258 lines
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258 lines
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//===-- BreakpointResolver.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_BreakpointResolver_h_
#define liblldb_BreakpointResolver_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Address.h"
#include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegularExpression.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class BreakpointResolver BreakpointResolver.h
/// "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolver.h"
/// @brief This class works with SearchFilter to resolve logical breakpoints to
/// their
/// of concrete breakpoint locations.
/// General Outline:
/// The BreakpointResolver is a Searcher. In that protocol,
/// the SearchFilter asks the question "At what depth of the symbol context
/// descent do you want your callback to get called?" of the filter. The
/// resolver
/// answers this question (in the GetDepth method) and provides the resolution
/// callback.
/// Each Breakpoint has a BreakpointResolver, and it calls either
/// ResolveBreakpoint
/// or ResolveBreakpointInModules to tell it to look for new breakpoint
/// locations.
class BreakpointResolver : public Searcher {
friend class Breakpoint;
/// The breakpoint resolver need to have a breakpoint for "ResolveBreakpoint
/// to make sense. It can be constructed without a breakpoint, but you have
/// to
/// call SetBreakpoint before ResolveBreakpoint.
/// @param[in] bkpt
/// The breakpoint that owns this resolver.
/// @param[in] resolverType
/// The concrete breakpoint resolver type for this breakpoint.
/// @result
/// Returns breakpoint location id.
BreakpointResolver(Breakpoint *bkpt, unsigned char resolverType,
lldb::addr_t offset = 0);
/// The Destructor is virtual, all significant breakpoint resolvers derive
/// from this class.
~BreakpointResolver() override;
/// This sets the breakpoint for this resolver.
/// @param[in] bkpt
/// The breakpoint that owns this resolver.
void SetBreakpoint(Breakpoint *bkpt);
/// This updates the offset for this breakpoint. All the locations currently
/// set for this breakpoint will have their offset adjusted when this is
/// called.
/// @param[in] offset
/// The offset to add to all locations.
void SetOffset(lldb::addr_t offset);
/// This updates the offset for this breakpoint. All the locations currently
/// set for this breakpoint will have their offset adjusted when this is
/// called.
/// @param[in] offset
/// The offset to add to all locations.
lldb::addr_t GetOffset() const { return m_offset; }
/// In response to this method the resolver scans all the modules in the
/// breakpoint's
/// target, and adds any new locations it finds.
/// @param[in] filter
/// The filter that will manage the search for this resolver.
virtual void ResolveBreakpoint(SearchFilter &filter);
/// In response to this method the resolver scans the modules in the module
/// list
/// \a modules, and adds any new locations it finds.
/// @param[in] filter
/// The filter that will manage the search for this resolver.
virtual void ResolveBreakpointInModules(SearchFilter &filter,
ModuleList &modules);
/// Prints a canonical description for the breakpoint to the stream \a s.
/// @param[in] s
/// Stream to which the output is copied.
void GetDescription(Stream *s) override = 0;
/// Standard "Dump" method. At present it does nothing.
virtual void Dump(Stream *s) const = 0;
/// This section handles serializing and deserializing from StructuredData
/// objects.
static lldb::BreakpointResolverSP
CreateFromStructuredData(const StructuredData::Dictionary &resolver_dict,
Status &error);
virtual StructuredData::ObjectSP SerializeToStructuredData() {
return StructuredData::ObjectSP();
static const char *GetSerializationKey() { return "BKPTResolver"; }
static const char *GetSerializationSubclassKey() { return "Type"; }
static const char *GetSerializationSubclassOptionsKey() { return "Options"; }
WrapOptionsDict(StructuredData::DictionarySP options_dict_sp);
/// An enumeration for keeping track of the concrete subclass that
/// is actually instantiated. Values of this enumeration are kept in the
/// BreakpointResolver's SubclassID field. They are used for concrete type
/// identification.
enum ResolverTy {
FileLineResolver = 0, // This is an instance of BreakpointResolverFileLine
AddressResolver, // This is an instance of BreakpointResolverAddress
NameResolver, // This is an instance of BreakpointResolverName
LastKnownResolverType = ExceptionResolver,
// Translate the Ty to name for serialization,
// the "+2" is one for size vrs. index, and one for UnknownResolver.
static const char *g_ty_to_name[LastKnownResolverType + 2];
/// getResolverID - Return an ID for the concrete type of this object. This
/// is used to implement the LLVM classof checks. This should not be used
/// for any other purpose, as the values may change as LLDB evolves.
unsigned getResolverID() const { return SubclassID; }
enum ResolverTy GetResolverTy() {
if (SubclassID > ResolverTy::LastKnownResolverType)
return ResolverTy::UnknownResolver;
return (enum ResolverTy)SubclassID;
const char *GetResolverName() { return ResolverTyToName(GetResolverTy()); }
static const char *ResolverTyToName(enum ResolverTy);
static ResolverTy NameToResolverTy(llvm::StringRef name);
virtual lldb::BreakpointResolverSP
CopyForBreakpoint(Breakpoint &breakpoint) = 0;
// Used for serializing resolver options:
// The options in this enum and the strings in the
// g_option_names must be kept in sync.
enum class OptionNames : uint32_t {
AddressOffset = 0,
static const char
static const char *GetKey(OptionNames enum_value) {
return g_option_names[static_cast<uint32_t>(enum_value)];
/// SetSCMatchesByLine - Takes a symbol context list of matches which
/// supposedly represent the same file and
/// line number in a CU, and find the nearest actual line number that matches,
/// and then filter down the
/// matching addresses to unique entries, and skip the prologue if asked to do
/// so, and then set
/// breakpoint locations in this breakpoint for all the resultant addresses.
void SetSCMatchesByLine(SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContextList &sc_list,
bool skip_prologue, llvm::StringRef log_ident);
void SetSCMatchesByLine(SearchFilter &, SymbolContextList &, bool,
const char *) = delete;
lldb::BreakpointLocationSP AddLocation(Address loc_addr,
bool *new_location = NULL);
Breakpoint *m_breakpoint; // This is the breakpoint we add locations to.
lldb::addr_t m_offset; // A random offset the user asked us to add to any
// breakpoints we set.
// Subclass identifier (for llvm isa/dyn_cast)
const unsigned char SubclassID;
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_BreakpointResolver_h_