201 lines
5.6 KiB
201 lines
5.6 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
namespace Mono.Documentation {
public delegate XmlDocument DocLoader (string escapedTypeName);
public static class XmlDocUtils
public static XmlNodeList GetMemberGenericParameters (XmlNode member)
return member.SelectNodes ("Docs/typeparam");
public static XmlNodeList GetTypeGenericParameters (XmlNode member)
return member.SelectNodes ("/Type/TypeParameters/TypeParameter");
public static string ToTypeName (string type, XmlNode member)
return ToTypeName (type, GetTypeGenericParameters (member),
GetMemberGenericParameters (member));
public static string ToTypeName (string type, XmlNodeList typeGenParams, XmlNodeList memberGenParams)
type = type.Replace ("&", "@").Replace ("<", "{").Replace (">", "}");
for (int i = 0; i < typeGenParams.Count; ++i) {
string name = typeGenParams [i].InnerText;
type = Regex.Replace (type, @"\b" + name + @"\b", "`" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < memberGenParams.Count; ++i) {
string name = memberGenParams [i].Attributes ["name"].Value;
type = Regex.Replace (type, @"\b" + name + @"\b", "``" + i);
return type;
public static string ToEscapedTypeName (string name)
return GetCountedName (name, "`");
private static string GetCountedName (string name, string escape)
int lt = name.IndexOf ("<");
if (lt == -1)
return name;
StringBuilder type = new StringBuilder (name.Length);
int start = 0;
do {
type.Append (name.Substring (start, lt - start));
type.Append (escape);
type.Append (GetGenericCount (name, lt, out start));
} while ((lt = name.IndexOf ('<', start)) >= 0);
if (start < name.Length)
type.Append (name.Substring (start));
return type.ToString ().Replace ("+", ".");
private static int GetGenericCount (string name, int start, out int end)
int n = 1;
bool r = true;
int i = start;
int depth = 1;
for ( ++i; r && i < name.Length; ++i) {
switch (name [i]) {
case ',': if (depth == 1) ++n; break;
case '<': ++depth; break;
case '>': --depth; if (depth == 0) r = false; break;
end = i;
return n;
public static string ToEscapedMemberName (string member)
// Explicitly implemented interface members contain '.'s in the member
// name, e.g. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<A>.GetEnumerator.
// CSC does a s/\./#/g for these.
member = member.Replace (".", "#");
if (member [member.Length-1] == '>') {
int i = member.LastIndexOf ("<");
int ignore;
return member.Substring (0, i).Replace ("<", "{").Replace (">", "}") +
"``" + GetGenericCount (member, i, out ignore);
return member.Replace ("<", "{").Replace (">", "}");
public static void AddExtensionMethods (XmlDocument typexml, ArrayList/*<XmlNode>*/ extensions, DocLoader loader)
// if no members (enum, delegate) don't add extensions
XmlNode m = typexml.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/Members");
if (m == null)
// static classes can't be targets:
if (typexml.SelectSingleNode (
.Value.IndexOf (" static ") >= 0)
foreach (string s in GetSupportedTypes (typexml, loader)) {
foreach (XmlNode extension in extensions) {
bool add = false;
foreach (XmlNode target in extension.SelectNodes ("Targets/Target")) {
if (target.Attributes ["Type"].Value == s) {
add = true;
if (!add) {
foreach (XmlNode c in extension.SelectNodes ("Member")) {
XmlNode cm = typexml.ImportNode (c, true);
m.AppendChild (cm);
private static IEnumerable GetSupportedTypes (XmlDocument type, DocLoader loader)
yield return "System.Object";
yield return GetEscapedPath (type, "Type/@FullName");
Hashtable h = new Hashtable ();
GetInterfaces (h, type, loader);
string s = GetEscapedPath (type, "Type/Base/BaseTypeName");
if (s != null) {
yield return s;
XmlDocument d;
string p = s;
while (s != null && (d = loader (s)) != null) {
GetInterfaces (h, d, loader);
s = GetEscapedPath (d, "Type/Base/BaseTypeName");
if (p == s)
yield return s;
foreach (object o in h.Keys)
yield return o.ToString ();
private static string GetEscapedPath (XmlDocument d, string path)
XmlNode n = d.SelectSingleNode (path);
if (n == null)
return null;
return "T:" + ToEscapedTypeName (n.InnerText);
private static void GetInterfaces (Hashtable ifaces, XmlDocument doc, DocLoader loader)
foreach (XmlNode n in doc.SelectNodes ("Type/Interfaces/Interface/InterfaceName")) {
string t = ToEscapedTypeName (n.InnerText);
string tk = "T:" + t;
if (!ifaces.ContainsKey (tk)) {
ifaces.Add (tk, null);
try {
XmlDocument d = loader (t);
if (d != null)
GetInterfaces (ifaces, d, loader);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// ignore; interface documentation couldn't be found.
// Turns e.g. sources/netdocs into sources/cache/netdocs
public static string GetCacheDirectory (string assembledBase)
return Path.Combine (
Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (assembledBase), "cache"),
Path.GetFileName (assembledBase));
public static string GetCachedFileName (string cacheDir, string url)
return Path.Combine (cacheDir,
Uri.EscapeUriString (url).Replace ('/', '+').Replace ("*", "%2a"));