215 lines
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215 lines
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// <copyright file="ISAPIApplicationHost.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
* Application host for IIS 5.0 and 6.0
* Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
namespace System.Web.Hosting {
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.Management;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
// helper class to implement AppHost based on ISAPI
internal class ISAPIApplicationHost : MarshalByRefObject, IApplicationHost {
private String _appId;
private String _siteID;
private String _siteName;
private VirtualPath _virtualPath;
private String _physicalPath;
private IProcessHostSupportFunctions _functions;
private String _iisVersion;
private const int MAX_PATH = 260;
private const string LMW3SVC_PREFIX = "/LM/W3SVC/";
private const string DEFAULT_SITEID = "1";
private const string DEFAULT_APPID_PREFIX = "/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT";
internal ISAPIApplicationHost(string appIdOrVirtualPath, string physicalPath, bool validatePhysicalPath, IProcessHostSupportFunctions functions, string iisVersion = null) {
_iisVersion = iisVersion;
// appIdOrVirtualPath is either a full metabase path, or just a virtual path
// e.g. /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp ot /MyApp
// Figure out which one we have, and get the other one from it
_functions = functions;
// make sure the functions are set in the default domain
if (null == _functions) {
ProcessHost h = ProcessHost.DefaultHost;
if (null != h) {
_functions = h.SupportFunctions;
if (null != _functions) {
HostingEnvironment.SupportFunctions = _functions;
IServerConfig serverConfig = ServerConfig.GetDefaultDomainInstance(_iisVersion);
if (StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(appIdOrVirtualPath, LMW3SVC_PREFIX)) {
_appId = appIdOrVirtualPath;
_virtualPath = VirtualPath.Create(ExtractVPathFromAppId(_appId));
_siteID = ExtractSiteIdFromAppId(_appId);
_siteName = serverConfig.GetSiteNameFromSiteID(_siteID);
else {
_virtualPath = VirtualPath.Create(appIdOrVirtualPath);
_appId = GetDefaultAppIdFromVPath(_virtualPath.VirtualPathString);
_siteName = serverConfig.GetSiteNameFromSiteID(_siteID);
// Get the physical path from the virtual path if it wasn't passed in
if (physicalPath == null) {
_physicalPath = serverConfig.MapPath(this, _virtualPath);
else {
_physicalPath = physicalPath;
if (validatePhysicalPath) {
if (!Directory.Exists(_physicalPath)) {
throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_IIS_app, appIdOrVirtualPath));
internal ISAPIApplicationHost(string appIdOrVirtualPath, string physicalPath, bool validatePhysicalPath)
:this(appIdOrVirtualPath, physicalPath, validatePhysicalPath, null)
public override Object InitializeLifetimeService() {
return null; // never expire lease
// IApplicationHost implementation
string IApplicationHost.GetVirtualPath() {
return _virtualPath.VirtualPathString;
String IApplicationHost.GetPhysicalPath() {
return _physicalPath;
IConfigMapPathFactory IApplicationHost.GetConfigMapPathFactory() {
return new ISAPIConfigMapPathFactory();
IntPtr IApplicationHost.GetConfigToken() {
if (null != _functions) {
return _functions.GetConfigToken(_appId);
IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;
String username;
String password;
IServerConfig serverConfig = ServerConfig.GetDefaultDomainInstance(_iisVersion);
bool hasUncUser = serverConfig.GetUncUser(this, _virtualPath, out username, out password);
if (hasUncUser) {
try {
String error;
token = IdentitySection.CreateUserToken(username, password, out error);
catch {
return token;
String IApplicationHost.GetSiteName() {
return _siteName;
String IApplicationHost.GetSiteID() {
return _siteID;
void IApplicationHost.MessageReceived() {
// make this method call a no-op
// it will be removed soon altogether
internal string AppId {
get { return _appId; }
private static String ExtractVPathFromAppId(string id) {
// app id is /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT for root or /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/VDIR
// find fifth / (assuming it starts with /)
int si = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
si = id.IndexOf('/', si+1);
if (si < 0)
if (si < 0) // root?
return "/";
return id.Substring(si);
private static String GetDefaultAppIdFromVPath(string virtualPath) {
if (virtualPath.Length == 1 && virtualPath[0] == '/') {
else {
return DEFAULT_APPID_PREFIX + virtualPath;
private static String ExtractSiteIdFromAppId(string id) {
// app id is /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT for root or /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/VDIR
// the site id is right after prefix
int offset = LMW3SVC_PREFIX.Length;
int si = id.IndexOf('/', offset);
return (si > 0) ? id.Substring(offset, si - offset) : DEFAULT_SITEID;
internal IProcessHostSupportFunctions SupportFunctions {
get {
return _functions;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands", Justification = "This method's caller is trusted.")]
internal string ResolveRootWebConfigPath() {
string rootWebConfigPath = null;
if (null != _functions) {
rootWebConfigPath = _functions.GetRootWebConfigFilename();
return rootWebConfigPath;
// Create an instance of IConfigMapPath in the worker appdomain.
// By making the class Serializable, the call to IConfigMapPathFactory.Create()
// will execute in the worker appdomain.
internal class ISAPIConfigMapPathFactory : IConfigMapPathFactory {
IConfigMapPath IConfigMapPathFactory.Create(string virtualPath, string physicalPath) {
return IISMapPath.GetInstance();