77 lines
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77 lines
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// ****************************************************************
// This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
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using System;
namespace NUnit.Util
using NUnit.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for TestResultItem.
/// </summary>
public class TestResultItem
private string testName;
private string message;
private string stackTrace;
public TestResultItem(TestResult result )
testName = result.Test.TestName.FullName;
message = result.Message;
stackTrace = result.StackTrace;
if ( result.Test.IsSuite && result.FailureSite == FailureSite.SetUp )
testName += " (TestFixtureSetUp)";
public TestResultItem( string testName, string message, string stackTrace )
this.testName = testName;
this.message = message;
this.stackTrace = stackTrace;
public override string ToString()
if ( message.Length > 64000 )
return string.Format( "{0}:{1}{2}", testName, Environment.NewLine, message.Substring( 0, 64000 ) );
return GetMessage();
public string GetMessage()
return String.Format("{0}:{1}{2}", testName, Environment.NewLine, message);
public string GetToolTipMessage() //NRG 05/28/03 - Substitute spaces for tab characters
return (ReplaceTabs(GetMessage(), 8)); // Change each tab to 8 space characters
public string ReplaceTabs(string strOriginal, int nSpaces) //NRG 05/28/03
string strSpaces = string.Empty;
strSpaces = strSpaces.PadRight(nSpaces, ' ');
return(strOriginal.Replace("\t", strSpaces));
public string StackTrace
string trace = "No stack trace is available";
if(stackTrace != null)
trace = StackTraceFilter.Filter(stackTrace);
return trace;