289 lines
12 KiB
289 lines
12 KiB
// <copyright file="SqlMetaDataFactory.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">[....]</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">Mugunm</owner>
namespace System.Data.SqlClient{
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.ProviderBase;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
internal sealed class SqlMetaDataFactory : DbMetaDataFactory{ // V1.2.3300
private const string _serverVersionNormalized90 = "09.00.0000";
private const string _serverVersionNormalized90782 = "09.00.0782";
private const string _serverVersionNormalized10 = "10.00.0000";
public SqlMetaDataFactory(Stream XMLStream,
string serverVersion,
string serverVersionNormalized):
base(XMLStream, serverVersion, serverVersionNormalized) {
private void addUDTsToDataTypesTable(DataTable dataTypesTable, SqlConnection connection , String ServerVersion) {
const string sqlCommand =
"select " +
"assemblies.name, " +
"types.assembly_class, " +
"ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionMajor') as version_major, " +
"ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionMinor') as version_minor, " +
"ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionBuild') as version_build, " +
"ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'VersionRevision') as version_revision, " +
"ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'CultureInfo') as culture_info, " +
"ASSEMBLYPROPERTY(assemblies.name, 'PublicKey') as public_key, " +
"is_nullable, " +
"is_fixed_length, " +
"max_length " +
"from sys.assemblies as assemblies join sys.assembly_types as types " +
"on assemblies.assembly_id = types.assembly_id ";
// pre 9.0/Yukon servers do not have UDTs
if (0 > string.Compare(ServerVersion, _serverVersionNormalized90, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
// Execute the SELECT statement
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = sqlCommand;
DataRow newRow = null;
DataColumn providerDbtype = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ProviderDbType];
DataColumn columnSize = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ColumnSize];
DataColumn isFixedLength = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsFixedLength];
DataColumn isSearchable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsSearchable];
DataColumn isLiteralSupported = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsLiteralSupported];
DataColumn typeName = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.TypeName];
DataColumn isNullable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsNullable];
if ((providerDbtype == null) ||
(columnSize == null) ||
(isFixedLength == null) ||
(isSearchable == null) ||
(isLiteralSupported == null) ||
(typeName == null) ||
(isNullable == null)) {
throw ADP.InvalidXml();
const int columnSizeIndex = 10;
const int isFixedLengthIndex = 9;
const int isNullableIndex = 8;
const int assemblyNameIndex = 0;
const int assemblyClassIndex = 1;
const int versionMajorIndex = 2;
const int versionMinorIndex = 3;
const int versionBuildIndex = 4;
const int versionRevisionIndex = 5;
const int cultureInfoIndex = 6;
const int publicKeyIndex = 7;
using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) {
object[] values = new object[11];
while (reader.Read()) {
newRow = dataTypesTable.NewRow();
newRow[providerDbtype] = SqlDbType.Udt;
if (values[columnSizeIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
newRow[columnSize] = values[columnSizeIndex];
if (values[isFixedLengthIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
newRow[isFixedLength] = values[isFixedLengthIndex];
newRow[isSearchable] = true;
newRow[isLiteralSupported] = false;
if (values[isNullableIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
newRow[isNullable] = values[isNullableIndex];
if ((values[assemblyNameIndex] != DBNull.Value) &&
(values[assemblyClassIndex] != DBNull.Value) &&
(values[versionMajorIndex] != DBNull.Value) &&
(values[versionMinorIndex] != DBNull.Value) &&
(values[versionBuildIndex] != DBNull.Value) &&
(values[versionRevisionIndex] != DBNull.Value)) {
StringBuilder nameString = new StringBuilder();
nameString.Append(", ");
nameString.Append(", Version=");
if (values[cultureInfoIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
nameString.Append(", Culture=");
if (values[publicKeyIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
nameString.Append(", PublicKeyToken=");
StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();
Byte[] byteArrayValue = (Byte[])values[publicKeyIndex];
foreach (byte b in byteArrayValue) {
resultString.Append(String.Format((IFormatProvider)null, "{0,-2:x2}", b));
newRow[typeName] = nameString.ToString();
} // if assembly name
}//end while
} // end using
private void AddTVPsToDataTypesTable(DataTable dataTypesTable, SqlConnection connection , String ServerVersion) {
const string sqlCommand =
"select " +
"name, " +
"is_nullable, " +
"max_length " +
"from sys.types " +
"where is_table_type = 1";
if (0 > string.Compare(ServerVersion, _serverVersionNormalized10, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
// Execute the SELECT statement
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = sqlCommand;
DataRow newRow = null;
DataColumn providerDbtype = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ProviderDbType];
DataColumn columnSize = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.ColumnSize];
DataColumn isSearchable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsSearchable];
DataColumn isLiteralSupported = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsLiteralSupported];
DataColumn typeName = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.TypeName];
DataColumn isNullable = dataTypesTable.Columns[DbMetaDataColumnNames.IsNullable];
if ((providerDbtype == null) ||
(columnSize == null) ||
(isSearchable == null) ||
(isLiteralSupported == null) ||
(typeName == null) ||
(isNullable == null)) {
throw ADP.InvalidXml();
const int columnSizeIndex = 2;
const int isNullableIndex = 1;
const int typeNameIndex = 0;
using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) {
object[] values = new object[11];
while (reader.Read()) {
newRow = dataTypesTable.NewRow();
newRow[providerDbtype] = SqlDbType.Structured;
if (values[columnSizeIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
newRow[columnSize] = values[columnSizeIndex];
newRow[isSearchable] = false;
newRow[isLiteralSupported] = false;
if (values[isNullableIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
newRow[isNullable] = values[isNullableIndex];
if (values[typeNameIndex] != DBNull.Value) {
newRow[typeName] = values[typeNameIndex];
} // if type name
}//end while
} // end using
private DataTable GetDataTypesTable(SqlConnection connection){
// verify the existance of the table in the data set
DataTable dataTypesTable = CollectionDataSet.Tables[DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes];
if (dataTypesTable == null){
throw ADP.UnableToBuildCollection(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes);
// copy the table filtering out any rows that don't apply to tho current version of the prrovider
dataTypesTable = CloneAndFilterCollection(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes, null);
addUDTsToDataTypesTable(dataTypesTable, connection, ServerVersionNormalized);
AddTVPsToDataTypesTable(dataTypesTable, connection, ServerVersionNormalized);
return dataTypesTable;
protected override DataTable PrepareCollection(String collectionName, String[] restrictions, DbConnection connection){
SqlConnection sqlConnection = (SqlConnection) connection;
DataTable resultTable = null;
if (collectionName == DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes){
if (ADP.IsEmptyArray(restrictions) == false) {
throw ADP.TooManyRestrictions(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes);
resultTable = GetDataTypesTable(sqlConnection);
if (resultTable == null){
throw ADP.UnableToBuildCollection(collectionName);
return resultTable;