910 lines
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910 lines
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// XmlDataDocumentTestTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for XmlDataDocument
// Authors:
// Ville Palo (vi64pa@koti.soon.fi)
// Martin Willemoes Hansen (mwh@sysrq.dk)
// (C) 2002 Ville Palo
// (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Data.Xml
public class XmlDataDocumentTest : DataSetAssertion {
static string EOL = "\n";
private CultureInfo originalCulture;
public void SetUp ()
originalCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US");
public void TearDown ()
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = originalCulture;
public void NewInstance ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
AssertDataSet ("#1", doc.DataSet, "NewDataSet", 0, 0);
Assert.IsFalse (doc.DataSet.EnforceConstraints);
XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement ("TEST");
AssertDataSet ("#2", doc.DataSet, "NewDataSet", 0, 0);
Assert.IsNull (doc.GetRowFromElement (el));
doc.AppendChild (el);
AssertDataSet ("#3", doc.DataSet, "NewDataSet", 0, 0);
DataSet ds = new DataSet ();
doc = new XmlDataDocument (ds);
Assert.IsTrue (doc.DataSet.EnforceConstraints);
public void SimpleLoad ()
string xml001 = "<root/>";
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
DataSet ds = new DataSet ();
ds.InferXmlSchema (new StringReader (xml001), null);
doc.LoadXml (xml001);
string xml002 = "<root><child/></root>";
doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
ds = new DataSet ();
ds.InferXmlSchema (new StringReader (xml002), null);
doc.LoadXml (xml002);
string xml003 = "<root><col1>test</col1><col1></col1></root>";
doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
ds = new DataSet ();
ds.InferXmlSchema (new StringReader (xml003), null);
doc.LoadXml (xml003);
string xml004 = "<set><tab1><col1>test</col1><col1>test2</col1></tab1><tab2><col2>test3</col2><col2>test4</col2></tab2></set>";
doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
ds = new DataSet ();
ds.InferXmlSchema (new StringReader (xml004), null);
doc.LoadXml (xml004);
public void CloneNode ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlDataDocument doc2 = (XmlDataDocument)doc.CloneNode (false);
Assert.AreEqual (0, doc2.ChildNodes.Count, "#I01");
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>", doc2.DataSet.GetXmlSchema ().Substring (0, 39), "#I02");
doc2 = (XmlDataDocument)doc.CloneNode (true);
Assert.AreEqual (2, doc2.ChildNodes.Count, "#I03");
Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>", doc2.DataSet.GetXmlSchema ().Substring (0, 39), "#I04");
doc.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [0][0] = "64";
Assert.AreEqual ("1", doc2.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [0][0].ToString (), "#I05");
public void EditingXmlTree ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlElement Element = doc.GetElementFromRow (doc.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [1]);
Element.FirstChild.InnerText = "64";
Assert.AreEqual ("64", doc.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [1] [0], "test#01");
DataSet Set = new DataSet ();
Set.ReadXml ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
doc = new XmlDataDocument (Set);
Element = doc.GetElementFromRow (doc.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [1]);
Assert.IsNotNull (Element);
try {
Element.FirstChild.InnerText = "64";
Assert.Fail ("test#02");
} catch (InvalidOperationException) {
Assert.AreEqual ("2", doc.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [1] [0], "test#05");
Set.EnforceConstraints = false;
Element.FirstChild.InnerText = "64";
Assert.AreEqual ("64", doc.DataSet.Tables [0].Rows [1] [0], "test#06");
public void EditingDataSet ()
string xml = "<Root><Region><RegionID>1</RegionID><RegionDescription>Eastern" + Environment.NewLine + " </RegionDescription></Region><Region><RegionID>2</RegionID><RegionDescription>Western" + Environment.NewLine + " </RegionDescription></Region><Region><RegionID>3</RegionID><RegionDescription>Northern" + Environment.NewLine + " </RegionDescription></Region><Region><RegionID>4</RegionID><RegionDescription>Southern" + Environment.NewLine + " </RegionDescription></Region><MoreData><Column1>12</Column1><Column2>Hi There</Column2></MoreData><MoreData><Column1>12</Column1><Column2>Hi There</Column2></MoreData></Root>";
XmlReader Reader = new XmlTextReader ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlDataDocument Doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
Doc.DataSet.ReadXml (Reader);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
XmlTextWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter (sw);
Doc.DataSet.WriteXml (xw);
string s = sw.ToString ();
Assert.AreEqual (xml, s, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (xml, Doc.InnerXml, "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("EndOfFile", Reader.ReadState.ToString (), "test#01");
DataSet Set = Doc.DataSet;
Assert.AreEqual ("2", Set.Tables [0].Rows [1] [0], "test#01.5");
Set.Tables [0].Rows [1] [0] = "64";
Assert.AreEqual ("64", Doc.FirstChild.FirstChild.NextSibling.FirstChild.InnerText, "test#02");
public void CreateElement1 ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlElement Element = doc.CreateElement ("prefix", "localname", "namespaceURI");
Assert.AreEqual ("prefix", Element.Prefix, "test#01");
Assert.AreEqual ("localname", Element.LocalName, "test#02");
Assert.AreEqual ("namespaceURI", Element.NamespaceURI, "test#03");
doc.ImportNode (Element, false);
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
string substring = string.Empty;
string TextString = text.ToString ();
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("<Root>") != -1, "test#05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "test#06");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>1</RegionID>") != -1, "test#07");
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("</Root>") != -1, "test#08");
public void CreateElement2 ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlElement Element = doc.CreateElement ("ElementName");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, Element.Prefix, "test#01");
Assert.AreEqual ("ElementName", Element.LocalName, "test#02");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, Element.NamespaceURI, "test#03");
Element = doc.CreateElement ("prefix:ElementName");
Assert.AreEqual ("prefix", Element.Prefix, "test#04");
Assert.AreEqual ("ElementName", Element.LocalName, "test#05");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, Element.NamespaceURI, "test#06");
public void CreateElement3 ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlElement Element = doc.CreateElement ("ElementName", "namespace");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, Element.Prefix, "test#01");
Assert.AreEqual ("ElementName", Element.LocalName, "test#02");
Assert.AreEqual ("namespace", Element.NamespaceURI, "test#03");
Element = doc.CreateElement ("prefix:ElementName", "namespace");
Assert.AreEqual ("prefix", Element.Prefix, "test#04");
Assert.AreEqual ("ElementName", Element.LocalName, "test#05");
Assert.AreEqual ("namespace", Element.NamespaceURI, "test#06");
public void Navigator ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XPathNavigator Nav = doc.CreateNavigator ();
Nav.MoveToRoot ();
Nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
Assert.AreEqual ("Root", Nav.Name.ToString (), "test#01");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, Nav.NamespaceURI.ToString (), "test#02");
Assert.AreEqual ("False", Nav.IsEmptyElement.ToString (), "test#03");
Assert.AreEqual ("Element", Nav.NodeType.ToString (), "test#04");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, Nav.Prefix, "test#05");
Nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
Nav.MoveToNext ();
Assert.AreEqual ("Region", Nav.Name.ToString (), "test#06");
Assert.AreEqual ("2Western", Nav.Value.Substring(0, Nav.Value.IndexOf ("\n") - 1), "test#07");
Nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
Assert.AreEqual ("2", Nav.Value, "test#08");
Nav.MoveToRoot ();
Assert.AreEqual ("Root", Nav.NodeType.ToString (), "test#09");
// Test constructor
public void Test1()
//Create an XmlDataDocument.
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument();
//Load the schema file.
//Load the XML data.
//Update the price on the first book using the DataSet methods.
DataTable books = doc.DataSet.Tables["book"];
books.Rows[0]["price"] = "12.95";
//string outstring = "";
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
text.NewLine = "\n";
//str.Read (bytes, 0, (int)str.Length);
//String OutString = new String (bytes);
string TextString = text.ToString ();
string substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>") == 0, "#A01");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("<!--sample XML fragment-->") != -1, "#A02");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("<bookstore>") != -1, "#A03");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <book genre=\"novel\" ISBN=\"10-861003-324\">") != -1, "#A04");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <title>The Handmaid's Tale</title>") != -1, "#A05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" <price>12.95</price>", substring, "#A06");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </book>") != -1, "#A07");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <book genre=\"novel\" ISBN=\"1-861001-57-5\">") != -1, "#A08");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <title>Pride And Prejudice</title>") != -1, "#A09");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <price>24.95</price>") != -1, "#A10");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </book>") != -1, "#A11");
substring = TextString;
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("</bookstore>") != -1, "#A12");
// Test public fields
public void Test2()
DataSet RegionDS = new DataSet ();
DataRow RegionRow;
RegionDS.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
Assert.AreEqual (1, RegionDS.Tables.Count, "Was read correct?");
XmlDataDocument DataDoc = new XmlDataDocument (RegionDS);
DataDoc.Load("Test/System.Xml/region.xml" );
RegionRow = RegionDS.Tables[0].Rows[0];
RegionDS.AcceptChanges ();
RegionRow["RegionDescription"] = "Reeeeeaalllly Far East!";
RegionDS.AcceptChanges ();
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
text.NewLine = "\n";
DataDoc.Save (text);
string TextString = text.ToString ();
string substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
//Assert.AreEqual ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\" standalone=\"yes\"?>", substring, "#B01");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual ("<Root>", substring, "#B02");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#B03");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>1</RegionID>") != -1, "#B04");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" <RegionDescription>Reeeeeaalllly Far East!</RegionDescription>", substring, "#B05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#B06");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#B07");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>2</RegionID>") != -1, "#B08");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>Western") != -1, "#B09");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#B10");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#B11");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#B12");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>3</RegionID>") != -1, "#B13");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>Northern") != -1, "#B14");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#B15");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#B16");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#B17");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>4</RegionID>") != -1, "#B18");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>Southern") != -1, "#B19");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#B20");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#B21");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <MoreData>") != -1, "#B22");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column1>12</Column1>") != -1, "#B23");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column2>Hi There</Column2>") != -1, "#B24");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </MoreData>") != -1, "#B25");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <MoreData>") != -1, "#B26");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column1>12</Column1>") != -1, "#B27");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column2>Hi There</Column2>") != -1, "#B28");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </MoreData>") != -1, "#B29");
public void Test3()
XmlDataDocument DataDoc = new XmlDataDocument ();
DataSet dataset = DataDoc.DataSet;
dataset.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
DataDoc.Load("Test/System.Xml/region.xml" );
DataDoc.GetElementsByTagName ("Region") [0].RemoveAll ();
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
text.NewLine = "\n";
dataset.WriteXml (text);
//DataDoc.Save (text);
string TextString = text.ToString ();
string substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("<Root>") != -1, "#C01");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" <Region />", substring, "#C02");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" <Region>", substring, "#C03");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" <RegionID>2</RegionID>", substring, "#C04");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
// Regardless of NewLine value, original xml contains CR
// (but in the context of XML spec, it should be normalized)
Assert.AreEqual (" <RegionDescription>Western", substring, "#C05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#C06");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" </Region>", substring, "#C07");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#C08");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>3</RegionID>") != -1, "#C09");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
// Regardless of NewLine value, original xml contains CR
// (but in the context of XML spec, it should be normalized)
Assert.AreEqual (" <RegionDescription>Northern", substring, "#C10");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#C11");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#C12");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#C13");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>4</RegionID>") != -1, "#C14");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>Southern") != -1, "#C15");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#C16");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#C17");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("</Root>") != -1, "#C18");
public void Test4 ()
DataSet RegionDS = new DataSet ();
RegionDS.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
XmlDataDocument DataDoc = new XmlDataDocument (RegionDS);
DataDoc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
Assert.IsTrue (RegionDS.EnforceConstraints);
DataTable table = DataDoc.DataSet.Tables ["Region"];
DataRow newRow = table.NewRow ();
newRow [0] = "new row";
newRow [1] = "new description";
table.Rows.Add (newRow);
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
text.NewLine = "\n";
DataDoc.Save (text);
string TextString = text.ToString ();
string substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("<Root>") != -1, "#F02");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#F03");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>1</RegionID>") != -1, "#F04");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
// Regardless of NewLine value, original xml contains CR
// (but in the context of XML spec, it should be normalized)
Assert.AreEqual (" <RegionDescription>Eastern", substring, "#F05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (" </RegionDescription>", substring, "#F06");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#F07");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#F08");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>2</RegionID>") != -1, "#F09");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>Western") != -1, "#F10");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#F11");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#F12");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#F13");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>3</RegionID>") != -1, "#F14");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>Northern") != -1, "#F15");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#F16");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#F17");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#F18");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>4</RegionID>") != -1, "#F19");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
// Regardless of NewLine value, original xml contains CR
// (but in the context of XML spec, it should be normalized)
Assert.AreEqual (" <RegionDescription>Southern", substring, "#F20");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </RegionDescription>") != -1, "#F21");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#F22");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <MoreData>") != -1, "#F23");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column1>12</Column1>") != -1, "#F24");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column2>Hi There</Column2>") != -1, "#F25");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </MoreData>") != -1, "#F26");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <MoreData>") != -1, "#F27");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column1>12</Column1>") != -1, "#F28");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Column2>Hi There</Column2>") != -1, "#F29");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </MoreData>") != -1, "#F30");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#F31");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>new row</RegionID>") != -1, "#F32");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>new description</RegionDescription>") != -1, "#F33");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf(EOL));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf(EOL) + EOL.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#F34");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("</Root>") != -1, "#F35");
public void Test5 ()
DataSet RegionDS = new DataSet ();
RegionDS.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
XmlDataDocument DataDoc = new XmlDataDocument (RegionDS);
DataDoc.Load("Test/System.Xml/region.xml" );
try {
DataDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (DataDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild);
Assert.Fail ("#G01");
} catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), e.GetType (), "#G02");
Assert.AreEqual ("Please set DataSet.EnforceConstraints == false before trying to edit " +
"XmlDataDocument using XML operations.", e.Message, "#G03");
DataDoc.DataSet.EnforceConstraints = false;
XmlElement newNode = DataDoc.CreateElement ("Region");
XmlElement newChildNode = DataDoc.CreateElement ("RegionID");
newChildNode.InnerText = "64";
XmlElement newChildNode2 = DataDoc.CreateElement ("RegionDescription");
newChildNode2.InnerText = "test node";
newNode.AppendChild (newChildNode);
newNode.AppendChild (newChildNode2);
DataDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (newNode);
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
//DataDoc.Save (text);
string TextString = text.ToString ();
string substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#G04");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>64</RegionID>") != -1, "#G05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionDescription>test node</RegionDescription>") != -1, "#G06");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#G07");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("</Root>") != -1, "#G08");
public void Test6 ()
DataSet RegionDS = new DataSet ();
RegionDS.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
XmlDataDocument DataDoc = new XmlDataDocument (RegionDS);
DataDoc.Load("Test/System.Xml/region.xml" );
DataDoc.DataSet.EnforceConstraints = false;
XmlElement newNode = DataDoc.CreateElement ("Region");
XmlElement newChildNode = DataDoc.CreateElement ("RegionID");
newChildNode.InnerText = "64";
XmlElement newChildNode2 = null;
try {
newChildNode2 = DataDoc.CreateElement ("something else");
Assert.Fail ("#H01");
} catch (XmlException) {
newChildNode2 = DataDoc.CreateElement ("something_else");
newChildNode2.InnerText = "test node";
newNode.AppendChild (newChildNode);
newNode.AppendChild (newChildNode2);
DataDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild (newNode);
TextWriter text = new StringWriter ();
//DataDoc.Save (text);
string TextString = text.ToString ();
string substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n") - 1);
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <Region>") != -1, "#H03");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n"));
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" <RegionID>64</RegionID>") != -1, "#H04");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.IndexOf("\n") );
TextString = TextString.Substring (TextString.IndexOf("\n") + 1);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf (" </Region>") != -1, "#H05");
substring = TextString.Substring (0, TextString.Length);
Assert.IsTrue (substring.IndexOf ("</Root>") != -1, "#H06");
public void GetElementFromRow ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
DataTable table = doc.DataSet.Tables ["Region"];
XmlElement element = doc.GetElementFromRow (table.Rows [2]);
Assert.AreEqual ("Region", element.Name, "#D01");
Assert.AreEqual ("3", element ["RegionID"].InnerText, "#D02");
try {
element = doc.GetElementFromRow (table.Rows [4]);
Assert.Fail ("#D03");
} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (IndexOutOfRangeException), e.GetType (), "#D04");
Assert.AreEqual ("There is no row at position 4.", e.Message, "#D05");
public void GetRowFromElement ()
XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument ();
doc.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema ("Test/System.Xml/region.xsd");
doc.Load ("Test/System.Xml/region.xml");
XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
DataRow row = doc.GetRowFromElement((XmlElement)root.FirstChild);
Assert.AreEqual ("1", row [0], "#E01");
row = doc.GetRowFromElement((XmlElement)root.ChildNodes [2]);
Assert.AreEqual ("3", row [0], "#E02");