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// This file was generated by resx2sr tool
partial class SR
public const string CantTellPrinterName = "(printer name protected due to security restrictions)";
public const string CantChangeImmutableObjects = "Changes cannot be made to {0} because permissions are not valid.";
public const string CantMakeIconTransparent = "Bitmaps that are icons cannot be made transparent. Icons natively support transparency. Use the Icon constructor to create an icon.";
public const string ColorNotSystemColor = "The color {0} is not a system color.";
public const string DotNET_ComponentType = ".NET Component";
public const string GdiplusAborted = "Function was ended.";
public const string GdiplusAccessDenied = "File access is denied.";
public const string GdiplusCannotCreateGraphicsFromIndexedPixelFormat = "A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel format.";
public const string GdiplusCannotSetPixelFromIndexedPixelFormat = "SetPixel is not supported for images with indexed pixel formats.";
public const string GdiplusDestPointsInvalidParallelogram = "Destination points define a parallelogram which must have a length of 3. These points will represent the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left coordinates (defined in that order).";
public const string GdiplusDestPointsInvalidLength = "Destination points must be an array with a length of 3 or 4. A length of 3 defines a parallelogram with the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left corners. A length of 4 defines a quadrilateral with the fourth element of the array specifying the lower-right coordinate.";
public const string GdiplusFileNotFound = "File not found.";
public const string GdiplusFontFamilyNotFound = "Font '{0}' cannot be found.";
public const string GdiplusFontStyleNotFound = "Font '{0}' does not support style '{1}'.";
public const string GdiplusGenericError = "A generic error occurred in GDI+.";
public const string GdiplusInsufficientBuffer = "Buffer is too small (internal GDI+ error).";
public const string GdiplusInvalidParameter = "Parameter is not valid.";
public const string GdiplusInvalidRectangle = "Rectangle '{0}' cannot have a width or height equal to 0.";
public const string GdiplusInvalidSize = "Operation requires a transformation of the image from GDI+ to GDI. GDI does not support images with a width or height greater than 32767.";
public const string GdiplusOutOfMemory = "Out of memory.";
public const string GdiplusNotImplemented = "Not implemented.";
public const string GdiplusNotInitialized = "GDI+ is not properly initialized (internal GDI+ error).";
public const string GdiplusNotTrueTypeFont = "Only TrueType fonts are supported. '{0}' is not a TrueType font.";
public const string GdiplusNotTrueTypeFont_NoName = "Only TrueType fonts are supported. This is not a TrueType font.";
public const string GdiplusObjectBusy = "Object is currently in use elsewhere.";
public const string GdiplusOverflow = "Overflow error.";
public const string GdiplusPropertyNotFoundError = "Property cannot be found.";
public const string GdiplusPropertyNotSupportedError = "Property is not supported.";
public const string GdiplusUnknown = "Unknown GDI+ error occurred.";
public const string GdiplusUnknownImageFormat = "Image format is unknown.";
public const string GdiplusUnsupportedGdiplusVersion = "Current version of GDI+ does not support this feature.";
public const string GdiplusWrongState = "Bitmap region is already locked.";
public const string GlobalAssemblyCache = " (Global Assembly Cache)";
public const string GraphicsBufferCurrentlyBusy = "BufferedGraphicsContext cannot be disposed of because a buffer operation is currently in progress.";
public const string GraphicsBufferQueryFail = "Screen-compatible bitmap cannot be created. The screen bitmap format cannot be determined.";
public const string ToolboxItemLocked = "Toolbox item cannot be modified.";
public const string ToolboxItemInvalidPropertyType = "Property {0} requires an argument of type {1}.";
public const string ToolboxItemValueNotSerializable = "Data type {0} is not serializable. Items added to a property dictionary must be serializable.";
public const string ToolboxItemInvalidKey = "Argument should be a non-empty string.";
public const string IllegalState = "Internal state of the {0} class is invalid.";
public const string InterpolationColorsColorBlendNotSet = "Property must be set to a valid ColorBlend object to use interpolation colors.";
public const string InterpolationColorsCommon = "{0}{1} ColorBlend objects must be constructed with the same number of positions and color values. Positions must be between 0.0 and 1.0, 1.0 indicating the last element in the array.";
public const string InterpolationColorsInvalidColorBlendObject = "ColorBlend object that was set is not valid.";
public const string InterpolationColorsInvalidStartPosition = "Position's first element must be equal to 0.";
public const string InterpolationColorsInvalidEndPosition = "Position's last element must be equal to 1.0.";
public const string InterpolationColorsLength = "Array of colors and positions must contain at least two elements.";
public const string InterpolationColorsLengthsDiffer = "Colors and positions do not have the same number of elements.";
public const string InvalidArgument = "Value of '{1}' is not valid for '{0}'.";
public const string InvalidBoundArgument = "Value of '{1}' is not valid for '{0}'. '{0}' should be greater than {2} and less than or equal to {3}.";
public const string InvalidClassName = "Class name is not valid.";
public const string InvalidColor = "Color '{0}' is not valid.";
public const string InvalidDashPattern = "DashPattern value is not valid.";
public const string InvalidEx2BoundArgument = "Value of '{1}' is not valid for '{0}'. '{0}' should be greater than or equal to {2} and less than or equal to {3}.";
public const string InvalidFrame = "Frame is not valid. Frame must be between 0 and FrameCount.";
public const string InvalidGDIHandle = "Win32 handle that was passed to {0} is not valid or is the wrong type.";
public const string InvalidImage = "Image type is unknown.";
public const string InvalidLowBoundArgumentEx = "Value of '{1}' is not valid for '{0}'. '{0}' must be greater than or equal to {2}.";
public const string InvalidPermissionLevel = "Permission level is not valid.";
public const string InvalidPermissionState = "Permission state is not valid.";
public const string InvalidPictureType = "Argument '{0}' must be a picture that can be used as a {1}.";
public const string InvalidPrinterException_InvalidPrinter = "Settings to access printer '{0}' are not valid.";
public const string InvalidPrinterException_NoDefaultPrinter = "No printers are installed.";
public const string InvalidPrinterHandle = "Handle {0} is not valid.";
public const string ValidRangeX = "Parameter must be positive and < Width.";
public const string ValidRangeY = "Parameter must be positive and < Height.";
public const string NativeHandle0 = "Native handle is 0.";
public const string NoDefaultPrinter = "Default printer is not set.";
public const string NotImplemented = "Not implemented.";
public const string PDOCbeginPrintDescr = "Occurs when the document is about to be printed.";
public const string PDOCdocumentNameDescr = "The name of the document shown to the user.";
public const string PDOCdocumentPageSettingsDescr = "The page settings of the page currently being printed.";
public const string PDOCendPrintDescr = "Occurs after the document has been printed.";
public const string PDOCoriginAtMarginsDescr = "Indicates that the graphics origin is located at the user-specified page margins.";
public const string PDOCprintControllerDescr = "Retrieves the print controller for this document.";
public const string PDOCprintPageDescr = "Occurs once for each page to be printed.";
public const string PDOCprinterSettingsDescr = "Retrieves the settings for the printer the document is currently being printed to.";
public const string PDOCqueryPageSettingsDescr = "Occurs before each page is printed. Useful for changing PageSettings for a particular page.";
public const string PrintDocumentDesc = "Defines an object that sends output to a printer.";
public const string PrintingPermissionBadXml = "XML is not valid.";
public const string PrintingPermissionAttributeInvalidPermissionLevel = "Permission level must be between PrintingPermissionLevel.NoPrinting and PrintingPermissionLevel.AllPrinting.";
public const string PropertyValueInvalidEntry = "IDictionary parameter contains at least one entry that is not valid. Ensure all values are consistent with the object's properties.";
public const string PSizeNotCustom = "PaperSize cannot be changed unless the Kind property is set to Custom.";
public const string ResourceNotFound = "Resource '{1}' cannot be found in class '{0}'.";
public const string TargetNotPrintingPermission = "Target does not have permission to print.";
public const string TextParseFailedFormat = "Text \"{0}\" cannot be parsed. The expected text format is \"{1}\".";
public const string TriStateCompareError = "TriState.Default cannot be converted into a Boolean.";
public const string toStringIcon = "(Icon)";
public const string toStringNone = "(none)";
public const string DCTypeInvalid = "GetObjectType on this dc returned an invalid value.";
public const string InvalidEnumArgument = "The value of argument '{0}' ({1}) is invalid for Enum type '{2}'.";
public const string ConvertInvalidPrimitive = "{0} is not a valid value for {1}.";
public const string LibgdiplusNotFound = "The native library \"libgdiplus\" is not installed on the system, or was otherwise unable to be loaded.";