416 lines
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416 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Activities.Debugger
using System;
using System.Activities.Hosting;
using System.Activities.XamlIntegration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Xaml;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Activities.Validation;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Activities.Debugger.Symbol;
using System.Globalization;
// Provide SourceLocation information for activities in given root activity.
// This is integration point with Workflow project system (TBD).
// The current plan is to get SourceLocation from (in this order):
// 1. pdb (when available)
// 2a. parse xaml files available in the same project (or metadata store) or
// 2b. ask user to point to the correct xaml source.
// 3. Publish (serialize to tmp file) and deserialize it to collect SourceLocation (for loose xaml).
// Current code cover only step 3.
public static class SourceLocationProvider
[Fx.Tag.Throws(typeof(Exception), "Calls Serialize/Deserialize to temporary file")]
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Design, FxCop.Rule.DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes,
Justification = "We catch all exceptions to avoid leaking security sensitive information.")]
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, "CA2103:ReviewImperativeSecurity",
Justification = "This is security reviewed.")]
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.SecureAsserts,
Justification = "The Assert is only enforce while reading the file and the contents is not leaked.")]
[SuppressMessage("Reliability", "Reliability108:IsFatalRule",
Justification = "We catch all exceptions to avoid leaking security sensitive information.")]
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Asserting FileIOPermission(Read) for the specified file name that is contained the attached property on the XAML.",
Safe = "We are not exposing the contents of the file.")]
static internal Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> GetSourceLocations(Activity rootActivity, out string sourcePath, out bool isTemporaryFile, out byte[] checksum)
isTemporaryFile = false;
checksum = null;
string symbolString = DebugSymbol.GetSymbol(rootActivity) as String;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolString) && rootActivity.Children != null && rootActivity.Children.Count > 0)
{ // In case of actual root is wrapped either in x:Class activity or CorrelationScope
Activity body = rootActivity.Children[0];
string bodySymbolString = DebugSymbol.GetSymbol(body) as String;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodySymbolString))
rootActivity = body;
symbolString = bodySymbolString;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolString))
WorkflowSymbol wfSymbol = WorkflowSymbol.Decode(symbolString);
if (wfSymbol != null)
sourcePath = wfSymbol.FileName;
checksum = wfSymbol.GetChecksum();
// rootActivity is the activity with the attached symbol string.
// rootActivity.RootActivity is the workflow root activity.
// if they are not the same, then it must be compiled XAML, because loose XAML (i.e. XAMLX) always have the symbol attached at the root.
if (rootActivity.RootActivity != rootActivity)
Fx.Assert(rootActivity.Parent != null, "Compiled XAML implementation always have a parent.");
rootActivity = rootActivity.Parent;
return GetSourceLocations(rootActivity, wfSymbol, translateInternalActivityToOrigin: false);
catch (SerializationException)
// Ignore invalid symbol.
sourcePath = XamlDebuggerXmlReader.GetFileName(rootActivity) as string;
Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> mapping;
Assembly localAssembly;
bool permissionRevertNeeded = false;
// This may not be the local assembly since it may not be the real root for x:Class
localAssembly = rootActivity.GetType().Assembly;
if (rootActivity.Parent != null)
localAssembly = rootActivity.Parent.GetType().Assembly;
if (rootActivity.Children != null && rootActivity.Children.Count > 0)
{ // In case of actual root is wrapped either in x:Class activity or CorrelationScope
Activity body = rootActivity.Children[0];
string bodySourcePath = XamlDebuggerXmlReader.GetFileName(body) as string;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodySourcePath))
rootActivity = body;
sourcePath = bodySourcePath;
Fx.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath), "If sourcePath is null, it should have been short-circuited before reaching here.");
SourceLocation tempSourceLocation;
Activity tempRootActivity;
checksum = SymbolHelper.CalculateChecksum(sourcePath);
if (TryGetSourceLocation(rootActivity, sourcePath, checksum, out tempSourceLocation)) // already has source location.
tempRootActivity = rootActivity;
byte[] buffer;
// Need to store the file in memory temporary so don't have to re-read the file twice
// for XamlDebugXmlReader's BracketLocator.
// If there is a debugger attached, Assert FileIOPermission for Read access to the specific file.
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
permissionRevertNeeded = true;
FileIOPermission permission = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, sourcePath);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(sourcePath);
buffer = new byte[fi.Length];
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourcePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// If we Asserted FileIOPermission, revert it.
if (permissionRevertNeeded)
permissionRevertNeeded = false;
object deserializedObject = Deserialize(buffer, localAssembly);
IDebuggableWorkflowTree debuggableWorkflowTree = deserializedObject as IDebuggableWorkflowTree;
if (debuggableWorkflowTree != null)
{ // Declarative Service and x:Class case
tempRootActivity = debuggableWorkflowTree.GetWorkflowRoot();
{ // Loose XAML case.
tempRootActivity = deserializedObject as Activity;
Fx.Assert(tempRootActivity != null, "Unexpected workflow xaml file");
mapping = new Dictionary<object, SourceLocation>();
if (tempRootActivity != null)
CollectMapping(rootActivity, tempRootActivity, mapping, sourcePath, checksum);
catch (Exception)
// Only eat the exception if we were running in partial trust.
if (!PartialTrustHelpers.AppDomainFullyTrusted)
// Eat the exception and return an empty dictionary.
return new Dictionary<object, SourceLocation>();
return mapping;
public static Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> GetSourceLocations(Activity rootActivity, WorkflowSymbol symbol)
return GetSourceLocations(rootActivity, symbol, translateInternalActivityToOrigin: true);
// For most of the time, we need source location for object that appear on XAML.
// During debugging, however, we must not transform the internal activity to their origin to make sure it stop when the internal activity is about the execute
// Therefore, in debugger scenario, translateInternalActivityToOrigin will be set to false.
internal static Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> GetSourceLocations(Activity rootActivity, WorkflowSymbol symbol, bool translateInternalActivityToOrigin)
Activity workflowRoot = rootActivity.RootActivity ?? rootActivity;
if (!workflowRoot.IsMetadataFullyCached)
IList<ValidationError> validationErrors = null;
ActivityUtilities.CacheRootMetadata(workflowRoot, new ActivityLocationReferenceEnvironment(), ProcessActivityTreeOptions.ValidationOptions, null, ref validationErrors);
Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> newMapping = new Dictionary<object, SourceLocation>();
// Make sure the qid we are using to TryGetElementFromRoot
// are shifted appropriately such that the first digit that QID is
// the same as the last digit of the rootActivity.QualifiedId.
int[] rootIdArray = rootActivity.QualifiedId.AsIDArray();
int idOffset = rootIdArray[rootIdArray.Length - 1] - 1;
foreach (ActivitySymbol actSym in symbol.Symbols)
QualifiedId qid = new QualifiedId(actSym.QualifiedId);
if (idOffset != 0)
int[] idArray = qid.AsIDArray();
idArray[0] += idOffset;
qid = new QualifiedId(idArray);
Activity activity;
if (QualifiedId.TryGetElementFromRoot(rootActivity, qid, out activity))
object origin = activity;
if (translateInternalActivityToOrigin && activity.Origin != null)
origin = activity.Origin;
new SourceLocation(symbol.FileName, symbol.GetChecksum(), actSym.StartLine, actSym.StartColumn, actSym.EndLine, actSym.EndColumn));
return newMapping;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Miscellaneous = "RequiresReview - We are deserializing XAML from a file. The file may have been read under and Assert for FileIOPermission. The data hould be validated and not cached.")]
internal static object Deserialize(byte[] buffer, Assembly localAssembly)
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer))
using (TextReader streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
using (XamlDebuggerXmlReader xamlDebuggerReader = new XamlDebuggerXmlReader(streamReader, new XamlSchemaContext(), localAssembly))
xamlDebuggerReader.SourceLocationFound += XamlDebuggerXmlReader.SetSourceLocation;
using (XamlReader activityBuilderReader = ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderReader(xamlDebuggerReader))
return XamlServices.Load(activityBuilderReader);
public static void CollectMapping(Activity rootActivity1, Activity rootActivity2, Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> mapping, string path)
CollectMapping(rootActivity1, rootActivity2, mapping, path, null, requirePrepareForRuntime: true);
// Collect mapping for activity1 and its descendants to their corresponding source location.
// activity2 is the shadow of activity1 but with SourceLocation information.
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Miscellaneous = "RequiresReview - We are dealing with activity and SourceLocation information that came from the user, possibly under an Assert for FileIOPermission. The data hould be validated and not cached.")]
static void CollectMapping(Activity rootActivity1, Activity rootActivity2, Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> mapping, string path, byte[] checksum, bool requirePrepareForRuntime)
// For x:Class, the rootActivity here may not be the real root, but it's the first child of the x:Class activity.
Activity realRoot1 = (rootActivity1.RootActivity != null) ? rootActivity1.RootActivity : rootActivity1;
if ((requirePrepareForRuntime && !realRoot1.IsRuntimeReady) || (!requirePrepareForRuntime && !realRoot1.IsMetadataFullyCached))
IList<ValidationError> validationErrors = null;
ActivityUtilities.CacheRootMetadata(realRoot1, new ActivityLocationReferenceEnvironment(), ProcessActivityTreeOptions.ValidationOptions, null, ref validationErrors);
// Similarly for rootActivity2.
Activity realRoot2 = (rootActivity2.RootActivity != null) ? rootActivity2.RootActivity : rootActivity2;
if (rootActivity1 != rootActivity2 && (requirePrepareForRuntime && !realRoot2.IsRuntimeReady) || (!requirePrepareForRuntime && !realRoot2.IsMetadataFullyCached))
IList<ValidationError> validationErrors = null;
ActivityUtilities.CacheRootMetadata(realRoot2, new ActivityLocationReferenceEnvironment(), ProcessActivityTreeOptions.ValidationOptions, null, ref validationErrors);
Queue<KeyValuePair<Activity, Activity>> pairsRemaining = new Queue<KeyValuePair<Activity, Activity>>();
pairsRemaining.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<Activity, Activity>(rootActivity1, rootActivity2));
KeyValuePair<Activity, Activity> currentPair;
HashSet<Activity> visited = new HashSet<Activity>();
while (pairsRemaining.Count > 0)
currentPair = pairsRemaining.Dequeue();
Activity activity1 = currentPair.Key;
Activity activity2 = currentPair.Value;
SourceLocation sourceLocation;
if (TryGetSourceLocation(activity2, path, checksum, out sourceLocation))
mapping.Add(activity1, sourceLocation);
else if (!((activity2 is IExpressionContainer) || (activity2 is IValueSerializableExpression))) // Expression is known not to have source location.
//Some activities may not have corresponding Xaml node, e.g. ActivityFaultedOutput.
Trace.WriteLine("WorkflowDebugger: Does not have corresponding Xaml node for: " + activity2.DisplayName + "\n");
// This to avoid comparing any value expression with DesignTimeValueExpression (in designer case).
if (!((activity1 is IExpressionContainer) || (activity2 is IExpressionContainer) ||
(activity1 is IValueSerializableExpression) || (activity2 is IValueSerializableExpression)))
IEnumerator<Activity> enumerator1 = WorkflowInspectionServices.GetActivities(activity1).GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator<Activity> enumerator2 = WorkflowInspectionServices.GetActivities(activity2).GetEnumerator();
bool hasNextItem1 = enumerator1.MoveNext();
bool hasNextItem2 = enumerator2.MoveNext();
while (hasNextItem1 && hasNextItem2)
if (!visited.Contains(enumerator1.Current)) // avoid adding the same activity (e.g. some default implementation).
if (enumerator1.Current.GetType() != enumerator2.Current.GetType())
// Give debugger log instead of just asserting; to help user find out mismatch problem.
"Unmatched type: " + enumerator1.Current.GetType().FullName +
" vs " + enumerator2.Current.GetType().FullName + "\n");
pairsRemaining.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<Activity, Activity>(enumerator1.Current, enumerator2.Current));
hasNextItem1 = enumerator1.MoveNext();
hasNextItem2 = enumerator2.MoveNext();
// If enumerators do not finish at the same time, then they have unmatched number of activities.
// Give debugger log instead of just asserting; to help user find out mismatch problem.
if (hasNextItem1 || hasNextItem2)
Trace.WriteLine("Unmatched number of children\n");
static void CollectMapping(Activity rootActivity1, Activity rootActivity2, Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> mapping, string path, byte[] checksum)
CollectMapping(rootActivity1, rootActivity2, mapping, path, checksum, requirePrepareForRuntime: true);
// Get SourceLocation for object deserialized with XamlDebuggerXmlReader in deserializer stack.
static bool TryGetSourceLocation(object obj, string path, byte[] checksum, out SourceLocation sourceLocation)
sourceLocation = null;
int startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn;
if (AttachablePropertyServices.TryGetProperty<int>(obj, XamlDebuggerXmlReader.StartLineName, out startLine) &&
AttachablePropertyServices.TryGetProperty<int>(obj, XamlDebuggerXmlReader.StartColumnName, out startColumn) &&
AttachablePropertyServices.TryGetProperty<int>(obj, XamlDebuggerXmlReader.EndLineName, out endLine) &&
AttachablePropertyServices.TryGetProperty<int>(obj, XamlDebuggerXmlReader.EndColumnName, out endColumn) &&
SourceLocation.IsValidRange(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn))
sourceLocation = new SourceLocation(path, checksum, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
return true;
return false;
public static ICollection<ActivitySymbol> GetSymbols(Activity rootActivity, Dictionary<object, SourceLocation> sourceLocations)
List<ActivitySymbol> symbols = new List<ActivitySymbol>();
Activity realRoot = (rootActivity.RootActivity != null) ? rootActivity.RootActivity : rootActivity;
if (!realRoot.IsMetadataFullyCached)
IList<ValidationError> validationErrors = null;
ActivityUtilities.CacheRootMetadata(realRoot, new ActivityLocationReferenceEnvironment(), ProcessActivityTreeOptions.ValidationOptions, null, ref validationErrors);
Queue<Activity> activitiesRemaining = new Queue<Activity>();
HashSet<Activity> visited = new HashSet<Activity>();
while (activitiesRemaining.Count > 0)
Activity currentActivity = activitiesRemaining.Dequeue();
SourceLocation sourceLocation;
object origin = currentActivity.Origin == null ? currentActivity : currentActivity.Origin;
if (!visited.Contains(currentActivity) && sourceLocations.TryGetValue(origin, out sourceLocation))
symbols.Add(new ActivitySymbol
QualifiedId = currentActivity.QualifiedId.AsByteArray(),
StartLine = sourceLocation.StartLine,
StartColumn = sourceLocation.StartColumn,
EndLine = sourceLocation.EndLine,
EndColumn = sourceLocation.EndColumn
foreach (Activity childActivity in WorkflowInspectionServices.GetActivities(currentActivity))
return symbols;