1036 lines
47 KiB
1036 lines
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// <copyright file="XsltInput.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">[....]</owner>
//#define XSLT2
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt {
using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res;
using StringConcat = System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.StringConcat;
// a) Forward only, one pass.
// b) You should call MoveToFirstChildren on nonempty element node. (or may be skip)
internal class XsltInput : IErrorHelper {
const int InitRecordsSize = 1;
const int InitRecordsSize = 1 + 21;
private XmlReader reader;
private IXmlLineInfo readerLineInfo;
private bool topLevelReader;
private CompilerScopeManager<VarPar> scopeManager;
private KeywordsTable atoms;
private Compiler compiler;
private bool reatomize;
// Cached properties. MoveTo* functions set them.
private XmlNodeType nodeType;
private Record[] records = new Record[InitRecordsSize];
private int currentRecord;
private bool isEmptyElement;
private int lastTextNode;
private int numAttributes;
private ContextInfo ctxInfo;
private bool attributesRead;
public XsltInput(XmlReader reader, Compiler compiler, KeywordsTable atoms) {
Debug.Assert(reader != null);
Debug.Assert(atoms != null);
IXmlLineInfo xmlLineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo;
this.atoms = atoms;
this.reader = reader;
this.reatomize = reader.NameTable != atoms.NameTable;
this.readerLineInfo = (xmlLineInfo != null && xmlLineInfo.HasLineInfo()) ? xmlLineInfo : null;
this.topLevelReader = reader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial;
this.scopeManager = new CompilerScopeManager<VarPar>(atoms);
this.compiler = compiler;
this.nodeType = XmlNodeType.Document;
// Cached properties
public XmlNodeType NodeType { get { return nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && 0 < currentRecord ? XmlNodeType.Attribute : nodeType; } }
public string LocalName { get { return records[currentRecord].localName ;} }
public string NamespaceUri { get { return records[currentRecord].nsUri ;} }
public string Prefix { get { return records[currentRecord].prefix ;} }
public string Value { get { return records[currentRecord].value ;} }
public string BaseUri { get { return records[currentRecord].baseUri ;} }
public string QualifiedName { get { return records[currentRecord].QualifiedName ;} }
public bool IsEmptyElement { get { return isEmptyElement; } }
public string Uri { get { return records[currentRecord].baseUri ; } }
public Location Start { get { return records[currentRecord].start ; } }
public Location End { get { return records[currentRecord].end ; } }
private static void EnsureExpandEntities(XmlReader reader) {
XmlTextReader tr = reader as XmlTextReader;
if (tr != null && tr.EntityHandling != EntityHandling.ExpandEntities) {
Debug.Assert(tr.Settings == null, "XmlReader created with XmlReader.Create should always expand entities.");
tr.EntityHandling = EntityHandling.ExpandEntities;
private void ExtendRecordBuffer(int position) {
if (records.Length <= position) {
int newSize = records.Length * 2;
if (newSize <= position) {
newSize = position + 1;
Record[] tmp = new Record[newSize];
Array.Copy(records, tmp, records.Length);
records = tmp;
public bool FindStylesheetElement() {
if (! topLevelReader) {
if (reader.ReadState != ReadState.Interactive) {
return false;
// The stylesheet may be an embedded stylesheet. If this is the case the reader will be in Interactive state and should be
// positioned on xsl:stylesheet element (or any preceding whitespace) but there also can be namespaces defined on one
// of the ancestor nodes. These namespace definitions have to be copied to the xsl:stylesheet element scope. Otherwise it
// will not be possible to resolve them later and loading the stylesheet will end up with throwing an exception.
IDictionary<string, string> namespacesInScope = null;
if (reader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive) {
// This may be an embedded stylesheet - store namespaces in scope
IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver = reader as IXmlNamespaceResolver;
if (nsResolver != null) {
namespacesInScope = nsResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(XmlNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml);
while (MoveToNextSibling() && nodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) ;
// An Element node was reached. Potentially this is xsl:stylesheet instruction.
if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
// If namespacesInScope is not null then the stylesheet being read is an embedded stylesheet that can have namespaces
// defined outside of xsl:stylesheet instruction. In this case the namespace definitions collected above have to be added
// to the element scope.
if (namespacesInScope != null) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> prefixNamespacePair in namespacesInScope) {
// The namespace could be redefined on the element we just read. If this is the case scopeManager already has
// namespace definition for this prefix and the old definition must not be added to the scope.
if (scopeManager.LookupNamespace(prefixNamespacePair.Key) == null) {
string nsAtomizedValue = atoms.NameTable.Add(prefixNamespacePair.Value);
scopeManager.AddNsDeclaration(prefixNamespacePair.Key, nsAtomizedValue);
ctxInfo.AddNamespace(prefixNamespacePair.Key, nsAtomizedValue);
// return true to indicate that we reached XmlNodeType.Element node - potentially xsl:stylesheet element.
return true;
// return false to indicate that we did not reach XmlNodeType.Element node so it is not a valid stylesheet.
return false;
public void Finish() {
if (topLevelReader) {
while (reader.ReadState == ReadState.Interactive) {
private void FillupRecord(ref Record rec) {
rec.localName = reader.LocalName;
rec.nsUri = reader.NamespaceURI;
rec.prefix = reader.Prefix;
rec.value = reader.Value;
rec.baseUri = reader.BaseURI;
if (reatomize) {
rec.localName = atoms.NameTable.Add(rec.localName);
rec.nsUri = atoms.NameTable.Add(rec.nsUri );
rec.prefix = atoms.NameTable.Add(rec.prefix );
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
rec.start = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition - PositionAdjustment(reader.NodeType));
private void SetRecordEnd(ref Record rec) {
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
rec.end = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition - PositionAdjustment(reader.NodeType));
if (reader.BaseURI != rec.baseUri || rec.end.LessOrEqual(rec.start)) {
rec.end = new Location(rec.start.Line, int.MaxValue);
private void FillupTextRecord(ref Record rec) {
reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace ||
reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA
rec.localName = string.Empty;
rec.nsUri = string.Empty;
rec.prefix = string.Empty;
rec.value = reader.Value;
rec.baseUri = reader.BaseURI;
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
bool isCDATA = (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA);
int line = readerLineInfo.LineNumber;
int pos = readerLineInfo.LinePosition;
rec.start = new Location(line, pos - (isCDATA ? 9 : 0));
char prevChar = ' ';
foreach (char ch in rec.value) {
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
if (prevChar != '\r') {
goto case '\r';
case '\r':
line ++;
pos = 1;
default :
pos ++;
prevChar = ch;
rec.end = new Location(line, pos + (isCDATA ? 3 : 0));
private void FillupCharacterEntityRecord(ref Record rec) {
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference);
string local = reader.LocalName;
Debug.Assert(local[0] == '#' || local == "lt" || local == "gt" || local == "quot" || local == "apos");
rec.localName = string.Empty;
rec.nsUri = string.Empty;
rec.prefix = string.Empty;
rec.baseUri = reader.BaseURI;
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
rec.start = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition - 1);
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace);
rec.value = reader.Value;
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndEntity);
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
int line = readerLineInfo.LineNumber;
int pos = readerLineInfo.LinePosition;
rec.end = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition + 1);
StringConcat strConcat = new StringConcat();
// returns false if attribute is actualy namespace
private bool ReadAttribute(ref Record rec) {
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute, "reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute");
FillupRecord(ref rec);
if (Ref.Equal(rec.prefix, atoms.Xmlns)) { // xmlns:foo="NS_FOO"
string atomizedValue = atoms.NameTable.Add(reader.Value);
if (!Ref.Equal(rec.localName, atoms.Xml)) {
scopeManager.AddNsDeclaration(rec.localName, atomizedValue);
ctxInfo.AddNamespace(rec.localName, atomizedValue);
return false;
} else if (rec.prefix.Length == 0 && Ref.Equal(rec.localName, atoms.Xmlns)) { // xmlns="NS_FOO"
string atomizedValue = atoms.NameTable.Add(reader.Value);
scopeManager.AddNsDeclaration(string.Empty, atomizedValue);
ctxInfo.AddNamespace(string.Empty, atomizedValue);
return false;
/* Read Attribute Value */ {
if (!reader.ReadAttributeValue()) {
// XmlTextReader never returns false from first call to ReadAttributeValue()
rec.value = string.Empty;
SetRecordEnd(ref rec);
return true;
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
int correction = (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference) ? -2 : -1;
rec.valueStart = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition + correction);
if (reader.BaseURI != rec.baseUri || rec.valueStart.LessOrEqual(rec.start)) {
int nameLength = ((rec.prefix.Length != 0) ? rec.prefix.Length + 1 : 0) + rec.localName.Length;
rec.end = new Location(rec.start.Line, rec.start.Pos + nameLength + 1);
string lastText = string.Empty;
do {
switch (reader.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
case XmlNodeType.EndEntity:
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text, "Unexpected node type inside attribute value");
lastText = reader.Value;
} while (reader.ReadAttributeValue());
rec.value = strConcat.GetResult();
if (readerLineInfo != null) {
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EntityReference);
int correction = ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndEntity) ? 1 : lastText.Length) + 1;
rec.end = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition + correction);
if (reader.BaseURI != rec.baseUri || rec.end.LessOrEqual(rec.valueStart)) {
rec.end = new Location(rec.start.Line, int.MaxValue);
return true;
// --------------------
public bool MoveToFirstChild() {
Debug.Assert(nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element, "To call MoveToFirstChild() XsltI---- should be positioned on an Element.");
if (IsEmptyElement) {
return false;
return ReadNextSibling();
public bool MoveToNextSibling() {
Debug.Assert(nodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || IsEmptyElement, "On non-empty elements we should call MoveToFirstChild()");
if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) {
return ReadNextSibling();
public void SkipNode() {
if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && MoveToFirstChild()) {
do {
} while (MoveToNextSibling());
private int ReadTextNodes() {
bool textPreserveWS = reader.XmlSpace == XmlSpace.Preserve;
bool textIsWhite = true;
int curTextNode = 0;
do {
switch (reader.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Text:
// XLinq reports WS nodes as Text so we need to analyze them here
case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
if (textIsWhite && ! XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(reader.Value)) {
textIsWhite = false;
goto case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace;
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
FillupTextRecord(ref records[curTextNode]);
case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
string local = reader.LocalName;
if (local.Length > 0 && (
local[0] == '#' ||
local == "lt" || local == "gt" || local == "quot" || local == "apos"
)) {
// Special treatment for character and built-in entities
FillupCharacterEntityRecord(ref records[curTextNode]);
if (textIsWhite && !XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(records[curTextNode].value)) {
textIsWhite = false;
} else {
case XmlNodeType.EndEntity:
this.nodeType = (
! textIsWhite ? XmlNodeType.Text :
textPreserveWS ? XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace :
/*default: */ XmlNodeType.Whitespace
return curTextNode;
} while (true);
private bool ReadNextSibling() {
if (currentRecord < lastTextNode) {
Debug.Assert(nodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || nodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace || nodeType == XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace);
if (currentRecord == lastTextNode) {
lastTextNode = 0; // we are done with text nodes. Reset this counter
return true;
currentRecord = 0;
while (! reader.EOF) {
switch (reader.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Text:
case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
int numTextNodes = ReadTextNodes();
if (numTextNodes == 0) {
// Most likely this was Entity that starts from non-text node
lastTextNode = numTextNodes - 1;
return true;
case XmlNodeType.Element:
numAttributes = ReadElement();
return true;
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
nodeType = XmlNodeType.EndElement;
isEmptyElement = false;
FillupRecord(ref records[0]);
SetRecordEnd(ref records[0]);
return false;
return false;
private int ReadElement() {
Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element);
attributesRead = false;
FillupRecord(ref records[0]);
nodeType = XmlNodeType.Element;
isEmptyElement = reader.IsEmptyElement;
ctxInfo = new ContextInfo(this);
int record = 1;
if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) {
do {
if (ReadAttribute(ref records[record])) {
} while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
SetRecordEnd(ref records[0]);
ctxInfo.lineInfo = BuildLineInfo();
attributes = null;
return record - 1;
public void MoveToElement() {
Debug.Assert(nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element, "For MoveToElement() we should be positioned on Element or Attribute");
currentRecord = 0;
private bool MoveToAttributeBase(int attNum) {
Debug.Assert(nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element, "For MoveToLiteralAttribute() we should be positioned on Element or Attribute");
if (0 < attNum && attNum <= numAttributes) {
currentRecord = attNum;
return true;
} else {
currentRecord = 0;
return false;
public bool MoveToLiteralAttribute(int attNum) {
Debug.Assert(nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element, "For MoveToLiteralAttribute() we should be positioned on Element or Attribute");
if (0 < attNum && attNum <= numAttributes) {
currentRecord = attNum;
return true;
} else {
currentRecord = 0;
return false;
public bool MoveToXsltAttribute(int attNum, string attName) {
Debug.Assert(attributes != null && attributes[attNum].name == attName, "Attribute numbering error.");
this.currentRecord = xsltAttributeNumber[attNum];
return this.currentRecord != 0;
public bool IsRequiredAttribute(int attNum) {
return (attributes[attNum].flags & (compiler.Version == 2 ? XsltLoader.V2Req : XsltLoader.V1Req)) != 0;
public bool AttributeExists(int attNum, string attName) {
Debug.Assert(attributes != null && attributes[attNum].name == attName, "Attribute numbering error.");
return xsltAttributeNumber[attNum] != 0;
public struct DelayedQName {
string prefix ;
string localName;
public DelayedQName(ref Record rec) {
this.prefix = rec.prefix;
this.localName = rec.localName;
public static implicit operator string(DelayedQName qn) {
return qn.prefix.Length == 0 ? qn.localName : (qn.prefix + ':' + qn.localName);
public DelayedQName ElementName {
get {
Debug.Assert(nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement, "Input is positioned on element or attribute");
return new DelayedQName(ref records[0]);
// -------------------- Keywords testing --------------------
public bool IsNs(string ns) { return Ref.Equal(ns, NamespaceUri); }
public bool IsKeyword(string kwd) { return Ref.Equal(kwd, LocalName); }
public bool IsXsltNamespace() { return IsNs(atoms.UriXsl); }
public bool IsNullNamespace() { return IsNs(string.Empty); }
public bool IsXsltAttribute(string kwd) { return IsKeyword(kwd) && IsNullNamespace(); }
public bool IsXsltKeyword( string kwd) { return IsKeyword(kwd) && IsXsltNamespace(); }
// -------------------- Scope Management --------------------
// See private class InputScopeManager bellow.
// InputScopeManager handles some flags and values with respect of scope level where they as defined.
// To parse XSLT style sheet we need the folloing values:
// BackwardCompatibility -- this flag is set when compiler.version==2 && xsl:version<2.
// ForwardCompatibility -- this flag is set when compiler.version==2 && xsl:version>1 or compiler.version==1 && xsl:version!=1
// CanHaveApplyImports -- we allow xsl:apply-templates instruction to apear in any template with match!=null, but not inside xsl:for-each
// so it can't be inside global variable and has initial value = false
// ExtentionNamespace -- is defined by extension-element-prefixes attribute on LRE or xsl:stylesheet
public bool CanHaveApplyImports {
get { return scopeManager.CanHaveApplyImports; }
set { scopeManager.CanHaveApplyImports = value; }
public bool IsExtensionNamespace(string uri) {
Debug.Assert(nodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || attributesRead, "Should first read attributes");
return scopeManager.IsExNamespace(uri);
public bool ForwardCompatibility {
get {
Debug.Assert(nodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || attributesRead, "Should first read attributes");
return scopeManager.ForwardCompatibility;
public bool BackwardCompatibility {
get {
Debug.Assert(nodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || attributesRead, "Should first read attributes");
return scopeManager.BackwardCompatibility;
public XslVersion XslVersion {
get { return scopeManager.ForwardCompatibility ? XslVersion.ForwardsCompatible : XslVersion.Current; }
private void SetVersion(int attVersion) {
double version = XPathConvert.StringToDouble(Value);
if (double.IsNaN(version)) {
ReportError(/*[XT0110]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttrValue, atoms.Version, Value);
#if XSLT2
version = 2.0;
version = 1.0;
private void SetVersion(double version) {
if (compiler.Version == 0) {
#if XSLT2
compiler.Version = version < 2.0 ? 1 : 2;
compiler.Version = 1;
if (compiler.Version == 1) {
scopeManager.BackwardCompatibility = false;
scopeManager.ForwardCompatibility = (version != 1.0);
} else {
scopeManager.BackwardCompatibility = version < 2;
scopeManager.ForwardCompatibility = 2 < version;
// --------------- GetAtributes(...) -------------------------
// All Xslt Instructions allows fixed set of attributes in null-ns, no in XSLT-ns and any in other ns.
// In ForwardCompatibility mode we should ignore any of this problems.
// We not use these functions for parseing LiteralResultElement and xsl:stylesheet
public struct XsltAttribute {
public string name;
public int flags;
public XsltAttribute(string name, int flags) {
this.name = name;
this.flags = flags;
private XsltAttribute[] attributes = null;
// Mapping of attribute names as they ordered in 'attributes' array
// to there's numbers in actual stylesheet as they ordered in 'records' array
private int[] xsltAttributeNumber = new int[21];
static private XsltAttribute[] noAttributes = new XsltAttribute[]{};
public ContextInfo GetAttributes() {
return GetAttributes(noAttributes);
public ContextInfo GetAttributes(XsltAttribute[] attributes) {
Debug.Assert(NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element);
Debug.Assert(attributes.Length <= xsltAttributeNumber.Length);
this.attributes = attributes;
// temp hack to fix value? = new AttValue(records[values[?]].value);
records[0].value = null;
// Standard Attributes:
int attExtension = 0;
int attExclude = 0;
int attNamespace = 0;
int attCollation = 0;
int attUseWhen = 0;
bool isXslOutput = IsXsltNamespace() && IsKeyword(atoms.Output);
bool SS = IsXsltNamespace() && (IsKeyword(atoms.Stylesheet) || IsKeyword(atoms.Transform));
bool V2 = compiler.Version == 2;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) {
xsltAttributeNumber[i] = 0;
if (SS || V2 && !isXslOutput) {
for (int i = 1; MoveToAttributeBase(i); i++) {
if (IsNullNamespace() && IsKeyword(atoms.Version)) {
if (compiler.Version == 0) {
Debug.Assert(SS, "First we parse xsl:stylesheet element");
#if XSLT2
V2 = compiler.Version == 2;
int OptOrReq = V2 ? XsltLoader.V2Opt | XsltLoader.V2Req : XsltLoader.V1Opt | XsltLoader.V1Req;
for (int attNum = 1; MoveToAttributeBase(attNum); attNum++) {
if (IsNullNamespace()) {
string localName = LocalName;
int kwd;
for (kwd = 0; kwd < attributes.Length; kwd++) {
if (Ref.Equal(localName, attributes[kwd].name) && (attributes[kwd].flags & OptOrReq) != 0) {
xsltAttributeNumber[kwd] = attNum;
if (kwd == attributes.Length) {
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.ExcludeResultPrefixes ) && (SS || V2)) {attExclude = attNum; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.ExtensionElementPrefixes) && (SS || V2)) {attExtension = attNum; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.XPathDefaultNamespace ) && ( V2)) {attNamespace = attNum; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.DefaultCollation ) && ( V2)) {attCollation = attNum; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.UseWhen ) && ( V2)) {attUseWhen = attNum; } else {
ReportError(/*[XT0090]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttribute, QualifiedName, records[0].QualifiedName);
} else if (IsXsltNamespace()) {
ReportError(/*[XT0090]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttribute, QualifiedName, records[0].QualifiedName);
} else {
// Ignore the attribute.
// An element from the XSLT namespace may have any attribute not from the XSLT namespace,
// provided that the expanded-name of the attribute has a non-null namespace URI.
// For example, it may be 'xml:space'.
attributesRead = true;
// Ignore invalid attributes if forwards-compatible behavior is enabled. Note that invalid
// attributes may encounter before ForwardCompatibility flag is set to true. For example,
// <xsl:stylesheet unknown="foo" version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"/>
InsertExNamespaces(attExtension, ctxInfo, /*extensions:*/ true );
InsertExNamespaces(attExclude , ctxInfo, /*extensions:*/ false);
if (attUseWhen != 0) {
// Report missing mandatory attributes
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i ++) {
if (xsltAttributeNumber[i] == 0) {
int flags = attributes[i].flags;
if (
compiler.Version == 2 && (flags & XsltLoader.V2Req) != 0 ||
compiler.Version == 1 && (flags & XsltLoader.V1Req) != 0 && (!ForwardCompatibility || (flags & XsltLoader.V2Req) != 0)
) {
ReportError(/*[XT_001]*/Res.Xslt_MissingAttribute, attributes[i].name);
return ctxInfo;
public ContextInfo GetLiteralAttributes(bool asStylesheet) {
Debug.Assert(NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element);
// Standard Attributes:
int attVersion = 0;
int attExtension = 0;
int attExclude = 0;
int attNamespace = 0;
int attCollation = 0;
int attUseWhen = 0;
for (int i = 1; MoveToLiteralAttribute(i); i++) {
if (IsXsltNamespace()) {
string localName = LocalName;
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.Version )) {attVersion = i; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.ExtensionElementPrefixes)) {attExtension = i; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.ExcludeResultPrefixes )) {attExclude = i; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.XPathDefaultNamespace )) {attNamespace = i; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.DefaultCollation )) {attCollation = i; } else
if (Ref.Equal(localName, atoms.UseWhen )) {attUseWhen = i; }
attributesRead = true;
if (attVersion != 0) {
// Enable forwards-compatible behavior if version attribute is not "1.0"
} else {
if (asStylesheet) {
ReportError(Ref.Equal(NamespaceUri, atoms.UriWdXsl) && Ref.Equal(LocalName, atoms.Stylesheet) ?
/*[XT_025]*/Res.Xslt_WdXslNamespace : /*[XT0150]*/Res.Xslt_WrongStylesheetElement
#if XSLT2
// Parse xsl:extension-element-prefixes attribute (now that forwards-compatible mode is known)
InsertExNamespaces(attExtension, ctxInfo, /*extensions:*/true);
if (! IsExtensionNamespace(records[0].nsUri)) {
// Parse other attributes (now that it's known this is a literal result element)
if (compiler.Version == 2) {
if (attUseWhen != 0) {
InsertExNamespaces(attExclude, ctxInfo, /*extensions:*/false);
return ctxInfo;
// Get just the 'version' attribute of an unknown XSLT instruction. All other attributes
// are ignored since we do not want to report an error on each of them.
public void GetVersionAttribute() {
Debug.Assert(NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && IsXsltNamespace());
bool V2 = compiler.Version == 2;
if (V2) {
for (int i = 1; MoveToAttributeBase(i); i++) {
if (IsNullNamespace() && IsKeyword(atoms.Version)) {
attributesRead = true;
private void InsertExNamespaces(int attExPrefixes, ContextInfo ctxInfo, bool extensions) {
// List of Extension namespaces are maintaned by XsltInput's ScopeManager and is used by IsExtensionNamespace() in XsltLoader.LoadLiteralResultElement()
// Both Extension and Exclusion namespaces will not be coppied by LiteralResultElement. Logic of copping namespaces are in QilGenerator.CompileLiteralElement().
// At this time we will have different scope manager and need preserve all required information from load time to compile time.
// Each XslNode contains list of NsDecls (nsList) wich stores prefix+namespaces pairs for each namespace decls as well as exclusion namespaces.
// In addition it also contains Exclusion namespace. They are represented as (null+namespace). Special case is Exlusion "#all" represented as (null+null).
//and Exclusion namespace
if (MoveToLiteralAttribute(attExPrefixes)) {
Debug.Assert(extensions ? IsKeyword(atoms.ExtensionElementPrefixes) : IsKeyword(atoms.ExcludeResultPrefixes));
string value = Value;
if (value.Length != 0) {
if (!extensions && compiler.Version != 1 && value == "#all") {
ctxInfo.nsList = new NsDecl(ctxInfo.nsList, /*prefix:*/null, /*nsUri:*/null); // null, null means Exlusion #all
} else {
string[] list = XmlConvert.SplitString(value);
for (int idx = 0; idx < list.Length; idx++) {
if (list[idx] == "#default") {
list[idx] = this.LookupXmlNamespace(string.Empty);
if (list[idx].Length == 0 && compiler.Version != 1 && !BackwardCompatibility) {
} else {
list[idx] = this.LookupXmlNamespace(list[idx]);
if (!compiler.ExitForwardsCompatible(this.ForwardCompatibility)) {
// There were errors in the list, ignore the whole list
for (int idx = 0; idx < list.Length; idx++) {
if (list[idx] != null) {
ctxInfo.nsList = new NsDecl(ctxInfo.nsList, /*prefix:*/null, list[idx]); // null means that this Exlusion NS
if (extensions) {
this.scopeManager.AddExNamespace(list[idx]); // At Load time we need to know Extencion namespaces to ignore such literal elements.
private void SetXPathDefaultNamespace(int attNamespace) {
if (MoveToLiteralAttribute(attNamespace)) {
if (Value.Length != 0) {
private void SetDefaultCollation(int attCollation) {
if (MoveToLiteralAttribute(attCollation)) {
string[] list = XmlConvert.SplitString(Value);
int col;
for (col = 0; col < list.Length; col++) {
if (System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime.XmlCollation.Create(list[col], /*throw:*/false) != null) {
if (col == list.Length) {
} else {
if (list[col] != XmlReservedNs.NsCollCodePoint) {
// ----------------------- ISourceLineInfo -----------------------
private static int PositionAdjustment(XmlNodeType nt) {
switch (nt) {
case XmlNodeType.Element:
return 1; // "<"
case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
return 9; // "<![CDATA["
case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
return 2; // "<?"
case XmlNodeType.Comment:
return 4; // "<!--"
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
return 2; // "</"
case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
return 1; // "&"
return 0;
public ISourceLineInfo BuildLineInfo() {
return new SourceLineInfo(Uri, Start, End);
public ISourceLineInfo BuildNameLineInfo() {
if (readerLineInfo == null) {
return BuildLineInfo();
// LocalName is checked against null since it is used to calculate QualifiedName used in turn to
// calculate end position.
// LocalName (and other cached properties) can be null only if nothing has been read from the reader.
// This happens for instance when a reader which has already been closed or a reader positioned
// on the very last node of the document is passed to the ctor.
if(LocalName == null) {
// Fill up the current record to set all the properties used below.
FillupRecord(ref records[currentRecord]);
Location start = Start;
int line = start.Line;
int pos = start.Pos + PositionAdjustment(NodeType);
return new SourceLineInfo(Uri, new Location(line, pos), new Location(line, pos + QualifiedName.Length));
public ISourceLineInfo BuildReaderLineInfo() {
Location loc;
if (readerLineInfo != null)
loc = new Location(readerLineInfo.LineNumber, readerLineInfo.LinePosition);
loc = new Location(0, 0);
return new SourceLineInfo(reader.BaseURI, loc, loc);
// Resolve prefix, return null and report an error if not found
public string LookupXmlNamespace(string prefix) {
Debug.Assert(prefix != null);
string nsUri = scopeManager.LookupNamespace(prefix);
if (nsUri != null) {
Debug.Assert(Ref.Equal(atoms.NameTable.Get(nsUri), nsUri), "Namespaces must be atomized");
return nsUri;
if (prefix.Length == 0) {
return string.Empty;
ReportError(/*[XT0280]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidPrefix, prefix);
return null;
// ---------------------- Error Handling ----------------------
public void ReportError(string res, params string[] args) {
compiler.ReportError(BuildNameLineInfo(), res, args);
public void ReportErrorFC(string res, params string[] args) {
if (!ForwardCompatibility) {
compiler.ReportError(BuildNameLineInfo(), res, args);
public void ReportWarning(string res, params string[] args) {
compiler.ReportWarning(BuildNameLineInfo(), res, args);
private void ReportNYI(string arg) {
ReportErrorFC(Res.Xslt_NotYetImplemented, arg);
// -------------------------------- ContextInfo ------------------------------------
internal class ContextInfo {
public NsDecl nsList;
public ISourceLineInfo lineInfo; // Line info for whole start tag
public ISourceLineInfo elemNameLi; // Line info for element name
public ISourceLineInfo endTagLi; // Line info for end tag or '/>'
private int elemNameLength;
// Create ContextInfo based on existing line info (used during AST rewriting)
internal ContextInfo(ISourceLineInfo lineinfo) {
this.elemNameLi = lineinfo;
this.endTagLi = lineinfo;
this.lineInfo = lineinfo;
public ContextInfo(XsltInput input) {
elemNameLength = input.QualifiedName.Length;
public void AddNamespace(string prefix, string nsUri) {
nsList = new NsDecl(nsList, prefix, nsUri);
public void SaveExtendedLineInfo(XsltInput input) {
if (lineInfo.Start.Line == 0) {
elemNameLi = endTagLi = null;
elemNameLi = new SourceLineInfo(
lineInfo.Start.Line, lineInfo.Start.Pos + 1, // "<"
lineInfo.Start.Line, lineInfo.Start.Pos + 1 + elemNameLength
if (!input.IsEmptyElement) {
Debug.Assert(input.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement);
endTagLi = input.BuildLineInfo();
} else {
Debug.Assert(input.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || input.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute);
endTagLi = new EmptyElementEndTag(lineInfo);
// We need this wrapper class because elementTagLi is not yet calculated
internal class EmptyElementEndTag : ISourceLineInfo {
private ISourceLineInfo elementTagLi;
public EmptyElementEndTag(ISourceLineInfo elementTagLi) {
this.elementTagLi = elementTagLi;
public string Uri { get { return elementTagLi.Uri; } }
public bool IsNoSource { get { return elementTagLi.IsNoSource; } }
public Location Start { get { return new Location(elementTagLi.End.Line, elementTagLi.End.Pos - 2); } }
public Location End { get { return elementTagLi.End ; } }
internal struct Record {
public string localName ;
public string nsUri ;
public string prefix ;
public string value ;
public string baseUri ;
public Location start ;
public Location valueStart;
public Location end ;
public string QualifiedName { get { return prefix.Length == 0 ? localName : string.Concat(prefix, ":", localName); } }