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// <copyright company=Microsoft Corporation>
// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner=alexgor, deliant
// File: AxisScaleSegments.cs
// Namespace: System.Web.UI.WebControls[Windows.Forms].Charting
// Classes: AxisScaleSegment, AxisScaleSegmentCollection
// Purpose:
// Reviewed:
#region Used namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Globalization;
#if Microsoft_CONTROL
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartTypes;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Borders3D;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting;
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Data;
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartTypes;
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities;
#if Microsoft_CONTROL
namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting
/// <summary>
/// <b>AxisScaleSegment</b> class represents a single segment of the axis with
/// it's own scale and intervals.
/// </summary>
internal class AxisScaleSegment
#region Fields
// Associated axis
internal Axis axis = null;
// Axis segment position in percent of the axis size
private double _position = 0.0;
// Axis segment size in percent of the axis size
private double _size = 0.0;
// Axis segment spacing in percent of the axis size
private double _spacing = 0.0;
// Axis segment scale minimum value
private double _scaleMinimum = 0.0;
// Axis segment scale maximum value
private double _scaleMaximum = 0.0;
// Axis segment interval offset.
private double _intervalOffset = 0;
// Axis segment interval.
private double _interval = 0;
// Axis segment interval units type.
private DateTimeIntervalType _intervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Auto;
// Axis segment interval offset units type.
private DateTimeIntervalType _intervalOffsetType = DateTimeIntervalType.Auto;
// Object associated with the segment
private object _tag = null;
// Stack used to save/load axis settings
private Stack _oldAxisSettings = new Stack();
#endregion // Fields
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Default object constructor.
/// </summary>
public AxisScaleSegment()
#endregion // Constructor
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment position in axis size percentage.
/// </summary>
public double Position
return this._position;
if(value < 0.0 || value > 100.0)
throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.ExceptionAxisScaleSegmentsPositionInvalid));
this._position = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment size in axis size percentage.
/// </summary>
public double Size
return this._size;
if(value < 0.0 || value > 100.0)
throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.ExceptionAxisScaleSegmentsSizeInvalid));
this._size = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment spacing in axis size percentage.
/// </summary>
public double Spacing
return this._spacing;
if(value < 0.0 || value > 100.0)
throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", SR.ExceptionAxisScaleSegmentsSpacingInvalid));
this._spacing = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment scale maximum value.
/// </summary>
public double ScaleMaximum
return this._scaleMaximum;
this._scaleMaximum = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment scale minimum value.
/// </summary>
public double ScaleMinimum
return this._scaleMinimum;
this._scaleMinimum = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment interval size.
/// </summary>
public double Interval
return this._interval;
// Axis interval properties must be set
this._interval = 0;
this._interval = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment interval offset.
/// </summary>
public double IntervalOffset
return _intervalOffset;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment interval type.
/// </summary>
public DateTimeIntervalType IntervalType
return this._intervalType;
// Axis interval properties must be set
if(value == DateTimeIntervalType.NotSet)
this._intervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Auto;
_intervalType = value;
/// <summary>
/// Axis segment interval offset type.
/// </summary>
public DateTimeIntervalType IntervalOffsetType
return this._intervalOffsetType;
/// <summary>
/// Object associated with axis scale segment.
/// </summary>
public object Tag
return this._tag;
this._tag = value;
#endregion // Properties
#region Break Line Painting Methods
/// <summary>
/// Paints the axis break line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="graph">Chart graphics to use.</param>
/// <param name="nextSegment">Axis scale segment next to current.</param>
internal void PaintBreakLine(ChartGraphics graph, AxisScaleSegment nextSegment)
// Get break line position
RectangleF breakPosition = this.GetBreakLinePosition(graph, nextSegment);
// Get top line graphics path
GraphicsPath breakLinePathTop = this.GetBreakLinePath(breakPosition, true);
GraphicsPath breakLinePathBottom = null;
// Clear break line space using chart color behind the area
if(breakPosition.Width > 0f && breakPosition.Height > 0f)
// Get bottom line graphics path
breakLinePathBottom = this.GetBreakLinePath(breakPosition, false);
// Clear plotting area background
using(GraphicsPath fillPath = new GraphicsPath())
// Create fill path out of top and bottom break lines
fillPath.AddPath(breakLinePathTop, true);
fillPath.AddPath(breakLinePathBottom, true);
// Use chart back color to fill the area
using(Brush fillBrush = this.GetChartFillBrush(graph))
graph.FillPath(fillBrush, fillPath);
// Check if shadow exsits in chart area
if( this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset != 0 && !this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowColor.IsEmpty)
// Clear shadow
RectangleF shadowPartRect = breakPosition;
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
shadowPartRect.Y += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
shadowPartRect.Height -= this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
shadowPartRect.X = shadowPartRect.Right - 1;
shadowPartRect.Width = this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset + 2;
shadowPartRect.X += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
shadowPartRect.Width -= this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
shadowPartRect.Y = shadowPartRect.Bottom - 1;
shadowPartRect.Height = this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset + 2;
graph.FillRectangle(fillBrush, shadowPartRect);
// Draw new shadow
using(GraphicsPath shadowPath = new GraphicsPath())
shadowPath.AddPath(breakLinePathTop, false);
// Define maximum size
float size = this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
size = Math.Min(size, breakPosition.Height);
size = Math.Min(size, breakPosition.Width);
// Define step to increase transperancy
int transparencyStep = (int)(this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowColor.A / size);
// Set clip region to achieve spacing of the shadow
// Start with the plotting rectangle position
RectangleF clipRegion = graph.GetAbsoluteRectangle(this.axis.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF());
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
clipRegion.X += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
clipRegion.Width += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
clipRegion.Y += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
clipRegion.Height += this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowOffset;
// Draw several lines to form shadow
for(int index = 0; index < size; index ++)
using(Matrix newMatrix = new Matrix())
// Shift top break line by 1 pixel
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
newMatrix.Translate(0f, 1f);
newMatrix.Translate(1f, 0f);
// Get line color
Color color = Color.FromArgb(
this.axis.ChartArea.ShadowColor.A - transparencyStep * index,
using(Pen shadowPen = new Pen(color, 1))
// Draw shadow
graph.DrawPath(shadowPen, shadowPath);
// Draw Separator Line(s)
if(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.BreakLineStyle != BreakLineStyle.None)
using(Pen pen = new Pen(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.LineColor, this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.LineWidth))
// Set line style
pen.DashStyle = graph.GetPenStyle(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.LineDashStyle);
// Draw break lines
graph.DrawPath(pen, breakLinePathTop);
if(breakPosition.Width > 0f && breakPosition.Height > 0f)
graph.DrawPath(pen, breakLinePathBottom);
// Dispose break line paths
breakLinePathTop = null;
if(breakLinePathBottom != null)
breakLinePathBottom = null;
/// <summary>
/// Get fill brush used to fill axis break lines spacing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="graph">chart graphics.</param>
/// <returns>Fill brush.</returns>
private Brush GetChartFillBrush(ChartGraphics graph)
Chart chart = this.axis.ChartArea.Common.Chart;
Brush brush = null;
if( chart.BackGradientStyle == GradientStyle.None )
brush = new SolidBrush(chart.BackColor);
// If a gradient type is set create a brush with gradient
brush = graph.GetGradientBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, chart.chartPicture.Width - 1, chart.chartPicture.Height - 1), chart.BackColor, chart.BackSecondaryColor, chart.BackGradientStyle);
if( chart.BackHatchStyle != ChartHatchStyle.None )
brush = graph.GetHatchBrush( chart.BackHatchStyle, chart.BackColor, chart.BackSecondaryColor );
if( chart.BackImage.Length > 0 &&
chart.BackImageWrapMode != ChartImageWrapMode.Unscaled &&
chart.BackImageWrapMode != ChartImageWrapMode.Scaled)
brush = graph.GetTextureBrush(chart.BackImage, chart.BackImageTransparentColor, chart.BackImageWrapMode, chart.BackColor );
return brush;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a path of the break line for specified position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="breakLinePosition">Break line position.</param>
/// <param name="top">Indicates if top or bottom break line path should be retrieved.</param>
/// <returns>Graphics path with break line path.</returns>
private GraphicsPath GetBreakLinePath(RectangleF breakLinePosition, bool top)
GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
if(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.BreakLineStyle == BreakLineStyle.Wave)
PointF[] points = null;
int pointNumber = 0;
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
float startX = breakLinePosition.X;
float endX = breakLinePosition.Right;
float y = (top) ? breakLinePosition.Y : breakLinePosition.Bottom;
pointNumber = ((int)(endX - startX) / 40) * 2 ;
if(pointNumber < 2)
pointNumber = 2;
float step = (endX - startX) / pointNumber;
points = new PointF[pointNumber + 1];
for(int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < pointNumber + 1; pointIndex++)
points[pointIndex] = new PointF(
startX + pointIndex * step,
y + ((pointIndex%2 == 0) ? -2f : 2f) );
points[0] = new PointF(startX, y);
points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(endX, y);
float startY = breakLinePosition.Y;
float endY = breakLinePosition.Bottom;
float x = (top) ? breakLinePosition.X : breakLinePosition.Right;
pointNumber = ((int)(endY - startY) / 40) * 2 ;
if(pointNumber < 2)
pointNumber = 2;
float step = (endY - startY) / pointNumber;
points = new PointF[pointNumber + 1];
for(int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < pointNumber + 1; pointIndex++)
points[pointIndex] = new PointF(
x + ((pointIndex%2 == 0) ? -2f : 2f),
startY + pointIndex * step);
points[0] = new PointF(x, startY);
points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(x, endY);
path.AddCurve(points, 0, pointNumber, 0.8f);
else if(this.axis.ScaleBreakStyle.BreakLineStyle == BreakLineStyle.Ragged)
PointF[] points = null;
Random rand = new Random(435657);
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
float startX = breakLinePosition.X;
float endX = breakLinePosition.Right;
float y = (top) ? breakLinePosition.Y : breakLinePosition.Bottom;
float step = 10f;
int pointNumber = (int)((endX - startX) / step);
if(pointNumber < 2)
pointNumber = 2;
points = new PointF[pointNumber];
for(int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < pointNumber - 1; pointIndex++)
points[pointIndex] = new PointF(
startX + pointIndex * step,
y + rand.Next(-3, 3) );
points[0] = new PointF(startX, y);
points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(endX, y);
float startY = breakLinePosition.Y;
float endY = breakLinePosition.Bottom;
float x = (top) ? breakLinePosition.X : breakLinePosition.Right;
float step = 10f;
int pointNumber = (int)((endY - startY) / step);
if(pointNumber < 2)
pointNumber = 2;
points = new PointF[pointNumber];
for(int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < pointNumber - 1; pointIndex++)
points[pointIndex] = new PointF(
x + rand.Next(-3, 3),
startY + pointIndex * step );
points[0] = new PointF(x, startY);
points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(x, endY);
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
path.AddLine(breakLinePosition.X, breakLinePosition.Y, breakLinePosition.Right, breakLinePosition.Y);
path.AddLine(breakLinePosition.X, breakLinePosition.Bottom, breakLinePosition.Right, breakLinePosition.Bottom);
path.AddLine(breakLinePosition.X, breakLinePosition.Y, breakLinePosition.X, breakLinePosition.Bottom);
path.AddLine(breakLinePosition.Right, breakLinePosition.Y, breakLinePosition.Right, breakLinePosition.Bottom);
return path;
/// <summary>
/// Gets position of the axis break line. Break line may be shown as a single
/// line or two lines separated with a spacing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="graph">Chart graphics.</param>
/// <param name="nextSegment">Next segment reference.</param>
/// <returns>Position of the axis break line in pixel coordinates.</returns>
internal RectangleF GetBreakLinePosition(ChartGraphics graph, AxisScaleSegment nextSegment)
// Start with the plotting rectangle position
RectangleF breakPosition = this.axis.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF();
// Find maximum scale value of the current segment and minimuj of the next
double from = this.axis.GetLinearPosition(nextSegment.ScaleMinimum);
double to = this.axis.GetLinearPosition(this.ScaleMaximum);
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
breakPosition.Y = (float)Math.Min(from, to);
breakPosition.Height = (float)Math.Max(from, to);
breakPosition.X = (float)Math.Min(from, to);
breakPosition.Width = (float)Math.Max(from, to);;
// Convert to pixels
breakPosition = Rectangle.Round(graph.GetAbsoluteRectangle(breakPosition));
// Add border width
if( this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Right || this.axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Left )
breakPosition.Height = (float)Math.Abs(breakPosition.Y - breakPosition.Height);
breakPosition.X -= this.axis.ChartArea.BorderWidth;
breakPosition.Width += 2 * this.axis.ChartArea.BorderWidth;
breakPosition.Width = (float)Math.Abs(breakPosition.X - breakPosition.Width);
breakPosition.Y -= this.axis.ChartArea.BorderWidth;
breakPosition.Height += 2 * this.axis.ChartArea.BorderWidth;
return breakPosition;
#endregion // Break Line Painting Methods
#region Helper Methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets segment scale position and size in relative coordinates.
/// Method takes in consideration segment spacing and space required fro separatorType.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="plotAreaSize">Plotting area size in relative coordinates.</param>
/// <param name="scalePosition">Returns scale position.</param>
/// <param name="scaleSize">Returns scale size.</param>
internal void GetScalePositionAndSize(double plotAreaSize, out double scalePosition, out double scaleSize)
scaleSize = (this.Size - this.Spacing) * (plotAreaSize / 100.0);
scalePosition = this.Position * (plotAreaSize / 100.0);
/// <summary>
/// Saves axis settings and set them from the current segment.
/// </summary>
internal void SetTempAxisScaleAndInterval()
// Save current axis settings
if(_oldAxisSettings.Count == 0)
// Copy settings from the segment into the axis
this.axis.maximum = this.ScaleMaximum;
this.axis.minimum = this.ScaleMinimum;
this.axis.majorGrid.interval = this.Interval;
this.axis.majorGrid.intervalType = this.IntervalType;
this.axis.majorGrid.intervalOffset = this.IntervalOffset;
this.axis.majorGrid.intervalOffsetType = this.IntervalOffsetType;
this.axis.majorTickMark.interval = this.Interval;
this.axis.majorTickMark.intervalType = this.IntervalType;
this.axis.majorTickMark.intervalOffset = this.IntervalOffset;
this.axis.majorTickMark.intervalOffsetType = this.IntervalOffsetType;
this.axis.LabelStyle.interval = this.Interval;
this.axis.LabelStyle.intervalType = this.IntervalType;
this.axis.LabelStyle.intervalOffset = this.IntervalOffset;
this.axis.LabelStyle.intervalOffsetType = this.IntervalOffsetType;
/// <summary>
/// Restore previously saved axis settings.
/// </summary>
internal void RestoreAxisScaleAndInterval()
if(_oldAxisSettings.Count > 0)
this.axis.LabelStyle.intervalOffsetType = (DateTimeIntervalType)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.LabelStyle.intervalOffset = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.LabelStyle.intervalType = (DateTimeIntervalType)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.LabelStyle.interval = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorTickMark.intervalOffsetType = (DateTimeIntervalType)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorTickMark.intervalOffset = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorTickMark.intervalType = (DateTimeIntervalType)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorTickMark.interval = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorGrid.intervalOffsetType = (DateTimeIntervalType)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorGrid.intervalOffset = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorGrid.intervalType = (DateTimeIntervalType)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.majorGrid.interval = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.minimum = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
this.axis.maximum = (double)_oldAxisSettings.Pop();
#endregion // Helper Methods
/// <summary>
/// <b>AxisScaleSegmentCollection</b> is a class that stores collection of axis segments.
/// </summary>
internal class AxisScaleSegmentCollection : CollectionBase
#region Fields
// Axis this segment collection belongs to.
private Axis _axis = null;
// Segment which is always used to convert scale values.
// This value is set tmporarly when only one segment has
// to handle all the values.
private AxisScaleSegment _enforcedSegment = null;
// Indicates that values allowed to be outside of the scale segment.
// Otherwise they will be rounded to Min and Max values.
internal bool AllowOutOfScaleValues = false;
#endregion // Fields
#region Construction and Initialization
/// <summary>
/// Default public constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This constructor is for internal use and should not be part of documentation.
/// </remarks>
public AxisScaleSegmentCollection()
/// <summary>
/// Default public constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This constructor is for internal use and should not be part of documentation.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="axis">
/// Chart axis this collection belongs to
/// </param>
internal AxisScaleSegmentCollection(Axis axis)
this._axis = axis;
#endregion // Construction and Initialization
#region Indexer
/// <summary>
/// Axis scale segment collection indexer.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The <b>AxisScaleSegment</b> object index can be provided as a parameter. Returns the <see cref="AxisScaleSegment"/> object.
/// </remarks>
public AxisScaleSegment this[int index]
return (AxisScaleSegment)this.List[(int)index];
#endregion // Indexer
#region Collection Add and Insert methods
/// <summary>
/// Adds a segment to the end of the collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="segment">
/// <see cref="AxisScaleSegment"/> object to add.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Index of the newly added object.
/// </returns>
public int Add(AxisScaleSegment segment)
return this.List.Add(segment);
#endregion // Collection Add and Insert methods
#region Items Inserting and Removing Notification methods
/// <summary>
/// After new item inserted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Item index.</param>
/// <param name="value">Item object.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This is an internal method and should not be part of the documentation.
/// </remarks>
protected override void OnInsertComplete(int index, object value)
((AxisScaleSegment)value).axis = this._axis;
/// <summary>
/// After items is set.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The zero-based index at which oldValue can be found.</param>
/// <param name="oldValue">The value to replace with newValue.</param>
/// <param name="newValue">The new value of the element at index.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This is an internal method and should not be part of the documentation.
/// </remarks>
protected override void OnSetComplete(int index, object oldValue, object newValue)
((AxisScaleSegment)newValue).axis = this._axis;
#region Helper Methods
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that specified axis scale segment is used for all coordinate transformations.
/// Set tot NULL to reset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="segment"></param>
internal void EnforceSegment(AxisScaleSegment segment)
this._enforcedSegment = segment;
/// <summary>
/// Find axis scale segment that should be used to translate axis value to relative coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axisValue">Axis value to convert.</param>
/// <returns>Scale segment to use for the convertion.</returns>
public AxisScaleSegment FindScaleSegmentForAxisValue(double axisValue)
// Check if no segments defined
if(this.List.Count == 0)
return null;
// Check if segment enforcment is enabled
if(_enforcedSegment != null)
return _enforcedSegment;
// Iterate through all segments
for(int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
if(axisValue < this[index].ScaleMinimum)
if(index == 0)
return this[index];
// Find the segment which is "closer" to the value
if( Math.Abs(this[index].ScaleMinimum - axisValue) < Math.Abs(axisValue - this[index - 1].ScaleMaximum))
return this[index];
return this[index - 1];
if(axisValue <= this[index].ScaleMaximum)
return this[index];
else if(index == this.Count - 1)
return this[index];
return null;
#endregion // Helper Methods