696 lines
21 KiB
696 lines
21 KiB
// ikvm.cs: IKVM.Reflection and IKVM.Reflection.Emit specific implementations
// Author: Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL
// Copyright 2009-2010 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MetaType = IKVM.Reflection.Type;
using IKVM.Reflection;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit;
using System.IO;
using System.Configuration.Assemblies;
namespace Mono.CSharp
public class StaticImporter
public StaticImporter (BuiltinTypes builtin)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public void ImportAssembly (Assembly assembly, RootNamespace targetNamespace)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public void ImportModule (Module module, RootNamespace targetNamespace)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
public TypeSpec ImportType (System.Type type)
throw new NotSupportedException ();
sealed class StaticImporter : MetadataImporter
public StaticImporter (ModuleContainer module)
: base (module)
public void AddCompiledAssembly (AssemblyDefinitionStatic assembly)
assembly_2_definition.Add (assembly.Builder, assembly);
public override void AddCompiledType (TypeBuilder type, TypeSpec spec)
compiled_types.Add (type, spec);
protected override MemberKind DetermineKindFromBaseType (MetaType baseType)
string name = baseType.Name;
if (name == "ValueType" && baseType.Namespace == "System")
return MemberKind.Struct;
if (name == "Enum" && baseType.Namespace == "System")
return MemberKind.Enum;
if (name == "MulticastDelegate" && baseType.Namespace == "System")
return MemberKind.Delegate;
return MemberKind.Class;
protected override bool HasVolatileModifier (MetaType[] modifiers)
foreach (var t in modifiers) {
if (t.Name == "IsVolatile" && t.Namespace == CompilerServicesNamespace)
return true;
return false;
public void ImportAssembly (Assembly assembly, RootNamespace targetNamespace)
try {
// It can be used more than once when importing same assembly
// into 2 or more global aliases
// TODO: Should be just Add
GetAssemblyDefinition (assembly);
var all_types = assembly.GetTypes ();
ImportTypes (all_types, targetNamespace, true);
all_types = assembly.ManifestModule.__GetExportedTypes ();
if (all_types.Length != 0)
ImportForwardedTypes (all_types, targetNamespace);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InternalErrorException (e, "Failed to import assembly `{0}'", assembly.FullName);
public ImportedModuleDefinition ImportModule (Module module, RootNamespace targetNamespace)
var module_definition = new ImportedModuleDefinition (module);
module_definition.ReadAttributes ();
var all_types = module.GetTypes ();
ImportTypes (all_types, targetNamespace, false);
return module_definition;
void ImportForwardedTypes (MetaType[] types, Namespace targetNamespace)
Namespace ns = targetNamespace;
string prev_namespace = null;
foreach (var t in types) {
if (!t.__IsTypeForwarder)
// IsMissing tells us the type has been forwarded and target assembly is missing
if (!t.__IsMissing)
if (t.Name[0] == '<')
var it = CreateType (t, null, new AttributesTypeInfoReader (t), true);
if (it == null)
if (prev_namespace != t.Namespace) {
ns = t.Namespace == null ? targetNamespace : targetNamespace.GetNamespace (t.Namespace, true);
prev_namespace = t.Namespace;
ns.AddType (module, it);
public void InitializeBuiltinTypes (BuiltinTypes builtin, Assembly corlib)
// Setup mapping for build-in types to avoid duplication of their definition
foreach (var type in builtin.AllTypes) {
compiled_types.Add (corlib.GetType (type.FullName), type);
class AssemblyDefinitionStatic : AssemblyDefinition
readonly StaticLoader loader;
// Assembly container with file output
public AssemblyDefinitionStatic (ModuleContainer module, StaticLoader loader, string name, string fileName)
: base (module, name, fileName)
this.loader = loader;
Importer = loader.MetadataImporter;
// Initializes the assembly SRE domain
public void Create (Universe domain)
ResolveAssemblySecurityAttributes ();
var an = CreateAssemblyName ();
Builder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save, Path.GetDirectoryName (file_name));
module.Create (this, CreateModuleBuilder ());
public override void Emit ()
if (loader.Corlib != null && !(loader.Corlib is AssemblyBuilder)) {
Builder.__SetImageRuntimeVersion (loader.Corlib.ImageRuntimeVersion, 0x20000);
} else if (module.Compiler.Settings.RuntimeMetadataVersion != null) {
Builder.__SetImageRuntimeVersion (module.Compiler.Settings.RuntimeMetadataVersion, 0x20000);
} else {
// Sets output file metadata version when there is no mscorlib
switch (module.Compiler.Settings.StdLibRuntimeVersion) {
case RuntimeVersion.v4:
Builder.__SetImageRuntimeVersion ("v4.0.30319", 0x20000);
case RuntimeVersion.v2:
Builder.__SetImageRuntimeVersion ("v2.0.50727", 0x20000);
case RuntimeVersion.v1:
// Compiler does not do any checks whether the produced metadata
// are valid in the context of 1.0 stream version
Builder.__SetImageRuntimeVersion ("v1.1.4322", 0x10000);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
builder_extra = new AssemblyBuilderIKVM (Builder, Compiler);
base.Emit ();
public Module IncludeModule (RawModule moduleFile)
return Builder.__AddModule (moduleFile);
protected override List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo> GetNotUnifiedReferences (AssemblyName assemblyName)
return loader.GetNotUnifiedReferences (assemblyName);
protected override void SaveModule (PortableExecutableKinds pekind, ImageFileMachine machine)
module.Builder.__Save (pekind, machine);
class StaticLoader : AssemblyReferencesLoader<Assembly>, IDisposable
readonly StaticImporter importer;
readonly Universe domain;
Assembly corlib;
readonly List<Tuple<AssemblyName, string, Assembly>> loaded_names;
static readonly Dictionary<string, string[]> sdk_directory;
Dictionary<AssemblyName, List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo>> resolved_version_mismatches;
static readonly TypeName objectTypeName = new TypeName ("System", "Object");
static StaticLoader ()
sdk_directory = new Dictionary<string, string[]> ();
sdk_directory.Add ("2", new string[] { "2.0-api", "v2.0.50727" });
sdk_directory.Add ("2.0", new string[] { "2.0-api", "v2.0.50727" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4", new string[] { "4.0-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.0", new string[] { "4.0-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.5", new string[] { "4.5-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.5.1", new string[] { "4.5.1-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.5.2", new string[] { "4.5.2-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.6", new string[] { "4.6-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.6.1", new string[] { "4.6.1-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.6.2", new string [] { "4.6.2-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.7", new string [] { "4.7-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.7.1", new string [] { "4.7.1-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.7.2", new string [] { "4.7.2-api", "v4.0.30319" });
sdk_directory.Add ("4.x", new string [] { "4.5", "net_4_x", "v4.0.30319" });
public StaticLoader (StaticImporter importer, CompilerContext compiler)
: base (compiler)
this.importer = importer;
domain = new Universe (UniverseOptions.MetadataOnly | UniverseOptions.ResolveMissingMembers |
UniverseOptions.DisableFusion | UniverseOptions.DecodeVersionInfoAttributeBlobs |
UniverseOptions.DeterministicOutput | UniverseOptions.DisableDefaultAssembliesLookup);
domain.AssemblyResolve += AssemblyReferenceResolver;
loaded_names = new List<Tuple<AssemblyName, string, Assembly>> ();
if (compiler.Settings.StdLib) {
var corlib_path = Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof (object).Assembly.Location);
string fx_path = corlib_path.Substring (0, corlib_path.LastIndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
string sdk_path = null;
string sdk_version = compiler.Settings.SdkVersion ?? "4.x";
string[] sdk_sub_dirs;
if (!sdk_directory.TryGetValue (sdk_version, out sdk_sub_dirs))
sdk_sub_dirs = new string[] { sdk_version };
foreach (var dir in sdk_sub_dirs) {
sdk_path = Path.Combine (fx_path, dir);
if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (sdk_path, "mscorlib.dll")))
sdk_path = null;
if (sdk_path == null) {
compiler.Report.Warning (-1, 1, "SDK path could not be resolved");
sdk_path = corlib_path;
paths.Add (sdk_path);
#region Properties
public Assembly Corlib {
get {
return corlib;
public AssemblyDefinitionStatic CompiledAssembly { get; set; }
public Universe Domain {
get {
return domain;
public StaticImporter MetadataImporter {
get {
return importer;
Assembly AssemblyReferenceResolver (object sender, IKVM.Reflection.ResolveEventArgs args)
var refname = args.Name;
if (refname == "mscorlib")
return corlib;
Assembly version_mismatch = null;
bool is_fx_assembly = false;
foreach (var assembly in domain.GetAssemblies ()) {
AssemblyComparisonResult result;
if (!domain.CompareAssemblyIdentity (refname, false, assembly.FullName, false, out result)) {
if ((result == AssemblyComparisonResult.NonEquivalentVersion || result == AssemblyComparisonResult.NonEquivalentPartialVersion) &&
(version_mismatch == null || version_mismatch.GetName ().Version < assembly.GetName ().Version) &&
!is_fx_assembly) {
version_mismatch = assembly;
if (result == AssemblyComparisonResult.EquivalentFullMatch ||
result == AssemblyComparisonResult.EquivalentWeakNamed ||
result == AssemblyComparisonResult.EquivalentPartialMatch) {
return assembly;
if (result == AssemblyComparisonResult.EquivalentFXUnified) {
is_fx_assembly = true;
if (version_mismatch == null || version_mismatch.GetName ().Version < assembly.GetName ().Version)
version_mismatch = assembly;
throw new NotImplementedException ("Assembly equality = " + result.ToString ());
if (version_mismatch != null) {
if (is_fx_assembly || version_mismatch is AssemblyBuilder)
return version_mismatch;
var ref_an = new AssemblyName (refname);
var v1 = ref_an.Version;
var v2 = version_mismatch.GetName ().Version;
AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo messageInfo;
if (v1 > v2) {
messageInfo = new AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo (ref_an, report => {
report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (args.RequestingAssembly.Location);
report.Error (1705, string.Format ("Assembly `{0}' depends on `{1}' which has a higher version number than referenced assembly `{2}'",
args.RequestingAssembly.FullName, refname, version_mismatch.GetName ().FullName));
} else {
messageInfo = new AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo (ref_an, report => {
if (v1.Major != v2.Major || v1.Minor != v2.Minor) {
report.Warning (1701, 2,
"Assuming assembly reference `{0}' matches assembly `{1}'. You may need to supply runtime policy",
refname, version_mismatch.GetName ().FullName);
} else {
report.Warning (1702, 3,
"Assuming assembly reference `{0}' matches assembly `{1}'. You may need to supply runtime policy",
refname, version_mismatch.GetName ().FullName);
AddReferenceVersionMismatch (args.RequestingAssembly.GetName (), messageInfo);
return version_mismatch;
// Recursive reference to compiled assembly checks name only. Any other
// details (PublicKey, Version, etc) are not yet known hence cannot be checked
ParsedAssemblyName referenced_assembly;
if (Fusion.ParseAssemblyName (args.Name, out referenced_assembly) == ParseAssemblyResult.OK && CompiledAssembly.Name == referenced_assembly.Name)
return CompiledAssembly.Builder;
// AssemblyReference has not been found in the domain
// create missing reference and continue
return domain.CreateMissingAssembly (args.Name);
void AddReferenceVersionMismatch (AssemblyName an, AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo errorInfo)
if (resolved_version_mismatches == null)
resolved_version_mismatches = new Dictionary<AssemblyName, List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo>> ();
List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo> names;
if (!resolved_version_mismatches.TryGetValue (an, out names)) {
names = new List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo> ();
resolved_version_mismatches.Add (an, names);
names.Add (errorInfo);
public void Dispose ()
domain.Dispose ();
protected override string[] GetDefaultReferences ()
// For now the "default config" is harcoded into the compiler
// we can move this outside later
var default_references = new List<string> (4);
default_references.Add ("System.dll");
default_references.Add ("System.Xml.dll");
default_references.Add ("System.Core.dll");
if (corlib != null && corlib.GetName ().Version.Major >= 4) {
default_references.Add ("Microsoft.CSharp.dll");
return default_references.ToArray ();
public List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo> GetNotUnifiedReferences (AssemblyName assemblyName)
List<AssemblyReferenceMessageInfo> list = null;
if (resolved_version_mismatches != null)
resolved_version_mismatches.TryGetValue (assemblyName, out list);
return list;
public override Assembly HasObjectType (Assembly assembly)
try {
// System.Object can be forwarded and ikvm
// transparently finds it in target assembly therefore
// need to return actual obj assembly becauase in such
// case it's different to assembly parameter
var obj = assembly.FindType (objectTypeName);
return obj == null ? null : obj.Assembly;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InternalErrorException (e, "Failed to load assembly `{0}'", assembly.FullName);
public override Assembly LoadAssemblyFile (string fileName, bool isImplicitReference)
bool? has_extension = null;
foreach (var path in paths) {
var file = Path.Combine (path, fileName);
if (compiler.Settings.DebugFlags > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Probing assembly location `{0}'", file);
if (!File.Exists (file)) {
if (!has_extension.HasValue)
has_extension = fileName.EndsWith (".dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) || fileName.EndsWith (".exe", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (has_extension.Value)
file += ".dll";
if (!File.Exists (file))
try {
using (var stream = new FileStream (file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
using (RawModule module = domain.OpenRawModule (stream, file)) {
if (!module.IsManifestModule) {
Error_AssemblyIsModule (fileName);
return null;
// check whether the assembly can be actually imported without
// collision
var an = module.GetAssemblyName ();
foreach (var entry in loaded_names) {
var loaded_name = entry.Item1;
if (an.Name != loaded_name.Name)
if (module.ModuleVersionId == entry.Item3.ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId)
return entry.Item3;
if (((an.Flags | loaded_name.Flags) & AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) == 0) {
compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (entry.Item2);
compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fileName);
compiler.Report.Error (1704,
"An assembly with the same name `{0}' has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references or sign the assembly",
return null;
AssemblyComparisonResult result;
if ((an.Flags & AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) == (loaded_name.Flags & AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey) &&
(domain.CompareAssemblyIdentity (an.FullName, false, loaded_name.FullName, false, out result))) {
// Roslyn is much more lenient than native compiler here
switch (result) {
case AssemblyComparisonResult.EquivalentFXUnified:
case AssemblyComparisonResult.EquivalentUnified:
compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (entry.Item2);
compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fileName);
compiler.Report.Error (1703,
"An assembly `{0}' with the same identity has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references",
return null;
if (compiler.Settings.DebugFlags > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Loading assembly `{0}'", fileName);
var assembly = domain.LoadAssembly (module);
if (assembly != null)
loaded_names.Add (Tuple.Create (an, fileName, assembly));
return assembly;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (compiler.Settings.DebugFlags > 0)
Console.WriteLine ("Exception during loading: {0}'", e.ToString ());
if (!isImplicitReference)
Error_FileCorrupted (file);
return null;
if (!isImplicitReference)
Error_FileNotFound (fileName);
return null;
public RawModule LoadModuleFile (string moduleName)
foreach (var path in paths) {
var file = Path.Combine (path, moduleName);
if (!File.Exists (file)) {
if (moduleName.EndsWith (".netmodule", StringComparison.Ordinal))
file += ".netmodule";
if (!File.Exists (file))
try {
return domain.OpenRawModule (file);
} catch {
Error_FileCorrupted (file);
return null;
Error_FileNotFound (moduleName);
return null;
public override void LoadReferences (ModuleContainer module)
List<Tuple<RootNamespace, Assembly>> loaded;
base.LoadReferencesCore (module, out corlib, out loaded);
compiler.TimeReporter.Start (TimeReporter.TimerType.ReferencesImporting);
if (corlib == null || corlib.__IsMissing) {
// System.Object was not found in any referenced assembly, use compiled assembly as corlib
corlib = module.DeclaringAssembly.Builder;
} else {
importer.InitializeBuiltinTypes (compiler.BuiltinTypes, corlib);
importer.ImportAssembly (corlib, module.GlobalRootNamespace);
foreach (var entry in loaded) {
importer.ImportAssembly (entry.Item2, entry.Item1);
compiler.TimeReporter.Stop (TimeReporter.TimerType.ReferencesImporting);
public void LoadModules (AssemblyDefinitionStatic assembly, RootNamespace targetNamespace)
foreach (var moduleName in compiler.Settings.Modules) {
var m = LoadModuleFile (moduleName);
if (m == null)
if (m.IsManifestModule) {
Error_ModuleIsAssembly (moduleName);
var md = importer.ImportModule (assembly.IncludeModule (m), targetNamespace);
assembly.AddModule (md);
class AssemblyBuilderIKVM : AssemblyBuilderExtension
readonly AssemblyBuilder builder;
public AssemblyBuilderIKVM (AssemblyBuilder builder, CompilerContext ctx)
: base (ctx)
this.builder = builder;
public override void AddTypeForwarder (TypeSpec type, Location loc)
builder.__AddTypeForwarder (type.GetMetaInfo (), false);
public override void DefineWin32IconResource (string fileName)
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = File.ReadAllBytes (fileName);
} catch (Exception e) {
ctx.Report.Error (7064, Location.Null, "Error opening icon file `{0}'. {1}", fileName, e.Message);
builder.__DefineIconResource (bytes);
public override AssemblyName[] GetReferencedAssemblies ()
foreach (var m in builder.Modules) {
if (m is ModuleBuilder)
return m.__GetReferencedAssemblies ();
return new AssemblyName [0];
public override void SetAlgorithmId (uint value, Location loc)
builder.__SetAssemblyAlgorithmId ((AssemblyHashAlgorithm) value);
public override void SetCulture (string culture, Location loc)
builder.__SetAssemblyCulture (culture);
public override void SetFlags (uint flags, Location loc)
builder.__AssemblyFlags = (AssemblyNameFlags) flags;
public override void SetVersion (Version version, Location loc)
builder.__SetAssemblyVersion (version);