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<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<LinkTaskDllPath Condition=" '$(LinkTaskDllPath)' == '' ">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)../tools/$(TargetFramework)/ILLink.Tasks.dll</LinkTaskDllPath>
<!-- LinkDuringPublish allows the linker to be disabled by passing
a property on the command-line. (/p:LinkDuringPublish=false)
<LinkDuringPublish Condition=" '$(LinkDuringPublish)' == '' ">true</LinkDuringPublish>
<LinkDuringPublish Condition=" '$(LinkDuringPublish)' != 'true' ">false</LinkDuringPublish>
<ShowLinkerSizeComparison Condition=" '$(ShowLinkerSizeComparison)' == '' ">false</ShowLinkerSizeComparison>
<!-- LinkerRootDescriptors (the ItemGroup) is set to contain
LinkerRootDescriptors (the Property), which allows adding
linker roots on the command-line
(/p:LinkerRootDescriptors=path/to/a.xml;path/to/b.xml;). These
are relative paths from the project to the xml file.
LinkerRootDescriptors (the ItemGroup) can also be set in the
project file, and these will be included in addition to those
specified on the command-line. -->
<LinkerRootDescriptors Include="$(LinkerRootDescriptors)" />
<!-- By default, the linker will generate roots for the intermediate
assembly that root everything in the assembly. -->
<_IntermediateRootDescriptorName Condition=" '$(_IntermediateRootDescriptorName)' == '' ">IntermediateAssemblyRoots.xml</_IntermediateRootDescriptorName>
<_IntermediateRootDescriptorPath Condition=" '$(_IntermediateRootDescriptorPath)' == '' ">$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(_IntermediateRootDescriptorName)</_IntermediateRootDescriptorPath>
<!-- The linker will place linked assemblies into an intermediate
directory, and hook into the rest of the publish pipeline to
publish the linked assemblies instead of those given as input
to the linker. -->
<IntermediateLinkDirName Condition=" '$(IntermediateLinkDirName)' == '' ">linked</IntermediateLinkDirName>
<IntermediateLinkDir Condition=" '$(IntermediateLinkDir)' == '' ">$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(IntermediateLinkDirName)</IntermediateLinkDir>
<!-- Used to enable incremental build for the link target. -->
This target runs the linker during the publish pipeline. The
publish pipeline has a target called ComputeFilesToPublish,
which computes the ItemGroup ResolvedFileToPublish. To extend
this target, we insert a target before
ComputeFilesToPublish. Our target rewrites the relevant inputs
(@(IntermediateAssembly) and
@(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish)). This lets ComputeFilesToPublish
be ignorant of the linker, but changes the meaning of
IntermediateAssembly and ResolvedAssembliesToPublish.
<!-- DependsOnTargets here doesn't include the targets that compute
ResolvedAssembliesToPublish or IntermediateAssembly, because
ComputeFilesToPublish already depends on
these. BeforeTargets="ComputeFilesToPublish" ensures that
ComputeLinkedFilesToPublish will run before
ComputeFilesToPublish, but after all of its dependencies. -->
<Target Name="ComputeLinkedFilesToPublish"
Condition=" '$(LinkDuringPublish)' == 'true' ">
<!-- Rewrite ResolvedAssembliesToPublish, which is an input to
ComputeFilesToPublish. -->
<ResolvedAssembliesToPublish Remove="@(_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish)" />
<ResolvedAssembliesToPublish Include="@(_LinkedResolvedAssemblies)" />
<!-- Rewrite IntermediateAssembly, which is an input to
ComputeFilesToPublish. -->
<IntermediateAssembly Remove="@(IntermediateAssembly)" />
<IntermediateAssembly Include="@(_LinkedIntermediateAssembly)" />
<!-- Print out a size comparison report for the linked
assemblies. This is disabled by default, but can be turned on
by setting $(ShowLinkerSizeComparison) to true. This runs after
the top-level link target, ComputeLinkedFilesToPublish, so it
is output even during incremental builds. -->
<UsingTask TaskName="CompareAssemblySizes" AssemblyFile="$(LinkTaskDllPath)" />
<Target Name="_CompareLinkedAssemblySizes"
Condition=" '$(LinkDuringPublish)' == 'true' And '$(ShowLinkerSizeComparison)' == 'true' ">
<CompareAssemblySizes UnlinkedAssemblies="@(_ManagedAssembliesToLink)"
LinkedAssemblies="@(_LinkedIntermediateAssembly);@(_LinkedResolvedAssemblies)" />
<!-- Computes _LinkedResolvedAssemblies and
_LinkedIntermediateAssembly. _LinkedResolvedAssemblies needs to
keep metadata from _ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish, since
this is used by ComputeFilesToPublish. -->
<Target Name="_ComputeLinkedAssemblies"
<__LinkedResolvedAssemblies Include="@(_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish->'$(IntermediateLinkDir)/%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
<_LinkedResolvedAssemblies Include="@(__LinkedResolvedAssemblies)" Condition="Exists('%(Identity)')" />
<__LinkedIntermediateAssembly Include="@(IntermediateAssembly->'$(IntermediateLinkDir)/%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
<_LinkedIntermediateAssembly Include="@(__LinkedIntermediateAssembly)" Condition="Exists('%(Identity)')" />
<!-- This calls the linker. Inputs are the managed assemblies to
link, and root specifications. The semaphore enables msbuild to
skip linking during an incremental build, when the semaphore is
up to date with respect to _ManagedAssembliesToLink. -->
<UsingTask TaskName="ILLink" AssemblyFile="$(LinkTaskDllPath)" />
<Target Name="ILLink"
<!-- These extra arguments have been hard-coded for now, as this
is what we want to use when linking a self-contained app. In
the future we will want to generate these depending on the
scenario in which the linker is invoked. -->
<ExtraLinkerArgs Condition=" '$(ExtraLinkerArgs)' == '' ">-t -c link -l none</ExtraLinkerArgs>
<ILLink AssemblyPaths="@(_ManagedAssembliesToLink)"
ExtraArgs="$(ExtraLinkerArgs)" />
<Touch Files="$(_LinkSemaphore)" AlwaysCreate="true">
<Output TaskParameter="TouchedFiles" ItemName="FileWrites" />
<!-- Computes the managed assemblies that are input to the
linker. Includes managed assemblies from
ResolvedAssembliesToPublish, and IntermediateAssembly. -->
<Target Name="_ComputeManagedAssembliesToLink"
<_ManagedAssembliesToLink Include="@(IntermediateAssembly)" />
<_ManagedAssembliesToLink Include="@(_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish)" />
<!-- Computes the managed subset of
ResolvedAssembliesToPublish. This needs to preserve metadata,
because it is later used to compute the linked assemblies with
metadata that gets used by the rest of the publish
pipeline. This needs to run even during incremental build,
because we use the list of managed assemblies to filter the
publish output. -->
<UsingTask TaskName="ComputeManagedAssemblies" AssemblyFile="$(LinkTaskDllPath)" />
<Target Name="_ComputeManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish">
<!-- TODO: Is there a better way to get the managed assemblies
from ResolvedAssembliesToPublish? We may be able to check for
AssetType="runtime" on managed assemblies - would that give
the same set of assemblies? -->
<ComputeManagedAssemblies Assemblies="@(ResolvedAssembliesToPublish)">
<Output TaskParameter="ManagedAssemblies" ItemName="_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish" />
<!-- For now, hard-code System.Private.CoreLib.ni, the only .ni
file we've been encountering. This is a special case matching
how we compute the linker roots by default - we always root
System.Private.CoreLib, so we want to keep it in the publish
output and the generated deps.json file. Excluding it from
_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish will prevent it from
getting filtered out of the publish output later.
In the future we may want to detect ngen assemblies and
filter them more robustly. -->
<!-- TODO: Which .ni files do we expect to be in
ResolvedAssembliesToPublish? -->
<_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish Remove="@(_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish->WithMetadataValue('Filename', 'System.Private.CoreLib.ni'))" />
<!-- Compute the assemblies the linker should mark as roots. By
default, these are passed as "-a", but this is an
implementation detail of the link task and should not be relied
upon in general. In the future we may add other inputs to the
link task to control how these are rooted.
<!-- We may want to add an additional mode in which we root only the
assembly we have built, rooting all entry points visible from
the outside of the assembly. We need to discuss whether this
even makes sense during publish, since typically libraries get
packaged via "dotnet pack", and the pack task takes input from
build, not from publish. Thus linking the library itself should
be part of the build step or pack step, OR pack could be made
to work on the publish output. -->
<Target Name="_ComputeLinkerRootAssemblies"
<!-- By default, roots are everything minus the framework
assemblies (except for System.Private.CoreLib, which we
always root for now). This doesn't include the intermediate
assembly, because we root it separately using an xml file,
which lets us explicitly root everything. -->
<LinkerRootAssemblies Include="@(_ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish->'%(Filename)')" />
<LinkerRootAssemblies Remove="@(PlatformLibraries->'%(Filename)')" />
<LinkerRootAssemblies Include="System.Private.CoreLib" />
<!-- Platform libraries are the managed runtime assets needed by the
"platform", currently Microsoft.NETCore.App. -->
<UsingTask TaskName="GetRuntimeLibraries" AssemblyFile="$(LinkTaskDllPath)" />
<Target Name="_ComputePlatformLibraries">
<GetRuntimeLibraries AssetsFilePath="$(ProjectAssetsFile)"
<Output TaskParameter="RuntimeLibraries" ItemName="PlatformLibraries" />
<!-- This target prepares the LinkerRootDescriptors itemgroup for
input to the link task. In addition to including user-specified
LinkerRootDescriptors in the ItemGroup statically above, we
dynamically include the generated descriptor files for the
intermediate assembly. -->
<Target Name="_ComputeLinkerRootDescriptors"
<LinkerRootDescriptors Include="$(_IntermediateRootDescriptorPath)" />
<!-- Generates the xml root descriptor file that completely roots
the intermediate assembly. -->
<UsingTask TaskName="CreateRootDescriptorFile" AssemblyFile="$(LinkTaskDllPath)" />
<Target Name="_GenerateIntermediateRootDescriptor"
<CreateRootDescriptorFile AssemblyNames="@(IntermediateAssembly->'%(Filename)')"
RootDescriptorFilePath="$(_IntermediateRootDescriptorPath)" />
<!-- This target needs to remove from the publish deps file those
assemblies that were excluded from the publish output by the
linker. Currently it does so by rewriting the publish
dependency file (as opposed to generating one without the
excluded assemblies in the first place).
TODO: update this to pass FilesToSkip to
GeneratePublishDependencyFile once
https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/pull/1052 is merged.
<UsingTask TaskName="DepsJsonLinker" AssemblyFile="$(LinkTaskDllPath)" />
<Target Name="_GenerateLinkedPublishDependencyFile"
Condition=" '$(LinkDuringPublish)' == 'true' "
<!-- DepsJsonLinker expects inputs in the form of filename.dll. -->
<!-- We pass _ManagedResolvedAssembliesToPublish, which doesn't
contain any .ni files. This correctly prevents stripping of
the .ni files (which we want to continue publishing at the
moment). -->
<!-- This doesn't filter any assemblies from IntermediateAssembly,
which should currently always be rooted by default. -->
<DepsJsonLinker InputDepsFilePath="$(PublishDepsFilePath)"
KeptAssemblies="@(_LinkedResolvedAssemblies->'%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
<Touch Files="$(_LinkDepsSemaphore)" AlwaysCreate="true">
<Output TaskParameter="TouchedFiles" ItemName="FileWrites" />