();
if (decimal_digits ('.')){
is_real = true;
c = peek_char ();
} else {
putback ('.');
val = res = adjust_int (-1, loc);
res.ParsedValue = reader.ReadChars (read_start, reader.Position - 1);
return Token.LITERAL;
if (c == 'e' || c == 'E'){
is_real = true;
get_char ();
if (number_pos == MaxNumberLength)
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) c;
c = get_char ();
if (c == '+'){
if (number_pos == MaxNumberLength)
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
number_builder [number_pos++] = '+';
c = -1;
} else if (c == '-') {
if (number_pos == MaxNumberLength)
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
number_builder [number_pos++] = '-';
c = -1;
} else {
if (number_pos == MaxNumberLength)
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
number_builder [number_pos++] = '+';
decimal_digits (c);
c = peek_char ();
var type = real_type_suffix (c);
if (type == TypeCode.Empty && !is_real) {
res = adjust_int (c, loc);
} else {
is_real = true;
if (type != TypeCode.Empty) {
get_char ();
res = adjust_real (type, loc);
val = res;
var chars = reader.ReadChars (read_start, reader.Position - (type == TypeCode.Empty && c > 0 ? 1 : 0));
if (chars[chars.Length - 1] == '\r')
Array.Resize (ref chars, chars.Length - 1);
res.ParsedValue = chars;
return Token.LITERAL;
// Accepts exactly count (4 or 8) hex, no more no less
int getHex (int count, out int surrogate, out bool error)
int i;
int total = 0;
int c;
int top = count != -1 ? count : 4;
get_char ();
error = false;
surrogate = 0;
for (i = 0; i < top; i++){
c = get_char ();
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
c = (int) c - (int) '0';
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
c = (int) c - (int) 'A' + 10;
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
c = (int) c - (int) 'a' + 10;
else {
error = true;
return 0;
total = (total * 16) + c;
if (count == -1){
int p = peek_char ();
if (p == -1)
if (!is_hex ((char)p))
if (top == 8) {
if (total > 0x0010FFFF) {
error = true;
return 0;
if (total >= 0x00010000) {
surrogate = ((total - 0x00010000) % 0x0400 + 0xDC00);
total = ((total - 0x00010000) / 0x0400 + 0xD800);
return total;
int escape (int c, out int surrogate)
bool error;
int d;
int v;
d = peek_char ();
if (c != '\\') {
surrogate = 0;
return c;
switch (d){
case 'a':
v = '\a'; break;
case 'b':
v = '\b'; break;
case 'n':
v = '\n'; break;
case 't':
v = '\t'; break;
case 'v':
v = '\v'; break;
case 'r':
v = '\r'; break;
case '\\':
v = '\\'; break;
case 'f':
v = '\f'; break;
case '0':
v = 0; break;
case '"':
v = '"'; break;
case '\'':
v = '\''; break;
case 'x':
v = getHex (-1, out surrogate, out error);
if (error)
goto default;
return v;
case 'u':
case 'U':
return EscapeUnicode (d, out surrogate);
surrogate = 0;
Report.Error (1009, Location, "Unrecognized escape sequence `\\{0}'", ((char)d).ToString ());
return d;
get_char ();
surrogate = 0;
return v;
int EscapeUnicode (int ch, out int surrogate)
bool error;
if (ch == 'U') {
ch = getHex (8, out surrogate, out error);
} else {
ch = getHex (4, out surrogate, out error);
if (error)
Report.Error (1009, Location, "Unrecognized escape sequence");
return ch;
int get_char ()
int x;
if (putback_char != -1) {
x = putback_char;
putback_char = -1;
} else {
x = reader.Read ();
if (x <= 13) {
if (x == '\r') {
if (peek_char () == '\n') {
putback_char = -1;
x = '\n';
advance_line ();
} else if (x == '\n') {
advance_line ();
} else {
} else if (x >= UnicodeLS && x <= UnicodePS) {
advance_line ();
} else {
return x;
void advance_line ()
previous_col = col;
col = 0;
int peek_char ()
if (putback_char == -1)
putback_char = reader.Read ();
return putback_char;
int peek_char2 ()
if (putback_char != -1)
return putback_char;
return reader.Peek ();
public void putback (int c)
if (putback_char != -1) {
throw new InternalErrorException (string.Format ("Secondary putback [{0}] putting back [{1}] is not allowed", (char)putback_char, (char) c), Location);
if (c == '\n' || col == 0 || (c >= UnicodeLS && c <= UnicodePS)) {
// It won't happen though.
col = previous_col;
putback_char = c;
public bool advance ()
return peek_char () != -1 || CompleteOnEOF;
public Object Value {
get {
return val;
public Object value ()
return val;
public int token ()
current_token = xtoken ();
return current_token;
int TokenizePreprocessorKeyword (out int c)
// skip over white space
do {
c = get_char ();
} while (c == ' ' || c == '\t');
int pos = 0;
while (c != -1 && c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
id_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
c = get_char ();
if (c == '\\') {
int peek = peek_char ();
if (peek == 'U' || peek == 'u') {
int surrogate;
c = EscapeUnicode (c, out surrogate);
if (surrogate != 0) {
if (is_identifier_part_character ((char) c)) {
id_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
c = surrogate;
return pos;
PreprocessorDirective get_cmd_arg (out string arg)
int c;
tokens_seen = false;
arg = "";
var cmd = GetPreprocessorDirective (id_builder, TokenizePreprocessorKeyword (out c));
if ((cmd & PreprocessorDirective.CustomArgumentsParsing) != 0)
return cmd;
// skip over white space
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
c = get_char ();
int has_identifier_argument = (int)(cmd & PreprocessorDirective.RequiresArgument);
int pos = 0;
while (c != -1 && c != '\n' && c != UnicodeLS && c != UnicodePS) {
if (c == '\\' && has_identifier_argument >= 0) {
if (has_identifier_argument != 0) {
has_identifier_argument = 1;
int peek = peek_char ();
if (peek == 'U' || peek == 'u') {
int surrogate;
c = EscapeUnicode (c, out surrogate);
if (surrogate != 0) {
if (is_identifier_part_character ((char) c)) {
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
c = surrogate;
} else {
has_identifier_argument = -1;
} else if (c == '/' && peek_char () == '/') {
// Eat single-line comments
get_char ();
ReadToEndOfLine ();
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
c = get_char ();
if (pos != 0) {
if (pos > MaxIdentifierLength)
arg = new string (value_builder, 0, pos);
arg = InternIdentifier (value_builder, pos);
// Eat any trailing whitespaces
arg = arg.Trim (simple_whitespaces);
return cmd;
// Handles the #line directive
bool PreProcessLine ()
Location loc = Location;
int c;
int length = TokenizePreprocessorKeyword (out c);
if (length == line_default.Length) {
if (!IsTokenIdentifierEqual (line_default))
return false;
current_source = source_file.SourceFile;
if (!hidden_block_start.IsNull) {
current_source.RegisterHiddenScope (hidden_block_start, loc);
hidden_block_start = Location.Null;
ref_line = line;
return true;
if (length == line_hidden.Length) {
if (!IsTokenIdentifierEqual (line_hidden))
return false;
if (hidden_block_start.IsNull)
hidden_block_start = loc;
return true;
if (length != 0 || c < '0' || c > '9') {
// Eat any remaining characters to continue parsing on next line
ReadToEndOfLine ();
return false;
int new_line = TokenizeNumber (c);
if (new_line < 1) {
// Eat any remaining characters to continue parsing on next line
ReadToEndOfLine ();
return new_line != 0;
c = get_char ();
if (c == ' ') {
// skip over white space
do {
c = get_char ();
} while (c == ' ' || c == '\t');
} else if (c == '"') {
c = 0;
if (c != '\n' && c != '/' && c != '"' && c != UnicodeLS && c != UnicodePS) {
// Eat any remaining characters to continue parsing on next line
ReadToEndOfLine ();
Report.Error (1578, loc, "Filename, single-line comment or end-of-line expected");
return true;
string new_file_name = null;
if (c == '"') {
new_file_name = TokenizeFileName (ref c);
// skip over white space
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
c = get_char ();
if (c == '\n' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS) {
} else if (c == '/') {
ReadSingleLineComment ();
} else {
// Eat any remaining characters to continue parsing on next line
ReadToEndOfLine ();
Error_EndLineExpected ();
return true;
if (new_file_name != null) {
current_source = context.LookupFile (source_file, new_file_name);
source_file.AddIncludeFile (current_source);
if (!hidden_block_start.IsNull) {
current_source.RegisterHiddenScope (hidden_block_start, loc);
hidden_block_start = Location.Null;
ref_line = new_line;
return true;
// Handles #define and #undef
void PreProcessDefinition (bool is_define, string ident, bool caller_is_taking)
if (ident.Length == 0 || ident == "true" || ident == "false"){
Report.Error (1001, Location, "Missing identifier to pre-processor directive");
if (ident.IndexOfAny (simple_whitespaces) != -1){
Error_EndLineExpected ();
if (!is_identifier_start_character (ident [0]))
Report.Error (1001, Location, "Identifier expected: {0}", ident);
foreach (char c in ident.Substring (1)){
if (!is_identifier_part_character (c)){
Report.Error (1001, Location, "Identifier expected: {0}", ident);
if (!caller_is_taking)
if (is_define) {
// #define ident
if (context.Settings.IsConditionalSymbolDefined (ident))
source_file.AddDefine (ident);
} else {
// #undef ident
source_file.AddUndefine (ident);
byte read_hex (out bool error)
int total;
int c = get_char ();
if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
total = (int) c - (int) '0';
else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))
total = (int) c - (int) 'A' + 10;
else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'))
total = (int) c - (int) 'a' + 10;
else {
error = true;
return 0;
total *= 16;
c = get_char ();
if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
total += (int) c - (int) '0';
else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))
total += (int) c - (int) 'A' + 10;
else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'))
total += (int) c - (int) 'a' + 10;
else {
error = true;
return 0;
error = false;
return (byte) total;
// Parses #pragma checksum
bool ParsePragmaChecksum ()
// The syntax is ` "foo.txt" "{guid}" "hash"'
// guid is predefined hash algorithm guid {406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799} for md5
int c = get_char ();
if (c != '"')
return false;
string file_name = TokenizeFileName (ref c);
// TODO: Any white-spaces count
if (c != ' ')
return false;
SourceFile file = context.LookupFile (source_file, file_name);
if (get_char () != '"' || get_char () != '{')
return false;
bool error;
byte[] guid_bytes = new byte [16];
int i = 0;
for (; i < 4; i++) {
guid_bytes [i] = read_hex (out error);
if (error)
return false;
if (get_char () != '-')
return false;
for (; i < 10; i++) {
guid_bytes [i] = read_hex (out error);
if (error)
return false;
guid_bytes [i++] = read_hex (out error);
if (error)
return false;
if (get_char () != '-')
return false;
for (; i < 16; i++) {
guid_bytes [i] = read_hex (out error);
if (error)
return false;
if (get_char () != '}' || get_char () != '"')
return false;
// TODO: Any white-spaces count
c = get_char ();
if (c != ' ')
return false;
if (get_char () != '"')
return false;
// Any length of checksum
List<byte> checksum_bytes = new List<byte> (16);
var checksum_location = Location;
c = peek_char ();
while (c != '"' && c != -1) {
checksum_bytes.Add (read_hex (out error));
if (error)
return false;
c = peek_char ();
if (c == '/') {
ReadSingleLineComment ();
} else if (get_char () != '"') {
return false;
if (context.Settings.GenerateDebugInfo) {
var chsum = checksum_bytes.ToArray ();
if (file.HasChecksum) {
if (!ArrayComparer.IsEqual (file.Checksum, chsum)) {
// TODO: Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError
Report.Warning (1697, 1, checksum_location, "Different checksum values specified for file `{0}'", file.Name);
file.SetChecksum (guid_bytes, chsum);
current_source.AutoGenerated = true;
return true;
bool IsTokenIdentifierEqual (char[] identifier)
for (int i = 0; i < identifier.Length; ++i) {
if (identifier[i] != id_builder[i])
return false;
return true;
bool ScanClosingInterpolationBrace ()
PushPosition ();
bool? res = null;
int str_quote = 0;
do {
var c = reader.Read ();
switch (c) {
case '\"':
case '\\':
// Skip escaped " character
c = reader.Read ();
if (c == -1)
res = false;
case -1:
res = false;
case '}':
if (str_quote % 2 == 1) {
res = true;
} while (res == null);
PopPosition ();
return res.Value;
int TokenizeNumber (int value)
number_pos = 0;
decimal_digits (value);
uint ui = (uint) (number_builder[0] - '0');
try {
for (int i = 1; i < number_pos; i++) {
ui = checked ((ui * 10) + ((uint) (number_builder[i] - '0')));
return (int) ui;
} catch (OverflowException) {
Error_NumericConstantTooLong ();
return -1;
string TokenizeFileName (ref int c)
var string_builder = new StringBuilder ();
while (c != -1 && c != '\n' && c != UnicodeLS && c != UnicodePS) {
c = get_char ();
if (c == '"') {
c = get_char ();
string_builder.Append ((char) c);
if (string_builder.Length == 0) {
Report.Warning (1709, 1, Location, "Filename specified for preprocessor directive is empty");
return string_builder.ToString ();
int TokenizePragmaWarningIdentifier (ref int c, ref bool identifier)
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || is_identifier_start_character (c)) {
int number;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
number_pos = 0;
number = TokenizeNumber (c);
c = get_char ();
if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != ',' && c != '\n' && c != -1 && c != UnicodeLS && c != UnicodePS) {
return ReadPragmaWarningComment (c);
} else {
// LAMESPEC v6: No spec what identifier really is in this context, it seems keywords are allowed too
int pos = 0;
number = -1;
id_builder [pos++] = (char)c;
while (c < MaxIdentifierLength) {
c = reader.Read ();
id_builder [pos] = (char)c;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
if (pos == 5 && id_builder [0] == 'C' && id_builder [1] == 'S') {
// Recognize CSXXXX as C# XXXX warning
number = 0;
int pow = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var ch = id_builder [i + 2];
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') {
number = -1;
number += (ch - '0') * pow;
pow /= 10;
} else if (c == '\n' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS) {
advance_line ();
} else if ((c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c != '_') {
if (number < 0) {
identifier = true;
number = pos;
// skip over white space
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
c = get_char ();
if (c == ',') {
c = get_char ();
// skip over white space
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
c = get_char ();
return number;
return ReadPragmaWarningComment (c);
int ReadPragmaWarningComment (int c)
if (c == '/') {
ReadSingleLineComment ();
} else {
Report.Warning (1692, 1, Location, "Invalid number");
// Read everything till the end of the line or file
ReadToEndOfLine ();
return -1;
void ReadToEndOfLine ()
int c;
do {
c = get_char ();
} while (c != -1 && c != '\n' && c != UnicodeLS && c != UnicodePS);
void ReadSingleLineComment ()
if (peek_char () != '/')
Report.Warning (1696, 1, Location, "Single-line comment or end-of-line expected");
// Read everything till the end of the line or file
ReadToEndOfLine ();
/// <summary>
/// Handles #pragma directive
/// </summary>
void ParsePragmaDirective ()
int c;
int length = TokenizePreprocessorKeyword (out c);
if (length == pragma_warning.Length && IsTokenIdentifierEqual (pragma_warning)) {
length = TokenizePreprocessorKeyword (out c);
// #pragma warning disable
// #pragma warning restore
if (length == pragma_warning_disable.Length) {
bool disable = IsTokenIdentifierEqual (pragma_warning_disable);
if (disable || IsTokenIdentifierEqual (pragma_warning_restore)) {
// skip over white space
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
c = get_char ();
var loc = Location;
if (c == '\n' || c == '/' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS) {
if (c == '/')
ReadSingleLineComment ();
// Disable/Restore all warnings
if (disable) {
Report.RegisterWarningRegion (loc).WarningDisable (loc.Row);
} else {
Report.RegisterWarningRegion (loc).WarningEnable (loc.Row);
} else {
// Disable/Restore a warning or group of warnings
int code;
do {
bool identifier = false;
code = TokenizePragmaWarningIdentifier (ref c, ref identifier);
if (code > 0) {
if (identifier) {
// no-op, custom warnings cannot occur in mcs
} else if (disable) {
Report.RegisterWarningRegion (loc).WarningDisable (loc, code, context.Report);
} else {
Report.RegisterWarningRegion (loc).WarningEnable (loc, code, context);
} while (code >= 0 && c != '\n' && c != -1 && c != UnicodeLS && c != UnicodePS);
Report.Warning (1634, 1, Location, "Expected disable or restore");
// Eat any remaining characters on the line
ReadToEndOfLine ();
// #pragma checksum
if (length == pragma_checksum.Length && IsTokenIdentifierEqual (pragma_checksum)) {
if (c != ' ' || !ParsePragmaChecksum ()) {
Report.Warning (1695, 1, Location,
"Invalid #pragma checksum syntax. Expected \"filename\" \"{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}\" \"XXXX...\"");
Report.Warning (1633, 1, Location, "Unrecognized #pragma directive");
// Eat any remaining characters on the line
ReadToEndOfLine ();
bool eval_val (string s)
if (s == "true")
return true;
if (s == "false")
return false;
return source_file.IsConditionalDefined (s);
bool pp_primary (ref string s)
s = s.Trim ();
int len = s.Length;
if (len > 0){
char c = s [0];
if (c == '('){
s = s.Substring (1);
bool val = pp_expr (ref s, false);
if (s.Length > 0 && s [0] == ')'){
s = s.Substring (1);
return val;
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
if (is_identifier_start_character (c)){
int j = 1;
while (j < len){
c = s [j];
if (is_identifier_part_character (c)){
bool v = eval_val (s.Substring (0, j));
s = s.Substring (j);
return v;
bool vv = eval_val (s);
s = "";
return vv;
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
bool pp_unary (ref string s)
s = s.Trim ();
int len = s.Length;
if (len > 0){
if (s [0] == '!'){
if (len > 1 && s [1] == '='){
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
s = s.Substring (1);
return ! pp_primary (ref s);
} else
return pp_primary (ref s);
} else {
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
bool pp_eq (ref string s)
bool va = pp_unary (ref s);
s = s.Trim ();
int len = s.Length;
if (len > 0){
if (s [0] == '='){
if (len > 2 && s [1] == '='){
s = s.Substring (2);
return va == pp_unary (ref s);
} else {
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
} else if (s [0] == '!' && len > 1 && s [1] == '='){
s = s.Substring (2);
return va != pp_unary (ref s);
return va;
bool pp_and (ref string s)
bool va = pp_eq (ref s);
s = s.Trim ();
int len = s.Length;
if (len > 0){
if (s [0] == '&'){
if (len > 2 && s [1] == '&'){
s = s.Substring (2);
return (va & pp_and (ref s));
} else {
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
return va;
// Evaluates an expression for `#if' or `#elif'
bool pp_expr (ref string s, bool isTerm)
bool va = pp_and (ref s);
s = s.Trim ();
int len = s.Length;
if (len > 0){
char c = s [0];
if (c == '|'){
if (len > 2 && s [1] == '|'){
s = s.Substring (2);
return va | pp_expr (ref s, isTerm);
} else {
Error_InvalidDirective ();
return false;
if (isTerm) {
Error_EndLineExpected ();
return false;
return va;
bool eval (string s)
bool v = pp_expr (ref s, true);
s = s.Trim ();
if (s.Length != 0){
return false;
return v;
void Error_NumericConstantTooLong ()
Report.Error (1021, Location, "Integral constant is too large");
void Error_InvalidDirective ()
Report.Error (1517, Location, "Invalid preprocessor directive");
void Error_UnexpectedDirective (string extra)
Report.Error (
1028, Location,
"Unexpected processor directive ({0})", extra);
void Error_TokensSeen ()
Report.Error (1032, Location,
"Cannot define or undefine preprocessor symbols after first token in file");
void Eror_WrongPreprocessorLocation ()
Report.Error (1040, Location,
"Preprocessor directives must appear as the first non-whitespace character on a line");
void Error_EndLineExpected ()
Report.Error (1025, Location, "Single-line comment or end-of-line expected");
// Raises a warning when tokenizer found documentation comment
// on unexpected place
void WarningMisplacedComment (Location loc)
if (doc_state != XmlCommentState.Error) {
doc_state = XmlCommentState.Error;
Report.Warning (1587, 2, loc, "XML comment is not placed on a valid language element");
// if true, then the code continues processing the code
// if false, the code stays in a loop until another directive is
// reached.
// When caller_is_taking is false we ignore all directives except the ones
// which can help us to identify where the #if block ends
bool ParsePreprocessingDirective (bool caller_is_taking)
string arg;
bool region_directive = false;
var directive = get_cmd_arg (out arg);
// The first group of pre-processing instructions is always processed
switch (directive) {
case PreprocessorDirective.Region:
region_directive = true;
arg = "true";
goto case PreprocessorDirective.If;
case PreprocessorDirective.Endregion:
if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){
Error_UnexpectedDirective ("no #region for this #endregion");
return true;
int pop = ifstack.Pop ();
if ((pop & REGION) == 0)
Report.Error (1027, Location, "Expected `#endif' directive");
return caller_is_taking;
case PreprocessorDirective.If:
if (ifstack == null)
ifstack = new Stack<int> (2);
int flags = region_directive ? REGION : 0;
if (ifstack.Count == 0){
} else {
int state = ifstack.Peek ();
if ((state & TAKING) != 0) {
if (eval (arg) && caller_is_taking) {
ifstack.Push (flags | TAKING);
return true;
ifstack.Push (flags);
return false;
case PreprocessorDirective.Endif:
if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){
Error_UnexpectedDirective ("no #if for this #endif");
return true;
} else {
pop = ifstack.Pop ();
if ((pop & REGION) != 0)
Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected");
if (arg.Length != 0) {
Error_EndLineExpected ();
if (ifstack.Count == 0)
return true;
int state = ifstack.Peek ();
return (state & TAKING) != 0;
case PreprocessorDirective.Elif:
if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){
Error_UnexpectedDirective ("no #if for this #elif");
return true;
} else {
int state = ifstack.Pop ();
if ((state & REGION) != 0) {
Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected");
return true;
if ((state & ELSE_SEEN) != 0){
Error_UnexpectedDirective ("#elif not valid after #else");
return true;
if ((state & TAKING) != 0) {
ifstack.Push (0);
return false;
if (eval (arg) && ((state & PARENT_TAKING) != 0)){
ifstack.Push (state | TAKING);
return true;
ifstack.Push (state);
return false;
case PreprocessorDirective.Else:
if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){
Error_UnexpectedDirective ("no #if for this #else");
return true;
} else {
int state = ifstack.Peek ();
if ((state & REGION) != 0) {
Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected");
return true;
if ((state & ELSE_SEEN) != 0){
Error_UnexpectedDirective ("#else within #else");
return true;
ifstack.Pop ();
if (arg.Length != 0) {
Error_EndLineExpected ();
return true;
bool ret = false;
if ((state & PARENT_TAKING) != 0) {
ret = (state & TAKING) == 0;
if (ret)
state |= TAKING;
state &= ~TAKING;
ifstack.Push (state | ELSE_SEEN);
return ret;
case PreprocessorDirective.Define:
if (any_token_seen){
if (caller_is_taking)
Error_TokensSeen ();
return caller_is_taking;
PreProcessDefinition (true, arg, caller_is_taking);
return caller_is_taking;
case PreprocessorDirective.Undef:
if (any_token_seen){
if (caller_is_taking)
Error_TokensSeen ();
return caller_is_taking;
PreProcessDefinition (false, arg, caller_is_taking);
return caller_is_taking;
case PreprocessorDirective.Invalid:
Report.Error (1024, Location, "Wrong preprocessor directive");
return true;
// These are only processed if we are in a `taking' block
if (!caller_is_taking)
return false;
switch (directive){
case PreprocessorDirective.Error:
Report.Error (1029, Location, "#error: '{0}'", arg);
return true;
case PreprocessorDirective.Warning:
Report.Warning (1030, 1, Location, "#warning: `{0}'", arg);
return true;
case PreprocessorDirective.Pragma:
if (context.Settings.Version == LanguageVersion.ISO_1) {
Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (context, Location, "#pragma");
ParsePragmaDirective ();
return true;
case PreprocessorDirective.Line:
Location loc = Location;
if (!PreProcessLine ())
Report.Error (1576, loc, "The line number specified for #line directive is missing or invalid");
return caller_is_taking;
throw new NotImplementedException (directive.ToString ());
int consume_string (bool quoted)
int c;
int pos = 0;
Location start_location = Location;
if (quoted)
start_location = start_location - 1;
int reader_pos = reader.Position;
while (true){
// Cannot use get_char because of \r in quoted strings
if (putback_char != -1) {
c = putback_char;
putback_char = -1;
} else {
c = reader.Read ();
if (c == '"') {
if (quoted && peek_char () == '"') {
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
get_char ();
ILiteralConstant res = new StringLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, CreateStringFromBuilder (pos), start_location);
val = res;
res.ParsedValue = quoted ?
reader.ReadChars (reader_pos - 2, reader.Position - 1) :
reader.ReadChars (reader_pos - 1, reader.Position);
return Token.LITERAL;
if (c == '\n' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS) {
if (!quoted) {
Report.Error (1010, Location, "Newline in constant");
advance_line ();
// Don't add \r to string literal
if (pos > 1 && value_builder [pos - 1] == '\r')
val = new StringLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, new string (value_builder, 0, pos), start_location);
return Token.LITERAL;
advance_line ();
} else if (c == '\\' && !quoted) {
int surrogate;
c = escape (c, out surrogate);
if (c == -1)
return Token.ERROR;
if (surrogate != 0) {
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
c = surrogate;
} else if (c == -1) {
Report.Error (1039, Location, "Unterminated string literal");
return Token.EOF;
} else {
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
private int consume_identifier (int s)
int res = consume_identifier (s, false);
if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
return res;
int consume_identifier (int c, bool quoted)
// This method is very performance sensitive. It accounts
// for approximately 25% of all parser time
int pos = 0;
int column = col;
if (quoted)
if (c == '\\') {
int surrogate;
c = escape (c, out surrogate);
if (quoted || is_identifier_start_character (c)) {
// it's added bellow
} else if (surrogate != 0) {
id_builder [pos++] = (char)c;
c = surrogate;
} else {
Report.Error (1056, Location, "Unexpected character `\\{0}'", c.ToString ("x4"));
return Token.ERROR;
id_builder [pos++] = (char) c;
try {
while (true) {
c = reader.Read ();
if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
id_builder [pos++] = (char) c;
if (c < 0x80) {
if (c == '\\') {
int surrogate;
c = escape (c, out surrogate);
if (is_identifier_part_character ((char) c))
id_builder[pos++] = (char) c;
else if (surrogate != 0) {
c = surrogate;
} else {
switch (c) {
// TODO: Probably need more whitespace characters
case 0xFEFF:
putback_char = c;
Report.Error (1056, Location, "Unexpected character `\\{0}'", c.ToString ("x4"));
return Token.ERROR;
} else if (is_identifier_part_character_slow_part ((char) c)) {
id_builder [pos++] = (char) c;
putback_char = c;
} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
Report.Error (645, Location, "Identifier too long (limit is 512 chars)");
col += pos;
col += pos - 1;
// Optimization: avoids doing the keyword lookup
// on uppercase letters
if (id_builder [0] >= '_' && !quoted) {
int keyword = GetKeyword (id_builder, pos);
if (keyword != -1) {
val = ltb.Create (keyword == Token.AWAIT ? "await" : null, current_source, ref_line, column);
return keyword;
string s = InternIdentifier (id_builder, pos);
val = ltb.Create (s, current_source, ref_line, column);
if (quoted && parsing_attribute_section)
AddEscapedIdentifier (((LocatedToken) val).Location);
return Token.IDENTIFIER;
string InternIdentifier (char[] charBuffer, int length)
// Keep identifiers in an array of hashtables to avoid needless
// allocations
var identifiers_group = identifiers[length];
string s;
if (identifiers_group != null) {
if (identifiers_group.TryGetValue (charBuffer, out s)) {
return s;
} else {
// TODO: this should be number of files dependant
// corlib compilation peaks at 1000 and System.Core at 150
int capacity = length > 20 ? 10 : 100;
identifiers_group = new Dictionary<char[], string> (capacity, new IdentifiersComparer (length));
identifiers[length] = identifiers_group;
char[] chars = new char[length];
Array.Copy (charBuffer, chars, length);
s = new string (charBuffer, 0, length);
identifiers_group.Add (chars, s);
return s;
public int xtoken ()
if (parsing_interpolation_format) {
return TokenizeInterpolationFormat ();
int d, c;
// Whether we have seen comments on the current line
bool comments_seen = false;
while ((c = get_char ()) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case '\t':
col = ((col - 1 + tab_size) / tab_size) * tab_size;
case ' ':
case '\f':
case '\v':
case 0xa0:
case 0:
case 0xFEFF: // Ignore BOM anywhere in the file
/* This is required for compatibility with .NET
case 0xEF:
if (peek_char () == 0xBB) {
PushPosition ();
get_char ();
if (get_char () == 0xBF)
PopPosition ();
case '\\':
tokens_seen = true;
return consume_identifier (c);
case '{':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (parsing_string_interpolation > 0)
return Token.OPEN_BRACE;
case '}':
if (parsing_string_interpolation > 0) {
if (string_interpolation_section == 0) {
bool quoted;
if (parsing_string_interpolation_quoted != null && parsing_string_interpolation_quoted.Count > 0) {
quoted = parsing_string_interpolation_quoted.Pop ();
} else {
quoted = false;
return TokenizeInterpolatedString (quoted);
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
return Token.CLOSE_BRACE;
case '[':
// To block doccomment inside attribute declaration.
if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (parsing_block == 0 || lambda_arguments_parsing)
return Token.OPEN_BRACKET;
int next = peek_char ();
switch (next) {
case ']':
case ',':
return Token.OPEN_BRACKET;
case ' ':
case '\f':
case '\v':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case UnicodeLS:
case UnicodePS:
case '/':
next = peek_token ();
if (next == Token.COMMA || next == Token.CLOSE_BRACKET)
return Token.OPEN_BRACKET;
case ']':
ltb.CreateOptional (current_source, ref_line, col, ref val);
return Token.CLOSE_BRACKET;
case '(':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
// An expression versions of parens can appear in block context only
if (parsing_block != 0 && !lambda_arguments_parsing) {
// Optmize most common case where we know that parens
// is not special
switch (current_token) {
case Token.IDENTIFIER:
case Token.IF:
case Token.FOR:
case Token.FOREACH:
case Token.TYPEOF:
case Token.WHILE:
case Token.SWITCH:
case Token.USING:
case Token.DEFAULT:
case Token.DELEGATE:
case Token.OP_GENERICS_GT:
case Token.REFVALUE:
return Token.OPEN_PARENS;
// Optimize using peek
int xx = peek_char ();
switch (xx) {
case '(':
case '\'':
case '"':
case '0':
case '1':
return Token.OPEN_PARENS;
lambda_arguments_parsing = true;
PushPosition ();
d = TokenizeOpenParens ();
PopPosition ();
lambda_arguments_parsing = false;
return d;
return Token.OPEN_PARENS;
case ')':
ltb.CreateOptional (current_source, ref_line, col, ref val);
return Token.CLOSE_PARENS;
case ',':
ltb.CreateOptional (current_source, ref_line, col, ref val);
return Token.COMMA;
case ';':
ltb.CreateOptional (current_source, ref_line, col, ref val);
return Token.SEMICOLON;
case '~':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
return Token.TILDE;
case '?':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
return TokenizePossibleNullableType ();
case '<':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (parsing_generic_less_than++ > 0)
return Token.OP_GENERICS_LT;
return TokenizeLessThan ();
case '>':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_GE;
if (parsing_generic_less_than > 1 || (parsing_generic_less_than == 1 && d != '>')) {
return Token.OP_GENERICS_GT;
if (d == '>') {
get_char ();
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '=') {
get_char ();
return Token.OP_SHIFT_RIGHT;
return Token.OP_GT;
case '+':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '+') {
d = Token.OP_INC;
} else if (d == '=') {
d = Token.OP_ADD_ASSIGN;
} else {
return Token.PLUS;
get_char ();
return d;
case '-':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '-') {
d = Token.OP_DEC;
} else if (d == '=')
d = Token.OP_SUB_ASSIGN;
else if (d == '>')
d = Token.OP_PTR;
else {
return Token.MINUS;
get_char ();
return d;
case '!':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (peek_char () == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_NE;
return Token.BANG;
case '=':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_EQ;
if (d == '>'){
get_char ();
return Token.ARROW;
return Token.ASSIGN;
case '&':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '&'){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_AND;
if (d == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_AND_ASSIGN;
return Token.BITWISE_AND;
case '|':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '|'){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_OR;
if (d == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_OR_ASSIGN;
return Token.BITWISE_OR;
case '*':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (peek_char () == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_MULT_ASSIGN;
return Token.STAR;
case '/':
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '='){
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
get_char ();
return Token.OP_DIV_ASSIGN;
// Handle double-slash comments.
if (d == '/'){
if (parsing_string_interpolation > 0) {
Report.Error (8077, Location, "A single-line comment may not be used in an interpolated string");
goto case '}';
get_char ();
if (doc_processing) {
if (peek_char () == '/') {
get_char ();
// Don't allow ////.
if ((d = peek_char ()) != '/') {
if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
handle_one_line_xml_comment ();
else if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.NotAllowed)
WarningMisplacedComment (Location - 3);
} else {
if (xml_comment_buffer.Length > 0)
doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
ReadToEndOfLine ();
any_token_seen |= tokens_seen;
tokens_seen = false;
comments_seen = false;
} else if (d == '*'){
get_char ();
bool docAppend = false;
if (doc_processing && peek_char () == '*') {
get_char ();
// But when it is /**/, just do nothing.
if (peek_char () == '/') {
get_char ();
if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.Allowed)
docAppend = true;
else if (doc_state == XmlCommentState.NotAllowed) {
WarningMisplacedComment (Location - 2);
int current_comment_start = 0;
if (docAppend) {
current_comment_start = xml_comment_buffer.Length;
xml_comment_buffer.Append (Environment.NewLine);
while ((d = get_char ()) != -1){
if (d == '*' && peek_char () == '/'){
get_char ();
comments_seen = true;
if (docAppend)
xml_comment_buffer.Append ((char) d);
if (d == '\n' || d == UnicodeLS || d == UnicodePS){
any_token_seen |= tokens_seen;
tokens_seen = false;
// Reset 'comments_seen' just to be consistent.
// It doesn't matter either way, here.
comments_seen = false;
if (!comments_seen)
Report.Error (1035, Location, "End-of-file found, '*/' expected");
if (docAppend)
update_formatted_doc_comment (current_comment_start);
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
return Token.DIV;
case '%':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (peek_char () == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_MOD_ASSIGN;
return Token.PERCENT;
case '^':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (peek_char () == '='){
get_char ();
return Token.OP_XOR_ASSIGN;
return Token.CARRET;
case ':':
val = ltb.Create (current_source, ref_line, col);
if (peek_char () == ':') {
get_char ();
return Token.DOUBLE_COLON;
return Token.COLON;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
tokens_seen = true;
return is_number (c, false);
case '\n': // white space
case UnicodeLS:
case UnicodePS:
any_token_seen |= tokens_seen;
tokens_seen = false;
comments_seen = false;
case '.':
tokens_seen = true;
d = peek_char ();
if (d >= '0' && d <= '9')
return is_number (c, true);
ltb.CreateOptional (current_source, ref_line, col, ref val);
return Token.DOT;
case '#':
if (tokens_seen || comments_seen) {
Eror_WrongPreprocessorLocation ();
return Token.ERROR;
if (ParsePreprocessingDirective (true))
bool directive_expected = false;
while ((c = get_char ()) != -1) {
if (col == 1) {
directive_expected = true;
} else if (!directive_expected) {
// TODO: Implement comment support for disabled code and uncomment this code
// if (c == '#') {
// Eror_WrongPreprocessorLocation ();
// return Token.ERROR;
// }
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\f' || c == '\v' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS)
if (c == '#') {
if (ParsePreprocessingDirective (false))
directive_expected = false;
if (c != -1) {
tokens_seen = false;
return Token.EOF;
case '"':
if (parsing_string_interpolation > 0 && !ScanClosingInterpolationBrace ()) {
parsing_string_interpolation = 0;
Report.Error (8076, Location, "Missing close delimiter `}' for interpolated expression");
val = new StringLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, "", Location);
return consume_string (false);
case '\'':
return TokenizeBackslash ();
case '@':
c = get_char ();
if (c == '"') {
tokens_seen = true;
return consume_string (true);
if (is_identifier_start_character (c)){
return consume_identifier (c, true);
Report.Error (1646, Location, "Keyword, identifier, or string expected after verbatim specifier: @");
return Token.ERROR;
case '$':
switch (peek_char ()) {
case '"':
get_char ();
return TokenizeInterpolatedString (false);
case '@':
get_char ();
if (peek_char () == '"') {
get_char ();
return TokenizeInterpolatedString (true);
case EvalStatementParserCharacter:
case EvalCompilationUnitParserCharacter:
case EvalUsingDeclarationsParserCharacter:
case DocumentationXref:
return Token.DOC_SEE;
if (is_identifier_start_character (c)) {
tokens_seen = true;
return consume_identifier (c);
if (char.IsWhiteSpace ((char) c))
Report.Error (1056, Location, "Unexpected character `{0}'", ((char) c).ToString ());
if (CompleteOnEOF){
if (generated)
generated = true;
return Token.EOF;
int TokenizeBackslash ()
int read_start = reader.Position;
Location start_location = Location;
int c = get_char ();
tokens_seen = true;
if (c == '\'') {
val = new CharLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, (char) c, start_location);
Report.Error (1011, start_location, "Empty character literal");
return Token.LITERAL;
if (c == '\n' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS) {
Report.Error (1010, start_location, "Newline in constant");
return Token.ERROR;
int d;
c = escape (c, out d);
if (c == -1)
return Token.ERROR;
if (d != 0)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
ILiteralConstant res = new CharLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, (char) c, start_location);
val = res;
c = get_char ();
if (c != '\'') {
Report.Error (1012, start_location, "Too many characters in character literal");
// Try to recover, read until newline or next "'"
while ((c = get_char ()) != -1) {
if (c == '\n' || c == '\'' || c == UnicodeLS || c == UnicodePS)
res.ParsedValue = reader.ReadChars (read_start - 1, reader.Position);
return Token.LITERAL;
int TokenizeLessThan ()
int d;
if (current_token != Token.OPERATOR) {
// Save current position and parse next token.
PushPosition ();
int generic_dimension = 0;
if (parse_less_than (ref generic_dimension)) {
if (parsing_generic_declaration && (parsing_generic_declaration_doc || token () != Token.DOT)) {
} else {
if (generic_dimension > 0) {
val = generic_dimension;
DiscardPosition ();
PopPosition ();
return d;
PopPosition ();
parsing_generic_less_than = 0;
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '<') {
get_char ();
d = peek_char ();
if (d == '=') {
get_char ();
return Token.OP_SHIFT_LEFT;
if (d == '=') {
get_char ();
return Token.OP_LE;
return Token.OP_LT;
int TokenizeInterpolatedString (bool quoted)
int pos = 0;
var start_location = Location;
while (true) {
var ch = get_char ();
switch (ch) {
case '"':
if (quoted && peek_char () == '"') {
get_char ();
val = new StringLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, CreateStringFromBuilder (pos), start_location);
case '{':
if (peek_char () == '{') {
value_builder [pos++] = (char)ch;
get_char ();
if (quoted) {
if (parsing_string_interpolation_quoted == null)
parsing_string_interpolation_quoted = new Stack<bool> ();
if (parsing_string_interpolation_quoted != null) {
parsing_string_interpolation_quoted.Push (quoted);
val = new StringLiteral (context.BuiltinTypes, CreateStringFromBuilder (pos), start_location);
case '\\':
if (quoted)
int surrogate;
ch = escape (ch, out surrogate);
if (ch == -1)
return Token.ERROR;
if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') {
Report.Error (8087, Location, "A `{0}' character may only be escaped by doubling `{0}{0}' in an interpolated string", ((char) ch).ToString ());
if (surrogate != 0) {
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder [pos++] = (char)ch;
ch = surrogate;
case -1:
return Token.EOF;
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder[pos++] = (char) ch;
int TokenizeInterpolationFormat ()
int pos = 0;
int braces = 0;
while (true) {
var ch = get_char ();
switch (ch) {
case '{':
case '}':
if (braces == 0) {
putback_char = ch;
if (pos == 0) {
Report.Error (8089, Location, "Empty interpolated expression format specifier");
} else if (Array.IndexOf (simple_whitespaces, value_builder [pos - 1]) >= 0) {
Report.Error (8088, Location, "A interpolated expression format specifier may not contain trailing whitespace");
val = CreateStringFromBuilder (pos);
return Token.LITERAL;
case '\\':
if (parsing_string_interpolation_quoted != null && parsing_string_interpolation_quoted.Peek ())
int surrogate;
ch = escape (ch, out surrogate);
if (ch == -1)
return Token.ERROR;
if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') {
Report.Error (8087, Location, "A `{0}' character may only be escaped by doubling `{0}{0}' in an interpolated string", ((char) ch).ToString ());
if (surrogate != 0) {
if (pos == value_builder.Length)
Array.Resize (ref value_builder, pos * 2);
value_builder [pos++] = (char)ch;
ch = surrogate;
case -1:
return Token.EOF;
value_builder[pos++] = (char) ch;
string CreateStringFromBuilder (int pos)
if (pos == 0)
return string.Empty;
if (pos <= 4)
return InternIdentifier (value_builder, pos);
return new string (value_builder, 0, pos);
// Handles one line xml comment
private void handle_one_line_xml_comment ()
int c;
while ((c = peek_char ()) != -1 && c != '\n' && c != '\r') {
xml_comment_buffer.Append ((char) get_char ());
if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
xml_comment_buffer.Append (Environment.NewLine);
// Remove heading "*" in Javadoc-like xml documentation.
private void update_formatted_doc_comment (int current_comment_start)
int length = xml_comment_buffer.Length - current_comment_start;
string [] lines = xml_comment_buffer.ToString (
length).Replace ("\r", "").Split ('\n');
// The first line starts with /**, thus it is not target
// for the format check.
for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) {
string s = lines [i];
int idx = s.IndexOf ('*');
string head = null;
if (idx < 0) {
if (i < lines.Length - 1)
head = s;
} else
head = s.Substring (0, idx);
foreach (char c in head)
if (c != ' ')
lines [i] = s.Substring (idx + 1);
xml_comment_buffer.Remove (current_comment_start, length);
xml_comment_buffer.Insert (current_comment_start, String.Join (Environment.NewLine, lines));
// Checks if there was incorrect doc comments and raise
// warnings.
public void check_incorrect_doc_comment ()
if (xml_comment_buffer.Length > 0)
WarningMisplacedComment (Location);
// Consumes the saved xml comment lines (if any)
// as for current target member or type.
public string consume_doc_comment ()
if (xml_comment_buffer.Length > 0) {
string ret = xml_comment_buffer.ToString ();
reset_doc_comment ();
return ret;
return null;
void reset_doc_comment ()
xml_comment_buffer.Length = 0;
public void cleanup ()
if (ifstack != null && ifstack.Count >= 1) {
int state = ifstack.Pop ();
if ((state & REGION) != 0)
Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected");
Report.Error (1027, Location, "Expected `#endif' directive");
// Indicates whether it accepts XML documentation or not.
public enum XmlCommentState {
// comment is allowed in this state.
// comment is not allowed in this state.
// once comments appeared when it is NotAllowed, then the
// state is changed to it, until the state is changed to
// .Allowed.