508 lines
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508 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
using System.ServiceModel.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
internal static class TransactionFlowDefaults
internal const TransactionFlowOption IssuedTokens = TransactionFlowOption.NotAllowed;
internal const bool Transactions = false;
internal static TransactionProtocol TransactionProtocol = System.ServiceModel.TransactionProtocol.OleTransactions;
internal const string TransactionProtocolString = System.ServiceModel.Configuration.ConfigurationStrings.OleTransactions;
static class EncoderDefaults
internal const int MaxReadPoolSize = 64;
internal const int MaxWritePoolSize = 16;
internal const int MaxDepth = 32;
internal const int MaxStringContentLength = 8192;
internal const int MaxArrayLength = 16384;
internal const int MaxBytesPerRead = 4096;
internal const int MaxNameTableCharCount = 16384;
internal const int BufferedReadDefaultMaxDepth = 128;
internal const int BufferedReadDefaultMaxStringContentLength = Int32.MaxValue;
internal const int BufferedReadDefaultMaxArrayLength = Int32.MaxValue;
internal const int BufferedReadDefaultMaxBytesPerRead = Int32.MaxValue;
internal const int BufferedReadDefaultMaxNameTableCharCount = Int32.MaxValue;
internal const CompressionFormat DefaultCompressionFormat = CompressionFormat.None;
internal static readonly XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas ReaderQuotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas();
internal static bool IsDefaultReaderQuotas(XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas)
return quotas.ModifiedQuotas == 0x00;
static class TextEncoderDefaults
internal static readonly Encoding Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(TextEncoderDefaults.EncodingString, new EncoderExceptionFallback(), new DecoderExceptionFallback());
internal const string EncodingString = "utf-8";
internal static readonly Encoding[] SupportedEncodings = new Encoding[] { Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode };
internal const string MessageVersionString = System.ServiceModel.Configuration.ConfigurationStrings.Soap12WSAddressing10;
internal static readonly CharSetEncoding[] CharSetEncodings = new CharSetEncoding[]
new CharSetEncoding("utf-8", Encoding.UTF8),
new CharSetEncoding("utf-16LE", Encoding.Unicode),
new CharSetEncoding("utf-16BE", Encoding.BigEndianUnicode),
new CharSetEncoding("utf-16", null), // Ignore. Ambiguous charSet, so autodetect.
new CharSetEncoding(null, null), // CharSet omitted, so autodetect.
internal static void ValidateEncoding(Encoding encoding)
string charSet = encoding.WebName;
Encoding[] supportedEncodings = SupportedEncodings;
for (int i = 0; i < supportedEncodings.Length; i++)
if (charSet == supportedEncodings[i].WebName)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MessageTextEncodingNotSupported, charSet), "encoding"));
internal static string EncodingToCharSet(Encoding encoding)
string webName = encoding.WebName;
CharSetEncoding[] charSetEncodings = CharSetEncodings;
for (int i = 0; i < charSetEncodings.Length; i++)
Encoding enc = charSetEncodings[i].Encoding;
if (enc == null)
if (enc.WebName == webName)
return charSetEncodings[i].CharSet;
return null;
internal static bool TryGetEncoding(string charSet, out Encoding encoding)
CharSetEncoding[] charSetEncodings = CharSetEncodings;
// Quick check for exact equality
for (int i = 0; i < charSetEncodings.Length; i++)
if (charSetEncodings[i].CharSet == charSet)
encoding = charSetEncodings[i].Encoding;
return true;
// Check for case insensative match
for (int i = 0; i < charSetEncodings.Length; i++)
string compare = charSetEncodings[i].CharSet;
if (compare == null)
if (compare.Equals(charSet, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
encoding = charSetEncodings[i].Encoding;
return true;
encoding = null;
return false;
internal class CharSetEncoding
internal string CharSet;
internal Encoding Encoding;
internal CharSetEncoding(string charSet, Encoding enc)
CharSet = charSet;
Encoding = enc;
static class MtomEncoderDefaults
internal const int MaxBufferSize = 65536;
static class BinaryEncoderDefaults
internal static EnvelopeVersion EnvelopeVersion { get { return EnvelopeVersion.Soap12; } }
internal static BinaryVersion BinaryVersion { get { return BinaryVersion.Version1; } }
internal const int MaxSessionSize = 2048;
static class MsmqDefaults
internal const MessageCredentialType DefaultClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Windows;
internal const Uri CustomDeadLetterQueue = null;
internal const DeadLetterQueue DeadLetterQueue = System.ServiceModel.DeadLetterQueue.System;
internal const bool Durable = true;
internal const bool ExactlyOnce = true;
internal const bool ReceiveContextEnabled = true;
internal const int MaxRetryCycles = 2;
internal const int MaxPoolSize = 8;
internal const MsmqAuthenticationMode MsmqAuthenticationMode = System.ServiceModel.MsmqAuthenticationMode.WindowsDomain;
internal const MsmqEncryptionAlgorithm MsmqEncryptionAlgorithm = System.ServiceModel.MsmqEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4Stream;
internal const MsmqSecureHashAlgorithm MsmqSecureHashAlgorithm = System.ServiceModel.MsmqSecureHashAlgorithm.Sha1;
internal const ProtectionLevel MsmqProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.Sign;
internal const ReceiveErrorHandling ReceiveErrorHandling = System.ServiceModel.ReceiveErrorHandling.Fault;
internal const int ReceiveRetryCount = 5;
internal const QueueTransferProtocol QueueTransferProtocol = System.ServiceModel.QueueTransferProtocol.Native;
internal static TimeSpan RetryCycleDelay { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(30, MsmqDefaults.RetryCycleDelayString); } }
internal const string RetryCycleDelayString = "00:30:00";
internal static TimeSpan TimeToLive { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromDays(1, MsmqDefaults.TimeToLiveString); } }
internal const string TimeToLiveString = "1.00:00:00";
internal const bool UseActiveDirectory = false;
internal const bool UseSourceJournal = false;
internal const bool UseMsmqTracing = false;
internal static TimeSpan ValidityDuration { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(5, MsmqDefaults.ValidityDurationString); } }
internal const string ValidityDurationString = "00:05:00";
internal static SecurityAlgorithmSuite MessageSecurityAlgorithmSuite
get { return SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Default; }
static class MsmqIntegrationDefaults
internal const System.ServiceModel.MsmqIntegration.MsmqMessageSerializationFormat SerializationFormat =
static class TransportDefaults
internal const bool ExtractGroupsForWindowsAccounts = SspiSecurityTokenProvider.DefaultExtractWindowsGroupClaims;
internal const HostNameComparisonMode HostNameComparisonMode = System.ServiceModel.HostNameComparisonMode.Exact;
internal const TokenImpersonationLevel ImpersonationLevel = TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification;
internal const bool ManualAddressing = false;
internal const long MaxReceivedMessageSize = 65536;
internal const int MaxDrainSize = (int)MaxReceivedMessageSize;
internal const long MaxBufferPoolSize = 512 * 1024;
internal const int MaxBufferSize = (int)MaxReceivedMessageSize;
internal const bool RequireClientCertificate = false;
internal const int MaxFaultSize = MaxBufferSize;
internal const int MaxSecurityFaultSize = 16384;
internal const SslProtocols SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls |
System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls11 |
// Calling CreateFault on an incoming message can expose some DoS-related security
// vulnerabilities when a service is in streaming mode. See MB 47592 for more details.
// The RM protocol service does not use streaming mode on any of its bindings, so the
// message we have in hand has already passed the binding<6E>s MaxReceivedMessageSize check.
// Custom transports can use RM so int.MaxValue is dangerous.
internal const int MaxRMFaultSize = (int)MaxReceivedMessageSize;
internal static MessageEncoderFactory GetDefaultMessageEncoderFactory()
return new BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement().CreateMessageEncoderFactory();
static class ConnectionOrientedTransportDefaults
internal const bool AllowNtlm = SspiSecurityTokenProvider.DefaultAllowNtlm;
internal const int ConnectionBufferSize = 8192;
internal const string ConnectionPoolGroupName = "default";
internal const HostNameComparisonMode HostNameComparisonMode = System.ServiceModel.HostNameComparisonMode.StrongWildcard;
internal static TimeSpan IdleTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(2, IdleTimeoutString); } }
internal const string IdleTimeoutString = "00:02:00";
internal static TimeSpan ChannelInitializationTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromSeconds(30, ChannelInitializationTimeoutString); } }
internal const string ChannelInitializationTimeoutString = "00:00:30";
internal const int MaxContentTypeSize = 256;
internal const int MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint = 10;
internal const int MaxPendingConnectionsConst = 0;
internal static TimeSpan MaxOutputDelay { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMilliseconds(200, MaxOutputDelayString); } }
internal const string MaxOutputDelayString = "00:00:00.2";
internal const int MaxPendingAcceptsConst = 0;
internal const int MaxViaSize = 2048;
internal const ProtectionLevel ProtectionLevel = System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;
internal const TransferMode TransferMode = System.ServiceModel.TransferMode.Buffered;
private const int MaxPendingConnectionsPre45 = 10;
private const int MaxPendingAcceptsPre45 = 1;
internal static int GetMaxConnections()
return GetMaxPendingConnections();
internal static int GetMaxPendingConnections()
// OSEnvironmentHelper.IsApplicationTargeting45 checks for whether target Fx version is >= 4.5 despite its name
if (OSEnvironmentHelper.IsApplicationTargeting45)
return 12 * OSEnvironmentHelper.ProcessorCount;
return MaxPendingConnectionsPre45;
internal static int GetMaxPendingAccepts()
// OSEnvironmentHelper.IsApplicationTargeting45 checks for whether target Fx version is >= 4.5 despite its name
if (OSEnvironmentHelper.IsApplicationTargeting45)
return 2 * OSEnvironmentHelper.ProcessorCount;
return MaxPendingAcceptsPre45;
static class TcpTransportDefaults
internal const int ListenBacklogConst = 0;
internal static TimeSpan ConnectionLeaseTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(5, TcpTransportDefaults.ConnectionLeaseTimeoutString); } }
internal const string ConnectionLeaseTimeoutString = "00:05:00";
internal const bool PortSharingEnabled = false;
internal const bool TeredoEnabled = false;
private const int ListenBacklogPre45 = 10;
internal static int GetListenBacklog()
// OSEnvironmentHelper.IsApplicationTargeting45 checks for whether target Fx version is >= 4.5 despite its name
if (OSEnvironmentHelper.IsApplicationTargeting45)
return 12 * OSEnvironmentHelper.ProcessorCount;
return ListenBacklogPre45;
static class ApplicationContainerSettingsDefaults
internal const string CurrentUserSessionDefaultString = "CurrentSession";
internal const string Session0ServiceSessionString = "ServiceSession";
internal const string PackageFullNameDefaultString = null;
/// <summary>
/// The current session will be used for resource lookup.
/// </summary>
internal const int CurrentSession = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Session 0 is the NT Service session
/// </summary>
internal const int ServiceSession = 0;
static class HttpTransportDefaults
internal const bool AllowCookies = false;
internal const AuthenticationSchemes AuthenticationScheme = AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous;
internal const bool BypassProxyOnLocal = false;
internal const bool DecompressionEnabled = true;
internal const HostNameComparisonMode HostNameComparisonMode = System.ServiceModel.HostNameComparisonMode.StrongWildcard;
internal const bool KeepAliveEnabled = true;
internal const Uri ProxyAddress = null;
internal const AuthenticationSchemes ProxyAuthenticationScheme = AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous;
internal const string Realm = "";
internal const TransferMode TransferMode = System.ServiceModel.TransferMode.Buffered;
internal const bool UnsafeConnectionNtlmAuthentication = false;
internal const bool UseDefaultWebProxy = true;
internal const string UpgradeHeader = "Upgrade";
internal const string ConnectionHeader = "Connection";
internal const HttpMessageHandlerFactory MessageHandlerFactory = null;
internal static TimeSpan RequestInitializationTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMilliseconds(0, RequestInitializationTimeoutString); } }
internal const string RequestInitializationTimeoutString = "00:00:00";
// We use 0 as the default value of the MaxPendingAccepts property on HttpTransportBindingElement. In 4.5 we always
// use 10 under the hood if the default value is picked. In future releases, we could adjust the underlying default
// value when we have the dynamic expending pattern of BeginGetContext call implemented and the heap fragmentation issue
// from NCL layer solved.
const int PendingAcceptsConstant = 10;
internal const int DefaultMaxPendingAccepts = 0;
internal const int MaxPendingAcceptsUpperLimit = 100000;
internal static int GetEffectiveMaxPendingAccepts(int maxPendingAccepts)
return maxPendingAccepts == HttpTransportDefaults.DefaultMaxPendingAccepts ?
PendingAcceptsConstant :
internal static WebSocketTransportSettings GetDefaultWebSocketTransportSettings()
return new WebSocketTransportSettings();
internal static MessageEncoderFactory GetDefaultMessageEncoderFactory()
return new TextMessageEncoderFactory(MessageVersion.Default, TextEncoderDefaults.Encoding, EncoderDefaults.MaxReadPoolSize, EncoderDefaults.MaxWritePoolSize, EncoderDefaults.ReaderQuotas);
internal static SecurityAlgorithmSuite MessageSecurityAlgorithmSuite
get { return SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Default; }
static class NetTcpDefaults
internal const MessageCredentialType MessageSecurityClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Windows;
internal const bool TransactionsEnabled = false;
internal static TransactionProtocol TransactionProtocol
get { return TransactionProtocol.Default; }
internal static SecurityAlgorithmSuite MessageSecurityAlgorithmSuite
get { return SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Default; }
static class NetHttpDefaults
internal static TransactionProtocol TransactionProtocol
get { return TransactionProtocol.Default; }
static class PeerTransportDefaults
internal const IPAddress ListenIPAddress = null;
internal const int Port = 0;
internal const string ResolverTypeString = null;
internal const PeerAuthenticationMode PeerNodeAuthenticationMode = PeerAuthenticationMode.Password;
internal const bool MessageAuthentication = false;
internal static bool ResolverAvailable
get { return PnrpPeerResolver.IsPnrpAvailable; }
internal static bool ResolverInstalled
get { return PnrpPeerResolver.IsPnrpInstalled; }
internal static Type ResolverType
get { return typeof(PnrpPeerResolver); }
internal static Type ResolverBindingElementType
get { return typeof(PnrpPeerResolverBindingElement); }
internal static PeerResolver CreateResolver()
return new PnrpPeerResolver();
static class OneWayDefaults
internal static TimeSpan IdleTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(2, IdleTimeoutString); } }
internal const string IdleTimeoutString = "00:02:00";
internal const int MaxOutboundChannelsPerEndpoint = 10;
internal static TimeSpan LeaseTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(10, LeaseTimeoutString); } }
internal const string LeaseTimeoutString = "00:10:00";
internal const int MaxAcceptedChannels = 10;
internal const bool PacketRoutable = false;
static class ReliableSessionDefaults
internal const string AcknowledgementIntervalString = "00:00:00.2";
internal static TimeSpan AcknowledgementInterval { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMilliseconds(200, AcknowledgementIntervalString); } }
internal const bool Enabled = false;
internal const bool FlowControlEnabled = true;
internal const string InactivityTimeoutString = "00:10:00";
internal static TimeSpan InactivityTimeout { get { return TimeSpanHelper.FromMinutes(10, InactivityTimeoutString); } }
internal const int MaxPendingChannels = 4;
internal const int MaxRetryCount = 8;
internal const int MaxTransferWindowSize = 8;
internal const bool Ordered = true;
internal static ReliableMessagingVersion ReliableMessagingVersion { get { return System.ServiceModel.ReliableMessagingVersion.WSReliableMessagingFebruary2005; } }
internal const string ReliableMessagingVersionString = System.ServiceModel.Configuration.ConfigurationStrings.WSReliableMessagingFebruary2005;
static class BasicHttpBindingDefaults
internal const BasicHttpMessageCredentialType MessageSecurityClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName;
internal const WSMessageEncoding MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Text;
internal const TransferMode TransferMode = System.ServiceModel.TransferMode.Buffered;
internal static Encoding TextEncoding
get { return TextEncoderDefaults.Encoding; }
static class WSHttpBindingDefaults
internal const WSMessageEncoding MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Text;
static class WSDualHttpBindingDefaults
internal const WSMessageEncoding MessageEncoding = WSMessageEncoding.Text;
static class WebSocketDefaults
internal const WebSocketTransportUsage TransportUsage = WebSocketTransportUsage.Never;
internal const bool CreateNotificationOnConnection = false;
internal const string DefaultKeepAliveIntervalString = "00:00:00";
internal static readonly TimeSpan DefaultKeepAliveInterval = TimeSpanHelper.FromSeconds(0, DefaultKeepAliveIntervalString);
internal const int BufferSize = 16 * 1024;
internal const int MinReceiveBufferSize = 256;
internal const int MinSendBufferSize = 16;
internal const bool DisablePayloadMasking = false;
internal const WebSocketMessageType DefaultWebSocketMessageType = WebSocketMessageType.Binary;
internal const string SubProtocol = null;
internal const int DefaultMaxPendingConnections = 0;
// We set this number larger than that in TCP transport because in WebSocket cases, the connection is already authenticated
// after we create the half-open channel. The default value is set as the default one as MaxConcurrentSessions to make it work
// well in burst scenarios.
internal static readonly int MaxPendingConnectionsCpuCount = ServiceThrottle.DefaultMaxConcurrentSessionsCpuCount;
internal const string WebSocketConnectionHeaderValue = "Upgrade";
internal const string WebSocketUpgradeHeaderValue = "websocket";
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Globalization, "CA1303",
Justification = "These strings don't need to be localized.")]
static WebSocketDefaults()
static class NetHttpBindingDefaults
internal const NetHttpMessageEncoding MessageEncoding = NetHttpMessageEncoding.Binary;
internal const WebSocketTransportUsage TransportUsage = WebSocketTransportUsage.WhenDuplex;