67 lines
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67 lines
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:: Test build and execution wrapper for CoreFX tests
:: This wrapper is called for each of CoreFX's tests by runtest.cmd
:: %1 contains test folder
:: %2 contains test exe name
@echo OFF
set TestFolder=%1
:: We're only interested in referencing the xunit runner - the test dlls will be imported by the test wrapper project
set TestExecutable=xunit.console.netcore
set TestFileName=%2
:: Copy the artefacts we need to compile and run the xunit exe
copy /Y "%~dp0\runtest\CoreFXTestHarness\*" "%TestFolder%" >nul
if "%CoreRT_TestLogFileName%"=="" (
set CoreRT_TestLogFileName=testResults.xml
:: Create log dir if it doesn't exist
if not exist %XunitLogDir% md %XunitLogDir%
if not exist %XunitLogDir%\%TestFileName% md %XunitLogDir%\%TestFileName%
if not exist %TestFolder%\%TestExecutable%.exe (
:: Not a test we support, exit silently
exit /b 0
:: Workaround until we have a better reflection engine
:: Add name of currently executing test to rd.xml
powershell -Command "(Get-Content %TestFolder%\default.rd.xml).replace('*Application*', '%TestFileName%') | Set-Content %TestFolder%\default.rd.xml"
:: Force environment to 64-bit if we're doing an x64 test run
if "%CoreRT_BuildArch%" == "x64" (
call "%VS150COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64 >nul
echo Building %TestFileName%
call "%CoreRT_CliDir%\dotnet.exe" publish %TestFolder%\Test.csproj /ConsoleLoggerParameters:ForceNoAlign "/p:IlcPath=%CoreRT_ToolchainDir%" "/p:DebugSymbols=false" "/p:Configuration=%CoreRT_BuildType%" "/p:FrameworkLibPath=%~dp0..\..\bin\%CoreRT_BuildOS%.%CoreRT_BuildArch%.%CoreRT_BuildType%\lib" "/p:FrameworkObjPath=%~dp0..\..\bin\obj\%CoreRT_BuildOS%.%CoreRT_BuildArch%.%CoreRT_BuildType%\Framework" /p:DisableFrameworkLibGeneration=true /p:TestRootDir=%~dp0 /p:OSGroup=%CoreRT_BuildOS% /p:ExecutableName=%TestExecutable% /nologo
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Building %TestFileName% failed
exit /b 1
echo Executing %TestFileName% - writing logs to %XunitLogDir%\%TestFileName%\%CoreRT_TestLogFileName%
echo To repro directly, run call %TestFolder%\native\%TestExecutable% %TestFolder%\%TestFileName%.dll @"%TestFolder%\%TestFileName%.rsp" -xml %XunitLogDir%\%TestFileName%\%CoreRT_TestLogFileName% -notrait category=nonnetcoreapptests -notrait category=nonwindowstests -notrait category=failing
if not exist "%TestFolder%\native\%TestExecutable%".exe (
echo ERROR:Native binary not found Unable to run test.
exit /b 1
call %TestFolder%\native\%TestExecutable% %TestFolder%\%TestFileName%.dll @"%TestFolder%\%TestFileName%.rsp" -xml %XunitLogDir%\%TestFileName%\%CoreRT_TestLogFileName% -notrait category=nonnetcoreapptests -notrait category=nonwindowstests -notrait category=failing
set TestExitCode=!ERRORLEVEL!
exit /b %TestExitCode% |