Xamarin Public Jenkins (auto-signing) 468663ddbb Imported Upstream version
Former-commit-id: 1d6753294b2993e1fbf92de9366bb9544db4189b
2020-01-16 16:38:04 +00:00

358 lines
12 KiB

//===-- NativeProcessDarwin.h --------------------------------- -*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef NativeProcessDarwin_h
#define NativeProcessDarwin_h
// NOTE: this code should only be compiled on Apple Darwin systems. It is
// not cross-platform code and is not intended to build on any other platform.
// Therefore, platform-specific headers and code are okay here.
// C includes
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
// C++ includes
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_set>
// Other libraries and framework includes
#include "lldb/Host/Debug.h"
#include "lldb/Host/HostThread.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Pipe.h"
#include "lldb/Host/common/NativeProcessProtocol.h"
#include "lldb/Target/MemoryRegionInfo.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "LaunchFlavor.h"
#include "MachException.h"
#include "NativeThreadDarwin.h"
#include "NativeThreadListDarwin.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class Status;
class Scalar;
namespace process_darwin {
/// @class NativeProcessDarwin
/// @brief Manages communication with the inferior (debugee) process.
/// Upon construction, this class prepares and launches an inferior
/// process for debugging.
/// Changes in the inferior process state are broadcasted.
class NativeProcessDarwin : public NativeProcessProtocol {
friend Status NativeProcessProtocol::Launch(
ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, NativeDelegate &native_delegate,
MainLoop &mainloop, NativeProcessProtocolSP &process_sp);
friend Status NativeProcessProtocol::Attach(
lldb::pid_t pid, NativeProcessProtocol::NativeDelegate &native_delegate,
MainLoop &mainloop, NativeProcessProtocolSP &process_sp);
~NativeProcessDarwin() override;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// NativeProcessProtocol Interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Status Resume(const ResumeActionList &resume_actions) override;
Status Halt() override;
Status Detach() override;
Status Signal(int signo) override;
Status Interrupt() override;
Status Kill() override;
Status GetMemoryRegionInfo(lldb::addr_t load_addr,
MemoryRegionInfo &range_info) override;
Status ReadMemory(lldb::addr_t addr, void *buf, size_t size,
size_t &bytes_read) override;
Status ReadMemoryWithoutTrap(lldb::addr_t addr, void *buf, size_t size,
size_t &bytes_read) override;
Status WriteMemory(lldb::addr_t addr, const void *buf, size_t size,
size_t &bytes_written) override;
Status AllocateMemory(size_t size, uint32_t permissions,
lldb::addr_t &addr) override;
Status DeallocateMemory(lldb::addr_t addr) override;
lldb::addr_t GetSharedLibraryInfoAddress() override;
size_t UpdateThreads() override;
bool GetArchitecture(ArchSpec &arch) const override;
Status SetBreakpoint(lldb::addr_t addr, uint32_t size,
bool hardware) override;
void DoStopIDBumped(uint32_t newBumpId) override;
Status GetLoadedModuleFileSpec(const char *module_path,
FileSpec &file_spec) override;
Status GetFileLoadAddress(const llvm::StringRef &file_name,
lldb::addr_t &load_addr) override;
NativeThreadDarwinSP GetThreadByID(lldb::tid_t id);
task_t GetTask() const { return m_task; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Interface used by NativeRegisterContext-derived classes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
static Status PtraceWrapper(int req, lldb::pid_t pid, void *addr = nullptr,
void *data = nullptr, size_t data_size = 0,
long *result = nullptr);
bool SupportHardwareSingleStepping() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// NativeProcessProtocol protected interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode(size_t trap_opcode_size_hint,
size_t &actual_opcode_size,
const uint8_t *&trap_opcode_bytes) override;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Mach task-related Member Variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The task port for the inferior process.
mutable task_t m_task;
// True if the inferior process did an exec since we started
// monitoring it.
bool m_did_exec;
// The CPU type of this process.
mutable cpu_type_t m_cpu_type;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Exception/Signal Handling Member Variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Exception port on which we will receive child exceptions
mach_port_t m_exception_port;
// Saved state of the child exception port prior to us installing
// our own intercepting port.
MachException::PortInfo m_exc_port_info;
// The thread that runs the Mach exception read and reply handler.
pthread_t m_exception_thread;
// TODO see if we can remove this if we get the exception collection
// and distribution to happen in a single-threaded fashion.
std::recursive_mutex m_exception_messages_mutex;
// A collection of exception messages caught when listening to the
// exception port.
MachException::Message::collection m_exception_messages;
// When we call MachProcess::Interrupt(), we want to send this
// signal (if non-zero).
int m_sent_interrupt_signo;
// If we resume the process and still haven't received our
// interrupt signal (if this is non-zero).
int m_auto_resume_signo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Thread-related Member Variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
NativeThreadListDarwin m_thread_list;
ResumeActionList m_thread_actions;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Process Lifetime Member Variable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The pipe over which the waitpid thread and the main loop will
// communicate.
Pipe m_waitpid_pipe;
// The thread that runs the waitpid handler.
pthread_t m_waitpid_thread;
// waitpid reader callback handle.
MainLoop::ReadHandleUP m_waitpid_reader_handle;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Instance Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
NativeProcessDarwin(lldb::pid_t pid, int pty_master_fd);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Finalize the launch.
/// This method associates the NativeProcessDarwin instance with
/// the host process that was just launched. It peforms actions
/// like attaching a listener to the inferior exception port,
/// ptracing the process, and the like.
/// @param[in] launch_flavor
/// The launch flavor that was used to launch the process.
/// @param[in] main_loop
/// The main loop that will run the process monitor. Work
/// that needs to be done (e.g. reading files) gets registered
/// here along with callbacks to process the work.
/// @return
/// Any error that occurred during the aforementioned
/// operations. Failure here will force termination of the
/// launched process and debugging session.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Status FinalizeLaunch(LaunchFlavor launch_flavor, MainLoop &main_loop);
Status SaveExceptionPortInfo();
void ExceptionMessageReceived(const MachException::Message &message);
void MaybeRaiseThreadPriority();
Status StartExceptionThread();
Status SendInferiorExitStatusToMainLoop(::pid_t pid, int status);
Status HandleWaitpidResult();
bool ProcessUsingSpringBoard() const;
bool ProcessUsingBackBoard() const;
static void *ExceptionThread(void *arg);
void *DoExceptionThread();
lldb::addr_t GetDYLDAllImageInfosAddress(Status &error) const;
static uint32_t GetCPUTypeForLocalProcess(::pid_t pid);
uint32_t GetCPUType() const;
task_t ExceptionMessageBundleComplete();
void StartSTDIOThread();
Status StartWaitpidThread(MainLoop &main_loop);
static void *WaitpidThread(void *arg);
void *DoWaitpidThread();
task_t TaskPortForProcessID(Status &error, bool force = false) const;
/// Attaches to an existing process. Forms the
/// implementation of Process::DoAttach.
void AttachToInferior(MainLoop &mainloop, lldb::pid_t pid, Status &error);
::pid_t Attach(lldb::pid_t pid, Status &error);
Status PrivateResume();
Status ReplyToAllExceptions();
Status ResumeTask();
bool IsTaskValid() const;
bool IsTaskValid(task_t task) const;
mach_port_t GetExceptionPort() const;
bool IsExceptionPortValid() const;
Status GetTaskBasicInfo(task_t task, struct task_basic_info *info) const;
Status SuspendTask();
static Status SetDefaultPtraceOpts(const lldb::pid_t);
static void *MonitorThread(void *baton);
void MonitorCallback(lldb::pid_t pid, bool exited, int signal, int status);
void WaitForNewThread(::pid_t tid);
void MonitorSIGTRAP(const siginfo_t &info, NativeThreadDarwin &thread);
void MonitorTrace(NativeThreadDarwin &thread);
void MonitorBreakpoint(NativeThreadDarwin &thread);
void MonitorWatchpoint(NativeThreadDarwin &thread, uint32_t wp_index);
void MonitorSignal(const siginfo_t &info, NativeThreadDarwin &thread,
bool exited);
Status SetupSoftwareSingleStepping(NativeThreadDarwin &thread);
bool HasThreadNoLock(lldb::tid_t thread_id);
bool StopTrackingThread(lldb::tid_t thread_id);
NativeThreadDarwinSP AddThread(lldb::tid_t thread_id);
Status GetSoftwareBreakpointPCOffset(uint32_t &actual_opcode_size);
Status FixupBreakpointPCAsNeeded(NativeThreadDarwin &thread);
/// Writes a siginfo_t structure corresponding to the given thread
/// ID to the memory region pointed to by @p siginfo.
Status GetSignalInfo(lldb::tid_t tid, void *siginfo);
/// Writes the raw event message code (vis-a-vis PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG)
/// corresponding to the given thread ID to the memory pointed to
/// by @p message.
Status GetEventMessage(lldb::tid_t tid, unsigned long *message);
void NotifyThreadDeath(lldb::tid_t tid);
Status Detach(lldb::tid_t tid);
// This method is requests a stop on all threads which are still
// running. It sets up a deferred delegate notification, which will
// fire once threads report as stopped. The triggerring_tid will be
// set as the current thread (main stop reason).
void StopRunningThreads(lldb::tid_t triggering_tid);
// Notify the delegate if all threads have stopped.
void SignalIfAllThreadsStopped();
// Resume the given thread, optionally passing it the given signal.
// The type of resume operation (continue, single-step) depends on
// the state parameter.
Status ResumeThread(NativeThreadDarwin &thread, lldb::StateType state,
int signo);
void ThreadWasCreated(NativeThreadDarwin &thread);
void SigchldHandler();
} // namespace process_darwin
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif /* NativeProcessDarwin_h */